Why are we fighting Iraq??? I thought everyone had an idea.

bravesirrobinbravesirrobin Posts: 34
edited July 2006 in A Moving Train
Suddam didnt want Americans or any UN .in his country period. With the big head he had you can find it logical.... there is no eveidence of him ever having the nukes.... wait a second CIA claimed he had "Weapons of mass destruction" that term is used loosly cause he did have them... gas will cause death of the masses, we all knew he had them but the CIA used the term "weapon of mass destruction" meaning nukes..... and as I was saying, the eviedence came up as never appearing, so if you and I can come out with the sum of 5 from adding up 2 & 3 then maybe theres hope for the many besides the ones who believe that the government came up with a new system of mathematatics using their popular fear and unsure of whats going on tactics. But then again fear and ignorance have nothing to do with math.
The US has or had satilites and numerous spys eyed upon Iraqis TRADE of nuclear weapons of there country. We as a nation KNEW they they had no nukes/ hidrogen/Atom weapons of mass destruction, and even if they were to sneak under our massive radar Iraq has no delivery vehicle to even hit western europe much less us ( US Navy 3.19 billion only in Atlantic Coast Navy defense budget 2001 fiscal) .

So I myself laugh at this countrys paranoia, even if Iraq as a country had anything to do with the weak 9/11 attack and if they were able to successfully planted a single nuclear/ big bomb on our soil, chances are our intellegance (real intellegance not political system) would know were it came from and Iraq would be crystalised- but that is IF they had something they didnt. And even if USA wasnt willing to even drop nukes dont you think our advanced infantry couldve attacked after and won as fast as our forces did, with support of the world?

so my thoughts are:
GW BUSH=oil tycoon
Iraq = lots and lots of oil
GW investments/ Lobbiest for is installation of power ,plus his personallity and fucking loser father = possible and very likley coruption.

Mirror reflection from majority of Americans is why he was voted TWICE....

Hypothesis......overall , this country wont last a quarter of Roman Empire.

maybe next we'll vote either Arnold or some smuck that will do even a worse job .....like... I dont know,.. Dr. Phill..... or maybe sometime in our future we WILL be Nuked so that way atleast we can start all over agian.

But until we do, vote the lesser of two evils..... Demacrate, our eles god help us all.
I like..to play. - Garth
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • DMITCH8080DMITCH8080 Posts: 18
    Your a mess!!! Sadam was a dictator and he had supreme power over Iraq...Right? Sure he did....Anyway, he invaded Kuwait and our government was aware he a loose cannon!!!! Regulation over him developing weapons of mass destruction (nukes, chemicals weapons, whatever) he ignored so we went in and took him out!!!! It is simple, we went in to remove a dictator from power!!!! Thats all.......The end results will be better than leaving him in power trust me.
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    did ya know since 2000 the oil and gas industry has donated just under $1billion to political campaigns?

    also they did mention other wmd's other than nukes...but he did mention mushroom clouds and lied saying an iaea report said iraq was 6 months away from having a nuke and "I don't know what more evidence we need", a report the iaea never issued 9actually their report said they had no evidence of them having a program or even obtaining the materials...then they said they meant the iaea's 91 report, which the iaea said nope, we never said that then, either...then the white house said they meant the IIST, not iaea and their report, which came out AFTER bush made the claim stated IF they obtained the material it was POSSIBLE they could have one in 6 months)
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • DMITCH8080 wrote:
    Your a mess!!! Sadam was a dictator and he had supreme power over Iraq...Right? Sure he did....Anyway, he invaded Kuwait and our government was aware he a loose cannon!!!! Regulation over him developing weapons of mass destruction (nukes, chemicals weapons, whatever) he ignored so we went in and took him out!!!! It is simple, we went in to remove a dictator from power!!!! Thats all.......The end results will be better than leaving him in power trust me.

    there is 300 some countries in the world, atleast 25 of them are still dictatorships / oppressors in the eyes of demicratic standards. Any idiot would say " yeah Saddam fucked up cause he's evil, lets intervede, or coup his nation". When has America ever done this before???? It is not our policy, it never should be any other countries policy to police the rest of the world, exept the UN which is designed to do so. And the bush Admin. went agaisnt the un to invade (note we never declared war on Iraq) even though USA controls magority of the UN power ( like seperate branch). So really predential branch of gov. forced war opon congress, who could nt refuse due to he was "fighting terrorism" which everyone would know that Iraq and even the state of Afganistan was neutral. Which brings me to my point, which is alot ppl are dying and Way too much money is being spent for a lost cause .

    North Korean Dictator is more of a problem to the world, but hey theres no oil over ther... you se what Im saying... Money does make the world go round, you just have to think about it allittle deeper.
    I like..to play. - Garth
  • DMITCH8080DMITCH8080 Posts: 18
    there is 300 some countries in the world, atleast 25 of them are still dictatorships / oppressors in the eyes of demicratic standards. Any idiot would say " yeah Saddam fucked up cause he's evil, lets intervede, or coup his nation". When has America ever done this before???? It is not our policy, it never should be any other countries policy to police the rest of the world, exept the UN which is designed to do so. And the bush Admin. went agaisnt the un to invade (note we never declared war on Iraq) even though USA controls magority of the UN power ( like seperate branch). So really predential branch of gov. forced war opon congress, who could nt refuse due to he was "fighting terrorism" which everyone would know that Iraq and even the state of Afganistan was neutral. Which brings me to my point, which is alot ppl are dying and Way too much money is being spent for a lost cause .

    North Korean Dictator is more of a problem to the world, but hey theres no oil over ther... you se what Im saying... Money does make the world go round, you just have to think about it allittle deeper.

    Give me a break!!! What did our country do during the rise of communism? This is not a Bush thing!!!!
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    there is 300 some countries in the world, atleast 25 of them are still dictatorships / oppressors in the eyes of demicratic standards. Any idiot would say " yeah Saddam fucked up cause he's evil, lets intervede, or coup his nation". When has America ever done this before???? It is not our policy, it never should be any other countries policy to police the rest of the world, exept the UN which is designed to do so. And the bush Admin. went agaisnt the un to invade (note we never declared war on Iraq) even though USA controls magority of the UN power ( like seperate branch). So really predential branch of gov. forced war opon congress, who could nt refuse due to he was "fighting terrorism" which everyone would know that Iraq and even the state of Afganistan was neutral. Which brings me to my point, which is alot ppl are dying and Way too much money is being spent for a lost cause .

    North Korean Dictator is more of a problem to the world, but hey theres no oil over ther... you se what Im saying... Money does make the world go round, you just have to think about it allittle deeper.

    according the the thread about bush's infomercial today (i missed it, spent the day hiking and enjoying the beauty of nature :) ) intel reports say nkorea's arms capabilities have increased since landing one of the spots on the axis of evil...

    of course saddam was a dictator and bad person...but ya know what? he was actually worse when rummy was shaking his hand and selling him the weapons he gassed his ppl and iranians w/...but then rummy declared them 'just like america'...daddy bush even vetoed every single sanction against iraq b/c of their abuses...who else was there? cheney, rummy, wolfowitz, perle, addington ...and now cheney's company is getting no bid contracts in iraq, daddy bush's carlyle group is getting all sorts of contracts, like for the crusader system, which the pentagon advisory board repeatedly voted against...dubya put it back in in an unrelated bill...it eventually got cancelled but only AFTER the carlyle group cashed the check...

    same bad ppl doing bad shit around the world and destabilizing and arming it for profit and greed. and looting the treasury...so, in other words, we chose funding the failed crusader system over the headstart program. what ever happened to that missile defense system? how much money did we sink into that? $9billion missing in iraq? well, shit, that's better than funding things needed HERE
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • When has America ever done this before???? .

    WW2, WW1, Vietnam, Korea, Persian Gulf War...
  • Iraq, IMO, is pretty fucked up. I think that there are good sides and bad sides to being in Iraq. I think we are in it for oil. But I think that taking Suddamn Insane was a good idea. There are some horrible things going on, with all these dumbass insurgents ruining the country. But as Iraq is starting to build its own forces, which they are (on the news some time ago, I heard that Iraq's own military force has been doing some good fighting) we should start to get out. We can't stay in there forever for the oil reserves. And when Iraq is a beautiful country, which it's capable of being, we need to get out of their damn country.
  • politics is almost a bad word nowadays in my opionion, Mainly cause Bush has been in power for too long but also cause this country has no sense of its self. If any country ever needed some help Id think it would be ours. Just watch primtime, or even any television , expecailly basic (FOX,NBC, ABC,ect.) . All this reallity, American Idle spin offs where everyone competes to be the greatest at sucking up and selling out. This (reallity TV shows) stuff wasnt around 10 years ago, infact 10 years ago to be a sell out meant you were ...well a sell out , which is bad. Nowadays in the pop culture of thisdeprived nation if you dont sell out and make Bling bling yourer looked down upon. How can so much change so fast? Maybe it has to do with Bush, Or maybe Bush is only the symptom of all this shallowness. Anyway it happened I think, it had something to do with this country as a whole. If you think about it little girls were listening to spice girls while I was growing up, producers had to come up with something allitlle more extreme to out weigh them, so Insync then B. spears, so on and so on came out. This all derived off the black urban pop music (Rap) which is about more shallow than Christan augullaras cunt,but as long as stupid suburban white ppl buy that kind of shit it wont change. As long as stupid parents raise these potentailly stupid kids it can only get worse.

    So maybe this is why Bush won twice..... I dont know, maybe its cause either nobody gives a fuck anymore or they just cant cause they dont know how.
    I like..to play. - Garth
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    But as Iraq is starting to build its own forces, which they are (on the news some time ago, I heard that Iraq's own military force has been doing some good fighting) we should start to get out. We can't stay in there forever for the oil reserves. And when Iraq is a beautiful country, which it's capable of being, we need to get out of their damn country.

    these forces, ya mean?

    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • LMAO! Nope. Not those ones.
  • DMITCH8080DMITCH8080 Posts: 18
    politics is almost a bad word nowadays in my opionion, Mainly cause Bush has been in power for too long but also cause this country has no sense of its self. If any country ever needed some help Id think it would be ours. Just watch primtime, or even any television , expecailly basic (FOX,NBC, ABC,ect.) . All this reallity, American Idle spin offs where everyone competes to be the greatest at sucking up and selling out. This (reallity TV shows) stuff wasnt around 10 years ago, infact 10 years ago to be a sell out meant you were ...well a sell out , which is bad. Nowadays in the pop culture of thisdeprived nation if you dont sell out and make Bling bling yourer looked down upon. How can so much change so fast? Maybe it has to do with Bush, Or maybe Bush is only the symptom of all this shallowness. Anyway it happened I think, it had something to do with this country as a whole. If you think about it little girls were listening to spice girls while I was growing up, producers had to come up with something allitlle more extreme to out weigh them, so Insync then B. spears, so on and so on came out. This all derived off the black urban pop music (Rap) which is about more shallow than Christan augullaras cunt,but as long as stupid suburban white ppl buy that kind of shit it wont change. As long as stupid parents raise these potentailly stupid kids it can only get worse.

    So maybe this is why Bush won twice..... I dont know, maybe its cause either nobody gives a fuck anymore or they just cant cause they dont know how.

    You lost me big time!!! Yeah people in hollywood sell out for money. This not new stuff to me. But how does Bush or the governent relate? Yes the media in out country rides the popularity trend and put on the news articles that americans want to see and believe to cash in on ratings. That is one of the main reasons assiting in the belief that Bush and our political system is the devil.
  • WW2, WW1, Vietnam, Korea, Persian Gulf War...
    God damn I shouldnt even reply to this post but,

    WW1- sinking of our neutral passenger ship by Germany 3000 + killed , its different then this war

    WW2- attacked by Japan 2,00 killed- germany declares war on US. Allies almost defeated, American isoliation in jeoperdy . its different then this war

    Korea - communism take over after the threat from USSR's WW2 world domunance, they owned 3rd of world and threated to that the rest, a stupid war but different then this one.

    Vietnam- owning 3/4 of worlds rubber production in cival war, communist threat adjectly spreading toward southeast asia, stupid war, mainly cause we fought fire against human spirit, but still different.

    Battle of the Gulf- IT WAS THE POPPA BUSH.... Ok you see what im getting at even though USA did try to militarily Coup other nations and in a way police the world for the side of demacracy in the past this war is different cause

    A. BUsh family owns huge percentage of oil stock
    B. Iraq has oil like you should know right?
    C. Both Bush Presedents attacked/Invaded Iraq, Bush SR. stopped due to he didnt have congress supporting his invasion- and I know its ironic that Iraq invaded Saidi Arabia, but the fact is that Saudis and bush family were investeded same company- making billions .......TOGETHER-which are tied to Bin Laden, but Im not getting into that now.

    How exactly is the reason you thing this power house of a country gets involved with most of these wars, after WW2???

    Comeon we were just attacked by middle eastern terrorist, why pour gas on the fire with Iraqs at this procise time???? cause americans where afraid for their lives thats why.
    I like..to play. - Garth
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    DMITCH8080 wrote:
    You lost me big time!!! Yeah people in hollywood sell out for money. This not new stuff to me. But how does Bush or the governent relate? Yes the media in out country rides the popularity trend and put on the news articles that americans want to see and believe to cash in on ratings. That is one of the main reasons assiting in the belief that Bush and our political system is the devil.

    while a large segment of the media is based on advertising revenue there are also a lot that try to spread, to use the new con buzzword agenda driven media

    who owns the media? weapon makers GE, own a few networks alone (they also sold munitions to hitler even after we got involved)

    editor & publisher published a report a year or so ago that while a lot of anchors may have some liberal leanings an ovrewhelming number of owners/publishers and editors were conservative...look at fox op/ed...according to them, the highest rated cable news program...they spread lies w/o care...how many other outlets does he own?
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • El_Kabong wrote:
    while a large segment of the media is based on advertising revenue there are also a lot that try to spread, to use the new con buzzword agenda driven media

    who owns the media? weapon makers GE, own a few networks alone (they also sold munitions to hitler even after we got involved)

    editor & publisher published a report a year or so ago that while a lot of anchors may have some liberal leanings an ovrewhelming number of owners/publishers and editors were conservative...look at fox op/ed...according to them, the highest rated cable news program...they spread lies w/o care...how many other outlets does he own?
    this is for MITCH not kobangs post.
    Are you funking kidding me?? All politics sell out , its just a matter of who they are selling to, Lobbiest, Lobbiest, lobbiest! In the matter of bush he was bought by companys like Enron an Walmart... do you like Walmart or Enron mitch? cause if you do maybe you should start listening to Britney Spears while shoving a 32 inch tv screen while Fox friends is on up your illegitamate asshole, or is that what your doing right now? You see I dont believe in having pity for the ingnorant, cause I myself was raised by two of the stuppidest fucks you and Ill ever meet, and even they didnt get along since they had so much in comman.. why dont you do a little research bro.
    I like..to play. - Garth
  • God damn I shouldnt even reply to this post but,

    WW1- sinking of our neutral passenger ship by Germany 3000 + killed , its different then this war

    WW2- attacked by Japan 2,00 killed- germany declares war on US. Allies almost defeated, American isoliation in jeoperdy . its different then this war

    Korea - communism take over after the threat from USSR's WW2 world domunance, they owned 3rd of world and threated to that the rest, a stupid war but different then this one.

    Vietnam- owning 3/4 of worlds rubber production in cival war, communist threat adjectly spreading toward southeast asia, stupid war, mainly cause we fought fire against human spirit, but still different.

    Battle of the Gulf- IT WAS THE POPPA BUSH.... Ok you see what im getting at even though USA did try to militarily Coup other nations and in a way police the world for the side of demacracy in the past this war is different cause

    A. BUsh family owns huge percentage of oil stock
    B. Iraq has oil like you should know right?
    C. Both Bush Presedents attacked/Invaded Iraq, Bush SR. stopped due to he didnt have congress supporting his invasion- and I know its ironic that Iraq invaded Saidi Arabia, but the fact is that Saudis and bush family were investeded same company- making billions .......TOGETHER-which are tied to Bin Laden, but Im not getting into that now.

    How exactly is the reason you thing this power house of a country gets involved with most of these wars, after WW2???

    Comeon we were just attacked by middle eastern terrorist, why pour gas on the fire with Iraqs at this procise time???? cause americans where afraid for their lives thats why.

    lmfao...complete and utterly left-winged bullshit. While I am more of a left-winged person, I don't just go against anything because it's conservative. I mean, I know my dad is completely right-winged, and no matter what Bush does he supports it, which is bullshit. So you're saying that we went into WW2, and didn't fight a fucking dictator? and that we went into Vietnam and didn't fight a dictator? and that we went into Persian Gulf and didn't fight a dicatator? I mean come on. You can't argue that Suddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. It's cold hard facts man. Your argument, while long, was bad. No offense. I'm not jumping at you, but be smart man. Please.
  • I think the original poster's question was/is that while we deposed an evil dictator in Iraq, why Iraq? Why not one of the other countries out there with evil dictators? N. Korea? Congo? Darfur? You have to admit that the lack of valuable natural resources in these countries may be a big reason America does not interviene in these cases, as it did in Iraq. Not to mention they are not strategically located in the Middle East.

    Make your life a mission - not an intermission. - Arnold Gasglow
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    DMITCH8080 wrote:
    It is simple, we went in to remove a dictator from power!!!! Thats all.......The end results will be better than leaving him in power trust me.

    So you think that if Iraq's main export had been turnips instead of oil the U.S would still have invaded?
  • Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, Rumsfeld, Feith, Addington, Libby & Rice

    How could you examine that group of people and think we INVADED iraq for another but the spread of freedom!

    sat it with me....braveheart style.....FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEDOOOM
    "Sean Hannity knows there is no greater threat to America today than Bill Clinton 15 years ago"- Stephen Colbert
  • El_Kabong wrote:
    did ya know since 2000 the oil and gas industry has donated just under $1billion to political campaigns?

    also they did mention other wmd's other than nukes...but he did mention mushroom clouds and lied saying an iaea report said iraq was 6 months away from having a nuke and "I don't know what more evidence we need", a report the iaea never issued 9actually their report said they had no evidence of them having a program or even obtaining the materials...then they said they meant the iaea's 91 report, which the iaea said nope, we never said that then, either...then the white house said they meant the IIST, not iaea and their report, which came out AFTER bush made the claim stated IF they obtained the material it was POSSIBLE they could have one in 6 months)

    "The International Atomic Energy Agency says that a report cited by Bush as evidence that Iraq in 1998 was 'six months away' from developing a nuclear weapon does not exist. 'There's never been a report like that issued from this agency,' said Mark Gwozdecky, the IAEA's chief spokesman."
    "Sean Hannity knows there is no greater threat to America today than Bill Clinton 15 years ago"- Stephen Colbert
  • "The International Atomic Energy Agency says that a report cited by Bush as evidence that Iraq in 1998 was 'six months away' from developing a nuclear weapon does not exist. 'There's never been a report like that issued from this agency,' said Mark Gwozdecky, the IAEA's chief spokesman."

    exactly, "what more proof we need" (prevouisly stated befor f.flinstone) ....well alot more, give me mountains and mountains of eviedance . Give me so much proof that I never have time to read it all. This war alone can only cause another terrorist attack, which personnally I think was a weak and ineffective attack.... And oh my god to say such a thing would be contrary to Americans putting yellow stickers on there Japanese made cars which clam they are supporting our troops... " We the People Support Our Troops by putting We Support our Troop stickers on our cars." Does anyone else see the irony in this? I am to believe this war was started cause oil, just like Vietnam with rubber or the first Gulf War started cause our oil prices were increasing with every yard Sadam gained militarily. And if you are not up to date with history of war even before roman times, wars ARE started because of money no matter how much King Tut, Julius Cesar, Darth Vader or anyone says. There is always money to be had in sended the youth of your nation into battle one way or the other.

    Do not trust anyone Should be stated instead of In God We Trust, but then again the ppl who made that also printed money.
    I like..to play. - Garth
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, Rumsfeld, Feith, Addington, Libby & Rice

    How could you examine that group of people and think we INVADED iraq for another but the spread of freedom!

    sat it with me....braveheart style.....FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEDOOOM

    Tuuurrrniiiipppppssss!!!! :eek:
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    The removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq was a good idea. The METHOD we employed to complete that task was all wrong.
    We used deceit to garner support for our unilateral approach. We took the easy way... any fucking idiot with a gun can point it at you and demand money, but it takes a really smart guy to convince you that it is a good thing for you to give him your money simply by making the right arguements. We did NOT consider the worst case scenario and only planned for the best case.
    A better method WOULD have been one that convinced the Arab neighbors that Saddam out of their neighborhood was a good thing and that we would help THEM get rid of him. We would still supply the heavy firepower, but it would be up to them to help mount an INSURGENCY AGAINST HUSSEIN and his supporters. Put them in charge of the policing and public relations stuff. Arabs have a better undstanding of Arabs (and Persians) than we do.
    It WOULD have also been a good method to convince our ALLIES that a stable Middle East will help them with their economic growth and that they should help with the removal of Hussein. That would have lifted the heavy burden we have placed on our soldiers by tasking them to be pseudo-soldier cops.
    And convince the U.N. to nation build. That what those fuckers are supposed to do... make the mother fuckers do their goddamn job. We are not in the business of nation building.
    But, all of that requires hard work by intelligent leaders over a longer period. Instead, we chose the easy, guns blazing cowboy way because this whole thing had to be wrapped up before the 2004 election. That was the timetable we were working to. Get in there, kick ass, topple statues, capture/kill Hussein, greeted with kisses, land on an Aircraft Carrier and declare Victory, big homecoming parade in New York, campaign speeches from Ground Zero, landslide victory in November of 2004, take in massive oil profits by selling Iraqui oil to China and India at increased prices. That was the plan... there was no contigency plan.
    And now, we have to deal with our poor decision making. This is OUR War and it is OUR responsibility to fix it. We are the ones who blew up the fucking shit, we are the ones tat need to fix the fucking shit. And we're the ones who have to PAY for the fucking shit.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • NevermindNevermind Posts: 1,006
    DMITCH8080 wrote:
    Your a mess!!! Sadam was a dictator and he had supreme power over Iraq...Right? Sure he did....Anyway, he invaded Kuwait and our government was aware he a loose cannon!!!! Regulation over him developing weapons of mass destruction (nukes, chemicals weapons, whatever) he ignored so we went in and took him out!!!! It is simple, we went in to remove a dictator from power!!!! Thats all.......The end results will be better than leaving him in power trust me.
    We went to remove a dictator? Well Saddam is gone and were still there. Were also in control of all the oil. George is control of the oil companies.
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    Screw the oil, why don't we just start harvesting Iraqi's directly?

    Think of how cheap soap could be!
  • mpg82mpg82 Posts: 83
    Who gives a fuck. Fuck Iraq. As soon as Bush is gone they'll come home.
    6/26/98, 6/27/98, 06/13/99, 10/08/00, 6/18/03, 6/21/03, 6/29/06, 6/30/06, 5/7/10
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    mikeg19_82 wrote:
    Who gives a fuck. Fuck Iraq. As soon as Bush is gone they'll come home.

    You took the words right out of my arse!
  • Cosmo wrote:
    The removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq was a good idea. The METHOD we employed to complete that task was all wrong.
    We used deceit to garner support for our unilateral approach. We took the easy way... any fucking idiot with a gun can point it at you and demand money, but it takes a really smart guy to convince you that it is a good thing for you to give him your money simply by making the right arguements. We did NOT consider the worst case scenario and only planned for the best case.
    A better method WOULD have been one that convinced the Arab neighbors that Saddam out of their neighborhood was a good thing and that we would help THEM get rid of him. We would still supply the heavy firepower, but it would be up to them to help mount an INSURGENCY AGAINST HUSSEIN and his supporters. Put them in charge of the policing and public relations stuff. Arabs have a better undstanding of Arabs (and Persians) than we do.
    It WOULD have also been a good method to convince our ALLIES that a stable Middle East will help them with their economic growth and that they should help with the removal of Hussein. That would have lifted the heavy burden we have placed on our soldiers by tasking them to be pseudo-soldier cops.
    And convince the U.N. to nation build. That what those fuckers are supposed to do... make the mother fuckers do their goddamn job. We are not in the business of nation building.
    But, all of that requires hard work by intelligent leaders over a longer period. Instead, we chose the easy, guns blazing cowboy way because this whole thing had to be wrapped up before the 2004 election. That was the timetable we were working to. Get in there, kick ass, topple statues, capture/kill Hussein, greeted with kisses, land on an Aircraft Carrier and declare Victory, big homecoming parade in New York, campaign speeches from Ground Zero, landslide victory in November of 2004, take in massive oil profits by selling Iraqui oil to China and India at increased prices. That was the plan... there was no contigency plan.
    And now, we have to deal with our poor decision making. This is OUR War and it is OUR responsibility to fix it. We are the ones who blew up the fucking shit, we are the ones tat need to fix the fucking shit. And we're the ones who have to PAY for the fucking shit.

    But what is 5 BILLION a week when the deficit is close to 1 TRILLION
    "Sean Hannity knows there is no greater threat to America today than Bill Clinton 15 years ago"- Stephen Colbert
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745

    But what is 5 BILLION a week when the deficit is close to 1 TRILLION

    a trillion?!? hmm...try a little higher than that:


    the US dollar is now worth a measly 4 cents since it's creation!
  • a trillion?!? hmm...try a little higher than that:


    the US dollar is now worth a measly 4 cents since it's creation!

    Oops...typo.. I meant 10 TRILLION.
    And the Republican Congress just keeps rewriting the law to spend more and more.
    "Sean Hannity knows there is no greater threat to America today than Bill Clinton 15 years ago"- Stephen Colbert
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    Oops...typo.. I meant 10 TRILLION.
    And the Republican Congress just keeps rewriting the law to spend more and more.

    You're an optimist subconsciously ;)

    and yes...a good bush quote:

    "the constitution is just a goddamn peice of paper"

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