Maybe some people don't see him as charismatic, because he stays very much on topic and is down to business.
I love his passion for what he believes in, which translates into charisma for me. He uses what little time he gets in the spotlight to drive the message home. I'm sure if he spent any of his time bantering with show hosts, the same people bored by his on target answers would bash him for not having a serious message.
I am impassioned by his drive. I don't know where he gets his energy and ability to keep fighting the good fight in such hostile territory. I am inspired by him and therefore find him very charismatic.
I think those who don't find him charismatic want to be entertained by their leaders. I don't think they want to have to think and face the serious issues in this world. Anyone who asks them to think and take serious action is just 'like a total buzzkill, man'.
And some people just find him uncharismatic despite the topic. Kinda strange how different people have differing views. I guess only intelligent people find him charismatic....duh, um... wear iz my short yella buss???
Obviously nader supporters since they believe anyone not supporting him has to have been influenced by the biased media and their misconception of the highly charismatic man. LMAO.
Nader is actually speaking here in Austin tonight. Maybe I should go see for myself how charismatic he is. Nevermind, the Yankees/Red Sox game is on then and time better spent.
And some people just find him uncharismatic despite the topic. Kinda strange how different people have differing views. I guess only intelligent people find him charismatic....duh, um... wear iz my short yella buss???
I didn't say anything about intelligence, I inferred to an interest in applying effort.
Walking can be a real trip
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
Nader is actually speaking here in Austin tonight. Maybe I should go see for myself how charismatic he is. Nevermind, the Yankees/Red Sox game is on then and time better spent.
You have an opportunity to see Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez. Please go. You don't even have to pay. They don't turn people away from these events.
Challenge them with your ideas. It could be a lot of fun.
Walking can be a real trip
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
Obviously nader supporters since they believe anyone not supporting him has to have been influenced by the biased media and their misconception of the highly charismatic man. LMAO.
I'm just saying you should be able to back up your opinions if they aren't just based on bias.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Obviously nader supporters since they believe anyone not supporting him has to have been influenced by the biased media and their misconception of the highly charismatic man. LMAO.
Are you sure you aren't confusing Nader supporters with the Pautards?
"If all those sweet, young things were laid end to end, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised."
—Dorothy Parker
I'm just saying you should be able to back up your opinions if they aren't just based on bias.
Just how am i supposed to back my opinion of his charisma with something tangible for you to see? It's my opinion based on watching the man.
From Wiki:
Although difficult or even impossible to define accurately (due to an abundance of wildly diverse criteria in regard to the trait), charisma is often used to describe an elusive, even undefinable personality trait that often includes the seemingly 'supernatural' or uncanny ability to lead, charm, persuade, inspire, and/or influence people.
Just how am i supposed to back my opinion of his charisma with something tangible for you to see? It's my opinion based on watching the man.
From Wiki:
Although difficult or even impossible to define accurately (due to an abundance of wildly diverse criteria in regard to the trait), charisma is often used to describe an elusive, even undefinable personality trait that often includes the seemingly 'supernatural' or uncanny ability to lead, charm, persuade, inspire, and/or influence people.
Oh I get what you're saying. But the point is, I can say anything I want to such as Ron Paul is a dope who never knows what he's talking about....and sure, I'm perfectly free to have that opinion....but I'm pretty sure people are going to want to know what I'm basing my opinion on and see some examples. That's what we do here...we back up our opinions with examples of info/media. But if you aren't able to produce any that's perfectly fine....I was just curious is all.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Oh I get what you're saying. But the point is, I can say anything I want to such as Ron Paul is a dope who never knows what he's talking about....and sure, I'm perfectly free to have that opinion....but I'm pretty sure people are going to want to know what I'm basing my opinion on and see some examples. That's what we do here...we back up our opinions with examples of info/media. But if you aren't able to produce any that's perfectly fine....I was just curious is all.
Charisma : 1 : a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure (as a political leader)
2 : a special magnetic charm or appeal <the charisma of a popular actor>
Again, how do you propose i show you why i think he has no charisma. Please tell me how I can show you something that cannot be shown. It is a personal observation. But if are not able to understand this concept then that's perfectly fine.
Again, how do you propose i show you why i think he has no charisma. Please tell me how I can show you something that cannot be shown. It is a personal observation. But if are not able to understand this concept then that's perfectly fine.
I think she wants an example. You claim to have seen him speak on television, what was he speaking about? why did you not think he was passionate/charismatic about what he was talking about?
Charisma : 1 : a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure (as a political leader)
2 : a special magnetic charm or appeal <the charisma of a popular actor>
Again, how do you propose i show you why i think he has no charisma. Please tell me how I can show you something that cannot be shown. It is a personal observation. But if are not able to understand this concept then that's perfectly fine.
I guess all the times Nader has been uncharismatic which in turn caused you to form this 'personal observation' of yours have been times that aren't on the internet for you to share with us.
See there is this new high tech thing out called video recordings. And people are recorded with these things called cameras and then broadcast in various forms all over the world!! Sites like youtube have these clips and videos of people speaking and we can share these clips with each other!! Bitchin', eh? See, I find Nader very charismatic and have seen many speeches and clips that helped me to form that opinion of him. I share them with people here all the time. I thought, in my naivety, that since Nader is such an uncharismatic fella to you that surely there must be some clip out there on the internet that helped you to form your opinion of him....apparently I was wrong. Oh well, my bad.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I guess all the times Nader has been uncharismatic which in turn caused you to form this 'personal observation' of yours have been times that aren't on the internet for you to share with us.
See there is this new high tech thing out called video recordings. And people are recorded with these things called cameras and then broadcast in various forms all over the world!! Sites like youtube have these clips and videos of people speaking and we can share these clips with each other!! Bitchin', eh? See, I find Nader very charismatic and have seen many speeches and clips that helped me to form that opinion of him. I share them with people here all the time. I thought, in my naivety, that since Nader is such an uncharismatic fella to you that surely there must be some clip out there on the internet that helped you to form your opinion of him....apparently I was wrong. Oh well, my bad.
Goodness, touched a nerve obviously. Calm down..... Let's try it this way then since you just have to have a video (that is a real shocker). What you see in every video of Nader as charismatic i see as just the opposite. There. As I said before and you just dont seem to understand for some reason is everyone's opinion of charisma is subjective (definition --> proceeding from or taking place in a person's mind rather than the external world). No amount of video or pages of interviews can prove or disprove someone's opinion of charisma. You either have it or you dont and it varies from person to person. Pretty simple even for the simple.
I think she wants an example. You claim to have seen him speak on television, what was he speaking about? why did you not think he was passionate/charismatic about what he was talking about?
Goodness, touched a nerve obviously. Calm down..... Let's try it this way then since you just have to have a video (that is a real shocker). What you see in every video of Nader as charismatic i see as just the opposite. There. As I said before and you just dont seem to understand for some reason is everyone's opinion of charisma is subjective (definition --> proceeding from or taking place in a person's mind rather than the external world). No amount of video or pages of interviews can prove or disprove someone's opinion of charisma. You either have it or you dont and it varies from person to person. Pretty simple even for the simple.
Touched a nerve? I don't see how you got that....just being a smartass which is second nature for me.
And where did I state opinions aren't subjective? I only asked for examples that helped form your 'subjective' opinion...absolutely nowhere did I claim that everyone should form the same opinion based on any video or whatever. I only wanted to see examples of times where Nader was being uncharismatic in your opinion. You're trying to make a point out of nothing at all to cover up your inability to back up your 'personal observations' which couldn't be more biased and slanted.
Of course some people will reach different conclusions on any and everything. I only asked for something to go on to see where you were coming from on this subject. Sorry, obviously doing so is offensive and a sore spot for you.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
hmm... can you be more specific? I really don't know what you mean by the word "what" in that sentence. do you mind clarifying the word "what" for me??? I really have no idea what you want me to specify.
Charisma : 1 : a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure (as a political leader)
2 : a special magnetic charm or appeal <the charisma of a popular actor>
side note- my husband's professor told him recently that he (my hubby) is very charismatic. i happen to agree, but he thinks we're both nuts.
but i can tell you sincerely that when i look at my husband, i'm not thinking, "god, he's almost as charismatic as ralph nader!"
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
For a lot of Americans, charisma is more important than actual track record and deeds done/things accomplished.
We live in a country with Game Show Charisma mentality. It's always more important to be shiny, smooth and talk a good game. A lot of americans want to be bullshited and seduced by the bullshit. Reality is much more difficult to face.
For a lot of Americans, charisma is more important than actual track record and deeds done/things accomplished.
We live in a country with Game Show Charisma mentality. It's always more important to be shiny, smooth and talk a good game. A lot of americans want to be bullshited and seduced by the bullshit. Reality is much more difficult to face.
Now, what I would love to see if Obama get's into the White House, is this.
He gets in and he immediately calls Israel out for their part in the neverending bloodshed and demands they be responsible and accountable; by respecting international law and the origianl treaties. Or else they lose Americas support.
Would love it if Obama is simply playing the game of appeasing the elite and corporate intersts, so he can win this. And then turns around and sticks it to all those fuckers by demanding changes and severig their influence and power. Then demands that any policy and law that infringes on the rights of Americans, be eliminated (see Public Domain and Patriot Act for example)
And some people just find him uncharismatic despite the topic. Kinda strange how different people have differing views. I guess only intelligent people find him charismatic....duh, um... wear iz my short yella buss???
Obviously nader supporters since they believe anyone not supporting him has to have been influenced by the biased media and their misconception of the highly charismatic man. LMAO.
I didn't say anything about intelligence, I inferred to an interest in applying effort.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
You have an opportunity to see Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez. Please go. You don't even have to pay. They don't turn people away from these events.
Challenge them with your ideas. It could be a lot of fun.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
I'm just saying you should be able to back up your opinions if they aren't just based on bias.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Although I will laugh like a lunatic when Ron Paul takes votes away from John McCain.
Payback's a bitch, baby
—Dorothy Parker
Are you sure you aren't confusing Nader supporters with the Pautards?
—Dorothy Parker
Just how am i supposed to back my opinion of his charisma with something tangible for you to see? It's my opinion based on watching the man.
From Wiki:
Although difficult or even impossible to define accurately (due to an abundance of wildly diverse criteria in regard to the trait), charisma is often used to describe an elusive, even undefinable personality trait that often includes the seemingly 'supernatural' or uncanny ability to lead, charm, persuade, inspire, and/or influence people.
Oh I get what you're saying. But the point is, I can say anything I want to such as Ron Paul is a dope who never knows what he's talking about....and sure, I'm perfectly free to have that opinion....but I'm pretty sure people are going to want to know what I'm basing my opinion on and see some examples. That's what we do here...we back up our opinions with examples of info/media. But if you aren't able to produce any that's perfectly fine....I was just curious is all.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Charisma : 1 : a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure (as a political leader)
2 : a special magnetic charm or appeal <the charisma of a popular actor>
Again, how do you propose i show you why i think he has no charisma. Please tell me how I can show you something that cannot be shown. It is a personal observation. But if are not able to understand this concept then that's perfectly fine.
I guess all the times Nader has been uncharismatic which in turn caused you to form this 'personal observation' of yours have been times that aren't on the internet for you to share with us.
See there is this new high tech thing out called video recordings. And people are recorded with these things called cameras and then broadcast in various forms all over the world!! Sites like youtube have these clips and videos of people speaking and we can share these clips with each other!! Bitchin', eh? See, I find Nader very charismatic and have seen many speeches and clips that helped me to form that opinion of him. I share them with people here all the time. I thought, in my naivety, that since Nader is such an uncharismatic fella to you that surely there must be some clip out there on the internet that helped you to form your opinion of him....apparently I was wrong. Oh well, my bad.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Goodness, touched a nerve obviously. Calm down..... Let's try it this way then since you just have to have a video (that is a real shocker). What you see in every video of Nader as charismatic i see as just the opposite. There. As I said before and you just dont seem to understand for some reason is everyone's opinion of charisma is subjective (definition --> proceeding from or taking place in a person's mind rather than the external world). No amount of video or pages of interviews can prove or disprove someone's opinion of charisma. You either have it or you dont and it varies from person to person. Pretty simple even for the simple.
Oozes charisma --->
Be more specific. What are you asking me?
Touched a nerve? I don't see how you got that....just being a smartass which is second nature for me.
And where did I state opinions aren't subjective? I only asked for examples that helped form your 'subjective' opinion...absolutely nowhere did I claim that everyone should form the same opinion based on any video or whatever. I only wanted to see examples of times where Nader was being uncharismatic in your opinion. You're trying to make a point out of nothing at all to cover up your inability to back up your 'personal observations' which couldn't be more biased and slanted.
Of course some people will reach different conclusions on any and everything. I only asked for something to go on to see where you were coming from on this subject. Sorry, obviously doing so is offensive and a sore spot for you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
side note- my husband's professor told him recently that he (my hubby) is very charismatic.
but i can tell you sincerely that when i look at my husband, i'm not thinking, "god, he's almost as charismatic as ralph nader!"
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
We live in a country with Game Show Charisma mentality. It's always more important to be shiny, smooth and talk a good game. A lot of americans want to be bullshited and seduced by the bullshit. Reality is much more difficult to face.
Now, what I would love to see if Obama get's into the White House, is this.
He gets in and he immediately calls Israel out for their part in the neverending bloodshed and demands they be responsible and accountable; by respecting international law and the origianl treaties. Or else they lose Americas support.
Would love it if Obama is simply playing the game of appeasing the elite and corporate intersts, so he can win this. And then turns around and sticks it to all those fuckers by demanding changes and severig their influence and power. Then demands that any policy and law that infringes on the rights of Americans, be eliminated (see Public Domain and Patriot Act for example)
Then, I would applaud the guy.
Who knows, maybe that's what he's doing. Maybe