this planet has been provided free unlimited renewable energy since the begining of time...
we choose to look undergroud for what is right above our heads
not to mention wind... water...
The sun isn't exactly free.. like oil you need equipment to harness its energy and that equipment costs.. it is cleaner though... the sun will eventually die out, but we'll be long gone by the time that happens anyways.
The sun isn't exactly free.. like oil you need equipment to harness its energy and that equipment costs.. it is cleaner though... the sun will eventually die out, but we'll be long gone by the time that happens anyways.
once you have the equipment it is free...
and i have no concerns of the sun dying out any time soon...
Further evidence that the human smart bomb is way more advanced than anything any military has created thus far.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
they have a couple times, remember the bridge bomb attack on musharaff? on another note, she was not a great leader, she stole from the people and known to be kinda corrupt. how corrupt? maybe avg leader of a country corrupt? but anyway she was not super good.
But anyway, the most shocking thing for most americans from this will be the fact that they probably had no idea pakistan had a female leader years ago. I think she even won twice! while here in america people are asking... "are we ready for a female president?"
Her daddy was a upstanding citizen too! As the ladies I work with said and I will quote: "she is there to settle up her daddy's score". Nothing more or less.
And yes she won twice. Once she wasn't even in the country.
really how so? its called lack of resources and little regard for human life.
Actually it's called the human brain v.s. computer chips. If you want to talk about disregard for human life there's plenty to go around from all sides.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Actually it's called the human brain v.s. computer chips. If you want to talk about disregard for human life there's plenty to go around from all sides.
I am sorry she died, but is anyone surprised? She knew the minute she landed back on Pakistan soil it was only a matter of time before she would be killed. Now she's a martyr and will destabilize President Musharraf's government. She, plus her family had many enemies other than President Musharraf's immediate government
no, not suprised, but it still sucks though. It's just going to create another furball. I feel really bad for her family today. The fact she was a woman probably ruffled more than a few least in the Taliban... not the general pop.
It probably worries me more that the US will commit more money and time into another fruitless quagmire.
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
Right now, Bhutto supporters are rioting, the terrorists are getting what they wanted from this murder, but the Islamofascists can not be allowed to win this war, Pakistan is a Nuclear power, and there is nothing the terrorist leaders around the world want more than to get their hands on nuclear weapons.
American people need to take notice of this, we are in the process of selecting a new leader of the Free World, and things like this assassination underscore why we need to select someone with the courage and toughness to do the right thing. All to many people have slipped back into the pre-9/11 mentality, but this should be a wake-up call, this is still a very dangerous world we live in, and is the person you choose to be the next President of the United States the person that would best be able to handle an enemy that hates so bad that they want to kill anyone that opposes them. This is going to be a very important election, I pray that the American people do the right thing.
These terrorists don’t care about all of the UN irresolutions and official condemnations that will be passed over the next day or so, they only take notice of hard decisive action. There is no negotiating with this evil, at Tony Blair once said, “There is no meeting of minds, no point of understanding with such terror. Just a choice: Defeat it or be defeated by it. And defeat it we must.”
Pre 9/11 mentality, give me a break. Try some post 9/11 mentality. Six years of billions and billions of war/security dollar budgets given to this Administration, so tell me why
-why our border's aren't secure
-why our ports aren't secure
-why is our entire F-15 fleet is grounded when only last week they issued a cautionary note about terrorist acts at Bowl Games.
-why our troops are still waiting on equipment and gear while Blackwater has everything including immunity
-why is our economy going down the drain while warmongering corporations are reaping billions in profits, outsourcing jobs and obtaining tax shelter by moving their address overseas?
I'm not looking for a Bush clone. I want someone willing to take care of America first and work with the rest of the world leaders to get their act together. Any President can send troops to die for their country, I'm looking for someone who will at least want to try and stop it before it gets that far. I don't want someone who's going to tell me they had God's blessing and therefore God will be their judge. If that's the case, I'll put God as a write-in candidate.
Hey, - it's after Christmas, why are there still people without electricity in Kansas and Oklahoma in the world's greatest country? Haven't heard any candidate address that issue. No Congressional hearings for the power companies.
Terrorists are a concern and should not be taken lightly. A more important fact to remember is that sometimes the greatest threat can be in your own home.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
no, not suprised, but it still sucks though. It's just going to create another furball. I feel really bad for her family today. The fact she was a woman probably ruffled more than a few least in the Taliban... not the general pop.
She was elected twice and I don't think she had a sex change during either election. Her being a woman didn't seem to be a problem with the Pakistan people.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
She was elected twice and I don't think she had a sex change during either election. Her being a woman didn't seem to be a problem with the Pakistan people.
right. It's just another destabilizing event. I don't really know enough to comment intelligently on the matter, your post above though is brilliant. I couldn't say it better myself. Turn the political focus home, start taking care of the problems in our own house and some of these other issues will go away. It's not written anywhere that the US must be the worlds policeman, and I'm worried this will be another excuse to send troops to another theatre.
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
Pre 9/11 mentality, give me a break. Try some post 9/11 mentality. Six years of billions and billions of war/security dollar budgets given to this Administration, so tell me why
-why our border's aren't secure
-why our ports aren't secure
-why is our entire F-15 fleet is grounded when only last week they issued a cautionary note about terrorist acts at Bowl Games.
-why our troops are still waiting on equipment and gear while Blackwater has everything including immunity
-why is our economy going down the drain while warmongering corporations are reaping billions in profits, outsourcing jobs and obtaining tax shelter by moving their address overseas?
I'm not looking for a Bush clone. I want someone willing to take care of America first and work with the rest of the world leaders to get their act together. Any President can send troops to die for their country, I'm looking for someone who will at least want to try and stop it before it gets that far. I don't want someone who's going to tell me they had God's blessing and therefore God will be their judge. If that's the case, I'll put God as a write-in candidate.
Terrorists are a concern and should not be taken lightly. A more important fact to remember is that sometimes the greatest threat can be in your own home.
you make very good points. are F-15s really grounded?
And with this current administration we have not had a terrorist attack "in my home" All I am saying is bringing the troops home right now is not a good thing
The only correlation between commiting violence abroad and terrorist attacks is they might increase if anything
Seems she stood for 'modernity', and so was seen to be somewhat opposed to the more radical religious elements in the country. Again, we probably have religion to thank for this.
Radical Muslims calling for Islamic law, and fiercely opposed to the US, have become increasingly active in Pakistani politics in recent years, analysts say.'
Seems she stood for 'modernity', and so was seen to be somewhat opposed to the more radical religious elements in the country. Again, we probably have religion to thank for this.
Radical Muslims calling for Islamic law, and fiercely opposed to the US, have become increasingly active in Pakistani politics in recent years, analysts say.'
by the way you embrace radical Islam, I'd think you'd be praising this act.
And with this current administration we have not had a terrorist attack "in my home" All I am saying is bringing the troops home right now is not a good thing
I can't say I'm surprised by this. par for the course. just doesnt make much sense though, what threat did she pose to musharraf? he was the one who wanted to have elections in a few months
(Hussain Haqqani, a former top aide to Bhutto, is now a professor at Boston University)
Haqqani is not shy about pointing fingers. He blames Musharraf himself, above all, for Bhutto's death. "It's quite clear that Musharraf does not want an election - you can quote me - he is the one who has constantly wanted anybody who can threaten him or his power, out." Haqqani told Congress in October that U.S. aid for Pakistan has for too long been tilted toward the Pakistani military. "Since 1954 almost $21 billion had been given to Pakistan in aid," he told the House Armed Services Committee. "Of this, $17.7 billion were given under military rule, and only $3.4 billion was given to Pakistan and the civilian government."
(Hussain Haqqani, a former top aide to Bhutto, is now a professor at Boston University)
Haqqani is not shy about pointing fingers. He blames Musharraf himself, above all, for Bhutto's death. "It's quite clear that Musharraf does not want an election - you can quote me - he is the one who has constantly wanted anybody who can threaten him or his power, out." Haqqani told Congress in October that U.S. aid for Pakistan has for too long been tilted toward the Pakistani military. "Since 1954 almost $21 billion had been given to Pakistan in aid," he told the House Armed Services Committee. "Of this, $17.7 billion were given under military rule, and only $3.4 billion was given to Pakistan and the civilian government."
yea, you are right. its highly debatable. I'd like to trust musharraf but how could I. pakistan is a fucked up place.
And with this current administration we have not had a terrorist attack "in my home" All I am saying is bringing the troops home right now is not a good thing
Umm yes there was a terrorist attack in our homeland under the current administration...remember 9/11? Bush was President then and was lousy then and continues to be.
"...believe in get's divine...whoa...oh, you know what its like..."
People keep saying they knew she was going to be assassinated but that doesn't make it right. She had her faults like all people do but she seemed to be the best candidate to lead Pakistan in a peaceful direction and it looks like she was leading in the polls. I saw many interviews with her over the years and she was very impressive and seemed like a very good leader. It's a huge loss to Pakistan, the Middle East and the world.
"...believe in get's divine...whoa...oh, you know what its like..."
fucking oil is up almost a buck fifty 97 and change. I hate oil
*Tiptoes out of thread*
the sun is the answer...
this planet has been provided free unlimited renewable energy since the begining of time...
we choose to look undergroud for what is right above our heads
not to mention wind... water...
very quickly
agreed. 2008 is not starting out too well and it hasn't even started yet.
She was a brave woman with brains and beauty.
RIP Benazir.
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
once you have the equipment it is free...
and i have no concerns of the sun dying out any time soon...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
really how so? its called lack of resources and little regard for human life.
Her daddy was a upstanding citizen too! As the ladies I work with said and I will quote: "she is there to settle up her daddy's score". Nothing more or less.
And yes she won twice. Once she wasn't even in the country.
Actually it's called the human brain v.s. computer chips. If you want to talk about disregard for human life there's plenty to go around from all sides.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
thats true
no, not suprised, but it still sucks though. It's just going to create another furball. I feel really bad for her family today. The fact she was a woman probably ruffled more than a few least in the Taliban... not the general pop.
It probably worries me more that the US will commit more money and time into another fruitless quagmire.
Pre 9/11 mentality, give me a break. Try some post 9/11 mentality. Six years of billions and billions of war/security dollar budgets given to this Administration, so tell me why
-why our border's aren't secure
-why our ports aren't secure
-why is our entire F-15 fleet is grounded when only last week they issued a cautionary note about terrorist acts at Bowl Games.
-why our troops are still waiting on equipment and gear while Blackwater has everything including immunity
-why is our economy going down the drain while warmongering corporations are reaping billions in profits, outsourcing jobs and obtaining tax shelter by moving their address overseas?
I'm not looking for a Bush clone. I want someone willing to take care of America first and work with the rest of the world leaders to get their act together. Any President can send troops to die for their country, I'm looking for someone who will at least want to try and stop it before it gets that far. I don't want someone who's going to tell me they had God's blessing and therefore God will be their judge. If that's the case, I'll put God as a write-in candidate.
Hey, - it's after Christmas, why are there still people without electricity in Kansas and Oklahoma in the world's greatest country? Haven't heard any candidate address that issue. No Congressional hearings for the power companies.
Terrorists are a concern and should not be taken lightly. A more important fact to remember is that sometimes the greatest threat can be in your own home.
She was elected twice and I don't think she had a sex change during either election. Her being a woman didn't seem to be a problem with the Pakistan people.
right. It's just another destabilizing event. I don't really know enough to comment intelligently on the matter, your post above though is brilliant. I couldn't say it better myself. Turn the political focus home, start taking care of the problems in our own house and some of these other issues will go away. It's not written anywhere that the US must be the worlds policeman, and I'm worried this will be another excuse to send troops to another theatre.
you make very good points. are F-15s really grounded?
Can you explain what you mean by this being 'Par for the course'?
'Many analysts say attacks like those on Thursday show the creeping "Talebanisation" of Pakistan.
Radical Muslims calling for Islamic law, and fiercely opposed to the US, have become increasingly active in Pakistani politics in recent years, analysts say.'
by the way you embrace radical Islam, I'd think you'd be praising this act.
We sure have. Unless you mean since 9/11?
That's debatable.
(Hussain Haqqani, a former top aide to Bhutto, is now a professor at Boston University)
Haqqani is not shy about pointing fingers. He blames Musharraf himself, above all, for Bhutto's death. "It's quite clear that Musharraf does not want an election - you can quote me - he is the one who has constantly wanted anybody who can threaten him or his power, out." Haqqani told Congress in October that U.S. aid for Pakistan has for too long been tilted toward the Pakistani military. "Since 1954 almost $21 billion had been given to Pakistan in aid," he told the House Armed Services Committee. "Of this, $17.7 billion were given under military rule, and only $3.4 billion was given to Pakistan and the civilian government."
yea, you are right. its highly debatable. I'd like to trust musharraf but how could I. pakistan is a fucked up place.
Umm yes there was a terrorist attack in our homeland under the current administration...remember 9/11? Bush was President then and was lousy then and continues to be.