Oh nice... Go Apartheid!!! It's Kosher to Kill Palestinians



  • HollyweirdHollyweird Posts: 197
    Commy wrote:
    Both sides are wrong in this conflict, violence gets them nowhere. Unfortunately Israel has been more aggressive in dealing with the palestinians than they have been with ISrael. and the numbers back that up.

    The palestinian people are poor, oppressed, in a continuous police state and have to deal with checkpoints and fences. Israel could end this conflict at any time, a simple command for the army to stand down would do it.

    So youve been to Isreal/Palestine?
  • HollyweirdHollyweird Posts: 197
    Know much about Israel do you?

    edit: oh wait I just read the part about "they would never intentionally target civillians" and realized you don't know much about the situation at all...one could say nothing really...
    And the poster you earlier insulted is an Israeli. Ive been to both Israel and Palestinian Territory. You? Unlikely you have ever left your trailer
  • Hollyweird wrote:
    And the poster you earlier insulted is an Israeli. Ive been to both Israel and Palestinian Territory. You? Unlikely you have ever left your trailer

    So you're fine with bulldozing and evicting civilians from their homes then?


    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.


    ( o.O)
  • Hollyweird wrote:
    Why dont you get a bus pass in Tel Aviv and ride it for like a year asshole

    yeah I can what you're all about more clearly now...
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.


    ( o.O)
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    chopitdown wrote:
    it's not an either / or issue. It's an AND issue PERIOD. BOTH sides are doing wrong things; there's no way around it and until BOTH sides stop retaliating and BOTH sides quit playing the victim card, this will continue. Trying to justify eithers side "wrong" as more or less wrong is exactly what got people into this. It will never end.

    well, yeah....i agree w/ that :D
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • NevermindNevermind Posts: 1,006
    Hollyweird wrote:
    So youve been to Isreal/Palestine?
    Have you?
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    chopitdown wrote:
    i bet if the serial killer was running from the cops and he ran into a group of people in the mall, the people would out the serial killer or subdue him for the cops. This isn't happening.

    really?? i think there's a slight chance of that happening, outside a will smith movie, but overall ppl don't stand up like that anymore these days.

    a few quick examples
    a little girl was held by her mom and sprayed w/ a pressure hose in a car wash and no one did anything to stop her

    no one is doing anything about the palestinian situation, at least not in equal proportion to the level of support israel gets

    i think both sides need to stop playing the victim role but i also think in some cases/times it is justified for either side but moreso the palestinians. i see the majority of their actions actually being reactions to several years of oppression and murder, being forcibly displaced, closed off....treated like dogs or less (didn't churchill say something similar but justified it?)
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    apples and oranges. Yer reachin

    how so??

    this nut may be an extremist, but i bet in whatever, probably illegal, settlement he lives in he has a pretty good following and will instill this level of hatred and abusiveness in their kids (he is a rabbi, i bet more than a few kids attend and why else would parents take their kids to hear a nut??)
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    Hollyweird wrote:
    Israel is a Democracy. Not a theocracy. "Rabbi's" whoever they may be dont make or execute military policy in Israel. Their government does and they would never intentionally target civillians. What should they do when people with automatic weapons and suicide bombs walk into their civillian centers and blow themselves up? Maybe it would be easier for you if they just all walked back into the gas chambers. Keep your Islamic propaganda to yourself.

    from the israeli ministry of foreign affairs:

    Suicide and Other Bombing Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles (Sept 1993)

    2007: 1
    2006: 3

    and then 1 so far this year, and in one of those no one died. how many palestinains were killed in those years?

    More than 650 Palestinians, including some 120 children, and 27 Israelis were killed. Israeli forces carried out air and artillery bombardments in the Gaza Strip, and Israel continued to expand illegal settlements and to build a 700-km fence/wall on Palestinian land in the Occupied Territories. Military blockades and increased restrictions imposed by Israel on the movement of Palestinians and the confiscation by Israel of Palestinian customs duties caused a significant deterioration in living conditions for Palestinian inhabitants in the Occupied Territories, with poverty, food aid dependency, health problems and unemployment reaching crisis levels. Israeli soldiers and settlers committed serious human rights abuses, including unlawful killings, against Palestinians, mostly with impunity. Thousands of Palestinians were arrested by Israeli forces throughout the Occupied Territories on suspicion of security offences and hundreds were held in administrative detention. Israeli conscientious objectors continued to be imprisoned for refusing to serve in the army.


    However, it continued to build and expand illegal settlements and related infrastructure, including a 600km fence/wall, on Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank. Military blockades and restrictions imposed by Israel on the movement of Palestinians within the Occupied Territories continued to cause high unemployment and poverty among the Palestinian population. There was much less violence between Israelis and Palestinians, although attacks by both sides continued. Some 190 Palestinians, including around 50 children, were killed by Israeli forces, and 50 Israelis, including six children, were killed by Palestinian armed groups. Israeli forces carried out unlawful attacks and routinely used excessive force against peaceful demonstrators protesting against the destruction of Palestinian agricultural land and the Israeli army's construction of the fence/wall. Israeli settlers frequently attacked Palestinian farmers, destroying orchards and preventing cultivation of their land. Israeli soldiers and settlers responsible for unlawful killings and other abuses against Palestinians and their property generally had impunity. Thousands of Palestinians were arrested by Israeli forces throughout the Occupied Territories on suspicion of security offences. Israeli conscientious objectors continued to be imprisoned for refusing to serve in the army.

    i think those figures speak for themselves

    190:50 and 650:27

    i don't see how paperplates can say this is apples and oranges and i don't see how you, or anyone, can honestly see this as simple self defense
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • chopitdownchopitdown Posts: 2,222
    El_Kabong wrote:
    well, yeah....i agree w/ that :D

    it was bound to happen at some point, on some topic ;)
    make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    spiral out wrote:
    44 to be exact. That number pails in insignificance.
    considering that over the course of 3 years palestinians haven't killed half the amount of israelis that israelis have killed over the course of... 2 weeks?... then i'd say it speaks for itself....
    So if they'd "only" killed 8 Gazans, would it make it okay? 8 on one side with a retaliation of 200 to the other side one day, and those same numbers can (and do) flip the next day. OR the Gazans are only capable of doing enough damage to kill 8, but the Israeli's are much more militarily capable. Thats like feeling bad for a little scrawny guy who starts a fight with a huge brute and then thinks its unfair that the big guy kicked his ass. Its semantics really. Both sides of this little affair are fucked up people. One just has bigger toys.
    Wow, trying to flip what I said around? What are you, some lame ass news anchor? I never said it makes it ok that "only" 8 people were killed. However, when comparing the numbers of Israelis killed to the numbers of Palestinians, it's ridiculous to even think 8 people can be considered a massacre, when 15 TIMES THAT MUCH was literally just killed a couple days before that!

    And in this case the "little guy" did NOT start the fight with the huge brute. Rather, it's the big motherfucker trying to come and beat the shit out of the little guy. Don't blame the little guy if he tries to take a couple cheap shots.
    chopitdown wrote:
    i bet if the serial killer was running from the cops and he ran into a group of people in the mall, the people would out the serial killer or subdue him for the cops. This isn't happening.
    Like El kabong said, that's so unlikely, it's not even funny. This isn't United 93. It's more likely that people will just run around crazily for fear for themselves.
    Hollyweird wrote:
    Their government does and they would never intentionally target civillians. What should they do when people with automatic weapons and suicide bombs walk into their civillian centers and blow themselves up?
    They should like 20 times the amount of people killed by those bombs. That'll show those stupid palestinians who they're fucking with!!
    Hollyweird wrote:
    Why dont you get a bus pass in Tel Aviv and ride it for like a year asshole
    Why don't you go to Gaza for like 1 week?
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,555
    i'm kind of surprized at some of you here ,this is a viciuous cycle that will never end not in our life time at least ,there is no wrong or right just dead innocent civilians on both sides ,they will never ever get along .......
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    i'm kind of surprized at some of you here ,this is a viciuous cycle that will never end not in our life time at least ,there is no wrong or right just dead innocent civilians on both sides ,they will never ever get along .......

    Dead innocent civilians is what I'd call 'wrong'.

    naděje umírá poslední
  • HollyweirdHollyweird Posts: 197
    Nevermind wrote:
    Have you?
    Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Bethelehem, Hebron, shall I continue?
  • HollyweirdHollyweird Posts: 197
    considering that over the course of 3 years palestinians haven't killed half the amount of israelis that israelis have killed over the course of... 2 weeks?... then i'd say it speaks for itself....

    Wow, trying to flip what I said around? What are you, some lame ass news anchor? I never said it makes it ok that "only" 8 people were killed. However, when comparing the numbers of Israelis killed to the numbers of Palestinians, it's ridiculous to even think 8 people can be considered a massacre, when 15 TIMES THAT MUCH was literally just killed a couple days before that!

    And in this case the "little guy" did NOT start the fight with the huge brute. Rather, it's the big motherfucker trying to come and beat the shit out of the little guy. Don't blame the little guy if he tries to take a couple cheap shots.

    Like El kabong said, that's so unlikely, it's not even funny. This isn't United 93. It's more likely that people will just run around crazily for fear for themselves.

    They should like 20 times the amount of people killed by those bombs. That'll show those stupid palestinians who they're fucking with!!

    Why don't you go to Gaza for like 1 week?
    Because I happen to think that as an American that Gaza is full of a bunch or barbaric murderous fuckheads. That would be.....stupid. Send Rolanddrummers. He seems to think that they are a bunch of oppressed Black South Africans. When they kill or kidnap him in about 30 seconds his views will change. Your safer in Tel Aviv.
  • HollyweirdHollyweird Posts: 197
    El_Kabong wrote:
    from the israeli ministry of foreign affairs:

    Suicide and Other Bombing Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles (Sept 1993)

    2007: 1
    2006: 3

    and then 1 so far this year, and in one of those no one died. how many palestinains were killed in those years?

    More than 650 Palestinians, including some 120 children, and 27 Israelis were killed. Israeli forces carried out air and artillery bombardments in the Gaza Strip, and Israel continued to expand illegal settlements and to build a 700-km fence/wall on Palestinian land in the Occupied Territories. Military blockades and increased restrictions imposed by Israel on the movement of Palestinians and the confiscation by Israel of Palestinian customs duties caused a significant deterioration in living conditions for Palestinian inhabitants in the Occupied Territories, with poverty, food aid dependency, health problems and unemployment reaching crisis levels. Israeli soldiers and settlers committed serious human rights abuses, including unlawful killings, against Palestinians, mostly with impunity. Thousands of Palestinians were arrested by Israeli forces throughout the Occupied Territories on suspicion of security offences and hundreds were held in administrative detention. Israeli conscientious objectors continued to be imprisoned for refusing to serve in the army.


    However, it continued to build and expand illegal settlements and related infrastructure, including a 600km fence/wall, on Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank. Military blockades and restrictions imposed by Israel on the movement of Palestinians within the Occupied Territories continued to cause high unemployment and poverty among the Palestinian population. There was much less violence between Israelis and Palestinians, although attacks by both sides continued. Some 190 Palestinians, including around 50 children, were killed by Israeli forces, and 50 Israelis, including six children, were killed by Palestinian armed groups. Israeli forces carried out unlawful attacks and routinely used excessive force against peaceful demonstrators protesting against the destruction of Palestinian agricultural land and the Israeli army's construction of the fence/wall. Israeli settlers frequently attacked Palestinian farmers, destroying orchards and preventing cultivation of their land. Israeli soldiers and settlers responsible for unlawful killings and other abuses against Palestinians and their property generally had impunity. Thousands of Palestinians were arrested by Israeli forces throughout the Occupied Territories on suspicion of security offences. Israeli conscientious objectors continued to be imprisoned for refusing to serve in the army.

    i think those figures speak for themselves

    190:50 and 650:27

    i don't see how paperplates can say this is apples and oranges and i don't see how you, or anyone, can honestly see this as simple self defense

    is utter bullshit
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    I'm sure the timing on this is accidental. Give me a break - bunch of douchbags.


    JERUSALEM (CNN) -- A Palestinian official said Sunday that Israel's plan to expand settlements in the West Bank was "like putting a stick in the wheels of the peace process."

    Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert approved the construction of 330 housing units in Givat Zeev, near Jerusalem. Olmert spokesman Mark Regev said the decision was initially made nine years ago, and approved Sunday "for economic reasons that have to do with the developers."

    "They wanted to complete the project now, and they are to go ahead," Regev said, referring to the developers.

    The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that Israel began marketing lots for the housing units in 1999 but stopped after the beginning of the Second Intifada, a rash of Israeli-Palestinian violence that erupted when then-opposition leader Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

    The high demand for housing and the improving security situation prompted contractors to ask the Housing Ministry to let them renew construction, Haaretz reported.

    "It is consistent with our long-standing position that building within the large settlement blocs, which will stay a part of Israel in any final status agreement, will continue," Regev told Haaretz. "Construction outside the settlement blocs has been frozen."

    The announcement came just days before Israeli and Palestinian representatives are slated to meet with Lt. Gen. William Fraser III, appointed by President Bush to help monitor the Mideast peace talks.

    Fraser will convene a three-way committee this week to discuss both sides' obligations under the "road map" to peace established in 2003 by the Mideast Quartet, composed of the U.S., U.N., Russia and the European Union, she said.

    Among other things, the road map calls for Palestinians to denounce violence and dismantle militants groups, and for Israel to halt settlement activity in the West Bank.

    Israel has said it intends to keep some of its settlements, including Givat Zeev. Israelis and Palestinians have disagreed on whether certain disputed areas constitute settlements.

    In December, Olmert ordered his government not to start any construction projects in the West Bank without his approval.

    The announcement came after Palestinian officials expressed outrage that Israel's proposed funding for 2008 included construction plans in Ma'aleh Adumim and Har Homa, a disputed area on the Palestinian side of East Jerusalem, according to the 1948 borders. Israel considers Har Homa part of Jerusalem.

    At the time, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told a U.S. newspaper that she admonished Israeli officials for the attempt to expand Har Homa, a move she said was not helpful to the fragile peace process.

    After Olmert's Sunday decision, chief negotiator Saeb Erakat said Palestinians "condemn this decision" to expand the Givat Zeev settlement.

    "It is like putting a stick in the wheels of the peace process," he said.

    Israeli-Palestinian violence has escalated in recent weeks, as Palestinian militants have indiscriminately launched rockets into Israel and Israel has responded with military offensives in Gaza. More than 110Palestinians have been killed.

    Last week, a shooting at a seminary school in Jerusalem left eight students dead, but sources linked the attack to Hezbollah, a Shiite militant group based in Lebanon, and not Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that controls Gaza.

    On Sunday, Israel Defense Forces announced that a soldier died from wounds incurred in a roadside bombing last week in Gaza. He was one of four Israeli soldiers to die in recent weeks.

    The military wing of Islamic Jihad took responsibility for the attack, saying it was a reprisal for the death of one of its senior leaders during an Israeli military operation.

    Also last week, Rice wrapped up her trip to the region aimed at restarting peace talks. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had suspended the talks in response to the Israeli operation in Gaza. After some wavering, Abbas agreed to resume the talks, but no date was set.

    Rice's trip was part a major push by President Bush and his administration to secure a Mideast peace deal before he leaves office in January
  • HollyweirdHollyweird Posts: 197

    And if this shit were happening in our country? We would be dropping nukes on people. I cant help but feel that people who deny this shit is happening to innocent people aren't the same kind of people who would go to a Holocaust Denial conference. Totally out of touch with reality.
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    Hollyweird wrote:

    And if this shit were happening in our country? We would be dropping nukes on people. I cant help but feel that people who deny this shit is happening to innocent people aren't the same kind of people who would go to a Holocaust Denial conference. Totally out of touch with reality.
    So you've seen the numbers, Palestinian civilians are being killed about 5 to 1 ISraelies (interestingly the media reports on Israeli casualties almost twice as often as Palestinian). Their terroritory is gettting smaller by the day, literally. THey live in a police state, they have constant crossborder attacks from Israel to worry about, and now you want to nuke them. interesting.
  • HollyweirdHollyweird Posts: 197
    Commy wrote:
    So you've seen the numbers, Palestinian civilians are being killed about 5 to 1 ISraelies (interestingly the media reports on Israeli casualties almost twice as often as Palestinian). Their terroritory is gettting smaller by the day, literally. THey live in a police state, they have constant crossborder attacks from Israel to worry about, and now you want to nuke them. interesting.
    Read much? I never said that
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    Hollyweird wrote:
    Read much? I never said that
    do you ever adress the issue? just wondering if I should waste anymore time with you
  • HollyweirdHollyweird Posts: 197
    Commy wrote:
    do you ever adress the issue? just wondering if I should waste anymore time with you
    Dont. Get back to studying Marx.
  • Hollyweird wrote:
    is utter bullshit

    Are you saying that Amnesty and the Israeli Ministry itself are lying about the numbers?

    Or are you just saying "is utter bullshit" because that some how negates facts?

    Try elaborating with your expletives a litte.
    It could maybe help your "argument".

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • Hollyweird wrote:
    Because I happen to think that as an American that Gaza is full of a bunch or barbaric murderous fuckheads. That would be.....stupid. Send Rolanddrummers. He seems to think that they are a bunch of oppressed Black South Africans. When they kill or kidnap him in about 30 seconds his views will change. Your safer in Tel Aviv.

    Cause and effect...look it up sometime.

    Israel ain't no saint by any means...so please don't even try that nonsense with me,
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.


    ( o.O)
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    Hollyweird wrote:

    And if this shit were happening in our country? We would be dropping nukes on people. I cant help but feel that people who deny this shit is happening to innocent people aren't the same kind of people who would go to a Holocaust Denial conference. Totally out of touch with reality.

    that's odd, that was the first link in my post that you called utter bullshit (while refusing to add any reason why or any real rebuttal)

    according to that site there was only 1 attack against israel in 2007 and only 3 in 2006
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
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