
You are tied to a board, your ankles, wrists, chest and head strapped firmly down. Water pours onto your face, flows up your nose, into your mouth, down your throat and fills your lungs and stomach. You gag, choke and struggle for breath.
This is waterboarding.
The CIA uses waterboarding to try to extract information from detainees in the ‘war on terror’. President George Bush calls it a ‘necessary tool’. In reality it is torture.
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You are tied to a board, your ankles, wrists, chest and head strapped firmly down. Water pours onto your face, flows up your nose, into your mouth, down your throat and fills your lungs and stomach. You gag, choke and struggle for breath.
This is waterboarding.
The CIA uses waterboarding to try to extract information from detainees in the ‘war on terror’. President George Bush calls it a ‘necessary tool’. In reality it is torture.
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Post edited by Unknown User on
I thought our "enemy" was cutting off the heads of its prisoners with dull saws. I'm not defending anything....just saying...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
thats true. waterboarding is an ice cream sunday to them. but both fall under "torture" so can't do it.
Do you have a link to the agreed upon list of what is torture and what is not?
Again, I'm not defending anything, but I do think there's more of a grey area here than meets the eye.
For example, if someone had a genuine phobia of caterpillars, it might be torture to tie them down and let them crawl all over them.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
haha I hear ya man. no I don't have a link. I have a few personal feelings about waterboarding being torture or not, but seems as if the general consensus is that it is. as soon as it goes anywhere near that category, we shouldn't do it. for obvious reasons that I'm sure you agree with.
In order to defeat... do not become them. If you do... you have failed.
Hail, Hail!!!
Not to mention how well does this kind of thing really work? I mean yes if you waterboard a terrorist he is probably going to admit to being a terrorist if it makes you stop, but at the same time if I was waterboarded I would admit to being a terrorist. If that's how it works how reliable is your information going to be?
True. A lot of experts state that information ontained through torture is for the most part unreliable.
I saw a 'My Name is Earl' episode where he crossed paths with the local Homeland Security. They thought Earl was a terrorist so they interrogated him by putting this tube up his butt and asking him if he was a terrorist. They would keep putting it in, further and further until he admitted to being a terrorist.
As soon as they put it in, Earl screamed, "I'm a terrorist! I'm a terrorist! Take it out! Take it out!"
I know it's comedy... but, it's kinda true.
Hail, Hail!!!
I remember that, it was pretty funny, plus didn't he admit to shooting Lincoln? But your right it is probably a true, plus if pretty much anyone who gets waterboarded is going to admit to being a terrorist, how do they know the guy they have is an actual terrorist, and not just some guy who they picked up who was walking along the streets of Kabul minding his own business?
I'd admit to being Usama bin Laden to get them to stop torturing me.
Hail, Hail!!!
I think the reasoning is it's ok if you don't do it to your "own" people
If someone was shoving a tube up my ass I would claim to be who ever the fuck they wanted me to be.
it's disturbingly similar to throwing an accused witch into a lake to see if she'll float.
Sums up my thoughts on the matter, nicely.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Let's try to keep your bedroom antics out of the thread...mmmkay?!
Low Traffic CIO MIW
I think waterboarding is a acceptable means to get that information.
is that exactly what I thought I read?"
How I choose to feel,...Is how I am.
How do you know he's not saying whatever you might want to hear to have the torture stopped?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Apparently waterboarding is such a devastating psychological
trick that it really makes people feel as if they are drowning.
Human instinct kicks in and voila,they spill the beans.
this is why it is the preferred technique.
is that exactly what I thought I read?"
How I choose to feel,...Is how I am.
but how do you know the 'beans' are authentic and not just to get you to stop making them feel as if they are drowning?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
That, and how do you know this guy knows stuff? Maybe he doesn't know anything, and you just made him feel as he was drowning for nothing.
I prefer hamsters.
I would think this form of interrogation will not be used on just anyone.
The person subjected to this form of treatment will be someone of importance.
This technique is rarely used.
But keep on making up excuses not to use it if it makes you feel better.
As long as you realize that it could be a landmark in your city or a family members city that is targeted.
is that exactly what I thought I read?"
How I choose to feel,...Is how I am.
edit: i thought this was a thread about wakeboarding.
I know it sounds very "24"ish, (tho the conspiracy xfile freaks shouldnt argue the possibilties) but if they had to waterboard someone they knew or strongly suspected of having INFORMATION they could use to stop, oh idk, a dirty bomb in NYC, or a train bombing in spain, or a bus in London,to get that info, and they prevented a large loss of life, id pretty much be okay with how they got that info.
But then again Im a heartless warmongering republican.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
I just hope you're never mistaken for a terrorist.
Anyway, I'm against it. Even if the terrorist is a real meanie!
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edit : What if you discovered after the torture session that your man acutally had none of the necessary information? Wouldn't you feel a little bad, even as a heartless warmongering republican?