Scientists Can Do Drug Testing on Whole Cities

The step away from literally crawling up our asses...
"Wastewater facilities are wonderful places to understand what humans consume and excrete," Field said.
In the study presented Tuesday, one teaspoon of untreated sewage water from each of the cities was tested for 15 different drugs. Field said researchers can't calculate how many people in a town are using drugs.
She said that one fairly affluent community scored low for illicit drugs except for cocaine. Cocaine and ecstasy tended to peak on weekends and drop on weekdays, she said, while methamphetamine and prescription drugs were steady throughout the week."
"Wastewater facilities are wonderful places to understand what humans consume and excrete," Field said.
In the study presented Tuesday, one teaspoon of untreated sewage water from each of the cities was tested for 15 different drugs. Field said researchers can't calculate how many people in a town are using drugs.
She said that one fairly affluent community scored low for illicit drugs except for cocaine. Cocaine and ecstasy tended to peak on weekends and drop on weekdays, she said, while methamphetamine and prescription drugs were steady throughout the week."
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
.. just like cops can look through your trash on the curb, because anything you throw away becomes public domain ...
... the government could install small (possibly undetectable) drug sensors on the pipes exiting your house ... installed at the point where they leave your residence, but before they meet up with the sewer system at large ...
... hey, since you are "throwing it away" it is public domain, right?
... guess we will all have no choice but to take ourselves off the "waste grid" and install greywater systems ...
maybe that is why they don't want you using grey water!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
since I am an anti-drug proponent, I think this would be a great invention.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
Thanks for stepping right out and announcing to the forum that you denounce the US Constitution.
It makes it easier to disregard your skepticism seeing as how you seem to believe that the Federal Government not only has the authority to violate my natural born & constitutionaly protected right to pursue happiness in whatever manner i see fit , but the despotic wisdom to decide for me what actions are in my own best interest.
They needed an ammendment to take alcohol away, and that got repealed as unconstitutional ... remember?
You tread down a slippery slope towards the Sea of Repression when you give up your rights ... you seem to give them up so gleefuly that you aren't even content unless someone is guiding you down that slope with a Luger to your back shouting "Schnell! Schnell"!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
You're scary with all the let "the government wipe my ass for me so there should be a program for it... I hope they spend more money on I can be safe"
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Well they do test neighborhoods and are able to monitor essentially anything that goes through your body. Viagra. prozac etc. These communities can then be targeted and exploited accordingly.
It is devious, and underhanded in nature.
I should also add that it closes the loop. They do regularly add stuff to the water supply. Now a closed loop analysis can be conducted to whatever is desired. Somewhat of a guinea pig approach. In the wrong hands. Well you see...the framework is being established for a monitoring process (yet another!). That is the problem. Why it's being established is the problem.
I can't wait for someone here *cough* to try to justify it, out of sheer mental retardation. hehe I need a good pathetic laugh
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
and by anti drug you mean....?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
You don't think I'm entitled to the privacy of my own excrement and urine?
interesting...well you're flat off your rocker then
Don't you think that's just a tad demented that some freak is analyzing this for the govt and getting paid for it?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
what I think is demented is watching videos of murder,rape etc. and calling it entertainment
like several of your friends pointed out on another thread, we should get to know ALL the aspects of society and human nature....what an ingenious way they have discovered to do this
if you aren't engaging in illegal drug use, what do you care?
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
One who denounces the prescriptions given, and chooses to believe "it's not an imbalance".
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Why do you care if i am, and of what concern is it to my government?
I hold a steady job and and i don't try to kill or rape anyone.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I think you're quite possibly in another dimension then...or just saying it on purpose to be argumentative.
You represent such a small percentage of public opinion that it's actually in literally unbelievable.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
It's imposing beliefs on others based on what you think they should do, because of what you believe. It's a broken ideology. It's predominantly observed, and upheld, by religious groups.
That mentality is a big part of the problem worldwide. Lot's of people dying in Iraq and Israel over that exact thing.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
So wait....a non conformist is going to accuse me of being suspicious because I have the audacity to think differently than the masses of public opinion? Talk about hypocritical!
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
look at the topic... try to stay within context.
Let's use the constitution as a's that?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
so drugs that can be regulated by the government are okay, but drugs that can't be aren't?
and besides how do they even know what shit came from which house?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
well the whole thing just sounds so ludicrous. even for the US government.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
The more you give away to govt...the more you lose in personal rights. It's a double edged sword alway,s and without exception.
History proves this to us...again and again.
The war on drugs is a complete failure. I think everyone knows that.
What is this "new" thing going to do but confirm what they already know and setup yet another broken process that further strips down the constitution based on broken ideology, and wastes more money...more societal life wasted in taxpayer dollars.
All the while the most important factors as to the causes of drug abuse are grossly overlooked. Namely education. Education in America is pathetic. Oh, and opium production in Afghanistan is now at all time record levels since the occupation...interesting how that works.
You greatly misjudge the government and their intentions, and abilities .
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
First of all the war on drugs is not a failure. The causes of drug use are not 'education' it begins in the home...which is where society is breaking down the quickest...thus leading to the increase in societal ills.
Drug education is the best it has ever been in the the public sector. But unless it is reinforced at home, it doesn't mean a hill of beans.
Maybe you don't realize this, but todays current drunk driving laws took decades to come into existance. Prior to the 1930s/post wasn't illegal to drink and drive. And you can bet your butt that alcohol proponents faught it's inception tooth and nail. It also wasn't until the 1980's that DUI was a public issue and really started to crack down on the punishments for it. Today though, look at how strong those laws are. There is not reason to think the war on drugs will be any different. It might take a little more time, but the trash will be taken out.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
can you see how judgmental you are? you label both users and pushers as trash. just because one takes drugs, both legal and illegal, that doesn't make them trash. you might want to adjust your mindset on that. or not.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
Drug use and drug distribution does nothing for the betterment of society. If you took the time to look outside of your soap box of independence, you might be able to see the horrors that drugs play in the life of so many innocents. Not to mention the users themselves. Addiction, disease, rape, violence......nothing good comes from drugs. It and its people are filth. That is my opinion based on fact and I ahve as much right to speak against it as you do to speak against the government.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
these samples that they take even test for mudane drugs such as caffeine and aspirin...oh my GAWD, i just drank a soda pop with caffeine in it...they better come and lock my filthy self away and throw away the keys :rolleyes:
for example alcohol and oxycotin are a legal drugs and anyone would agree that they can be dangerous, even deadly when used in excess. yet pot is illegal and has never killed anyone, no matter how much is smoked....maybe if the drug laws in this country made any fucking sense you might have a point but they don't so you make no fucking sense by trying to defend them
angels share laughter