lol o please GOre my party can win again!
it doestn' matter who runs man, you know they got the voting machines to print out whatever they choose. your guys will probably win if they get %10 of the vote.
it doestn' matter who runs man, you know they got the voting machines to print out whatever they choose. your guys will probably win if they get %10 of the vote.
Wasnt a Dem pres for 8 years???Were the votes rigged then?
i'm ready for a change in this country. i like bush, but we don't need one side ruling everything for so long. but gore would have no shot at winning an election. so they will probably nominate him.
I think that Hillary and Gore would be interesting.
i know you werent talking to me but to answer this question you support the president that runs your country in a time of war....this was done in the past with my parent and grandparents and this country was alot tougher then...nowadays its so easy to bash a president for which most people (not saying you) have no idea why they dont like someone...war is ugly and if that the reason why you dont like Bush i can give you better reasons why not to like him, but he is the leader of this country and by us bashing him is the fuel that feeds the fire of those abroad and this country is weak when we are divided just look around the media and around you
this country is nothing like it used to be from what ive studied in history and have talked to Vets over the glad im 27 and grew up in the time i did, if i was a teen now i would almost be embarassed by the ignorance of the new generation
You know its funny that they still haven't given a concrete answer to liking Bush except he has the balls to go to war-basically. I have an MA in History and Political Science and from my expertise I would say that this quote is so far off from the truth and shallow and I don't even know what else. This is ludicrous! Our civil liberties have been taken away-our young men are slowly dying off in a war for money-we have been lied too. At least back in the days there was enough political ideology so that at least we thought there was a cause. Today we have been openly lied to time and time again, we live in fear, people around the world hate us, etc., etc., etc. My mind is just boggled that after the suspicious elections, 9/11, the War on "Terror", The invasion of IRAQ, Hurricane Katrina, the Illegal Wire Tapping, etc., etc., etc.,there are still people who think this way. I have Republican beliefs, Democratic Beliefs, Communist beliefs....a little of everything. To me what is important is humanity, freedom, true democracy, and what I see from this administration makes me truly sad for our country. I will respect the administration as long as it is in office because he is our President, but you better believe I will exercise my first amendment right to voice my opinion about my dissatisfaction with their policies.
feel free to sit in the freedom of your home and complain about the president turn a blind eye and watch 3000 more innocent men and women least he took a stand, something this country outside of the military and this President would not do....Clinton ignored this country and turned a blind eye and if you think Gore and Hilary wont do the same thing then i fear for this country...
I'll feel free to complain about the president, definitely. I'm constantly surprised at people who give Bush so much credit for bombing Afghanistan after September 11th. Big wow, let's give him a cookie or something. Who wouldn't have bombed Afghanistan at that point? Fucking Nader would have bombed them. So yes, I'll give Bush credit for that. In one instance, Bush did exactly what was expected of him. Congratulations, Mr. President. Then, he decided to Liberate the People of Iraq of their Weapons of Mass Destruction so they would Greet Us as Liberators, Form a Unity Government and Stand Up so we can Stand Down. That was 3 years ago. According to the most recent reports, an average of 100 Iraqis are slaughtered every day, mostly civilians. Being decisive and daring to stand up for something doesn't mean too much if you make an almost complete hash out of it.
Last night on The Daily Show, Jon Oliver had a great line concerning Bush and his leadership skills. "President Bush reminded us that he's the man to lead us post-whatever catastrophe he leads us into next."
"Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
"I haven't completely ruled out running for president again in the future"
Great, so if he wins the Democratic nomination does this mean another Republican will win? I really dont like Bush, but Al seems to be in compitition with Bush in the "Who can look like more of an idiot behind a podium?" contest.
Seriously, the Dems better get their act together and kick Gore, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, and John Kerry out of the party. Those guys are messing it all up and letting the Republicans win everything.
Al Gore still has gotten more votes than any President in US history.
"...believe in get's divine...whoa...oh, you know what its like..."
No he hasn't. George Bush has...and that proves the validity of that statistic.
Well Gore won the popular vote in 2000 and that's a fact.
The validity of the 2004 election is up for debate with the problem and errors with diebold machines...they handed the election to Bush just like they promised.
Going to vote for Hillary now in the Democratic primary .
"...believe in get's divine...whoa...oh, you know what its like..."
Well Gore won the popular vote in 2000 and that's a fact.
Yes, that is a fact.
The validity of the 2004 election is up for debate with the problem and errors with diebold machines...they handed the election to Bush just like they promised.
Good luck finding factual evidence that 12,000,000 (20%) of Bush's votes were "up for debate". That's how many you'd have to remove in order to to get to Al Gore's 2000 number. You'd have to remove 3,000,000 (5%) to get to a Kerry popular vote win.
Going to vote for Hillary now in the Democratic primary .
Good. Please do whatever you can to keep her in New York.
Good luck finding factual evidence that 12,000,000 (20%) of Bush's votes were "up for debate". That's how many you'd have to remove in order to to get to Al Gore's 2000 number. You'd have to remove 3,000,000 (5%) to get to a Kerry popular vote win.
Good. Please do whatever you can to keep her in New York.
Bush got more votes than there was voters in many areas...this is just Florida alone:
Compare just the counties that had from 80,000-500,000 voters.
Broward County
Early Thursday, as Broward County elections officials wrapped up after a long day of canvassing votes, something unusual caught their eye. Tallies should go up as more votes are counted. That's simple math. But in some races, the numbers had gone . . . down.
Officials found the software used in Broward can handle only 32,000 votes per precinct. After that, the system starts counting backward. Why a voting system would be designed to count backward was a mystery to Broward County Mayor Ilene Lieberman. She was on the phone late Wednesday with Omaha-based Elections Systems and Software.
Collier County
Voter Turnout was 127,409. 128,352 votes were cast for president.
Duval County
Voter Turnout was 379,257. 379,614 votes were cast for president.
Glades County
Voter Turnout was 3,446. 4,188 votes were cast for president.
Highlands County
Voter Turnout was 33,996. 41,491 votes were cast for president.
Lake County
Voter Turnout was 123,751. 123,938 votes were cast for president.
Miami Dade County
Voter Turnout was 716,574. 768,553 votes were cast for president.
Okaloosa County
Voter Turnout was 89,485. 89,707 votes were cast for president.
Orange County
Voter Turnout was 386,104. 387,752 votes were cast for president.
Osceola County
Voter Turnout was 63,589. 82,178 votes were cast for president.
Leon County
Voter Turnout was 136229. 136,314 votes were cast for president.
Palm Beach County
Voter Turnout was 452,061. 542,835 votes were cast for president.
Volusia County
Voter Turnout was 209,052. 228,358 votes were cast for president.
Ok how about Wyoming:
Laramie County
Laramie County has 38080 registered voters. They recorded 40108 votes. 39879 votes were cast for president. (I have copy of file saved on my hard drive if they take it offline.)
And what happened here?
West Virginia
Voting stats are compiled here (word document). Statewide, republicans are 30% of the electorate, yet Bush received 56% of the vote. Democrats are 58% of the electorate, and Kerry received 43% of the vote.
How about counting some votes twice?
Grays Harbor County
County Auditor Vern Spatz said the ballots were counted correctly, but approximately 6,200 votes were counted twice because of human error while transferring data to the computer reporting system. The Aberdeen Daily World first reported the re-count on Tuesday. Most of the results that were entered twice were apparently from east Grays Harbor County -- an area which is considered more Republican. The original count had Rossi leading 231 votes. The new preliminary totaling of votes Tuesday shows Gregoire ahead by 277 votes. That’s a total swing of 508 votes.
Just add some made up votes for the Republicans and lose some votes for the Democrats. Make it easy for the Republicans to vote and hard for the Democrats:
Mercer County
Lark charged that a number of voters may have been disenfranchised by the problems that shut down voting machines for all or most of the day. Some precincts didn't have enough paper ballots for people to fill out, and Lark said he suspects some people didn't bother coming back when a new supply of paper ballots arrived. He had no estimate on how many people may have missed a chance to vote, but he did have some questions Friday about the accuracy of the count coming out of the electronic machines that were working.
Lark cited statistics collected by a poll worker at the Farrell municipal building poll, which showed the voting machine recorded that 289 people cast ballots. The machine, however, recorded a total of 48 votes for U.S. Sen. John Kerry and three votes for George W. Bush in the presidential race. Lark said he finds it difficult to believe that only 51 people out of the 289 who voted actually cast a ballot in the presidential race.
Although Election Company officials each insist that their respective electronic voting systems are flawless and accurate within infinitesimal degrees (“under 1% error rate”), actual practice over the years has shown otherwise. In Iowa, in 2000 National Election, 300 ballots were fed into an optical scan machine in one county, which then reported 4 million votes. In 2003, Indiana voting machines count one county at 144,000 votes when there were only 5352 votes (2500% error!). Arizona, 1994, computer error evaporates 826 votes from a Tucson precinct accounting for a 66% error. In Dallas in 1998, a programming error in the tabulator missed over 41,000 votes. In a Texas primary, one county had but 500 ballots, yet the machine counted 800 votes (60% error). The companies’ sales reps refer to these “anomalies” as hitting ‘speed bumps’… They’re obviously not tallied in when figuring that advertised’ under 1% error rate.’
Scripps Howard News Service recently did a post election study, sampling 12,000 ballots. They found that nearly 1 in 10 ballots in the study did not show a vote for President in November, 2004… or whose votes for President never registered. This would extrapolate out to 12 million voters who went to the polls without casting a vote for the President. Compiled below is but a small sampling of the tens of thousands of election problems that have been reported to date.
"...believe in get's divine...whoa...oh, you know what its like..."
Compare just the counties that had from 80,000-500,000 voters.
Broward County
Early Thursday, as Broward County elections officials wrapped up after a long day of canvassing votes, something unusual caught their eye. Tallies should go up as more votes are counted. That's simple math. But in some races, the numbers had gone . . . down.
Officials found the software used in Broward can handle only 32,000 votes per precinct. After that, the system starts counting backward. Why a voting system would be designed to count backward was a mystery to Broward County Mayor Ilene Lieberman. She was on the phone late Wednesday with Omaha-based Elections Systems and Software.
Collier County
Voter Turnout was 127,409. 128,352 votes were cast for president.
Duval County
Voter Turnout was 379,257. 379,614 votes were cast for president.
Glades County
Voter Turnout was 3,446. 4,188 votes were cast for president.
Highlands County
Voter Turnout was 33,996. 41,491 votes were cast for president.
Lake County
Voter Turnout was 123,751. 123,938 votes were cast for president.
Miami Dade County
Voter Turnout was 716,574. 768,553 votes were cast for president.
Okaloosa County
Voter Turnout was 89,485. 89,707 votes were cast for president.
Orange County
Voter Turnout was 386,104. 387,752 votes were cast for president.
Osceola County
Voter Turnout was 63,589. 82,178 votes were cast for president.
Leon County
Voter Turnout was 136229. 136,314 votes were cast for president.
Palm Beach County
Voter Turnout was 452,061. 542,835 votes were cast for president.
Volusia County
Voter Turnout was 209,052. 228,358 votes were cast for president.
Ok how about Wyoming:
Laramie County
Laramie County has 38080 registered voters. They recorded 40108 votes. 39879 votes were cast for president. (I have copy of file saved on my hard drive if they take it offline.)
And what happened here?
West Virginia
Voting stats are compiled here (word document). Statewide, republicans are 30% of the electorate, yet Bush received 56% of the vote. Democrats are 58% of the electorate, and Kerry received 43% of the vote.
How about counting some votes twice?
Grays Harbor County
County Auditor Vern Spatz said the ballots were counted correctly, but approximately 6,200 votes were counted twice because of human error while transferring data to the computer reporting system. The Aberdeen Daily World first reported the re-count on Tuesday. Most of the results that were entered twice were apparently from east Grays Harbor County -- an area which is considered more Republican. The original count had Rossi leading 231 votes. The new preliminary totaling of votes Tuesday shows Gregoire ahead by 277 votes. That’s a total swing of 508 votes.
Just add some made up votes for the Republicans and lose some votes for the Democrats. Make it easy for the Republicans to vote and hard for the Democrats:
Mercer County
Lark charged that a number of voters may have been disenfranchised by the problems that shut down voting machines for all or most of the day. Some precincts didn't have enough paper ballots for people to fill out, and Lark said he suspects some people didn't bother coming back when a new supply of paper ballots arrived. He had no estimate on how many people may have missed a chance to vote, but he did have some questions Friday about the accuracy of the count coming out of the electronic machines that were working.
Lark cited statistics collected by a poll worker at the Farrell municipal building poll, which showed the voting machine recorded that 289 people cast ballots. The machine, however, recorded a total of 48 votes for U.S. Sen. John Kerry and three votes for George W. Bush in the presidential race. Lark said he finds it difficult to believe that only 51 people out of the 289 who voted actually cast a ballot in the presidential race.
Although Election Company officials each insist that their respective electronic voting systems are flawless and accurate within infinitesimal degrees (“under 1% error rate”), actual practice over the years has shown otherwise. In Iowa, in 2000 National Election, 300 ballots were fed into an optical scan machine in one county, which then reported 4 million votes. In 2003, Indiana voting machines count one county at 144,000 votes when there were only 5352 votes (2500% error!). Arizona, 1994, computer error evaporates 826 votes from a Tucson precinct accounting for a 66% error. In Dallas in 1998, a programming error in the tabulator missed over 41,000 votes. In a Texas primary, one county had but 500 ballots, yet the machine counted 800 votes (60% error). The companies’ sales reps refer to these “anomalies” as hitting ‘speed bumps’… They’re obviously not tallied in when figuring that advertised’ under 1% error rate.’
Scripps Howard News Service recently did a post election study, sampling 12,000 ballots. They found that nearly 1 in 10 ballots in the study did not show a vote for President in November, 2004… or whose votes for President never registered. This would extrapolate out to 12 million voters who went to the polls without casting a vote for the President. Compiled below is but a small sampling of the tens of thousands of election problems that have been reported to date.
Ok. Let's pretend all of these problems were specific only to George Bush. And let's deduct all these votes from his total and leave John Kerry as is. George Bush still wins the popular vote.
Look, voting machines are bad. They fuck up all the time and they fuck up for both parties. Let's fix them. George Bush is not responsible for voting machines. Local county and state offices are responsible for those machines.
Ok. Let's pretend all of these problems were specific only to George Bush. And let's deduct all these votes from his total and leave John Kerry as is. George Bush still wins the popular vote.
Look, voting machines are bad. They fuck up all the time and they fuck up for both parties. Let's fix them. George Bush is not responsible for voting machines. Local county and state offices are responsible for those machines.
John Kerry lost because he was a lowsy candidate representing a party that has it's head up it's own ass.
Sure the repubs are far more evil, but at least they can run a goddamn campaign and debate.
Democrats almost seem to seek out the response in arguments that is the worst possible answer.. it's a trend i've noticed the last few years.. Kind of thing that leaves me yelling at the screen.. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU SAY THAT YOU SHIT THROWING MONKEY?!".... :rolleyes:
No, it's Bush. It's a stupid statistic. The person who gets "the most presidential votes in history" is pretty much always the last guy to win the popular vote because the population grows so more people vote each election.
or are we talking actual numbers? (which would be stupid because what really matters in that kind of thing is % )
I don't remember who has the biggest popular vote % ever. FDR maybe?? I think Reagan does hold the Electoral record though (Mondale won only one state in 84).
Oh wait......He was for removing Sadamm Hussein before we removed him...and he ....oh my god.....still for the removal of Sadamm Hussein......
He can't be a democrat
I'll keep taking punches
Untill their will grows tired
Oh wait......He was for removing Sadamm Hussein before we removed him...and he ....oh my god.....still for the removal of Sadamm Hussein......
He can't be a democrat
'Removal of Saddam' is not the same as 'staying the course'. I think all Americans were happy with the removal of Saddam from power. It's the fact that the Bush Administration has failed with the aftereffects of removing a government leaving Iraq unstable, a haven for terrorists and even more dangerous then before. Meanwhile Bin Laden is free.
"...believe in get's divine...whoa...oh, you know what its like..."
I remember after one of the Democrat Nomination debates in '04 the Daily Show announced that Bush has won the National Election. Thats how stupid the Democrats looked.
Chicago '98, Noblesville '00, East Troy '00, Chicago '00, Champaign '03, Chicago '03, Chicago1 '06, Chicago2 '06, Milwaukee '06, Chicago1 '09, and Chicago2 '09
edit: oh, only if he is trying to prove a point i.e. involving opposite (negative) viewpoint equating with raising philanthropy and awareness to an existing cause.
its easy to take that literally at first. ^ quoted text.
it doestn' matter who runs man, you know they got the voting machines to print out whatever they choose. your guys will probably win if they get %10 of the vote.
Wasnt a Dem pres for 8 years???Were the votes rigged then?
To be honest, I can't tell the difference between a republican and a democrat anymore.
I think he would add a lot to the debate for the democratic ticket.
if they stayed away from getting personal, and kept to debating the future of America, it would be very healthy for us.
Stop by:
I'll feel free to complain about the president, definitely. I'm constantly surprised at people who give Bush so much credit for bombing Afghanistan after September 11th. Big wow, let's give him a cookie or something. Who wouldn't have bombed Afghanistan at that point? Fucking Nader would have bombed them. So yes, I'll give Bush credit for that. In one instance, Bush did exactly what was expected of him. Congratulations, Mr. President. Then, he decided to Liberate the People of Iraq of their Weapons of Mass Destruction so they would Greet Us as Liberators, Form a Unity Government and Stand Up so we can Stand Down. That was 3 years ago. According to the most recent reports, an average of 100 Iraqis are slaughtered every day, mostly civilians. Being decisive and daring to stand up for something doesn't mean too much if you make an almost complete hash out of it.
Last night on The Daily Show, Jon Oliver had a great line concerning Bush and his leadership skills. "President Bush reminded us that he's the man to lead us post-whatever catastrophe he leads us into next."
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
Al Gore still has gotten more votes than any President in US history.
No he hasn't. George Bush has...and that proves the validity of that statistic.
Well Gore won the popular vote in 2000 and that's a fact.
The validity of the 2004 election is up for debate with the problem and errors with diebold machines...they handed the election to Bush just like they promised.
Going to vote for Hillary now in the Democratic primary
Yes, that is a fact.
Good luck finding factual evidence that 12,000,000 (20%) of Bush's votes were "up for debate". That's how many you'd have to remove in order to to get to Al Gore's 2000 number. You'd have to remove 3,000,000 (5%) to get to a Kerry popular vote win.
Good. Please do whatever you can to keep her in New York.
Bush got more votes than there was voters in many areas...this is just Florida alone:
Compare just the counties that had from 80,000-500,000 voters.
Broward County
Early Thursday, as Broward County elections officials wrapped up after a long day of canvassing votes, something unusual caught their eye. Tallies should go up as more votes are counted. That's simple math. But in some races, the numbers had gone . . . down.
Officials found the software used in Broward can handle only 32,000 votes per precinct. After that, the system starts counting backward. Why a voting system would be designed to count backward was a mystery to Broward County Mayor Ilene Lieberman. She was on the phone late Wednesday with Omaha-based Elections Systems and Software.
Collier County
Voter Turnout was 127,409. 128,352 votes were cast for president.
Duval County
Voter Turnout was 379,257. 379,614 votes were cast for president.
Glades County
Voter Turnout was 3,446. 4,188 votes were cast for president.
Highlands County
Voter Turnout was 33,996. 41,491 votes were cast for president.
Lake County
Voter Turnout was 123,751. 123,938 votes were cast for president.
Miami Dade County
Voter Turnout was 716,574. 768,553 votes were cast for president.
Okaloosa County
Voter Turnout was 89,485. 89,707 votes were cast for president.
Orange County
Voter Turnout was 386,104. 387,752 votes were cast for president.
Osceola County
Voter Turnout was 63,589. 82,178 votes were cast for president.
Leon County
Voter Turnout was 136229. 136,314 votes were cast for president.
Palm Beach County
Voter Turnout was 452,061. 542,835 votes were cast for president.
Volusia County
Voter Turnout was 209,052. 228,358 votes were cast for president.
Ok how about Wyoming:
Laramie County
Laramie County has 38080 registered voters. They recorded 40108 votes. 39879 votes were cast for president. (I have copy of file saved on my hard drive if they take it offline.)
And what happened here?
West Virginia
Voting stats are compiled here (word document). Statewide, republicans are 30% of the electorate, yet Bush received 56% of the vote. Democrats are 58% of the electorate, and Kerry received 43% of the vote.
How about counting some votes twice?
Grays Harbor County
County Auditor Vern Spatz said the ballots were counted correctly, but approximately 6,200 votes were counted twice because of human error while transferring data to the computer reporting system. The Aberdeen Daily World first reported the re-count on Tuesday. Most of the results that were entered twice were apparently from east Grays Harbor County -- an area which is considered more Republican. The original count had Rossi leading 231 votes. The new preliminary totaling of votes Tuesday shows Gregoire ahead by 277 votes. That’s a total swing of 508 votes.
Just add some made up votes for the Republicans and lose some votes for the Democrats. Make it easy for the Republicans to vote and hard for the Democrats:
Mercer County
Lark charged that a number of voters may have been disenfranchised by the problems that shut down voting machines for all or most of the day. Some precincts didn't have enough paper ballots for people to fill out, and Lark said he suspects some people didn't bother coming back when a new supply of paper ballots arrived. He had no estimate on how many people may have missed a chance to vote, but he did have some questions Friday about the accuracy of the count coming out of the electronic machines that were working.
Lark cited statistics collected by a poll worker at the Farrell municipal building poll, which showed the voting machine recorded that 289 people cast ballots. The machine, however, recorded a total of 48 votes for U.S. Sen. John Kerry and three votes for George W. Bush in the presidential race. Lark said he finds it difficult to believe that only 51 people out of the 289 who voted actually cast a ballot in the presidential race.
Although Election Company officials each insist that their respective electronic voting systems are flawless and accurate within infinitesimal degrees (“under 1% error rate”), actual practice over the years has shown otherwise. In Iowa, in 2000 National Election, 300 ballots were fed into an optical scan machine in one county, which then reported 4 million votes. In 2003, Indiana voting machines count one county at 144,000 votes when there were only 5352 votes (2500% error!). Arizona, 1994, computer error evaporates 826 votes from a Tucson precinct accounting for a 66% error. In Dallas in 1998, a programming error in the tabulator missed over 41,000 votes. In a Texas primary, one county had but 500 ballots, yet the machine counted 800 votes (60% error). The companies’ sales reps refer to these “anomalies” as hitting ‘speed bumps’… They’re obviously not tallied in when figuring that advertised’ under 1% error rate.’
Scripps Howard News Service recently did a post election study, sampling 12,000 ballots. They found that nearly 1 in 10 ballots in the study did not show a vote for President in November, 2004… or whose votes for President never registered. This would extrapolate out to 12 million voters who went to the polls without casting a vote for the President. Compiled below is but a small sampling of the tens of thousands of election problems that have been reported to date.
Ok. Let's pretend all of these problems were specific only to George Bush. And let's deduct all these votes from his total and leave John Kerry as is. George Bush still wins the popular vote.
Look, voting machines are bad. They fuck up all the time and they fuck up for both parties. Let's fix them. George Bush is not responsible for voting machines. Local county and state offices are responsible for those machines.
John Kerry lost because he was a lowsy candidate representing a party that has it's head up it's own ass.
Sure the repubs are far more evil, but at least they can run a goddamn campaign and debate.
Democrats almost seem to seek out the response in arguments that is the worst possible answer.. it's a trend i've noticed the last few years.. Kind of thing that leaves me yelling at the screen.. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU SAY THAT YOU SHIT THROWING MONKEY?!".... :rolleyes:
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
or are we talking actual numbers? (which would be stupid because what really matters in that kind of thing is % )
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
No, it's Bush. It's a stupid statistic. The person who gets "the most presidential votes in history" is pretty much always the last guy to win the popular vote because the population grows so more people vote each election.
I don't remember who has the biggest popular vote % ever. FDR maybe?? I think Reagan does hold the Electoral record though (Mondale won only one state in 84).
You could figure it out here:
Oh wait......He was for removing Sadamm Hussein before we removed him...and he ....oh my god.....still for the removal of Sadamm Hussein......
He can't be a democrat
Untill their will grows tired
'Removal of Saddam' is not the same as 'staying the course'. I think all Americans were happy with the removal of Saddam from power. It's the fact that the Bush Administration has failed with the aftereffects of removing a government leaving Iraq unstable, a haven for terrorists and even more dangerous then before. Meanwhile Bin Laden is free.
George Washington
Al Gore? The same Al Gore that has and always will support censorship?
Al fucking Gore.
do you think he is FOR rape and murder like you?
edit: oh, only if he is trying to prove a point i.e. involving opposite (negative) viewpoint equating with raising philanthropy and awareness to an existing cause.
its easy to take that literally at first. ^ quoted text.