if Cain and Abel were the only two sons of the only 2 people god 'made' then how did they populate the earth?
so i believe the bible does condone inbreeding but thats a whole other thread
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
I think the US could've done it on its own. We just let you guys join along so that you could look back on it one day and feel like you actually had a role. If the US wanted to, it could've won the war with one hand tied around its back. In fact, it could've just randomly picked one of its states and ordered it to go win the war while the other 47 states watched from the sidelines.
Honestly, no one is saying you guys didn't fight. We're just saying that there's no way it is even remotely possible that you guys would be a free country had it not been for the fact that the US is a gigantic and violent country that just so happens to speak the english language.
But, obviously, when someone says, "...grandparents...speaking german..," it is a bit on the arrogant and thoughtless side. But, truly ignorant? I would think not. If you still think it's ignorant, then something just as ignorant is ignoring everything I've said above.
because you didnt... the Russians did.. sheer overwhelming number of men was their weapon, they killed more germans than the US and other Euro Allies put together... thats why we dont admit it
I don't consider the russians to be a part of the allies. They technically were, but, ideologically, they were not. They were out for themselves and they screwed everyone that got in their path. Like I said, everyone who was "liberated" by the Russians would probably choke on their own vomit upon hearing the Russians being referred to as part of the "allies."
enough said... any historian will tell you the same
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
historians...blah..what do they really know? They just want to showboat all their pretty facts that they learned from a textbook. Slide on the technicality all you want. You do so the under the luxury of american-proected freedom.
if Cain and Abel were the only two sons of the only 2 people god 'made' then how did they populate the earth?
so i believe the bible does condone inbreeding but thats a whole other thread
oh dunk how could you get that so wrong?
adam and eve had three sons. after cain slew abel seth was born. cain was booted out into the land of nod and there he met his wife. it's not that adam and eve were the only people, it's that they were the first.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Honestly, no one is saying you guys didn't fight. We're just saying that there's no way it is even remotely possible that you guys would be a free country had it not been for the fact that the US is a gigantic and violent country that just so happens to speak the english language.
i'm betting 99% of all credible authorities on military history will tell you that you're talking pish.... the allies would have won it regardless of US involvement... might have taken 2 years longer but we'd have won it...
america was just the substitute who scored the last minute penalty... wait until we had played the whole game, extra time included, before sending in some fresh legs to finish the game off... but those tired legs of ours would have done it regardless, you just helped... i repeat... helped... us to end it quicker
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
You do so the under the luxury of american-proected freedom.
do i fuck... the only thing america has given Scotland is people that are fatter than us... and for that i thank your wobbly arses!
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
i'm betting 99% of all credible authorities on military history will tell you that you're talking pish.... the allies would have won it regardless of US involvement... might have taken 2 years longer but we'd have won it...
america was just the substitute who scored the last minute penalty... wait until we had played the whole game, extra time included, before sending in some fresh legs to finish the game off... but those tired legs of ours would have done it regardless, you just helped... i repeat... helped... us to end it quicker
That's because 99% of credible authorities consider Russia to be a part of the allies. As I said, those credible authorities aren't considering the very real possibility that Russia would've had its way with the UK after it was done enslaving all of Europe.
If you want to say that the UK could've fought off both the nazis and the russians, then that's a different story. Is that what you're saying?
oh dunk how could you get that so wrong?
adam and eve had three sons. after cain slew abel seth was born. cain was booted out into the land of nod and there he met his wife. it's not that adam and eve were the only people, it's that they were the first.
cain and abel are the only ones i know by name... i know they had lots
i know about land of Nod, see my thread on the creation of the world in under 2mins somewhere
adam and eve were the first, and god then made more? if so how did he make them? if it was from body parts then thats "inbreeding"
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
1. That's because 99% of credible authorities consider Russia to be a part of the allies. As I said, those credible authorities aren't considering the very real possibility that Russia would've had its way with the UK after it was done enslaving all of Europe.
2. If you want to say that the UK could've fought off both the nazis and the russians, then that's a different story. Is that what you're saying?
1. you said the russians were not part of the Allies, then making the preposterous exclamation that you kicked the most ass out of all the allies... you didnt!
i'm telling you that 99% of credible historians and military strategists will tell you they were part of the allies.... you said it yourself..."they technically were"
2. i never even alluded to that theory in any way shape or form... you've just imagined that!
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
I sparked this thread and I haven't even chimed in yet.
I stand by my original statement. It is the truth.
your opinion flies in the face of the majority of the worlds greatest military historians.... what makes you the expert... you're probably a teenager who plays Civilization too often...
what makes your hyperbole so 'right'... saying shit like that makes you no better than a muslim extremist.. thats true
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
oh dunk how could you get that so wrong?
adam and eve had three sons. after cain slew abel seth was born. cain was booted out into the land of nod and there he met his wife. it's not that adam and eve were the only people, it's that they were the first.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
As I said before, you're really avoiding the issue at hand by using the historian's definition of "allies."
The issue at hand is the UK's freedom. I'm not talking about speaking german or even specifically Russian. I'm talking about whether or not the brits would be brits.
That's what I mean by allies. A true "ally" is in it for the team. The Russians were clearly not concerned about being in it for anyone but themselves.
And had the US not gotten involved, your grandparents may very well have ended up in a Siberian Gulag. That's a very real possibility. And luckily for you within the context of this conversation, that possibility has not been seriously discussed in the arena of respected "historians."
And so it is for that reason that, yes, maybe my argument would not hold up to the 99% of credible historians test.
But, what the hell do 99% credible historians really know when they are referring to the Russians as "allies"? Do you really take your own freedom that lightly? Your willing to distort your own idea of freedom for the sake of upholding a technicality?
I don't consider the russians to be a part of the allies. They technically were, but, ideologically, they were not. They were out for themselves and they screwed everyone that got in their path. Like I said, everyone who was "liberated" by the Russians would probably choke on their own vomit upon hearing the Russians being referred to as part of the "allies."
And the Americans weren't out for themselves? Why did they only get involved two and a half years after the war started? Was it perhaps that they knew Hitler couldn't sustain a war on two fronts and that the U.S therefore saw an opportunity to grab a slice of the post-war cake in Europe?
In this context, Russia (& China) were allies as they fought 'side by side' with the US, British, French, Canadian, etc. forces on the battlefronts.
Congratulations on knowing the textbook definition of the word "ally." But, what does that word really mean when it comes to your way of life?
There's a saying that the arabs have. It goes, "Your enemy's enemy is your friend." It's something like that.
By calling the Russians and the Chinese "allies", all you're really doing is downgrading the true meaning of the word "ally" by using it to pertain to "your enemy's enemy."
Really...I'm not disagreeing with the "historian's" definition of ally. I'm trying to approach this in terms of whose granddaddy didn't end up in front of a firing squad and why. Historians tend not to care about these little subtle details. Alot of good the word "ally" is going to do you when you're facing the business end of a communist rifle.
As far as I'm concerned, the word "ally" means "freedom-loving country." If we cannot agree on that, then I have nothing to input.
And the Americans weren't out for themselves? Why did they only get involved two and a half years after the war started? Was it perhaps that they knew Hitler couldn't sustain a war on two fronts and that the U.S therefore saw an opportunity to grab a slice of the post-war cake in Europe?
You can throw out any conspiracy theory you like. The fact of the matter is that you're still speaking English, not German or Russian. That's what this thread is about. Actually, this thread is about speaking German, but what's the difference if it's not English?
My point is that the Russians would have bent your great uncle over the railing and taken his manhood had Audie Murphy not shown up to town with his trusty shotgun. If you disagree with that, then fine.
Congratulations on knowing the textbook definition of the word "ally." But, what does that word really mean when it comes to your way of life?
There's a saying that the arabs have. It goes, "Your enemy's enemy is your friend." It's something like that.
By calling the Russians and the Chinese "allies", all you're really doing is downgrading the true meaning of the word "ally" by using it to pertain to "your enemy's enemy."
Really...I'm not disagreeing with the "historian's" definition of ally. I'm trying to approach this in terms of whose granddaddy didn't end up in front of a firing squad and why. Historians tend not to care about these little subtle details. Alot of good the word "ally" is going to do you when you're facing the business end of a communist rifle.
As far as I'm concerned, the word "ally" means "freedom-loving country." If we cannot agree on that, then I have nothing to input.
Dude, ally has always meant my enemy's enemy. And in some cases the two also have some other common interests as well. Ally has nothing to do with freedom in itself. In ww2 the allies were those fighting the axis countries for whatever reason, many of them because axis had invaded their countries. They united against the common enemy. Doesn't mean the allies shared very much else. As the break-up after the war was over quickly showed.
Just saying.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I don't consider the russians to be a part of the allies. They technically were, but, ideologically, they were not. They were out for themselves and they screwed everyone that got in their path.
The Yalta conference:
February 4, 1945 to February 11, 1945 between the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union — Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin, respectively.
Key points of the meeting are as follows:
There was an agreement that the priority would be the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany. After the war, Germany would be split into four occupied zones, with a quadripartite occupation of Berlin as well.
Stalin agreed to let France have the fourth occupation zone in Germany and Austria, carved out from the British and American zones. France would also be granted a seat in the Allied Control Council.
Germany would undergo demilitarization and denazification.
German reparations were partly to be in the form of forced labor.
Creation of an allied reparation council with its seat in Moscow.
The status of Poland was discussed, but was complicated by the fact that Poland was at this time under the control of the Red Army. It was agreed to reorganize the Provisionary Polish Government that had been set up by the Red Army through the inclusion of other groups such as the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity and to have democratic elections. This effectively excluded the legitimate Polish government-in-exile that had evacuated in 1939.
The Polish eastern border would follow the Curzon Line, and Poland would receive substantial territorial compensation in the west from Germany, although the exact border was to be determined at a later time.
Citizens of the Soviet Union and of Yugoslavia were to be handed over to their respective countries, regardless of their consent.
Roosevelt obtained a commitment by Stalin to participate in the United Nations once it was agreed that each of the five permanent members of the Security Council would have veto power.
Stalin agreed to enter the fight against the Empire of Japan within 90 days after the defeat of Germany. The Soviet Union would receive the southern part of Sakhalin and the Kurile islands after the defeat of Japan.
Millions of Soviets across Europe were forced to return to the Soviet Union under Stalin's Communist rule
A "Committee on Dismemberment of Germany" was to be set up. The purpose was to decide whether Germany was to be divided into several nations, and if so, what borders and inter-relationships the new German states were to have.
Roosevelt objectives versus Stalin objectives:
Yalta was the last great conference before the end of the war in Europe and the death of President Roosevelt, and the last trip Roosevelt took abroad. To observers he appeared already ill and exhausted. Arguably, his most important goal was to ensure the Soviet Union's participation in the United Nations, which he achieved at the price of granting veto power to each permanent member of the Security Council. Another of his objectives was to bring the Soviet Union into the fight against Japan, as the effectiveness of the atomic bomb had yet to be proven. As a reward, Soviet Union was allowed to seize Sakhalin and Kuril Islands,which used to be under Chinese sovereignty,and some other privileges in colonial China remained intact.The Red Army had already removed Nazi forces from most of Eastern Europe, so Stalin obtained his goals: a significant sphere of influence as a buffer zone. In this process, the freedom of small nations was sacrificed for the sake of stability, which meant that the Baltic countries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia would continue to be members of the USSR.
That's what I mean by allies. A true "ally" is in it for the team. The Russians were clearly not concerned about being in it for anyone but themselves.
That's what alliances are... you get together for one purpose that is of benefit to you. Then, when this alliance doesn't serve it's purpose anymore, it is 'disbanded' and other alliances are formed as need be.
That's the way it goes in politics, business, warfare, worklife and even private life....
It's true that the Russians killed a whole lot many more Nazis than the Allies did. And I'm sure most Americans haven't ever once taken this into consideration. I certainly did not learn that in High School here in the states. I didn't major in History in college, so I don't know if they teach that at the collegiate level or what.
But, when I think of "winning" WWII, I think of actually liberating those countries or at least saving them from tyanny. In the case of Russia's contribution, it's neither. They brought their own brand of tyranny with them as they "liberated" the formerly nazi-occupied areas of Europe.
And who is to say that the UK would have been spared? Who is to say that Stalin would have stopped at only the nazi-occupied areas of Europe?
So, that's why the US did save your guys' asses, whether you like to admit it or not. If it wasn't the nazis, it most likely would've been the Russkies. In which case, all you limies would be drinking vodka and doing the barynya.
But, you don't have to thank us. The Beatles and Pink Floyd were definitely worth the trouble.
Well I'm not sure which schools you went to but I was taught that Russia played a major part in defeating the Nazis. I majored in history for a while and decided to drop it because it seemed to focus on war. The link I posted is a timeline from PBS, which is our Public Broadcast Station. PBS is an educational station. If you search around the link you'll find the teachers guide. This is in fact what we are taught. The timeline doesn't mention how many the Russians killed Germans and it's not of great detail. However it does mention battles won by the Russians as well as the British. It mentions some battles won by Americans but more importantly in mentions battles being won by the Allies. All of the Allied countries played a major roll in defeating the Nazis. The problem is Americans tend to focus more on our roll in history. To say to the Europeans that they would all be speaking German right now if it were not for the Americans is just ridiculous. If Germany won the war or took control of all of Europe it would only have been a matter of time before they came this way. So if the Europeans were speaking German right now it's more than likely so would we. What many Americans mistakenly believe is that after the US nuked Japan it scared the Germans into surrendering. However the Germans surrendered in May 1945 and Japan was nuked in August 1945. The war was not over for the Americans after the Germans surrendered.
Byrnzie, no the US didn't enter in the beginning war as we were an isolated country and that's something that bothers many Americans. Looking at the old black and white footage of the destruction of Europe after WWII is very shocking and upsetting. Americans often think if we only helped sooner that it wouldn't have gone so far but that's something we'll never know. We are very lucky that the war never really made it on our soil with the exception for Pearl Harbor. Now we've gone from one extreme to another and look at us now .
"...believe in lies...to get by...it's divine...whoa...oh, you know what its like..."
Well I'm not sure which schools you went to but I was taught that Russia played a major part in defeating the Nazis. I majored in history for a while and decided to drop it because it seemed to focus on war. The link I posted is a timeline from PBS, which is our Public Broadcast Station. PBS is an educational station. If you search around the link you'll find the teachers guide. This is in fact what we are taught. The timeline doesn't mention how many the Russians killed Germans and it's not of great detail. However it does mention battles won by the Russians as well as the British. It mentions some battles won by Americans but more importantly in mentions battles being won by the Allies. All of the Allied countries played a major roll in defeating the Nazis. The problem is Americans tend to focus more on our roll in history. To say to the Europeans that they would all be speaking German right now if it were not for the Americans is just ridiculous. If Germany won the war or took control of all of Europe it would only have been a matter of time before they came this way. So if the Europeans were speaking German right now it's more than likely so would we. What many Americans mistakenly believe is that after the US nuked Japan it scared the Germans into surrendering. However the Germans surrendered in May 1945 and Japan was nuked in August 1945. The war was not over for the Americans after the Germans surrendered.
Byrnzie, no the US didn't enter in the beginning war as we were an isolated country and that's something that bothers many Americans. Looking at the old black and white footage of the destruction of Europe after WWII is very shocking and upsetting. Americans often think if we only helped sooner that it wouldn't have gone so far but that's something we'll never know. We are very lucky that the war never really made it on our soil with the exception for Pearl Harbor. Now we've gone from one extreme to another and look at us now .
An educated response that will help to dispel the myth/stereotype that americans are (or choose to be) totally ignorant of anything outside the US and that think that the world revolves around them! **tongue in cheek, of course**
Do you really take your own freedom that lightly? Your willing to distort your own idea of freedom for the sake of upholding a technicality?
why do americans go on about 'freedoms'... no-one is truly free... certainly americans are no more free than British, Australians or French... so why batter on about freedoms all the time
its a humorous quirk you guys have... makes me snigger
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
As far as I'm concerned, the word "ally" means "freedom-loving country." If we cannot agree on that, then I have nothing to input.
not content with changing the words favourite, splendour, etc you are now creating a new definition for 'ally'
you can be an ally of the devil... Russia used to be an ally of Germany... etc etc etc
you have no more input
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Because you didn't. And that's a fact. So why do you expect the British to accept a lie?
Edit: Dunk beat me to it.
if Cain and Abel were the only two sons of the only 2 people god 'made' then how did they populate the earth?
so i believe the bible does condone inbreeding but thats a whole other thread
Please.. NOOOOOO.. not another bible thread!!!!!
Honestly, no one is saying you guys didn't fight. We're just saying that there's no way it is even remotely possible that you guys would be a free country had it not been for the fact that the US is a gigantic and violent country that just so happens to speak the english language.
But, obviously, when someone says, "...grandparents...speaking german..," it is a bit on the arrogant and thoughtless side. But, truly ignorant? I would think not. If you still think it's ignorant, then something just as ignorant is ignoring everything I've said above.
I don't consider the russians to be a part of the allies. They technically were, but, ideologically, they were not. They were out for themselves and they screwed everyone that got in their path. Like I said, everyone who was "liberated" by the Russians would probably choke on their own vomit upon hearing the Russians being referred to as part of the "allies."
enough said... any historian will tell you the same
oh dunk how could you get that so wrong?
adam and eve had three sons. after cain slew abel seth was born. cain was booted out into the land of nod and there he met his wife. it's not that adam and eve were the only people, it's that they were the first.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i'm betting 99% of all credible authorities on military history will tell you that you're talking pish.... the allies would have won it regardless of US involvement... might have taken 2 years longer but we'd have won it...
america was just the substitute who scored the last minute penalty... wait until we had played the whole game, extra time included, before sending in some fresh legs to finish the game off... but those tired legs of ours would have done it regardless, you just helped... i repeat... helped... us to end it quicker
I stand by my original statement. It is the truth.
do i fuck... the only thing america has given Scotland is people that are fatter than us... and for that i thank your wobbly arses!
That's because 99% of credible authorities consider Russia to be a part of the allies. As I said, those credible authorities aren't considering the very real possibility that Russia would've had its way with the UK after it was done enslaving all of Europe.
If you want to say that the UK could've fought off both the nazis and the russians, then that's a different story. Is that what you're saying?
cain and abel are the only ones i know by name... i know they had lots
i know about land of Nod, see my thread on the creation of the world in under 2mins somewhere
adam and eve were the first, and god then made more? if so how did he make them? if it was from body parts then thats "inbreeding"
1. you said the russians were not part of the Allies, then making the preposterous exclamation that you kicked the most ass out of all the allies... you didnt!
i'm telling you that 99% of credible historians and military strategists will tell you they were part of the allies.... you said it yourself..."they technically were"
2. i never even alluded to that theory in any way shape or form... you've just imagined that!
your opinion flies in the face of the majority of the worlds greatest military historians.... what makes you the expert... you're probably a teenager who plays Civilization too often...
what makes your hyperbole so 'right'... saying shit like that makes you no better than a muslim extremist.. thats true
i found it
The issue at hand is the UK's freedom. I'm not talking about speaking german or even specifically Russian. I'm talking about whether or not the brits would be brits.
That's what I mean by allies. A true "ally" is in it for the team. The Russians were clearly not concerned about being in it for anyone but themselves.
And had the US not gotten involved, your grandparents may very well have ended up in a Siberian Gulag. That's a very real possibility. And luckily for you within the context of this conversation, that possibility has not been seriously discussed in the arena of respected "historians."
And so it is for that reason that, yes, maybe my argument would not hold up to the 99% of credible historians test.
But, what the hell do 99% credible historians really know when they are referring to the Russians as "allies"? Do you really take your own freedom that lightly? Your willing to distort your own idea of freedom for the sake of upholding a technicality?
In this context, Russia (& China) were allies as they fought 'side by side' with the US, British, French, Canadian, etc. forces on the battlefronts.
O.k then. I am the new ruler of Kazhakstan! This is true because I declare it to be so!
And the Americans weren't out for themselves? Why did they only get involved two and a half years after the war started? Was it perhaps that they knew Hitler couldn't sustain a war on two fronts and that the U.S therefore saw an opportunity to grab a slice of the post-war cake in Europe?
Congratulations on knowing the textbook definition of the word "ally." But, what does that word really mean when it comes to your way of life?
There's a saying that the arabs have. It goes, "Your enemy's enemy is your friend." It's something like that.
By calling the Russians and the Chinese "allies", all you're really doing is downgrading the true meaning of the word "ally" by using it to pertain to "your enemy's enemy."
Really...I'm not disagreeing with the "historian's" definition of ally. I'm trying to approach this in terms of whose granddaddy didn't end up in front of a firing squad and why. Historians tend not to care about these little subtle details. Alot of good the word "ally" is going to do you when you're facing the business end of a communist rifle.
As far as I'm concerned, the word "ally" means "freedom-loving country." If we cannot agree on that, then I have nothing to input.
You can throw out any conspiracy theory you like. The fact of the matter is that you're still speaking English, not German or Russian. That's what this thread is about. Actually, this thread is about speaking German, but what's the difference if it's not English?
My point is that the Russians would have bent your great uncle over the railing and taken his manhood had Audie Murphy not shown up to town with his trusty shotgun. If you disagree with that, then fine.
Dude, ally has always meant my enemy's enemy. And in some cases the two also have some other common interests as well. Ally has nothing to do with freedom in itself. In ww2 the allies were those fighting the axis countries for whatever reason, many of them because axis had invaded their countries. They united against the common enemy. Doesn't mean the allies shared very much else. As the break-up after the war was over quickly showed.
Just saying.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
The Yalta conference:
February 4, 1945 to February 11, 1945 between the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union — Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin, respectively.
Key points of the meeting are as follows:
There was an agreement that the priority would be the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany. After the war, Germany would be split into four occupied zones, with a quadripartite occupation of Berlin as well.
Stalin agreed to let France have the fourth occupation zone in Germany and Austria, carved out from the British and American zones. France would also be granted a seat in the Allied Control Council.
Germany would undergo demilitarization and denazification.
German reparations were partly to be in the form of forced labor.
Creation of an allied reparation council with its seat in Moscow.
The status of Poland was discussed, but was complicated by the fact that Poland was at this time under the control of the Red Army. It was agreed to reorganize the Provisionary Polish Government that had been set up by the Red Army through the inclusion of other groups such as the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity and to have democratic elections. This effectively excluded the legitimate Polish government-in-exile that had evacuated in 1939.
The Polish eastern border would follow the Curzon Line, and Poland would receive substantial territorial compensation in the west from Germany, although the exact border was to be determined at a later time.
Citizens of the Soviet Union and of Yugoslavia were to be handed over to their respective countries, regardless of their consent.
Roosevelt obtained a commitment by Stalin to participate in the United Nations once it was agreed that each of the five permanent members of the Security Council would have veto power.
Stalin agreed to enter the fight against the Empire of Japan within 90 days after the defeat of Germany. The Soviet Union would receive the southern part of Sakhalin and the Kurile islands after the defeat of Japan.
Millions of Soviets across Europe were forced to return to the Soviet Union under Stalin's Communist rule
A "Committee on Dismemberment of Germany" was to be set up. The purpose was to decide whether Germany was to be divided into several nations, and if so, what borders and inter-relationships the new German states were to have.
Roosevelt objectives versus Stalin objectives:
Yalta was the last great conference before the end of the war in Europe and the death of President Roosevelt, and the last trip Roosevelt took abroad. To observers he appeared already ill and exhausted. Arguably, his most important goal was to ensure the Soviet Union's participation in the United Nations, which he achieved at the price of granting veto power to each permanent member of the Security Council. Another of his objectives was to bring the Soviet Union into the fight against Japan, as the effectiveness of the atomic bomb had yet to be proven. As a reward, Soviet Union was allowed to seize Sakhalin and Kuril Islands,which used to be under Chinese sovereignty,and some other privileges in colonial China remained intact.The Red Army had already removed Nazi forces from most of Eastern Europe, so Stalin obtained his goals: a significant sphere of influence as a buffer zone. In this process, the freedom of small nations was sacrificed for the sake of stability, which meant that the Baltic countries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia would continue to be members of the USSR.
That's the way it goes in politics, business, warfare, worklife and even private life....
We're not talking friendship here...
Well I'm not sure which schools you went to but I was taught that Russia played a major part in defeating the Nazis. I majored in history for a while and decided to drop it because it seemed to focus on war. The link I posted is a timeline from PBS, which is our Public Broadcast Station. PBS is an educational station. If you search around the link you'll find the teachers guide. This is in fact what we are taught. The timeline doesn't mention how many the Russians killed Germans and it's not of great detail. However it does mention battles won by the Russians as well as the British. It mentions some battles won by Americans but more importantly in mentions battles being won by the Allies. All of the Allied countries played a major roll in defeating the Nazis. The problem is Americans tend to focus more on our roll in history. To say to the Europeans that they would all be speaking German right now if it were not for the Americans is just ridiculous. If Germany won the war or took control of all of Europe it would only have been a matter of time before they came this way. So if the Europeans were speaking German right now it's more than likely so would we. What many Americans mistakenly believe is that after the US nuked Japan it scared the Germans into surrendering. However the Germans surrendered in May 1945 and Japan was nuked in August 1945. The war was not over for the Americans after the Germans surrendered.
Byrnzie, no the US didn't enter in the beginning war as we were an isolated country and that's something that bothers many Americans. Looking at the old black and white footage of the destruction of Europe after WWII is very shocking and upsetting. Americans often think if we only helped sooner that it wouldn't have gone so far but that's something we'll never know. We are very lucky that the war never really made it on our soil with the exception for Pearl Harbor. Now we've gone from one extreme to another and look at us now
Nope, that would be Borat.
An educated response that will help to dispel the myth/stereotype that americans are (or choose to be) totally ignorant of anything outside the US and that think that the world revolves around them! **tongue in cheek, of course**
why do americans go on about 'freedoms'... no-one is truly free... certainly americans are no more free than British, Australians or French... so why batter on about freedoms all the time
its a humorous quirk you guys have... makes me snigger
not content with changing the words favourite, splendour, etc you are now creating a new definition for 'ally'
you can be an ally of the devil... Russia used to be an ally of Germany... etc etc etc
you have no more input