What would the U.S be like today if it hadn't gained independence from the British?

What would the U.S be like today if it hadn't gained independence from the British??
Post edited by Unknown User on
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?
Tornoto? Where's that...Japan?
oooops...I meant Toronto!
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?
you'd be like australia(but with more people) and we'd be kicking your arse at cricket
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
it'd probably be run by some power hungry megalomaniac with less brain cells than a crash test dummy with Parkinsons, who conviently had every finger in every financial pie known to man... it'd also be a country sending men to war under the guise of freedom but really for some form of imperialistic crowd control.........wait a minute :eek:
this sounds all to familiar!
But would Elvis still have died eating a burger on the lavatory, or would he have died eating a McVities rich tea biscuit on the bog? And would George Dubya be President, or would he be the presenter of some wacky kids t.v show, in the manner of Keith Chegwin or Christopher Biggins?
as a person from Toronto, let me tell you that i do believe that it i sthe most multicultural city that is until our government send everyone out.
is there a plan to throw everyone out?
I guess Edmonton or Calgary will soon become huge multicultural city also, they need so many workers there, they have to rely on immigration, which will be good for the future of this province, i think.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Born to Be President - 16 presidents and 14 first ladies have been descended from European royalty
well they are sending out the portuguese who have been here for 20 years.
And with our much better education system, you'd also be spelling it correctly too.
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
It's actually spelled both ways. The way I spelled it is the correct way when you dont have a stick up your ass.
seriously made me laugh. i was living over in prague for a few weeks last year, ina community of expats....mostly british...good mix of english and scottish...and that was something they commented on...americans obsessiveness with teeth. we had a great laugh and a semi-serious discussion about it one evening over many drinks...it was damn funny. and in the end, they all said, they like our teeth.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
so they are re-locating some of the portguese population?
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?
Ok, I hate to pull your pud about this, and being from texas I understand your lack of irony / sarcasm antenna with regards my original post, but you are completely wrong. It is not spelt both ways. Bollocks is spelt bollocks. Not Bollucks, or any other crazy derivation you can think of.
In the Oxford Dictionary of English, Second Edition, Ballocks is the only acceptable alternative. Nothing else. End of, simple as.
Its a laughing joke that you quote the urban dictionary. It has as much relevance as wikipedia. Check your sources, enhance your vocabulary.
Move along.
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
Except it would have been spelt Mouldy and not Moldy!
2. you'd be able to drink more beer without passing out or crying.
3. you'd be educated to a higher degree.
4. you'd have a cricket and a soccer team.
5. new zealand would be kicking your ass at rugby.
6. people would like you more.
So much anger. I'm sorry if being from Texas influences my sarcasm antenna (?). You might try using the sarcasm avatar to halt any future misunderstandings. I'm sorry if I offended you "wanker" (did I spell that one correctly?). The urban dictionary was just one of many references I could have used with this particular spelling. I'm sorry I didnt research slang in the Oxford dictionary. I promise you there are numerous slang words used in Texas that you would not spell correctly and I also pledge I wouldnt be an ass about it. As for the stick up the ass reference I was joking but I think i was on the mark evidently. LOL.
Don't you have some sheep to attend to?
1. the british form of gov't doesn't work better than ours.
2. you've been drinking with the wrong people, apparently.
3. debatable. There are very fine institutions of higher learning here. How about New Zealand?
4. We have a soccer team. How about New Zealand? And cricket? Please.
5. probably. So nothing would change here.
6. who cares?
7. we'd have worse teeth.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
1. *cough*
2. apparently so. common knowledge though, worldwide. yanks cant drink.
3. yeah. we do actually. not bad numbers for such a small country. per capita, more than you and better funded with a higher quality. just per capita though.
4. you dont really have a soccer team.
5. cry! cry!
6. ...my mum cares.
7. you must be thinking of the poms.