Al Gore Might Run Again For President!

"I haven't completely ruled out running for president again in the future"
Great, so if he wins the Democratic nomination does this mean another Republican will win? I really dont like Bush, but Al seems to be in compitition with Bush in the "Who can look like more of an idiot behind a podium?" contest.
Seriously, the Dems better get their act together and kick Gore, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, and John Kerry out of the party. Those guys are messing it all up and letting the Republicans win everything.
"I haven't completely ruled out running for president again in the future"
Great, so if he wins the Democratic nomination does this mean another Republican will win? I really dont like Bush, but Al seems to be in compitition with Bush in the "Who can look like more of an idiot behind a podium?" contest.
Seriously, the Dems better get their act together and kick Gore, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, and John Kerry out of the party. Those guys are messing it all up and letting the Republicans win everything.
Chicago '98, Noblesville '00, East Troy '00, Chicago '00, Champaign '03, Chicago '03, Chicago1 '06, Chicago2 '06, Milwaukee '06, Chicago1 '09, and Chicago2 '09
Post edited by Unknown User on
yes it does.
Maybe, MAYBE in 2012 depending on what happens.
Gore has gained a lot of ground and a lot of sense.. I actually sort of like him because of his environmentalist policies.
I seriously doubt he'll be nominated and he'd have almost no chance of winning.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
how about gore w/hillary as his running mate?? that'd be interesting.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
You mean Hillary as vp candidate? That won't be happening.
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
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yet, he won the election by an overwhelming margin. maybe you need a more diverse group of friends.
i hearby move for no more moving to Canada threats. The only way either side can say it is if they actually DO move to Canada.
Joe Lieberman for President!!
as for my diverse group of friends..many DID vote for Bush, including my boss a hard core republican....I've discussed this topic w/ many of them....most are no longer in support of him in office.
I'm not saying the other side offers better candidates..but come on man Bush isn't exactly the kind of person I want running this country...I respect opinions on both sides, not trying to stir up any type of negativity. I was honestly looking for your reasons as to why you voted for him, and STILL support him.
i know you werent talking to me but to answer this question you support the president that runs your country in a time of war....this was done in the past with my parent and grandparents and this country was alot tougher then...nowadays its so easy to bash a president for which most people (not saying you) have no idea why they dont like someone...war is ugly and if that the reason why you dont like Bush i can give you better reasons why not to like him, but he is the leader of this country and by us bashing him is the fuel that feeds the fire of those abroad and this country is weak when we are divided just look around the media and around you
this country is nothing like it used to be from what ive studied in history and have talked to Vets over the glad im 27 and grew up in the time i did, if i was a teen now i would almost be embarassed by the ignorance of the new generation
And we are not sure if Bush really won fair or square...popular vote did go to Gore, and there were some funky things going on w/ those elections - foul play? Who knows - maybe so, maybe one but those who are "in" only know for sure.
I am 15. I know a lot more than most of my peers about this, but I definitley do not like the president. I don't buy into the whole supporting the president during times of war. Does that mean he gets a free pass? I don't think so.
You're very astute for 15. Kudos.
I have decided that what ever Pearl Jam tells me to do, then that is it. They seem to know just as much or more than all the news people combined. (Okay, so maybe not following PJ blindly, but I am interested in what their position will be for the next election.)
I agree with this on so many levels, but why i say he won't win is because a lot of people started to hate him after the 2000 election (maybe this was SNL's fault
Who really cares anyway? It's just going to split along party lines :rolleyes:
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
It kind of feels like asking a friend what they think.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
I'm w/ you on that.
We're in a "War on Terror" right now. We've been told that it's a new kind of war with a new kind of enemy that could take years, if not decades, to win. Does that mean I have to fully support every lying nutsack who occupies the Oval Office for the next 20 years?? Crap. I'd better start getting drunk now.
You're endorsing blind, unquestioning loyalty while also accusing the "new generation" of being ignorant???
so what is so wrong with this "new type of war" that could take a long time to fight....if you look back we have been fighting this war for years, EXCEPT the enemy has gotten stonger and smarter and because of thinking similar to yours and the people in the Clinton administration we have ignored them and look what happened on 9/11....feel free to sit in the freedom of your home and complain about the president turn a blind eye and watch 3000 more innocent men and women least he took a stand, something this country outside of the military and this President would not do....Clinton ignored this country and turned a blind eye and if you think Gore and Hilary wont do the same thing then i fear for this country...
as far as the new generation (not all of them) i wish they would think more like keeprockin....but if you listen to radio or watch tv and when they interview someone of the new generation on the street and ask them anything remotley involved with politics they have no idea but when it comes to what song is number 1 on MTV they will spout it off with no problem..thats just the facts