"We the People,..." are the terrorists

Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
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What we DON'T need to do is let fear mongers like Alex Jones get us all pumped up and angry so that we act IRrationally and dig ourselves in an even deeper hole than we already are. We don't need to enter a propaganda war like he has.
2 cops who went to far, a woman proven rightly innocent and Alex Jones making money off the fear of others.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
The cops I become enraged at, even though it was more than 8 years ago. The clown trying to use that 8 year old footage as a scare tactic for something bigger, meh.
Where are they getting this training and mentality from to behave like this is the question.
That's the crux.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
A couple patriot acts, and a mountain of ill will and resentment, and ongoing media hype, later and you think it's gotten better?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Did I say that it has gotten better?
relevant then... It's clearly relevant.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Sorry, there are much more relevant issues to tackle today than this woman who clearly had her rights violated and the jury of her peers agreed with her.
It's bigger than that. Did you notice how they evaluated what was inside her car?
This is not something simply dismissed as just two a-hole cops 8 years ago
It's clearly a current issue facing society more so now than ever before.
anyone can see that reality
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
During the WTO riots in Seattle I was ready to head north on I-5 just to confront the piece of shit cops who were clearly drunk with power that night.
However, to claim that they are trained that way, is there any evidence to back that claim up? That is what we should be attacking is the training of the officers. Where is that document?
I don't have any documents, but cops are definitely trained to use their instincts when something smells bad to them....they're trained on how to justify probable cause. They're trained on how to get consent on searches. They're just trained in such a way that looks ok on paper. Their training tells them "oh I can get this person to give up their 5th amendment rights by doing this, this, or this...once I do that, probable cause is much easier to justify...or if I can't get probable cause, maybe I can get them to consent to a search without realizing it"...etc. etc. It looks good on paper, but the actual application of it is much different as most videos like this will show. If the training wasn't meant to be applied in the way it clearly is all the time, then they'd revise it.
Again, i am all for rallying against asshole cops and the old boys network that protects them. Just give me something more to sink my teeth into other than an 8 year old video.
You're lucky to have never been treated badly by the police. That doesn't mean your experience is common and what was shown on that video isn't common. It's certainly not the first video of police pulling that kind of crap. Search and see.
Fair or not, there is a cat and mouse game for sure that police play in hopes that people do not know their rights. I do not believe it is the police officers job to inform us of those rights as much as it is our job to know our rights. I do think the issue is better preparedness for the common citizens so they know what police can and cannot do. I think that stems from being raised in a society where we are taught that all cops are to be trusted and that they only get the "bad guys." It is that mentality that harms us in these cases more than anything.
Power hungry, title chaser's who find it hard to invoke control over their normal life take on the job as police so they can feel like a real man with the badge and gun. Fuck those guys!!
Here are a few videos:
*Any video with the punches has been taken off the web. That officer was cleared of any wrongdoing.
No I'm in the purple shirt getting taken down by 3 cops in tan shirts (prior to the 4th officer who comes up and lays into me). That's also me in the 2nd video.
And i'm sorry that happened to you. That's disgusting.
did they charge you with anything? why is it illegal to rush the field when the game is over?
It sucks in the mob mentality of rushing the field after a victory, because most people will get away with it as they cannot arrest everyone. they just should have been more civil with you (or the OP).
I think what you just said is chunky enough to sink your teeth into...
There are asshole cops, and we should define that term first for clarity's sake, to me it's any cop who abuses his power. That includes minor incidents as well, not just police brutality. I know they are only human and everyone makes mistakes but their duty is to serve and protect you, not to abuse you or ignore your rights. We trust these people with power and serious responsibilities.
You also mentioned the old boys network protecting them. You agree it should be fought. Isn't that the issue here?
OK, the video's eight years old. GivenToCarve when did this happen to you? Damn that was brutal, sorry you had to experience that. Anyway, I'm sure we can find more recent videos, youtube's full of them, from countries all over the world.
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The asshole who uncuffed me and I had a brief conversation that went like this:
Cop: "Son, you're very lucky I'm letting you go. You could be charged with a felony"
Me: "Felony...???"
Cop: "You were resisting arrest"
Me: [appalled]"And I was being arrested for?...nevermind. Thank you, I just want to go back to my house"
Every officer attended a meeting before the game. They were specifically told not to lay a hand on any student. I repeat "lay a hand"... I guess body-slamming, tackling, punching, shoving faces into the ground, etc. don't fall under "laying a hand".