Heathen, Pagan, Atheist...

....Freethinker, Agnostic, Wiccan...
For those of you who don't follow any organized religion, what is your chosen term you use to describe your stance? And of the people you've had to explain it to, how many understood and/or agreed with you?
Just curious. I consider myself Agnostic, by the way. And I have to constantly explain it.
For those of you who don't follow any organized religion, what is your chosen term you use to describe your stance? And of the people you've had to explain it to, how many understood and/or agreed with you?
Just curious. I consider myself Agnostic, by the way. And I have to constantly explain it.
Feels Good Inc.
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Cate, if it isn't too personal a question, were you brought up with any religion or are/were your parents also atheist? I'm just curious.
i grew up in a secular household even though i was christianed catholic, made my first communism and confirmation. not sure about my mum but my father who was educated by various catholic priests is an atheist. i became an atheist at age 11. before that i was agnostic at best.
none of my own children are christianed or baptised.
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i just need to say
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
really? i'm agnostic meaning I'm pretty sure that there's nothing out there but i can't prove that for sure....ha
angels share laughter
you're the half empty agnostic and I'm the half full
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Cool, dialectical materialism, as a sacrament!
btw do people really tell other people they would go to hell? I am constantly amazed at the gall and ignorance of people :(
*hurries back*
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
oh yeah they certainly do. both of my sisters have told me that i'm going to hell...though at least one of them finally got smart enough to stop telling me that when i told her that i was fine with that and she needed to be fine with it too because nothing she could say was going to change me. the other one can rot in hell (haha) for all i care.....she's too busy ripping off people in the name of Jesus
angels share laughter
Some people :rolleyes: Pretty self righteous. I thought you weren't suppose to judge other people??? This actually got me thinking and I have a very dear friend and when she was two her oldest sister who was 8 was hit by a drunk driver and she was killed instantly. After the funeral someone told her mum that it was too bad that Tracey wouldn't go to heaven. Well if a fucking eight year old can't get into "heaven"??? Who the fuck can?
I guess not me with my potty mouth :rolleyes:
ahhh I love the people who rip of others in the name of religion :rolleyes:. aren't they special? . When my mum was quite ill in the hospital she started asking me why I didn't go to church and then said "what would your grandfather think?" . The weird thing is that she isn't what I would consider religious.. anywho... She only said this because she knows how much I loved him and how close I was to him. so I simply told her that I think he would rather I do what I thought was right than to pretend to believe in something I didn't. I hate lying and fakeness so why pretend??? besides if all they said was true... wouldn't god already know that I don't always have "pure" thoughts ???
did I kill this thread?
'pretty sure' connotes some degree of doubt. atheists have no doubt whatsoever.
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lie beside me
i just need to say
But when it comes down to a "rational being" who has supremacy over all humans, I can't help but wonder....where the hell is that being now??
Brettkeane on youtube gets a priest to say that it's God's Law to stone disobedient children and hang homosexuals. Because we are all God's property. But the priest didn't want to say this, it was all he could say to rationalize the text in the Bible. He'd sooner say that it's okay to stone disobedient children than say God's word is flawed. It's seems to me the priest stumbled upon a truth and ignored it.
atheists are as certain that there is no god as you are certain that there is and jesus is his son. agnostics aren't really willing to shut the door on either possibility... god or no god.
that's an incredibly fucked up thing to say to a mother who just lost her daughter.
arent you supposed to be kicking your coworker's ass on your fishing trip?
next week. and that's only if he comes at me first.
I still haven't figured out what or how my parents raised me to be a 'good' person, but I have had many people say that I am. And the only thing I can think of that caused me to be 'good' is the teachings of the bible.
My big beef with relgion (aside from God in genral)is, from what has been said in here already, is the constant judging of others. Clearly some people weren't paying attention in church to say the mean spirtited things they said.
The other thing that bothers me is tolerance of others beliefs. I am of the mindset that if it works for you great. Believe in what you want, I wont hold it against you. But I've had several relationships with girls not pan out because...well, I wasn't Christian/Religous.
I just don't understand how faith in God plays that big of role in some peoples lives that they choose to ignore people that don't agree with them.