Time. Linear or circular??

I dreamed about this issue last night. (Yeah, one of those half awake, half asleep type things).
So is time linear, or circular? Is the world made up of atoms, or waves of interconnectedness?
Is linear time a purely human construct?
So is time linear, or circular? Is the world made up of atoms, or waves of interconnectedness?
Is linear time a purely human construct?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Clocks and planet rotations are both round.
The idea of time being linear does seem to be just a way for people to organize the idea that something happened in the past or will happen in the future before or after a certain number of sun-ups and downs...
So, who knows?
I say it's an illusion. We experience time because we think it's there. When we experience the world as is, rather than through a filter of our thoughts...we see things as they are, in the eternal now.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
It all comes down to perception - of course. So, I'm thinking of shamanism, American Indian beliefs - for example - along with quantum physics and the fact that independent of our perception/observation, which perceives reality in terms of atoms and seperateness, reality is measured in terms of waves and interconnectedness.
Also, if you try to conceive of a beginning or an end of time you find yourself in the realm of the absurd, and the impossible. Therefore a circular idea of time appears to make more sense.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
No. Then we just say that God did it.
If the big bang started our Universe, what was there before? Where did the bangee come from.
the show "The Universe" had a deep theory about the Universe being cyclical, and every 35 Billion years (may be off alittle on this #) it implodes and explodes (re-bangs), regardless, it all goes back to something didn't come from nothing, and this is where my search for God comes in...
This doesn't even start to get into multiple demensions, string theory, etc...
It's an amazing adventure learning about this kind of stuff, knowing what we didn't know and thought we knew 100 years ago, and what we do know and think we know now...wow...where will our knowledge and understanding by in 2050? beyond?
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Seriously though. I wish I had a time machine.
your body couldn't handle the trip, so it's believed, lol.
but yes, that would be cool, though the whole anything you do in the past can effect the future in ways we can't see kinda sucks..butterfly effect...
would be cool to be at the Off Ramp Cafe on 10.22.1990...
Stop by:
Trading stories with the leaves instead
You wouldn't need to ask the question on acid. It just hands the answer to you on a plate. Or is it your brain on a plate? Or an egg?
if you imagine us as no more important than the cycles of weather.. its patterns... natural disasters... the ocean currents... the tide... if we are one in the same.. than time must be circular as mother nature cleans itself off.. and straightens things up every now and again... its a revolving cycle it seems.
if im confusing heres the root of this thought i had (example):
Hurricanes here in Florida come hard every so often.. NOT EVERY YEAR..
when its been a long time between when a strong one hits... it can feel devastating to the environment where as the trees and weaker parts of the environment are broken down and washed away... so that the next hurricane even if the same strength... will appear to be weaker... but in actuality its just that the trees left standing are still there because they are the strongest... and i think this can apply to houses that demolish with no outside occurence except the strenght of the hurricane
lol.. what i think this all means is...
time is an illusion.. like ANGELICA said simply..
if you dont think in sets of days.. you might be considered a drifter... but you will be on the outside looking in...
maybe thats why geniuses are crazy to us.
the answers may in fact be fatal... so be careful thinking about this.. if you get to close.. you might not be able to tell anyone
Brick, are you saying that there's a party in your pants and that I'm invited?
I thought that was "I heard there's a party in your mouth and everyone's coming".
Mine was from the movie "Anchorman."
Brick Tamland: I would like to extend to you an invitation to the pants party.
Veronica Corningstone: Excuse me?
Brick Tamland: [struggling] The... party. With the... with the pants. Party with pants?
Veronica Corningstone: Brick, are you saying that there's a party in your pants and that I'm invited?
The void of uncertainty, it keeps us back in the world of the veils, held securely by our fear. The only thing to fear is fear itself! Literally! When we face our deepest fears, we realize they are all illusions. All that exists is unbroken and perfect wholeness, Is-ness, BEing-ness! To move beyond the void and past fear is to move into the field of all possibilities!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
i see what you are saying and you are right.
the wholeness... is-ness, beingness i like that
but its not fear i dont think... im trying to say.. if you are going to try and live in this society here in america... it could become very difficult if you get to deep... not that you shouldnt.... just be aware...
what im saying is probably bullshit... just look for someone on the same level... and hopefully they kept themselves in good condition so you can tolerate their presense
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
You definitely have a point. When we step beyond what is the generally accepted 'reality' we better have/find some major inner groundedness, and external supports....it's not easy...it's called the road less travelled for a reason! There is a huge void there, and many challenges to overcome. It can be done, still!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
The lecture was published a few years later. You might be able to get hold of it.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
There's always a party in my pants. It's like Ibiza down there. Get's a bit noisy at times though.
There is a definite linkage between time and space, and especially between relative position and time... Time dilation (time changes due to velocity) has been tested and proven. The faster you go, the slower time passes for you relative to a non-moving individual. Similar effects occur due to gravity.
So time is certainly not uniform. It is also possible that the 'direction' of time is linked to the second law of thermodynamics and the net increase in entropy. If the universe is cyclic, and collapses on itself, and if the second law of thermodynamics is reversed, then time may reverse with it.
Of course time may also be an illusion, or at least our perspective of it seriously flawed. I don't think that there is enough evidence for anything more than theories at this stage... but of course I could be wrong.
Cheers. I'll try and check it out.
your so fucking positive... and i think you're right.
10 stars.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Interesting question, Byrnzie. I'm not sure how time can be circular. There is an arrow of time, and if the arrow of time was to change direction, then that would be a physical event, as such scientists want to figure out the math and logic behind that event.
If however the arrow of time has had the same direction since the big bang or whatever started it all, then it is a pointless theory, unless it changes direction.
I believe most scientists separate between what we perceive and what the physical reality of the situation is. I think that we do need a physical time dimension for mass to be able to move, and that this time is different from our mental time, the time we create by retrieving memories and experiencing time with our senses.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
For example, when you sleep at night, 8 hours goes by in the blink of an eye.. when we die.. billions of "years" will go by in the blink of an eye..
Want proof?.. we'll infinite went on before you were born in the blink of an eye.. Time is not a thing. Just a simplified human explanation of the order of things..
Everything is in the now.
When you die, will everything cease to exist? And if it goes on, how will you know it is and would it matter..
OK, my head is going to implode.