US declares war on Iran

on March 20th, 2008
Not a peep on TV....
Not a peep on TV....
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Hey, Iran! You want to sell oil for Euros and not Dollars? Hey that's cool. We will just declare every bank in your country to be a terrorist institution. And we will tell every government in the world that if their banks accept transactions from your banks we will sanction them as well. Good luck with that Oil For Euros thing, towel heads."
Iran, the great threat to world peace.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Fresh off the press. 2 Hours Ago:
The Kingdom 'braces for nuclear war'
Sun, 30 Mar 2008 18:42:39
Saudi Arabia is reportedly preparing to counter any 'radioactive hazards' which may result from a US strike on Iran's nuclear plants.
Popular government-guided Saudi newspaper Okaz recently reported that the Saudi Shura Council approved of nuclear fallout preparation plans only a day after US Vice President Dick Cheney met with the Kingdom's high ranking officials, including King Abdullah.
As a result of the Shura ruling, the Saudi government will start the implementation of 'national plans to deal with any sudden nuclear and radioactive hazards that may affect the Kingdom following expert warnings of possible attacks on Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactors'.
As the details of Cheney's recent discussions with his Arab allies remain unclear, pundits have begun to question the timing of the drastic measure by the Shura.
Analysts claim the Bush administration had long rattled sabers with Iran over its nuclear program and is now informing its Arab allies of a potential war, in turn, allowing them to take precautionary measures.
With the sudden resignation of Admiral William Fallon, a high-ranking US military official who was a fierce critic of White House war rhetoric against Iran, and reports of the recent deployment of a US nuclear submarine in the Persian Gulf; there is speculation that Washington is moving forward with yet another war plan in the oil-rich Middle East.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Israel to attack Syriah?
article with Russian source
I have one final bit to add to this, which may or may not be related. I have NO idea at this point, however Alex Jones said on Monday's broadcast that NEXT monday he is going to make an announcement. He said it will be the MOST IMPORTANT announcement he has EVER made on his show ... EVER ... and that it will not be the announcement of some future event, that to the contrary, it will be something that the American public will see MANIFEST IMMEDIATELY ON MONDAY. I know there are a few of you on here who give absolutely no weight to Alex or his sources, but he has friends (like Daniel Estulin) who have VERY reliable sources within the Bilderberg network. These sources have turned out dead right on numerous occasions.
Given the above article and the still uncertain climate in the stock market, this has me just a "tad" worried.
Hold your breath boys and girls,
shit is getting scary around here.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
This has me pretty convinced the "chatter" is legitimate.
Ynet is usually pretty accurate on Israeli security issues, imho.
I'll be real interested to see what AJ has to say on monday.
I also am disturbed by the threats against Russia to remain neutral OR they tank the economy.
Sure sounds like NWO shit to me.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I don't know about how soon, but it's coming. Iran will not lie down. Israel has too many rich interests (also with religiously back motivators) involved in getting their hands on oil resources, and, in general, access to the holy land.
It's a tight little ball waiting to explode, and the US is not backing down...nor will Israel. So Iran gets a nice hard fuck in the a**, and ...hello... it all kicks up a notch. Nobody is interested in talking. Cheney just did his tour of evil over there to lay the groundwork for this. The whole middle east region is going to get fucked in the ass. It's all been scripted out already....a little bump in the road here...a little bump there....but the car is still moving forward to it's destination. A billion strong in Islam is probably about 999,999,999.5 too many for some
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
what they really mean is... we have no idea where hezbollah is and we cant reach syria so we are going to kill innocent lebanese people. to hell with israel! we got the good jewish here in the U.S.
hopefully Iran is secretly making that giant eraser.
wow... now we see where some folks are coming from...
just WOW
This has to be the most insane comment I've ever read on this board. Israel is no saint but you want them all dead? Wow.
showing what he is really about...
how do you feel about that roland?
how do you feel about the linked articles contained in this post?
Aren't you at all disturbed by multiple sources now acknowledging there is some sort of plan for war on the table, and that further, it is emminent?
Any response on the ISSUES?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Our leaders know what's best for the world. It's about time we began trusting them.
Seriously, where's Jlew - Lazymoon - and NCFan when we need them to fight America's corner??
you are one fucked up dude
I get in one discussion with you and all of a sudden I'm the spokesperson for america? I already made a reply to this thread when it was first started. what is your problem?
I also hope Iran possesses a 'giant eraser'. If they do then it may make the lunatics in charge of the U.S - and their puppet government in Israel - think twice before committing mass murder in the Middle East.
You see, there's a reason why North Korea isn't being attacked, or threatened with attack.
I've been having discussions with you for the past two years Jlew.
1. March 20th - OP mentioning Treasury Policy issuing "Guidance to Financial Institutions on the Continuing Money Laundering Threat Involving Illicit Iranian Activity", essentialy freezing all iranian banking assets. (corresponding UN resolution from March 3rd)
2. March 30th - Saudi newspaper, Okaz, reports that the Saudi Shura Council has issued a directive regarding "national plans to deal with any sudden nuclear and radioactive hazards that may affect the Kingdom following expert warnings of possible attacks on Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactors".
3. April 2nd - Russian news source reports, "Russia ‘Alarmed’ As US Readies April Nuclear Attack On Iran", saying that we spoke with Putin regarding plans "to begin a nuclear attack against Irans atomic facilities in the next two weeks". Highly disturbing other claims mentioned in this article, including threats regarding international economic collapse threatened.
4. April 2nd - within the Russian news article, is a quote from Ynet news in israel, stating that, "Syria is preparing for a comprehensive Israeli strike which will be combined with an attack on Hizbullah, sources in Damascus have told the London-based Arabic-language al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper. The sources, which refused to reveal their identity, reported that Syria was closely monitoring the movement of Israeli forces along the northern border."
As far as troops go. We know that the US has moved significant numbers of troops to the northern areas of Iraq, which borders Iran, Syria, and Turkey.
One of these news sources is quoted as saying there are reports of a US nuclear submarine en route to the area.
Isn't there some source saying that the naval presence in the area is the largest since the Iraqi invasion?
The israelis are running defense drills,
and then, from the russian article, this:
"the Syrians have stationed three armored divisions, special forces and nine mechanized infantry divisions opposite Lebanon's western valley, as the Syrians estimate that a ground Israeli invasion may take place in that area."
is all this false news?
How come no one has any comments on this, but the "Fat homeless people" thread is so popular?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
this is my last response to you, I am not Jlew, I'm done with these games. I was hoping to engage in some serious discussion about current events. instead I'm left with these childish comments.
I hope you're wrong.
Iran situation was inevitable once they dumped the petrodollar. This administration all but actually said they wouldnt leave office with the Iranian issue (nukes) not dealt with. The recent Cheney Middle east "allies" tour all but put a stamp on it IMO.
The Israelis attacking Syria simultaneously kinda caught me off guard I will admit. I'm guessing they figure all hell will break loose anyway so get the "other enemy" at the same time. I guess the Israelis figure preemptive strikes on Syria (and possibly Egypt?) will save them some trouble.
I hope to God this doesnt happen because that area will go apeshit.
it's a convenient distraction from a collapsing economy though.
You gotta give 'em that.
Also sets up new possibilities for martial law, i suppose.
I dunno.
Even believing that this "war" is still possible, at this point, is a bit hard for me to want to accept ... much less the other stuff that they talk about in some circles.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I hear ya. You see the pieces in action and it is just unfathomable that people are pushing this to happen. Yet this is just how it has happened for hundreds of years, just a little harder for them to hide it is all with information so readily and speedily available.
Australian news piece talks about US Warships en route to the region. More drills. Recent attacks against Iranian insurgents in Iraq, etc.
-- Plans for a sustained campaign between Israel and the US against Syria and Iran is detailed per "sources" in the region.
A key objective of the Congressional testimony by Gen. David Petraeus this week will be to defend the George W. Bush administration's strategic political line that it is fighting an Iranian "proxy war" in Iraq.
It's springtime; war in the air - United Press
Article details the tensions between Syria and the west. Says Syria prepared to use "any means necessary" to combat troubles in Lebanon. Shit is not looking good for the Middle East right now. Or for the USA. :(
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I'm so fucking sick of this shit! ! !
US Nuclear B-1 Bomber On Iran ‘Attack Run’ Shot Down
You want to see the US Media's "CENSORED" version of this !??!
You pick your news source
Reutuers, CBS, Washington Post ...
US Bomber Catches Fire At Base In Qatar
B-1 bomber catches fire in Qatar
Bomber burned after landing at al-Udeid Air Base in Qatar
B-1 Bomber Crash: "Blaze Set Off the Munitions"
I hate to fucking say this, but who the fuck are you gonna believe? Our lying sack of shit of a government? Or the Russians? :(
Tell me you don't smell fish after the last 4 articles in this thread. Go on. Tell me.
Get your heads out of Obama's asshole and wake up.
We are going to bomb the shit out of Iran and get ourselves in to another clusterfuck.
No one even wants to talk about it, though?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
My question would be how the FUCK are we going to pay for these wars with Iran and Syria (other than with the blood of 18 to 30 yr old Americans) and where are we planning on getting troops to fight more wars????
Have we not learned anything from the empires that have fallen before us? Over expanded and broke. We're getting there. Maybe that's what we should hope for :(
What happens if the US economy totally implodes anyway? What will that do to the world economy? What would happen to China if we couldn't buy all the shit they're selling us?
Scary, scary times...
Nothing like using events that happen in one war to begin justification for another!!
CFR Article: Seeing Iran’s Shadow in Iraq Unrest
Check the list of headlines:
Iran Threatens Iraq's Stability, Officials Say
Petraeus blames Iran for spike in Iraq violence
Iran Rejects US Claim That Tehran Funds Shiite Militias in Iraq
Evil Iran, the new al-Qaeda
Next Hot Topic In US Campaign: The Iran Question
Petraeus Says Iranian-Backed Groups Are Greatest Threat to Iraq
Iran to defy West on nuclear: Ahmadinejad
A few weeks ago if you did a google news search on Iran, you came up practicaly empty handed.
Something is up, man.
Something is UP.
If I opened it now would you not understand?