Nothing gets the ire of Alex Jones as these road blocks!! The first I ever heard of him he was filming the "police checks" on I35 outside Austin.
I find it particularly scary that it was 8 years ago. I heard,or read, that one "flag" to notice in a car is an atlas or detailed map. An atlas? That was about 4 years ago and I actually took my atlas out of my car! It represented so much more to me than mere road directions, it represented my choice to stay or go, freedom and I totally bent over. Pitiful. I have since returned to my senses. I think she would have a much harder time today in any court.
I couldn't link to the other video but by your discription...very frightening.
I'm a complete illiterate on the computer but I will try again!
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
it's methodical, not random. Next time you get pulled over, pay attention. See if the cop asks you "do you know why I pulled you over?". There's a reason they always ask that...there's a method to the questions they ask. See what happens if they ask you to step out of the car and you don't close the door behind you.
I don't have any documents, but cops are definitely trained to use their instincts when something smells bad to them....they're trained on how to justify probable cause. They're trained on how to get consent on searches. They're just trained in such a way that looks ok on paper. Their training tells them "oh I can get this person to give up their 5th amendment rights by doing this, this, or this...once I do that, probable cause is much easier to justify...or if I can't get probable cause, maybe I can get them to consent to a search without realizing it"...etc. etc. It looks good on paper, but the actual application of it is much different as most videos like this will show. If the training wasn't meant to be applied in the way it clearly is all the time, then they'd revise it.
that woman should be arested. give the police your identification when asked. They need our cooperation to do their job. that woman wasted the time of those officers - of whom we do not have enough. The result could be tragic for someone in real trouble.
that woman should be arested. give the police your identification when asked. They need our cooperation to do their job. that woman wasted the time of those officers - of whom we do not have enough. The result could be tragic for someone in real trouble.
Do you think those officers were doing their jobs properly?
Do you think those officers were doing their jobs properly?
well, I don't know why they pulled her over.. but after that.. absolutely. She is driving, and was asked for her liscense to drive .. her refusal to provide identification makes her suspicious. at that point her refusal to cooperate was obstruction and her fighting as they tried to get her out of the car is resisting..
yes they acted absolutely fine in my estimation
do you think her being mother looking gives her a pass? what if she wore a turban?
that woman should be arested. give the police your identification when asked. They need our cooperation to do their job. that woman wasted the time of those officers - of whom we do not have enough. The result could be tragic for someone in real trouble.
That's Nazi germany. "Your papers please" Go that route and you're totally fucked.
Their job was harassment based on hyped paranoia. Who needs, or should need, help to do that?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
well, I don't know why they pulled her over.. but after that.. absolutely. She is driving, and was asked for her liscense to drive .. her refusal to provide identification makes her suspicious. at that point her refusal to cooperate was obstruction and her fighting as they tried to get her out of the car is resisting..
yes they acted absolutely fine in my estimation
do you think her being mother looking gives her a pass? what if she wore a turban?
And they didn't either, because they offered zero explanation when asked. Zip.
What have I done wrong she kept asking...
nothing...give us your papers please...
fuck that...that's insane.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
That's Nazi germany. "Your papers please" Go that route and you're totally fucked.
Their job was harassment based on hyped paranoia. Who needs, or should need, help to do that?
we share the planet with billions of people. But ok, I see you are very fox news, you share the country with about 20 to 25% of the hundres of millions of Americans.
Yes that is very Nazi to have to show your drivers license periodically when driving.
we share the planet with billions of people. But ok, I see you are very fox news, you share the country with about 20 to 25% of the hundres of millions of Americans.
Yes that is very Nazi to have to show your drivers license periodically when driving.
If you do nothing wrong, and you're stopped, and the cops have no reason to tell you...yeah bro that's Nazi.
flat out...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
we share the planet with billions of people. But ok, I see you are very fox news, you share the country with about 20 to 25% of the hundres of millions of Americans.
Yes that is very Nazi to have to show your drivers license periodically when driving.
I don't know. Is it a good idea to give cops the authority to randomly pull people over and arrest them?
I mean, its a great idea if you want a police state...but maybe that isn't what we should be going for here, you know?
I don't know. Is it a good idea to give cops the authority to randomly pull people over and arrest them?
I mean, its a great idea if you want a police state...but maybe that isn't what we should be going for here, you know?
They didn't have "the right" to arrest anyone. they have the right to ask for a drivers license from someone driving. The state issued the license. If the lady is not willing to show her drivers license, i suggest she turn it in and stop driving
if someone feels the stops are excessive or without merit - then they can take down the badge number and contact the state and ask for an explanation.
The woman made an unnecessary spectacle of herself and made obstructed the police in the performance of their duty.
They didn't have "the right" to arrest anyone. they have the right to ask for a drivers license from someone driving. The state issued the license. If the lady is not willing to show her drivers license, i suggest she turn it in and stop driving
if someone feels the stops are excessive or without merit - then they can take down the badge number and contact the state and ask for an explanation.
The woman made an unnecessary spectacle of herself and made obstructed the police in the performance of their duty.
They didn't have "the right" to arrest anyone. they have the right to ask for a drivers license from someone driving. The state issued the license. If the lady is not willing to show her drivers license, i suggest she turn it in and stop driving
if someone feels the stops are excessive or without merit - then they can take down the badge number and contact the state and ask for an explanation.
The woman made an unnecessary spectacle of herself and made obstructed the police in the performance of their duty.
She was out of line and needed to be arrested.
Nazi... that is absolutely ridiculous.
Why was she stopped? reason whatsoever. Being alive I suppose.
"You were driving a car so we can stop and interrogate you for no reason, and if you resist our demands, you will be arrested without explanation!"
I know what's ridiculous, and it's between your ears on this issue.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Why was she stopped? reason whatsoever. Being alive I suppose.
"You were driving a car so we can stop and interrogate you for no reason, and if you resist our demands, you will be arrested without explanation!"
I know what's ridiculous, and it's between your ears on this issue.
I don't know why she was stopped, If the cop said she was speeding and she said no I was not.. then she doesn't has to show her license.
it is not the responsibility of a cop to convince someone the stop was necessary. or people would never have to stop.
they have a hard job.. just cooperate and if you have a question there are avenues.
all that women needed do was show here drivers license - she was driving!
if she did nothing wrong, she could have been home rather than acking like a child in the middle of the road -- did you see them cars flying by outside of her lane.. that lady was a hazzard.,
the fascist cops are responsible for the situation, not the lady. If they wouldn't have pulled her over in the first place (for no reason at all apparently) she wouldn't have acted like she did.
I don't know why she was stopped, If the cop said she was speeding and she said no I was not.. then she doesn't has to show her license.
it is not the responsibility of a cop to convince someone the stop was necessary. or people would never have to stop.
they have a hard job.. just cooperate and if you have a question there are avenues.
all that women needed do was show here drivers license - she was driving!
if she did nothing wrong, she could have been home rather than acking like a child in the middle of the road -- did you see them cars flying by outside of her lane.. that lady was a hazzard.,
There has to be a reason, and it has to be laid out, and explained, or it's insanity. Police can't cruise around pulling people over interrogating them for no reason whatsoever. If no explanation is provided, then no reason exists. There are laws preventing this very reality, and for good reason.
Play along with this mentality willingly, and the next step to this process is random checkpoints scattered across the country side.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
the fascist cops are responsible for the situation, not the lady. If they wouldn't have pulled her over in the first place (for no reason at all apparently) she wouldn't have acted like she did.
Who is the fascist? How can you judge that they had no reason? It was certainly obvious that woman was deliberately not cooperating with the police officer in performance of his duty. How do you assume there was no reason for the stop?
Maybe there have been an increase in car theft, maybe increase in drunk driving, maybe drug trafficing, maybe her car went over the line... The police stop routine is to ask for identification, not to convince the driver that the stop should fit into her political views. The road in not the place to argue politics.. that was the place to show her drivers license... if it turned out she was stopped for no reason... she could have sued, written a letter..
there is absolutely never a good reason for her to act like a moron on the street.. there are a million reasons for a cop to pull over a car. there was nothing in that video that would lead anyone to believe the stop was for no reason at all....
do you suspect he wanted to hit on her, or that he was bored and flipped a coin to pull the car over for entertainment?
There has to be a reason, and it has to be laid out, and explained, or it's insanity. Police can't cruise around pulling people over interrogating them for no reason whatsoever. If no explanation is provided, then no reason exists. There are laws preventing this very reality, and for good reason.
Play along with this mentality willingly, and the next step to this process is random checkpoints scattered across the country side.
I agree it has to be explained. Not before the driver shows her license!!!!!!
I agree it has to be explained. Not before the driver shows her license!!!!!!
Are you kidding? Who do you work for?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Who is the fascist? How can you judge that they had no reason? It was certainly obvious that woman was deliberately not cooperating with the police officer in performance of his duty. How do you assume there was no reason for the stop?
Maybe there have been an increase in car theft, maybe increase in drunk driving, maybe drug trafficing, maybe her car went over the line... The police stop routine is to ask for identification, not to convince the driver that the stop should fit into her political views. The road in not the place to argue politics.. that was the place to show her drivers license... if it turned out she was stopped for no reason... she could have sued, written a letter..
there is absolutely never a good reason for her to act like a moron on the street.. there are a million reasons for a cop to pull over a car. there was nothing in that video that would lead anyone to believe the stop was for no reason at all....
do you suspect he wanted to hit on her, or that he was bored and flipped a coin to pull the car over for entertainment?
Police are supposed to be public servants, not the authority of the state.
I've been pulled over so many times, with a beer in my hand, with weed in my pocket, coke stuffed under the seat...every time they pulled me over the first question they asked was-do you know why I pulled you over? And if they had a legit reason, then I would cooperate (like stash the weed, toss the beer, hide the coke) and answer any questions they asked pertaining to the alleged infraction. that is the right they have, and I have my rights. One of those rights is not to be pulled over for no reason.
It is their job to explain why they pulled you over, not our job to complain after the fact when they fuck up.
who do I work for? Her name is Penny. Great lady. and if the police had to convince every suspect of the validity of an inquiry.. the roads would not be fit to drive and Penny would be upset that I was unable to get to the office.
who do I work for? Her name is Penny. Great lady. and if the police had to convince every suspect of the validity of an inquiry.. the roads would not be fit to drive and Penny would be upset that I was unable to get to the office.
Well it seems you support fascist state policies, and that's not exactly widely accepted, the world around, as necessarily a good thing
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
2 cops who went to far, a woman proven rightly innocent and Alex Jones making money off the fear of others.
That's about it in a nutshell. The cops over stepped the line big time and hopefully were internally investigated and appropriate action taken. Sorry Alex, but this isn't the norm. The cops were assholes yes. It's not like this is a daily occurance.
Police are supposed to be public servants, not the authority of the state.
I've been pulled over so many times, with a beer in my hand, with weed in my pocket, coke stuffed under the seat...every time they pulled me over the first question they asked was-do you know why I pulled you over? And if they had a legit reason, then I would cooperate (like stash the weed, toss the beer, hide the coke) and answer any questions they asked pertaining to the alleged infraction. that is the right they have, and I have my rights. One of those rights is not to be pulled over for no reason.
It is their job to explain why they pulled you over, not our job to complain after the fact when they fuck up.
I believe he answered that question.. something about routine stop. Is that unconstitutional? Didn't we agree to that when we were given drivers licenses. If the police department, who is charge with fighting crime as well as keeping the roads acceptably safe.. decided that there traffic in a particular area at a particular time was increasingly likely to have a serial killer or a series of burglaries... come through... so they pull over 2 cars an hour in that area.. maybe that is reasonable, maybe it is not. The cop was actually very kind and told the women at the outset that it was a routine stop and that she had done nothing wrong.. but he was looking for a armed thief... He asked for her ID and would have likely used his judgement and let her be on her way.. but quickly her behaviour made her suspicious.. maybe she has a reason to not show her license....
you do realize these cops get shot at.. and they serve an important purpose.
If this woman was somehow hurt.. more than 30 second delay on her way to dinner.. than I can see backing her....
if she was fighting for our civil rights - it was abundantly stupidly done.
If she was just a beligerant arrogant ass.. then she should at least be smart enought to know to abuse cashiers and waiters.. but if you fuck with the cops, you might get embarrassed and inconvenienced
I believe he answered that question.. something about routine stop. Is that unconstitutional? Didn't we agree to that when we were given drivers licenses. If the police department, who is charge with fighting crime as well as keeping the roads acceptably safe.. decided that there traffic in a particular area at a particular time was increasingly likely to have a serial killer or a series of burglaries... come through... so they pull over 2 cars an hour in that area.. maybe that is reasonable, maybe it is not. The cop was actually very kind and told the women at the outset that it was a routine stop and that she had done nothing wrong.. but he was looking for a armed thief... He asked for her ID and would have likely used his judgement and let her be on her way.. but quickly her behaviour made her suspicious.. maybe she has a reason to not show her license....
you do realize these cops get shot at.. and they serve an important purpose.
If this woman was somehow hurt.. more than 30 second delay on her way to dinner.. than I can see backing her....
if she was fighting for our civil rights - it was abundantly stupidly done.
If she was just a beligerant arrogant ass.. then she should at least be smart enought to know to abuse cashiers and waiters.. but if you fuck with the cops, you might get embarrassed and inconvenienced
I agree, cops serve an important role, and their job sucks and everyone hates them so they are always pissed off.
But they are here to protect us, not intimidate us. When they start acting that way, they will be treated much better.
A cop knocked on the door to my house the other day, said people were breaking into cars and so on, and my truck's door was slightly open, we made sure it was all good and he was on his way. Point is, he was looking out for me, not trying to intimidate...since then I've had much more respect for the local cops around here.
this lady was being harassed, they were not looking out for her best interest, and so she got pissed and now probably hates every cop she sees.
I find it particularly scary that it was 8 years ago. I heard,or read, that one "flag" to notice in a car is an atlas or detailed map. An atlas? That was about 4 years ago and I actually took my atlas out of my car! It represented so much more to me than mere road directions, it represented my choice to stay or go, freedom and I totally bent over. Pitiful. I have since returned to my senses. I think she would have a much harder time today in any court.
I couldn't link to the other video but by your discription...very frightening.
I'm a complete illiterate on the computer but I will try again!
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Yes, exactly!
Do you think those officers were doing their jobs properly?
naděje umírá poslední
well, I don't know why they pulled her over.. but after that.. absolutely. She is driving, and was asked for her liscense to drive .. her refusal to provide identification makes her suspicious. at that point her refusal to cooperate was obstruction and her fighting as they tried to get her out of the car is resisting..
yes they acted absolutely fine in my estimation
do you think her being mother looking gives her a pass? what if she wore a turban?
That's Nazi germany. "Your papers please" Go that route and you're totally fucked.
Their job was harassment based on hyped paranoia. Who needs, or should need, help to do that?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
And they didn't either, because they offered zero explanation when asked. Zip.
What have I done wrong she kept asking...
nothing...give us your papers please...
fuck that...that's insane.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
we share the planet with billions of people. But ok, I see you are very fox news, you share the country with about 20 to 25% of the hundres of millions of Americans.
Yes that is very Nazi to have to show your drivers license periodically when driving.
If you do nothing wrong, and you're stopped, and the cops have no reason to tell you...yeah bro that's Nazi.
flat out...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I mean, its a great idea if you want a police state...but maybe that isn't what we should be going for here, you know?
They didn't have "the right" to arrest anyone. they have the right to ask for a drivers license from someone driving. The state issued the license. If the lady is not willing to show her drivers license, i suggest she turn it in and stop driving
if someone feels the stops are excessive or without merit - then they can take down the badge number and contact the state and ask for an explanation.
The woman made an unnecessary spectacle of herself and made obstructed the police in the performance of their duty.
She was out of line and needed to be arrested.
Nazi... that is absolutely ridiculous.
Why was she pulled over?
Why was she stopped? reason whatsoever. Being alive I suppose.
"You were driving a car so we can stop and interrogate you for no reason, and if you resist our demands, you will be arrested without explanation!"
I know what's ridiculous, and it's between your ears on this issue.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I don't know why she was stopped, If the cop said she was speeding and she said no I was not.. then she doesn't has to show her license.
it is not the responsibility of a cop to convince someone the stop was necessary. or people would never have to stop.
they have a hard job.. just cooperate and if you have a question there are avenues.
all that women needed do was show here drivers license - she was driving!
if she did nothing wrong, she could have been home rather than acking like a child in the middle of the road -- did you see them cars flying by outside of her lane.. that lady was a hazzard.,
If I opened it now would you not understand?
There has to be a reason, and it has to be laid out, and explained, or it's insanity. Police can't cruise around pulling people over interrogating them for no reason whatsoever. If no explanation is provided, then no reason exists. There are laws preventing this very reality, and for good reason.
Play along with this mentality willingly, and the next step to this process is random checkpoints scattered across the country side.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Who is the fascist? How can you judge that they had no reason? It was certainly obvious that woman was deliberately not cooperating with the police officer in performance of his duty. How do you assume there was no reason for the stop?
Maybe there have been an increase in car theft, maybe increase in drunk driving, maybe drug trafficing, maybe her car went over the line... The police stop routine is to ask for identification, not to convince the driver that the stop should fit into her political views. The road in not the place to argue politics.. that was the place to show her drivers license... if it turned out she was stopped for no reason... she could have sued, written a letter..
there is absolutely never a good reason for her to act like a moron on the street.. there are a million reasons for a cop to pull over a car. there was nothing in that video that would lead anyone to believe the stop was for no reason at all....
do you suspect he wanted to hit on her, or that he was bored and flipped a coin to pull the car over for entertainment?
I agree it has to be explained. Not before the driver shows her license!!!!!!
Are you kidding? Who do you work for?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Police are supposed to be public servants, not the authority of the state.
I've been pulled over so many times, with a beer in my hand, with weed in my pocket, coke stuffed under the seat...every time they pulled me over the first question they asked was-do you know why I pulled you over? And if they had a legit reason, then I would cooperate (like stash the weed, toss the beer, hide the coke) and answer any questions they asked pertaining to the alleged infraction. that is the right they have, and I have my rights. One of those rights is not to be pulled over for no reason.
It is their job to explain why they pulled you over, not our job to complain after the fact when they fuck up.
Well it seems you support fascist state policies, and that's not exactly widely accepted, the world around, as necessarily a good thing
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I believe he answered that question.. something about routine stop. Is that unconstitutional? Didn't we agree to that when we were given drivers licenses. If the police department, who is charge with fighting crime as well as keeping the roads acceptably safe.. decided that there traffic in a particular area at a particular time was increasingly likely to have a serial killer or a series of burglaries... come through... so they pull over 2 cars an hour in that area.. maybe that is reasonable, maybe it is not. The cop was actually very kind and told the women at the outset that it was a routine stop and that she had done nothing wrong.. but he was looking for a armed thief... He asked for her ID and would have likely used his judgement and let her be on her way.. but quickly her behaviour made her suspicious.. maybe she has a reason to not show her license....
you do realize these cops get shot at.. and they serve an important purpose.
If this woman was somehow hurt.. more than 30 second delay on her way to dinner.. than I can see backing her....
if she was fighting for our civil rights - it was abundantly stupidly done.
If she was just a beligerant arrogant ass.. then she should at least be smart enought to know to abuse cashiers and waiters.. but if you fuck with the cops, you might get embarrassed and inconvenienced
wtf is that shit? do you think thats fine?
But they are here to protect us, not intimidate us. When they start acting that way, they will be treated much better.
A cop knocked on the door to my house the other day, said people were breaking into cars and so on, and my truck's door was slightly open, we made sure it was all good and he was on his way. Point is, he was looking out for me, not trying to intimidate...since then I've had much more respect for the local cops around here.
this lady was being harassed, they were not looking out for her best interest, and so she got pissed and now probably hates every cop she sees.