How the U.S. Just Got Schooled by a 'Rag-Tag' Neighborhood Army in Iraq
"What happened in Iraq this week was a beautiful lesson in the weird laws of guerrilla warfare. Unfortunately, it was the Americans who got schooled. Even now, people at my office are saying, "We won, right? Sadr told his men to give up, right?"
Wrong. Sadr won big. Iran won even bigger. Maliki, the Iraqi Army, Petraeus and Cheney lost."
"What happened in Iraq this week was a beautiful lesson in the weird laws of guerrilla warfare. Unfortunately, it was the Americans who got schooled. Even now, people at my office are saying, "We won, right? Sadr told his men to give up, right?"
Wrong. Sadr won big. Iran won even bigger. Maliki, the Iraqi Army, Petraeus and Cheney lost."
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
I guess that America sucks?
You don't get it?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
this is not a big deal, we always lose in a guerrilla fight
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wait, i live in America. fuck. why are you so giddy>?
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The CIA suggested bombing the "will" of the north vietnamese in the vietnam war, as it is crucial in war. That is the case in Iraq, who has the will to continue this terrible conflict? Its easier for the Iraqi's-they are defending their homes.
What is the US fighting for?
all illusions based on control
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I don't think America is fighting for anything. Those in charge of America have some delusional ideaology that is not the best for our country, but it is for them.
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So get the fuck out, imo.
my problem with just leaving, is it's our fault, we own it, so we need to make a true effort to stabilize Iraq before leaving. Nothing that the Bush administratin has done has been to actually stabilize so we can leave IMO.
we need to get out of Italy, Germany, Japan, and South Korea also, that's a lot of money that could go toward education, health care, and our pockets.
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sorry, I don't see any parellel in using Hitler as an example. Hitler didn't give a shit, I do, but understand it may not matter.
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According to the UN 11-13 million people die every year from easily curable diseases or starvation, an american holocaust every year. Comparing the US gov't to nazism is fitting, given reality.
Why in the hell should they be the ones to "fix" anything?
The U.S. will win every battle. Just like in Viet Nam... name one battle that was a military loss (note: Khe Sanh was tough, but the Marines on that hill top finally prevailed).
But, we see and understand that you can have victory in every battle and still lose the war.
In Iraq... is is the Shi'ites in charge, now. We put them there and were too stupid to see or understand that in a country where most of the people hate you... if you give them Democracy... they will elect people who hate you.
We cannot rely on or trust the Iraqi Armed forces. Why? Well, all you have to do is wonder... I wonder what happened to the Iraqi Republican Guard and the Fedayen militia that never took on the U.S. Army and Marines in the offensive of 2003. all you have to do is wonder... where are they now?
My guess... in Iraqi Security Forces... being trainned by American troops... to ultimately use their trainning and weaponry to kill American troops.
And al Sadr simply showed that he was still out there. Someone we should have been after in 2003. Now, it's too late. He has gotten too powerful and influential. He could be the next ayatollah. Killing him now will only make matters worse for our soldiers over there.
Thanx, President Bush... Vice-President Cheney... former Secretary Rumsfeld.
Hail, Hail!!!
They've made billions from this war, I dont' think intelligence is the issue.
wow. so its the fault of the united states that 13 million people die or curable diseases and starvation? simply amazing.
I'm glad I'm not the only one with some common sense on this board.
Exactly. Calling this admin and their decisions stupid is overlooking the real issue. Calculating and indifferent would be more apt.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
research corrupt governments of the world, namely in africa where the majority of these 13 million deaths happen. you'll be surprised to find out that the US doesnt actually have anything to do with it.
(ps, dont use the onion as a source lol)
A corupt official takes the loan, and the country is expected to pay it back.
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yet somehow you blame the US for 13 million deaths a year. you are placing blame on the wrong people. wake up
seems that it is not the killing that is the problem, often it is the indifference of decent human beings
Countries are forced to export primarily, which help big business, at the expense of local farmers and manufacturers. So in Colombia it became more profitable to grow coca than coffee, one mal affect of IMF "structural adjustments". They also use the lowest common demoninator when it comes to minimum wage and workers rights, these countries are even forced to end unions in some cases.
And this is run by big business, who's main base happens to be the United States. And in the 150 or so countries affected by the IMF and WB, the 11-13 million people die every year from easily curable diseases (read cheaply) or starvation.
Its not a stretch, it fairly obvious and straighforward.
No, I don't get your point, though your question did a lot to enlighten me. Are you pointing out that the Iraq army backed by the U.S. can't win a guerrilla war? Are you pointing out that Iran is backing multiple factions in the conflict? Are you pointing out that Iraq is turning into a civil war pitting Shia against Shia against Sunni? Honestly, what's your point? I guess if you're wondering if I "get" the fact that the Iraq conflict is a bad idea, I figured that out long before the first troops landed in that country. More than anything, though, I "get" the fact that you take some sort of sick satisfaction in the pain and suffering of the troops and citizens over in Iraq. Personally, I don't find it all that amusing. Got that?
fairly decent rant... a couple of bonus points for the "sick satisfaction plot" fabrication/accusation.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)