Citizens Arrested For Reading The Constitution

Hello police state.
"Peaceful onlookers were arrested by police for reading the Constitution while a pro-war group was allowed full freedom of speech in Washington DC recently in another flagrant example of how American cops are now the enforcers of a tyrannical police state."
"Peaceful onlookers were arrested by police for reading the Constitution while a pro-war group was allowed full freedom of speech in Washington DC recently in another flagrant example of how American cops are now the enforcers of a tyrannical police state."
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
i think tis about time you turn it on that domestic enemy a lot of you are so blase about.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
just like I questioned the source of that report alst year about people 'Peacefully reading the Bible' and a Pro-Choice Rally. Turns out they were screaming Biblical passages over bullhorns.
The same goes here... I doubt if they were 'peacefully reading the Constitution'... and I'll bet bullhorns come into play.
Like I always say... consider the source.
Hail, Hail!!!
That would be great and all, but nobody knew what they were getting arrested for, and police would not divulge any information when asked directly.
It seems obvious you missed the video...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
aww don't be like that. :(
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i have no clue who he's talking about, but why shouldn't he be like that? isn't that how 90% of the people here handle things? with insults?
who is insulting who?
Yeah... the firewall here at work prevents video feeds and downloads.
But, you get where I'm coming from, right? Just like you and I would question a story that is exclusively found from FOX News.
All I'm saying is... consider the source... seek verification elsewhere.
Hail, Hail!!!
the video doesnt show much. shows a few people being put into a paddy wagon and complaining. but you make an excellent point, which I'm sure is falling on deaf ears
lighten up.
so glad i didn't say i hate america too.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
o come on. tell us how u really feel. wait, dont. I might know the answer
Videos don't always show the complete story (i.e. Rodney King). Were the demostrators being disruptive? Tresspassing? Failing to disperse upon orders?
Just like those 'Peaceful demonstrators' at the Pro-Choice rally... screaming through a bullhorn into my fucking ear is NOT Peaceful. Or Rodney King... how did the fucking guy get 16 cops on his ass? Most I've ever had was 2... because I pull over as soon as the red lights pop up in my mirrors. I can probably get 16 to follow me if I decide my '72 VW Beetle can outrun a police cruiser... but, I don't.
Video does not equate to truth.
Hail, Hail!!!
good points...i was also thinking did they have a permit
preacin to the choir my man. I hear ya. the video shows nothing really. you didnt miss much.
ah come on. its not so bad. we still have a voice. we still have freedom. sure bush is currently in office and an asshole but that will soon change.
seriously, compare it to other countries.
Bush is an ass but nothing will change regardless of which party takes over.
Yes we definitely have it a lot better than most countries, but there is much amiss in this country and we need to fix it, starting with our government. While we do have many freedoms some are slowly being eroded.
Here is an example. One of my younger brother's friends purchased a bar right across the street to where they built the new Devils Arena in Newark. He payed top dollar for the property knowing that it would be prime location. Prior to purchasing it the city told him that he neede to do a lot of remodeling to make the exterior and interior look nice. He put in $60,000 dollars in work. Last month the city told him they where buying the property from him at the price he paid for it. He is going to fight it but they are pulling eminent domain on him and from what his lawyer told him the city will most likely win.
So now the government has the right to make you sell your property at a price that they, not the market, determines so they can turn around and sell it to a developer for a profit.
I hear what your sayin but eminent domain is not something new. but I really fucking hate it. if you dont mind me asking, what does the government plan to do with the land? there is a huge eminent domain fight here in the Chicago by O'Hare airport. many people loosing their homes. some have lived there 40 years.
It may not be new but they have definitely started to use it inappropriately. It used to be that a state or city would use it to build a highway or a school. Now they use it for hotels and strip malls, all at the cost of the citizens. In Harrison, NJ they used it to close a lot of business just so they could sell the land to developers to build luxury condos.
why cant the laws be changed then? seems so unfair.
thats a great question. I'd love to hear from a lawyer on the matter. where soul?? he pretends to almost be a lawyer
Eminent domain was challenged by a group of people in Connecticut a few years ago. The town they lived in wanted to buy their properties to build hotels, a mall, and a corporate complex. They insisted that eminent domain could only be used for public works projects. The case made it all the way to the Supreme Court where it was decided that the government has the right to exercise eminent domain as it sees fit.
Note about Badnarik at end of post:
October 11, 2004
Lynne Kiesling
OK, so I hate politics, but I have to ask ... Libertarian candidate Michael Badnarik and Green candidate David Cobb were arrested outside of the debate Friday night, while trying to file an order to show cause to the Commission on Presidential Debates.
The show cause order is to notify CPD of a lawsuit in Arizona challenging the upcoming debate at Arizona State, in which the claim is that the nominally nonpartisan but functionally bipartisan CPD and the school are using public money to put on this debate in an unconstitutional way.
So this sounds like it might merit at least a mention somewhere, right? I mean, Badnarik is on the ballot in 49 states. So 'splain me this: why is the only news story I've found on this event this one in the New York Sun?
Is this another dimension of the old-guard media sea change that we've all been blathering about for the past month? It's on several websites, I've read about people spurred to action by it, it's been Slashdotted twice, but no major media mention.
Of course, if they want to get attention from an audience demographic who might care, they should contact the producers at the Daily Show ...
OK, that's my last mention of politics.
UPDATE: Weds 13 October, here's a story from the BBC, of all places. Not CNN, MSNBC, Fox, networks. The BBC. How pathetic is that?
Posted by lkiesling at October 11, 2004 6:17 PM
"It Is Not Too Soon For Honest Men To Rebel ..."
Libertarian Presidential Candidate Badnarik Arrested
Update Posted October 09, 2004
On October 8th at 9 p.m., two third party candidates were arrested for attempting to enter the Washington University complex holding the second presidential debate.
The candidates, Michael Badnarik of the Libertarian Party and David Cobb of the Green Party, chose civil disobedience to fight the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD).
Over half of Americans believe third party candidates should be included, yet politicians continue to funnel public funds into the bi-partisan Commission.
S.W.A.T. teams were used to deny the will of the American people while mainstream media ignored this historic event, a shameless suppression of political diversity. Americans deserve to know about the unjust takeover of our political process.
Harry Browne to host Michael Badnarik
Libertarian Presidential candidate Michael Badnarik will be the guest on Harry Browne's radio show Saturday evening. This will be your opportunity to get an up-to-date progress report on the campaign and 'the arrest'
For details on how to listen, go to
Badnarik: I will debate or be arrested
Posted October 8, 2004
For Immediate Release
Michael Badnarik, the Libertarian Party's 2004 presidential nominee, will debate John Kerry and George W. Bush in St. Louis on Friday. Or he'll go to jail instead.
"A majority of Americans say that I should be included in the events sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates," says Badnarik, 50, of Austin, Texas. "And the CPD, as a non-profit, has received special treatment from government on the requirement that they be non-partisan in their activities. Bi-partisan is not non-partisan."
"Unless I am allowed to participate, the debates become a massive campaign contribution to two of the candidates, illegal under the very campaign finance laws those two candidates have passed and signed as Senator and President."
At 8 p.m. on Friday evening, Badnarik, along with the demonstrators expected to assemble in protest against his exclusion, will proceed to the police line erected to keep himself and the other legitimate candidates out during broadcast of the "bi-partisan campaign commercial."
And then he will cross it.
"We'd have preferred to see John Kerry and George Bush stand up like men to debate the issues facing America," says Badnarik's communications director, Stephen Gordon. "However, they have interposed the machinery of government between the American people and the honest debate which must precede any honest election. Now it's up to patriots like Michael Badnarik to force the issue." In Arizona, the Libertarian Party is taking the state university to court to prevent the expenditure of state money on a similar event.
Badnarik has previously debated David Cobb, the Green Party's candidate; Michael Peroutka of the Constitution Party; and Walt Brown of the Socialist Party. Kerry and Bush, as well as Independent Ralph Nader, declined to participate in those debates. Tomorrow morning, he will proceed from a New York taping with Bill Moyers to St. Louis, ready to take on the Republican and Democratic machines in defense of American democracy.
Voters in 48 states and the District of Columbia will be able to vote for Badnarik on November 2nd. More than 600 Libertarians currently serve in public office across the United States....more...
October 9, 2004
Contact: Blair Bobier, Media Director 541.929.5755 or 414.364.1596
Marc Sanson, Contact in St. Louis on Friday & Saturday, 217.415.7641
“The real crime is the corporate hijacking of our democracy”
David Cobb, the Green Party’s presidential candidate, was arrested tonight in St. Louis for committing civil disobedience to protest the anti-democratic presidential debates which are restricted to participants from two political parties and sponsored by their corporate contributors. The debates’ sponsor, the Commission on Presidential Debates, denied the Cobb campaign's repeated requests to participate in the debates with Bush and Kerry and denied Mr. Cobb’s request to attend the St. Louis debate as an audience member.
Cobb was arrested shortly after the start of the Washington University debate, one of three sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates, an organization founded and operated by the two old establishment parties. Cobb was arrested by St. Louis City police officers when he pushed through a line of police with shields who were preventing entry to the debate.
“The real crime is the corporate hijacking of our democracy. The corporations sponsoring these restricted, scripted and staged events, and their two-party accomplices, don’t want the American people to know about the choices they have in this election. Both Big Business and the duopoly don’t want you to hear voices calling for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq or for health care for every single American citizen,” said Cobb.....more...
What is Michael Badnarik known for?
That is why he must be censored. People who know their rights are harder to take advantage of!
He has a 12 hour DVD version of his class.
My kids and I usually just watch the short, 8 hour one that is online.
Oh, can you tell, I'm rabidly political?
or more like the government has the right to exercise eminent domain when it suits them . That's so unfair. So he just loses the extra $60k he put towards the improvements? Insane. Must be very frustrating for your brothers friend.
are you talking about local or federal government? or both?
Yes he lost it. He is not even going to bother fighting because he knows he will loose. The city zoning board redistricted the area and considers it a redevelopment zone. This way the city could just condem the property so they will have no trouble employing eminent domain. Once the property is in their hands they will sell it to a developer for a huge profit. It's a like a mob scam you would see on the Sopranos and one that our great and mighty Justices of the Supreme Court has given the OK employ.
Any level of government can use it. It is mostly employeed by state and local government, in the two cases I mentioned it was local government running the racket. Specifically the City of Newark and the Town of Harrison both in NJ.