O'Reilly Meets His 16-Year-Old Match:

Bill O'Reilly is in his element when it comes to badgering the children of 9/11 victims, accusing kidnapping victims of enjoying their captivity, and anything involving loofahs or falafels. But put him in front of an affable and articulate 16-year-old, and he turns to mush.
Last week, O'Reilly imploded during an interview with Jesse Lange, a rising junior at Boulder High School in Colorado (video above). He was on the program to address O'Reilly's criticism of the Boulder High sex-education program. Lange tells Radar that he knew he was brought on for an opposing view, but his main concern before the show was how to address O'Reilly. "I wasn't sure whether or not I should call him Bill or Mr. O'Reilly," Lange tells Radar. "In the end, I decided to call him Bill, because if I called him Mr. O'Reilly, it would imply that I viewed him as some sort of expert or authority figure." Lange also says that in a brief pre-show interview, O'Reilly asked him not to quote the incendiary parts from The O'Reilly Factor For Kids. "Bill expressly asked me not to talk about it on the air," he says, but the book was the perfect counterpoint to O'Reilly's thinly constructed premise.
When Lange did quote from the book, the hotheaded host got so defensive that he labeled Lange a "pinhead" and cut him off when he tried to read the kiddie propaganda book's inflammatory passages. (Fox even took it upon themselves to remove O'Reilly's "pinhead" remark from subsequent airings of the segment.)
As for what it's like being the kid who put a hurting on Bill O'Reilly, Lange says he is getting "a couple hundred Facebook requests a day" and letters from college professors, "just asking me to consider their schools when I apply to college." (He's also single, ladies.) As for any fallout with O'Reilly, Lange says Bill isn't so tough when he's not on the air, "He didn't say anything to me when the segment ended ... he just had his producers cut off my feed."
By Ray Gustini 06/25/07 10:50 AM
File Under: Bill O'Reilly, Jesse Lange
Bill O'Reilly is in his element when it comes to badgering the children of 9/11 victims, accusing kidnapping victims of enjoying their captivity, and anything involving loofahs or falafels. But put him in front of an affable and articulate 16-year-old, and he turns to mush.
Last week, O'Reilly imploded during an interview with Jesse Lange, a rising junior at Boulder High School in Colorado (video above). He was on the program to address O'Reilly's criticism of the Boulder High sex-education program. Lange tells Radar that he knew he was brought on for an opposing view, but his main concern before the show was how to address O'Reilly. "I wasn't sure whether or not I should call him Bill or Mr. O'Reilly," Lange tells Radar. "In the end, I decided to call him Bill, because if I called him Mr. O'Reilly, it would imply that I viewed him as some sort of expert or authority figure." Lange also says that in a brief pre-show interview, O'Reilly asked him not to quote the incendiary parts from The O'Reilly Factor For Kids. "Bill expressly asked me not to talk about it on the air," he says, but the book was the perfect counterpoint to O'Reilly's thinly constructed premise.
When Lange did quote from the book, the hotheaded host got so defensive that he labeled Lange a "pinhead" and cut him off when he tried to read the kiddie propaganda book's inflammatory passages. (Fox even took it upon themselves to remove O'Reilly's "pinhead" remark from subsequent airings of the segment.)
As for what it's like being the kid who put a hurting on Bill O'Reilly, Lange says he is getting "a couple hundred Facebook requests a day" and letters from college professors, "just asking me to consider their schools when I apply to college." (He's also single, ladies.) As for any fallout with O'Reilly, Lange says Bill isn't so tough when he's not on the air, "He didn't say anything to me when the segment ended ... he just had his producers cut off my feed."
By Ray Gustini 06/25/07 10:50 AM
File Under: Bill O'Reilly, Jesse Lange
Feels Good Inc.
Post edited by Unknown User on
And it wasn't a "Sex-Education" program. It was a school assembly that in many peoples opinions would be "inappropriate" for kids under the age of 18. Research what they are talking about before you just copy/paste off some crazy site.
the topic didn't even interest me.
It was the way this kid handled the debate, from start to finish.
It was the opinion of some that the program was inappropriate, yes...but not all shared that view. And O'reilly was trying to make it out like they said stuff they just didn't say....his usual tactic, take something way out of context or just change it to suit your point.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
This is practically proof that Colorado is the best state in the union. We have the bitchinest teenagers on the planet.
Yes, I realise this post is a mind dump.
And then accuse the other guy of taking his quote out of context....when Bill misquoted and didn't even acknowledge he had done so.
I saw that segment from start to finish and it was the 16-year old that looked (and sounded) foolish, not O'Reilly. Yes, he was there to supply the "opposing" view...he didn't do it very well.
Am I pro-O'Reilly? No, I'm pro-anyone-who-makes-sense-to-me. His argument against the show (NOT sex-education) that Colorodo school herded its students into assembly for is dead on. Whether you like it or not O'Reilly can be right.
I can deal with it.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
I agree with you. kid has some balls.
I know! That kid knew Bill's gig and came prepared.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
It's "brain dump"
Feels good....take it and run!
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
you listened? Lets see... Bill say that these 4 adults were "far left individuals" who encouraged drug use and indescriminate sexual activity. He offered no examples.
Then Bill misquoted in response to a student who disagreed.
then he closed by telling the boy to read his book.. The boy already mentioned he read the book and offered quotes - to perhaps illustrate how a statement could be taken out of context. The quote he read sounded quite like encouraging drug use.
You listened to that? and found Bill to be right? On what did he base his accusation that these four "adults" encouraged drug use and indescriminate sexual activity? Do you just take Bill at his word when he attacks people who are not present?
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Its tough to watch a whole show. they go much like that clip. the student on Bill's side stated that most of the students had no problem with what what said. I am sure there were some jokes that made drug use sound fun. I have some great stories about times when wasted. I can tell those stories too.. but I would never encourage drug use. I have children who just graduated high school - and know many of their friends.. I have told some funny stories - and surly if Bill was taping - he could show them to you and say I was encouraging drug use.
I suppose if all people were as narrow as bill - it may be best to edit your truths and only tell the bad parts of things that you have determined were bad.
But life is more complicated than that.. The fact is- there are some very wonderful benefits of getting high ... thats why people wind up doing them. Its best to tell the whole story to be credible. The whole story of drugs is definately one that would discourage their use. Even if there are some items on the pro side.
From what the kid said about the speeches, they were not condoning drug use. Just using there own life examples to outline the realities of drugs. I think this technique is much more likely to work in a high school than someone telling the students to 'just say no'.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
I'm not a big fan of O'Reilly, way too self-absorbed and wayyyy too liberal for my taste, but it was clear that these kids comming on his show were given quotes from his book to divert the point at hand...he was too lenient in my view and should have called him on it...he would have if it was an adult, but probably didn't have the sack to do it to a teenager, who was obviously coached by faculty.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Right On!!
You insult diarrhea.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
He's not a worthless bag of anything... he is a very, very, wealthy bag...
Exactly! Being the one of the most "Liberal" forums that i've seen..this wont be taken lightly, thats exactly what i was trying to say
A very interesting look at Bill's character...
No one is right all the time about everything. Does Bill think he's a god or something? I don't hate the guy, but I think he's pretty full of crap and self-delusional quite often. His "no spin zone" a lot of times actually does exactly that....spin and propagate media based nonsense.
Oh...and well...he's on FOX so that about sums it up...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Just for the record, I would like to know. Have you read the entire transcript of the panel or are you just going from the clips Bill played ?
Haaaa haaaaa haaaaaa
good stuff, indeed....
Yes I have read the whole transcript, and I think any rational person wouldn't find it to be any wonder that the speaker in question:
A: Clearly advocates the legalization of marijuana
B: Speaks candidly about using LSD in college with no regrets
And that is Bill's main point. O'Reilly is not trying to say that the speaker was either right or wrong. He was merely making the point that the speaker was clearly taking a permissive and almost biased stance in support of illicit drug use. If you read the transcripts and don't come to the same conclusion, then please state your reasons as to why. Thank you.