Where has all the respect gone?

So much bitterness and negativity when discussing politics. Whats happening here, all this hate towards others views and beliefs. Its just a shame. The only people I can discuss politics and world views are family members and my wife. Though we dissagree on numerous subjects, their basicly the only people I can talk to with out getting blasted by hatred for what i believe. The government is bad enough with out every one being so harsh twords one another. Not sure what I'm even trying to get across.......just is kind of a downer when you think of the whole of it all.
Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
Love ya Punkinfur
Love ya Punkinfur
Post edited by Unknown User on
Do you not remember the temporary closing of the MT forum in the summer of '96? Hence the forum sticky.
I understand what you are saying. I believe that some people hold there beliefs so close it is personal and when attacking those beliefs they take it as an attack on themselves. No pshycologist just saying. But you are right
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
No kidding. This Utopia never existed here.
It's interesting that those people never come back into the thread they started to debate anything once they are called out on their stupidity. They are just trolls. There's plenty of people that post here that i don't agree with everything they say, but i still respect their views.
I guess the other thing to keep in mind is that people can be really passionate about their beliefs and sometimes it's hard to keep emotions under wraps. No excuse, i know.
Love ya Punkinfur
Agree with you whole heartedly. I love discussing and debating but its sad that so many turn to insults ect to get points across. It just has a dirty feeling when it turns to that.
Love ya Punkinfur
People are passionate about what they believe and the truth is that it is alot "easier" to hit a nerve with another when you do not have to look them in the eye when you do so.. this I have found is just the nature of the internet.
Consider though that this really is probably the most important election we will vote in for most of us in our lifetime. People are scared.. there are serious issues facing this country.. I would not expect anything else but passionate people who are holding onto their beliefs and viewpoints at this time.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
I think you mean 2006.. 1996 there was not a specific forum for poltical and current event debate..
All topics/forums/threads were all posted all together.. this format is SO much better.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
I agree.. it would be WONDERFUL if all of us learned from each other, but sorry I have seen way too many things get disgusting around here.. usually causing me to leave for quite some time.. and it is a shame.. because I have loved this band for over 15 years.. their music means alot to me.. it is a shame that we can't all "rise above" and try to learn from each other for simply having the one common denominator of this wonderful group and their kick ass music that brings us here in common..but sometimes it gets real nasty.. at least what I have seen, like I said, over the nine years.. I have met wonderful people over the nine years.. there are great people, but having gone through Bush election 1 and the Supreme Court decision.. September 11, the war, Bush election 2, Katrina.. and trying to discuss things rationally at times on this message board gets really unrational..
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Ha..yes...'06. Thank you for pointing that out.
To be perfectly honest, I can't remember a time when respect was displayed in The Porch forum, which has historically been a forum rife with personal attacks and illogical fallacies.
The Porch has never been any different.
Go in there and express a dislike for one specific Pearl Jam song.
Or suggest that Vedder doesn't look hot in a picture.
Or suggest that Mikey's mistake on All Or None, on Benny Hall; doesn't sound good at all and kind of ruins the song.
Watch the maniacal responses/attracks and check your PM Box for the hate mail. It's laughable.
Never been there. But what do you expect when a forum is designed around the fanfare of a certain thing, and when that certain thing is not given its due fanfare?
then you are doing better than most people. I can't even discuss it with my mother and sister (who had totally brain washed her). I have decided to keep it to myself. When I am asked and I politely tell my take on it all, and the other person comes at me with a "holier than thou", "you must be soooo stupid. here let me tell you what I know and you do not obviously."
freedom of choice, religion, politics, etc. are what we are suppose to be about. Yeah, lately, there are a lot of bullies out there who just want to jump on you if you disagree.
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
Love ya Punkinfur
paz y amor.
That is so funny and so true.. been there done that... that is why this format is so much better.. it was excrutiating to have to maneuver through all the threads regarding why Bugs is the best Pearl Jam song ever!!!
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Love ya Punkinfur
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
Love ya Punkinfur
My take...
Politics in America has been reduced to Sport. Sport is an easy concept to grasp... my team... AWESOME. Your team... SUCKS. Simple. We have picked a side... wear our Red or Blue colors... cheer our Mascots (Fat Ass or Jack Ass)... and become true to our team... The Republican Conservatives vs. The Democratic Liberals. We watch our sports commentators on T.V. and agree with what they have to say... basiaclly, that the other Team SUCKS!!! Cliff Notes for 'Politics For Dummies' makes everybody think hey understand politics... when in fact... it's pretty damn complicated.
You can read it here... it's ALL the Liberals fault... it's ALL the Conservatives fault... but, it is NEVER my fault. That's what gets blurted out over here.
And I respectfully, disagree. I think people here are capable of reasoned debate.... not everyone... but, some. I have personaly butted head with some very worthy adversaries, both liberal and conservatives, on differing issues. It all depends upon where i personally stand on that issue. And I respect where they are coming from... if it is their opinion... not the party line's agenda. The ones that would vote for Adolph Hitler(R) or Charles Manson(D) based soley on the 'R' or 'D' next to their names... I don't think they are idiots... they ARE idiots. They are EXACTLY what the politicians want... blind loyalty to their specific brand name.
As for passion... the subjects we discuss are issues that people passionately adhere to.... Politics, Abortion, Religion, Gun Control, War... those are heavy subjects that delve much deeper than putting which Pearl Jam album you like best, in order based upon cover design. People hold a lot of these issues close to heart.. so, of course, things will get heated. It's to be expected. I think that I fall someplace in the Grey and never in the Black or the White. I'm not Red or Blue... I'm Purple.
Personally... I don't buy into that whole 'Us vs. Them' bullshit that cable T.V. tries to sell me. I'm my own person. I feel certain ways on certain subjects that agree and disagree with both Liberals and Conservatives. I feel the way I do because of people's actions... not their words and certainly not their political party affiliation.
As for respect... I believe it is earned... and not a right. The people who think I have been disrespectful to them... well, they just haven't earned my respect, yet.
Hail, Hail!!!
Love ya Punkinfur
Love ya Punkinfur
Yes, but I love pearl jam more than you do.