John Ashton: Anyone Who Claims Palin Is Ready To Be President Is A Fucking Moron

nice rant....god help us all
" They just gave their new child two middle names. Why two? Because, they wanted the second one to be Van. Why? Because they thought it would be cute to have their child's name be Van Palin. You know, it sounds like Van Halen. Funny, huh?
No, I didn't make this up.
Let the right-wing propaganda machine that dominates the media play their victimization routine and claim it is simply unfair and wrong to question her readiness for the most important, complex office on the planet. However, this is The Moderate Independent, and we only speak truth here. And the truth we learned today is that John McCain is a fucking idiot who just put our nation at risk for the sake of trying to get enough votes from idiots to get his repeatedly cancerous self in the White House.
How fucking dare McCain put the world in jeopardy like this.
Oh yeah, let me not state the obvious. How dare I say that this small town, inexperienced bimbo, who has used her brief time in the Governorship of snowland to, yes, act out a Jerry Springer-like saga of using her power of office to attack her sister's lyin', cheatin', no good ex-trailer hubby, isn't ready to handle the pinnacle of power for the planet.
How dare I, especially when on CNN tonight the woman who took over her spot as Mayor of the small ass frozen Alaska villa of Wasilia said tonight, when asked if Palin was ready to be President, "Sure, she'll surround herself with lots of smart people."
Oh fuck.
Note, she didn't say, "She's so smart," or, "She always talks about world affairs," or, "She will pick up and understand things quickly."
Let's go ahead and actually look at her record for a second. They brag she was Mayor of Wasilia. Well, here are some stats from the city.
According to the Wikipedia entry on the city, in 2000, "67% of families were below the poverty line."
Wow, not bad, there were actually a few that made it above poverty. Let's celebrate by taserin' our kin!
Oh yeah, and women will love this stat: In Wasilia, "Males had a median income of $41,300 versus $29,100 for females."
Nice! Hey, now it makes sense why Palin called Hillary Clinton "a whiner" during the primaries. Because obviously she is used to, in the city she ran, people saying things like, "Listen, sugar tits, don't be whining about making more than 25% less than Bill - you have a vag, you ain't worth the same."
Honestly, I wouldn't trust this chick to babysit my kids. Naming her kid Van Palin? A husband who didn't finish college, but heck, he rides snowmobiles really, really, really far? A sister who marries a guy who tasers his own kin, drives drunk - and Palin and her husband repeatedly calling and filing complaints against him that are dismissed? Like 14 times?
14 times? When the fuck will she learn what Pakistan, Russia, China, India, Venzuela, Bin Laden, and other threats are up to if, on top of having 5 kids, including a new one with Down Syndrome, she spends her time making repeated grudge calls on behalf of her sister? Oh yeah, this was priority one when she got in office as well, using the Governor's office to continue the white trash battle for her sister by trying to get the ex-hubby fired (for which she is now under investigation.)
She claimed in her VP-slot acceptance speech today that as Mayor of Wasilia she cut wasteful spending. The town has 6,500 people. How much fucking spending could there be? You could probably follow every single dollar personally, pay all the bills in ones. You can cut spending in half by making staff bring their own coffee. I mean what was the fucking budget of this unpopulated ice town? Oh, hey, $12.7 million. About the size of a department - a small one - in say, a hospital. Wow, she helped cut some costs from a one-department-of-a-company-sized city!
Hey, let's make her a manager of the new hospital in the city, Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, not fucking President. Oh, wait, the hospital is actually outside the city limits, between W-town and another remote outpost of poverty and sexist pay I guess. Town's not big enough to support a whole hospital apparently.
And this chick is going to deal with the entire health care situation of the United States?
Wait, she deals with a bigger budget now in her little over a year as Governor. Well, how big is that budget: Click on this link to find out. No, that "not found" error doesn't mean I put the wrong link - that is the link to Management and Budget from her website (go to the page and click on Management and Budget yourself if you want to experience the magical, missing budget page yourself.)
Well, I don't know if she can manage the state's budget - apparently she can't even manage the state's budget webpage.
Yeah, so let's like give her the whole budget of the country to handle. Awesome.
Ok, let's give her another chance. She has another link for the FY '08 Enacted Budget. Let's click on that and... nope, another "The Page Cannot Be Found." Well, at least we know a place for the page exists by the link info: Yep, 08 OMB. Sounds like where a web page with this year's budget stuff should be. Followed by /budget. That would be the place. Well, she's only been in office a year and a half, and she's been busy during that time trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired. Let's give her a chance to figure out complex things like having a webpage put up.
What a commander, what a manager - can't get a fucking IT person to pop a damned web page up. And she's going to manage the entire nation? Right.
She's led a focused life, though. Degree in journalism. Beauty Pageants. Marrying someone without a degree. Running marathons. Shooting guns. Her deep interests, according to her official Governor website, are, "enjoys hunting, fishing, Alaska history, and all that Alaska's great outdoors has to offer."
Is this a singles ad or a fucking Governor's website?
Ok, she did some sports broadcasting. WTF? Beauty pageants. Excuse me? She claims Global Warming is a hoax, wants Creationism taught in schools, opposes abortion even in the cases of rape or incest, and claims, despite those damned fact things, that we can solve our energy problem with a lil' drillin' and a big tube across Canada so we can import natural gas.
Ok, the Alaska pipeline thing is a good thing, eh? After achieving that, she must have taken that experience and grown from it, eh?
Well, she may, but thing is, this key highlight to her virtually non-existent resume - the passage of the pipeline thing - just occurred on August 3, 2008. In other words, when McCain started considering VP candidates, she didn't even have her one talking point yet.
Um, just a thought: maybe we should give it a full month and see how her first actual resume line holds up and plays out. A couple years down the road, if the thing is actually built and turns out to be a good thing, then we can compliment her. But, um, this was just 2 1/2 weeks ago! And this is all she has to brag about as her credentials?
The rest of you poor people in the non-Moderate Independent media, I feel as bad for you as I do for the workin' women and poor poverty-struck families of Wasilia. Unlike me, you can't just say the obvious: Sarah Palin, nice tits, not even remotely ready for the White House.
Nor can you say this other part: John McCain, you have betrayed your country. If you win, you have put our very existence at risk. So, please, tell us, what did she really do for you during the one visit you spent with her? It must have been pretty damned good - one visit, and you sacrifice the whole free world to get the chance to have her by your side.
Now back to the rest of the media, where they will bite their tongues and say, "Sure, she's a fine choice, an important voice."
No she's fucking not, she's a rack with glasses. Aren't you, sugar tits?"
" They just gave their new child two middle names. Why two? Because, they wanted the second one to be Van. Why? Because they thought it would be cute to have their child's name be Van Palin. You know, it sounds like Van Halen. Funny, huh?
No, I didn't make this up.
Let the right-wing propaganda machine that dominates the media play their victimization routine and claim it is simply unfair and wrong to question her readiness for the most important, complex office on the planet. However, this is The Moderate Independent, and we only speak truth here. And the truth we learned today is that John McCain is a fucking idiot who just put our nation at risk for the sake of trying to get enough votes from idiots to get his repeatedly cancerous self in the White House.
How fucking dare McCain put the world in jeopardy like this.
Oh yeah, let me not state the obvious. How dare I say that this small town, inexperienced bimbo, who has used her brief time in the Governorship of snowland to, yes, act out a Jerry Springer-like saga of using her power of office to attack her sister's lyin', cheatin', no good ex-trailer hubby, isn't ready to handle the pinnacle of power for the planet.
How dare I, especially when on CNN tonight the woman who took over her spot as Mayor of the small ass frozen Alaska villa of Wasilia said tonight, when asked if Palin was ready to be President, "Sure, she'll surround herself with lots of smart people."
Oh fuck.
Note, she didn't say, "She's so smart," or, "She always talks about world affairs," or, "She will pick up and understand things quickly."
Let's go ahead and actually look at her record for a second. They brag she was Mayor of Wasilia. Well, here are some stats from the city.
According to the Wikipedia entry on the city, in 2000, "67% of families were below the poverty line."
Wow, not bad, there were actually a few that made it above poverty. Let's celebrate by taserin' our kin!
Oh yeah, and women will love this stat: In Wasilia, "Males had a median income of $41,300 versus $29,100 for females."
Nice! Hey, now it makes sense why Palin called Hillary Clinton "a whiner" during the primaries. Because obviously she is used to, in the city she ran, people saying things like, "Listen, sugar tits, don't be whining about making more than 25% less than Bill - you have a vag, you ain't worth the same."
Honestly, I wouldn't trust this chick to babysit my kids. Naming her kid Van Palin? A husband who didn't finish college, but heck, he rides snowmobiles really, really, really far? A sister who marries a guy who tasers his own kin, drives drunk - and Palin and her husband repeatedly calling and filing complaints against him that are dismissed? Like 14 times?
14 times? When the fuck will she learn what Pakistan, Russia, China, India, Venzuela, Bin Laden, and other threats are up to if, on top of having 5 kids, including a new one with Down Syndrome, she spends her time making repeated grudge calls on behalf of her sister? Oh yeah, this was priority one when she got in office as well, using the Governor's office to continue the white trash battle for her sister by trying to get the ex-hubby fired (for which she is now under investigation.)
She claimed in her VP-slot acceptance speech today that as Mayor of Wasilia she cut wasteful spending. The town has 6,500 people. How much fucking spending could there be? You could probably follow every single dollar personally, pay all the bills in ones. You can cut spending in half by making staff bring their own coffee. I mean what was the fucking budget of this unpopulated ice town? Oh, hey, $12.7 million. About the size of a department - a small one - in say, a hospital. Wow, she helped cut some costs from a one-department-of-a-company-sized city!
Hey, let's make her a manager of the new hospital in the city, Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, not fucking President. Oh, wait, the hospital is actually outside the city limits, between W-town and another remote outpost of poverty and sexist pay I guess. Town's not big enough to support a whole hospital apparently.
And this chick is going to deal with the entire health care situation of the United States?
Wait, she deals with a bigger budget now in her little over a year as Governor. Well, how big is that budget: Click on this link to find out. No, that "not found" error doesn't mean I put the wrong link - that is the link to Management and Budget from her website (go to the page and click on Management and Budget yourself if you want to experience the magical, missing budget page yourself.)
Well, I don't know if she can manage the state's budget - apparently she can't even manage the state's budget webpage.
Yeah, so let's like give her the whole budget of the country to handle. Awesome.
Ok, let's give her another chance. She has another link for the FY '08 Enacted Budget. Let's click on that and... nope, another "The Page Cannot Be Found." Well, at least we know a place for the page exists by the link info: Yep, 08 OMB. Sounds like where a web page with this year's budget stuff should be. Followed by /budget. That would be the place. Well, she's only been in office a year and a half, and she's been busy during that time trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired. Let's give her a chance to figure out complex things like having a webpage put up.
What a commander, what a manager - can't get a fucking IT person to pop a damned web page up. And she's going to manage the entire nation? Right.
She's led a focused life, though. Degree in journalism. Beauty Pageants. Marrying someone without a degree. Running marathons. Shooting guns. Her deep interests, according to her official Governor website, are, "enjoys hunting, fishing, Alaska history, and all that Alaska's great outdoors has to offer."
Is this a singles ad or a fucking Governor's website?
Ok, she did some sports broadcasting. WTF? Beauty pageants. Excuse me? She claims Global Warming is a hoax, wants Creationism taught in schools, opposes abortion even in the cases of rape or incest, and claims, despite those damned fact things, that we can solve our energy problem with a lil' drillin' and a big tube across Canada so we can import natural gas.
Ok, the Alaska pipeline thing is a good thing, eh? After achieving that, she must have taken that experience and grown from it, eh?
Well, she may, but thing is, this key highlight to her virtually non-existent resume - the passage of the pipeline thing - just occurred on August 3, 2008. In other words, when McCain started considering VP candidates, she didn't even have her one talking point yet.
Um, just a thought: maybe we should give it a full month and see how her first actual resume line holds up and plays out. A couple years down the road, if the thing is actually built and turns out to be a good thing, then we can compliment her. But, um, this was just 2 1/2 weeks ago! And this is all she has to brag about as her credentials?
The rest of you poor people in the non-Moderate Independent media, I feel as bad for you as I do for the workin' women and poor poverty-struck families of Wasilia. Unlike me, you can't just say the obvious: Sarah Palin, nice tits, not even remotely ready for the White House.
Nor can you say this other part: John McCain, you have betrayed your country. If you win, you have put our very existence at risk. So, please, tell us, what did she really do for you during the one visit you spent with her? It must have been pretty damned good - one visit, and you sacrifice the whole free world to get the chance to have her by your side.
Now back to the rest of the media, where they will bite their tongues and say, "Sure, she's a fine choice, an important voice."
No she's fucking not, she's a rack with glasses. Aren't you, sugar tits?"
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I totally agree. If McCain wins- I'm worried. Palin is an unknown factor in this race, and being 2nd in command....
I'm pretty sure her eldest is Track Enfield Palin!
WTF this lady and her husband are fucking whackos!
I cannot trust someone who's judgement is so poor. Are your kids names a joke lady?
that speech was awesome wasn't it!!!
hell yeah
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
He was complimenting Clinton. Maybe you should listen to the full dialogue before you start flinging names.
Biden is more capable than Palin by in terms of foreign relations by far. No contest, not debatable, period.
Actually I thought they were named for characters from the cartoon show "My Little Ponies"... Track? Trig?? WTF?????
And make that Track VanEnfield Palin!
"Some of my friends sit around every evening and they worry about the times ahead,
But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed..."-- Elvis Costello
She proved she can present a speech with feeling, that was basically written for her. Most of it was written by a McCain speechwriter, before the writer even knew who the VP nominee would be. Once it was known, the speech was somewhat tailored for her:,8599,1838808,00.html
Her competency to hold this level of office is entirely a different question than how well she can present a speech.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I'm not sure if the OP was being sarcastic, but on that note so many people are enamored by smooth words. Style over substance.
it's a disease.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Yeah, I'll take Palin over Biden making horrible decisions still with all of his experience.
No one voted for Biden to be president during the primaries, but they seem to be okay with him being a heartbeat away.
She is really ready to be VP. She probably gets up every morning and repeats, "I'm ready, I'm ready", like Spongebob Squarepants. and speaking of Spongebob, has anyone noticed that her voice sounds exactly like Plankton's computer wife?
John Ashton was Bush's first attorney general. A real fascist.
I also don't think Obama is ready to be president.
So where does that leave us?
for the least they could possibly do
One tip: If you're trying to be funny, a
Otherwise, we can't tell.
for the least they could possibly do
What track record has Palin used to convince you that she has superior judgement to Biden? Just curious, would love to see some examples of her "superior" judgement.
Should be interesting.
I'm sure we could provide some ... but then you'd just deny them ... or say they didn't happen. And maybe, you'd be right.
Someone on the news last night described Palin as a "political Rorschach test" and I thought that was pretty apt. Those of us who already generally have a favorable impression of her see things that buttress that impression, and those of you who are already suspicious of her see things that support those suspicions.
for the least they could possibly do
To be fair, that was Ashcroft. Ashton is an actor. But I liked the reference to Ashcroft anyway! You're absolutely right! I have the poster of him from the VFC tour where he's got blood dripping from his hands. Like they say, a picture is worth a 1,000 words.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
How is your comment related to my comment that Sarah Palin read a speech that had been mostly written by speechwriters, who wrote it before her selection was known by the speechwriters? This thread is about Palin, not Biden, and Biden's being a heartbeat away from a president does not take away from the fact that Palin is not ready to be VP.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Simple really... if you can't defend, then deflect.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
so if Biden sucks, it's ok for Palin to suck too?
Besides, Biden just has horrible policies. Palin is just a horrible person in general, the type that really needs to stay in Alaska so that we never hear about her again.
Karen? Hahaha! She does!
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
How many times did you have to tell yourself this before you believed it?
Or, are you still working that out?
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
I don't understand the husband-bashing. When did the vice-presidency become co-vice-presidency between husband and wife? What does his education, or lack there-of, have to do with her running for VP?