I've made my decision....

....and can only hope that my decision will last to 2008.
I want Obama for President.
Not an easy decision for me, since I was raised a Republican. I had a plush stuffed toy elephant as a child whom I named Nixon. I voted for Reagan (my first ever vote, in my early twenties) and I voted for Bush. And I voted for the Bush baby too, even though I was already falling out of love with the Republicans at that point in time.
Obama has what any American leader needs the most: an every-life. He started out with an every-life. He could've been anything, anyone, anybody. He has lived an every-life....yet he's taken his life farther than most people I know with an every-life. And look at him now.
He has good ideas. Good principles. Good speeches. Good presence. Good brain. Good heart. Good background (no matter what Billary says about his Muslim schooling, LOL). Good vibes.....and vibes are important.
I'm a 42 year old administrative assistant who is making just enough to get by in an apartment I share with my boyfriend and our two cats. We have no savings account, although we both have 401K's and medical insurance that depend on our continued employment. We live paycheck to paycheck. We have family members who have either served in a war or are about to. We pay our taxes and we can afford a computer. We are healthy, so far. But we worry. We worry all the time.
I don't want a useless war that will cost lives. I don't want America to be seen as a bunch of smug cowboys. I want every child in this country to learn how to read and get a good education. I want every citizen in this country to remember the principles we were founded on, and to uphold them.
I...a former Republican.....am very seriously considering campaigning for Obama.
Ahhhh.....I feel so much better now, having gotten that out. Now tell me how to start.
I want Obama for President.
Not an easy decision for me, since I was raised a Republican. I had a plush stuffed toy elephant as a child whom I named Nixon. I voted for Reagan (my first ever vote, in my early twenties) and I voted for Bush. And I voted for the Bush baby too, even though I was already falling out of love with the Republicans at that point in time.
Obama has what any American leader needs the most: an every-life. He started out with an every-life. He could've been anything, anyone, anybody. He has lived an every-life....yet he's taken his life farther than most people I know with an every-life. And look at him now.
He has good ideas. Good principles. Good speeches. Good presence. Good brain. Good heart. Good background (no matter what Billary says about his Muslim schooling, LOL). Good vibes.....and vibes are important.
I'm a 42 year old administrative assistant who is making just enough to get by in an apartment I share with my boyfriend and our two cats. We have no savings account, although we both have 401K's and medical insurance that depend on our continued employment. We live paycheck to paycheck. We have family members who have either served in a war or are about to. We pay our taxes and we can afford a computer. We are healthy, so far. But we worry. We worry all the time.
I don't want a useless war that will cost lives. I don't want America to be seen as a bunch of smug cowboys. I want every child in this country to learn how to read and get a good education. I want every citizen in this country to remember the principles we were founded on, and to uphold them.
I...a former Republican.....am very seriously considering campaigning for Obama.
Ahhhh.....I feel so much better now, having gotten that out. Now tell me how to start.
Feels Good Inc.
Post edited by Unknown User on
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
And what is YOUR answer instead of what we have?
I'm asking in an open-minded way. I'm still deciding about 2008. But to me, Obama makes more sense than some of the alternatives I was considering.
Please enlighten me. I promise to stay nice in a debate.
Please enlighten us to one policy initiative by obama you like....insteand of fawning over his charisma and speeches. substance over style in politics is always refreshing.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
But, aside from that, I've seen posts like the one you've made here before. I'm not denigrating it in anyway but I have to question those who look for leadership in the areas defined as: "He has good ideas. Good principles. Good speeches. Good presence. Good brain. Good heart. Good background (no matter what Billary says about his Muslim schooling, LOL). Good vibes.....and vibes are important."
I for one am more interested in the vitals of a candidate like how Obama has voted during his term as Senator. Assessing those votes will lead one to find that he has voted with the likes of Senators Kerry, Kennedy etc... Anyone with any prior Republican tendencies at all could never force themselves to vote for someone with a record such as that. If you have firm beliefs and firm convictions; what the rest of the world thinks of us is irrellevant. To avoid any stupid cliches, one shouldn't accept change just because it's change. If it's change you want you have the next year and a half to find it. Just because a candidate smiles and makes you feel bubbly inside doesn't mean he/she is good for the country. The last time we as a nation voted for that we elected a leader who made a mockery of the sanctity of marriage and gave classified military secrets to the Red Chinese.
I could speak at length about this topic but I've posted books about this before more than once to no fault of your own. Besides that, it's a free country, vote for whoever you like.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
and let's face it he couldn't fuck up anywhere as bad as bush has. hell he may even do your country some good and earn back a little of the respect that's been pissed in the gutter of late.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
lmao Classic!
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I have been saying some good things about Obama lately myself, and yes I have been labelled a Republican before, although I consider myself to have outgrown a particular party per se, but I can still be rather conservative dependent on the topic.
Now, the machine is definately not going to go with Obama, so it is an uphill battle for him, but he has a decent chance. Probably a better chance at winning a general election than the Democratic one.
My impression of him is favorable, and he has quite a few interesting life experiences that have taken him outside the country and outside the status quo. I feel this is a positive in this time we find ourselves in.
As for his policies, we need to hear more but from what I have heard he has common beliefs and is unlikely to offend most. I don't buy the whole race thing as something that would prevent him from being elected. The fact that he IS NOT from the status quo black leadership helps him.
i'm very cynical about politics. i didn't have a choice about feeling that way either. but i don't know much about Obama, so i'll give him a shot. right now, out of all of them, I like Tom Vilsak the best. although President Vilsak does actually sound weirder than President Obama.
Until then. Go Ron Paul. If it's a republican, I like this guy for the most part. Ultimately I'm still waiting for someone to endorse the Fair Tax.
Good job for doing your homework though I wish more Americans would. You should read Obama's book to get a better understanding of him if you haven't read it yet, it's probably on sale at your local book store or in your library.
I heard the same things said about Bush when he was running. He seems like an average guy who you could sit down and have a beer with. Isn't that what people where saying about Bush and look what he did to our country. I'm no fan of Slick Willy but if we are going to point out the flaw of picking our politicians simply by their character traits then lets make sure we point out how we made that same mistake twice after Bill left office.
Only word I've ever heard associated with Bush is dumbass.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
I am a model T-100. I have been programmed for only one mission.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Only outside the bedroom.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Yeah, but they're much more devious. Have you seen the way they treat innocent civilians? Reminds me of American marines. No one wants to be a T-1000.
Anyone else think Robert Patrick was born for that role?
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
If you weren't so involved, and only half as Canadian, I'd prove it to ya angelica.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
If you want the war to end, then you probably shouldn't vote for him. He's never stated that he wants to plan a complete withdrawal. Look at his voting record....he voted against troop reduction and he voted to increase the funding for the war.
Well leading up to the 200 election I heard many times how people thought that Bush was more of your averge American and that Gore came off like too much of an intellectual and elitist. So people actually voted for him based on his characteristics and look where that led us.
So we voted for the lesser of two evils?
I voted for him because he actually carried out death sentences in a timely fashion as Governor. That's hot.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
and I was thinking that myself...but there is a big difference between Good Ole boy George and Obama....I could have beer with Obama...but never with George...righteous without a freakin clue. Obama's seen life from a perspective George couldn't even imagine. Also as mentioned earlier......anything is better than what George or another righteous a$$wipe.
I know especially when they execute mentally handicapped people.
that's sad.