Are you talking about evangelicals who want to ban me from sleeping with some dude, or saying "Jesus Christ" when I see some idiotic argument on this board? I've certainly made posts here rejecting bans on same-sex marriage and the sale of certain drugs and abortion. Didn't you start that thread about banning "indifference and jealousy" that I posted in???
Look, liberals argue with me. The moronic "moralists" tend to ignore me. So it stands to reason that most of my posts will be found in the latter.
that doesn't violate your ideals that people shouldn't be able to freeload off the work of others?
No. Why would it?
My ideal is that people shouldn't be able to steal the work of others. You cannot steal an idea, soulsinging. You cannot steal a concept.
If I build a car, and you steal it, I no longer have that car. You've deprived me of it. However, if I think of a car and you do too, you haven't deprived me of anything.
My ideal is that people shouldn't be able to steal the work of others. You cannot steal an idea, soulsinging. You cannot steal a concept.
If I build a car, and you steal it, I no longer have that car. You've deprived me of it. However, if I think of a car and you do too, you haven't deprived me of anything.
business profits if i build a car exactly identical to yours and sell it myself.
business profits if i build a car exactly identical to yours and sell it myself.
But those "business profits" aren't mine, soulsinging. That money belongs to neither me or you. It belongs to the people who buy our cars, up until the point they exchange it with either of us.
If you can build a car exactly identical to mine, what right do I have to 100% of the value of that car?
What about them? No, I don't support "music rights" in the sense that a record industry has any right to proclaim something as "stolen" when they've been deprived of nothing.
Al Gore is telling you that you are producing emissions at a dangerous level.
I think we are producing more emissions than necessary.
He is telling you, in effect, that you are a criminal.
He's telling me I should be more economical. And guess what? I agree with him. I should.
However, he is producing more emissions than you are, not even counting his world tours and such.
He is indeed a hypocrit.
And when a rapist damns you for rape, he's exposed a severe moral contradiction. And all evil stems from moral contradictions.
Moral contrdiction or not, if a rapist damns me for rape, he's still right. Rape is a horrible act that should be punished and I would damn him and want to see him punished.
So yes, Al Gore is a hypocrit and I think he should live by his word too.
I think we are producing more emissions than necessary.
He's telling me I should be more economical. And guess what? I agree with him. I should.
He is indeed a hypocrit.
Moral contrdiction or not, if a rapist damns me for rape, he's still right. Rape is a horrible act that should be punished and I would damn him and want to see him punished.
So yes, Al Gore is a hypocrit and I think he should live by his word too.
I think we are producing more emissions than necessary.
He's telling me I should be more economical. And guess what? I agree with him. I should.
He is indeed a hypocrit.
Moral contrdiction or not, if a rapist damns me for rape, he's still right. Rape is a horrible act that should be punished and I would damn him and want to see him punished.
So yes, Al Gore is a hypocrit and I think he should live by his word too.
hypocrite or not, al gore has raised awareness,...
what really bothered me was how the whole movie was about how bad it was, but he spent less than five minutes talking about what to do to change it,...
we need a "conserving for dummies" handbook put on national news so everyone can realize how easy it is,...
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
But those "business profits" aren't mine, soulsinging. That money belongs to neither me or you. It belongs to the people who buy our cars, up until the point they exchange it with either of us.
If you can build a car exactly identical to mine, what right do I have to 100% of the value of that car?
i dont know, but this is an interesting concept. it kinda evens the playing field a bit in a way your previous ideas have never indicated. the downside is that the effect of this would likely be that nobody would be willing to put in the work to innovate becos once they did and incurred the expense of discovery, someone else could cop their work and deprive them of the fruits of their labor.
i dont know, but this is an interesting concept. it kinda evens the playing field a bit in a way your previous ideas have never indicated.
Hehe...a world where everyone has no default obligation to one another and the freedom to chose their desired paths and goals never struck you as "evening the playing field"??? Perhaps you should have just asked the question you did above, as opposed to constantly accusing me of waxing pointless philosophy or lining my pockets or worshipping Ayn Rand
the downside is that the effect of this would likely be that nobody would be willing to put in the work to innovate becos once they did and incurred the expense of discovery, someone else could cop their work and deprive them of the fruits of their labor.
So in other words people will refuse to acquire some value because it would prevent them from acquiring limitless value? Why don't you test that theory? Start a bank and then fill your vaults only halfway. Tell everyone. And see if nobody ever tries to rob you.
However, certainly investment will take on new risks in the absence of legal monopolies on thought. But there will always be value in innovation itself, and money always follows value. Furthermore, you'll further encourage non-commodity innovation, the kind that actually moves the world forward.
If he does 1000 times more in mind and body internationally than the average do nothing bigmac stuffing SUV owner....then what's the net effect again?
incessant whining about it?
riiiight.....big picture
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Hehe...a world where everyone has no default obligation to one another and the freedom to chose their desired paths and goals never struck you as "evening the playing field"??? Perhaps you should have just asked the question you did above, as opposed to constantly accusing me of waxing pointless philosophy or lining my pockets or worshipping Ayn Rand
So in other words people will refuse to acquire some value because it would prevent them from acquiring limitless value? Why don't you test that theory? Start a bank and then fill your vaults only halfway. Tell everyone. And see if nobody ever tries to rob you.
However, certainly investment will take on new risks in the absence of legal monopolies on thought. But there will always be value in innovation itself, and money always follows value. Furthermore, you'll further encourage non-commodity innovation, the kind that actually moves the world forward.
true, it would kinda defuse materialism. and your limitless freedoms always focused on making sure that no one ever denies you the fruit of your labor... i assumed this would extend to products of your labor in the form of patents and invention. it's not an altogether unreasonable logical leap given that the subject of patents has never really come up before. i like any idea that might take down the current capitalist structure we have.
Gore or Obama would have my vote
The rest of you must be snortin' coke
Haha, I made a funny!
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
true, it would kinda defuse materialism. and your limitless freedoms always focused on making sure that no one ever denies you the fruit of your labor... "limitless freedoms" don't alway focus on making sure no one ever denies me the fruit of my labor. This board, however, is full of people trying to steal that labor. You don't talk veggies at the slaughterhouse, if you catch my drift.
i assumed this would extend to products of your labor in the form of patents and invention.
Tell me, would you declare potential apples the property of an orchard that kept its seeds sitting in a warehouse? I would hope not.
The fruits of your labors are the products you create, not the products you might happen to think of. If you think of a car, you can own that thought all you want. But if I then think of that same car, that particular thought is mine while your thought is still yours. Patents declare a bullshit monopoly on thought by pretending that one can be deprived of a thought.
it's not an altogether unreasonable logical leap given that the subject of patents has never really come up before. i like any idea that might take down the current capitalist structure we have.
Hehe...there's nothing capitalistic about patents, just like there's nothing capitalistic about corporate welfare.
The fruits of your labors are the products you create, not the products you might happen to think of. If you think of a car, you can own that thought all you want. But if I then think of that same car, that particular thought is mine while your thought is still yours. Patents declare a bullshit monopoly on thought by pretending that one can be deprived of a thought.
i gotcha, but im thinking more about theft of trade secrets than simultaneous original ideas. you labor to learn or discover how to build a car, someone buys it, then builds an identical one and sells it. they dont have the independent thought, they just steal yours. or at least that's the philosophy of patents. i see what you're saying and kinda like it, but as someone pointed out, it causes some problems... like a novelist. i write a book and someone buys a copy, re-types it and then sells it to others as their own book. how could any artist ever make a living if their were no protection on the originality of their artistic ideas? you'd never know if shakespeare actually wrote what his name was put on... wait a minute but you get the idea... what do we do about that?
Al Gore can carry out intellectual and comprehensive discussions on nuclear energy, energy alternatives, and and the net impact on the planet
George bush can't pronounce nuclear...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
i gotcha, but im thinking more about theft of trade secrets than simultaneous original ideas. you labor to learn or discover how to build a car, someone buys it, then builds an identical one and sells it. they dont have the independent thought, they just steal yours.
How do you "steal" an idea???? How can you take an idea out of my brain and deprive me of it?
or at least that's the philosophy of patents.
The philosophy of patents is idiot-ism
i see what you're saying and kinda like it, but as someone pointed out, it causes some problems... like a novelist. i write a book and someone buys a copy, re-types it and then sells it to others as their own book. how could any artist ever make a living if their were no protection on the originality of their artistic ideas? you'd never know if shakespeare actually wrote what his name was put on... wait a minute but you get the idea... what do we do about that?
What do we do about that??? Perhaps we don't buy knock-off novels.
Now, what do artists do about that? Understand the value of their labor, of course. A novel, meaning a copy of a written text, has little value. The original, however, can have immense value. An artist who produces a valuable art is wise to withhold release in an attempt to maximize profit, meaning to release it only if the value they desire to gain is available before reproduction is possible.
i dont know about that. it seems to me that patents are what prop up the capitalist system.
Odd since successful capitalistic practice predates them.
Patents prop-up a system of maximizing profits by preventing others from exercising their free rights to create and to work.
How do you "steal" an idea???? How can you take an idea out of my brain and deprive me of it?
The philosophy of patents is idiot-ism
stealing a process or whatever. i dont know. bottom line is person one put in a lot of thought to come up with something. i can kinda see why they wouldnt want freeloaders making money off their work. doesn't mean i agree with it as has been established
What do we do about that??? Perhaps we don't buy knock-off novels.
Now, what do artists do about that? Understand the value of their labor, of course. A novel, meaning a copy of a written text, has little value. The original, however, can have immense value. An artist who produces a valuable art is wise to withhold release in an attempt to maximize profit, meaning to release it only if the value they desire to gain is available before reproduction is possible.
yeah but to most citizens, they wouldnt even be aware that they are buying a knock-off novel. occasionally it'd be tough to verify.
as to the rest... that's my point. i dont think there's any way to to gain any sort of value. the way technology is, the second that manuscript left your hands the whole world could have it free. you couldn't even sell it to publishers cos they'd cease to exist since none of them would be able to put a stop to unauthorized publication. it means release ceases to be valuable, no matter how long you withold it. you'd be basically turning back the clock to patronage.
helping planet v.s. going to war......seems obvious which should take precedence.... :rolleyes:
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
its more than that....
He says he pro-environment yet...
he supports NAFTA, CAFTA, the WTO and the FTAA. What the hell does he think these things do? Does he think they encourage environmentally friendly practices?
He isn't a pacifist, he supported Clinton's decision to wage war in Bosnia and Kosovo. What the hell does he think war does? Does he think that war helps the environment?
He is for "reform". So he supports recycling, and changing some laws and buying fuel efficient cars, but as far as the glaring fact that we will ALWAYS have an anti environment climate as long as capitalism exists. He is pro development, pro buisness, and all that. He doesnt suggest we tear up the concrete and the roads. He supports building new roads...progress rolls more of nature is murdered by humans
Al Gore is a complex human. He deeply cares about the environment, thats not in question. The question is, is he willing to change HIS lifestyle and if elected president is he willing to question the basic ideas of the need to build more things, to expand, to engage in imperialism
Lets face its...recycling isn't stopping the global charge that is rapidly murdering mother nature. We need both people willing to recycle and engage in reformist actions...and al gore is this in spades. He is a reformer. But the question remains, is a reform all we need in terms of saving the environment? Is reforming some laws really going to stop corporations from moving to other countries where lower environmental standards persist, will reform save our endangered species, will reform stop old growth forests from being cut?
We need in addition to reformers, we need revolutionaries, people willing to stand up and say "hell no I aint going to do this anymore, I will not follow your rules". We need fred Hamptons, and Malcolm X's and Ward Churchills, and Noam Chomskys, and so on.
We need revolution.
The world will continue to be in peril and in danger until people wake up out of this deep sleep. Youth will remain at war with the adult culture, until this death and violence ceases. We are at war. But it aint with alqeada. We are at war with adults and their instituitions. They think they can continue to send us to die in Iraq and kill our planet. They dont think we will fight back. We are at war, and until we have control of the system, I am not sitting back. Until we control things and baby boomers are forced to do what we tell them and do things how we tell them, only then will I rejoice.
stealing a process or whatever. i dont know. bottom line is person one put in a lot of thought to come up with something. i can kinda see why they wouldnt want freeloaders making money off their work. doesn't mean i agree with it as has been established
You can't steal a process. Look, let's say I came up with the idea for an assembly line, and it's going to change the world because I'll be able to produce things 100 times faster and better than anyone else. Let's say I blab it to the world, and then somebody copies it and does something slightly different that makes them 105 times faster and better. They haven't deprived me of a thing. I still have my idea. They've simply rendered my idea relatively worthless.
Now, if I come up with that same idea and build a factory, and they storm the gates and steal my machinery, then they've deprived me of something.
yeah but to most citizens, they wouldnt even be aware that they are buying a knock-off novel. occasionally it'd be tough to verify. do you know you're not buying knock-off novels now?
as to the rest... that's my point. i dont think there's any way to to gain any sort of value. the way technology is, the second that manuscript left your hands the whole world could have it free.
Then refuse to release it until you can get enough value from people. Again, the real value of a nearly infinitely copy-able resource is near zero. If you think you should be able to sell something worth $.02 for $50, then patent law is definitely for you.
you couldn't even sell it to publishers cos they'd cease to exist since none of them would be able to put a stop to unauthorized publication. it means release ceases to be valuable, no matter how long you withold it. you'd be basically turning back the clock to patronage.
Patronage made sense in an era when art was limited and the market was slim. Eliminating patent/copyright/trademark law doesn't return artists to the time of partronage. It simply puts them in a place where their products would be sold based on their actual worth.
i thought that's what capitalism was... maximizing profits
"Gore Mansion accomplishes 20x more than Average Household"
and yes he needs a lot of resources to accomplish such a monumental seemingly impossible task.
WTF do you think it takes to convince the entire world of something?
a quick pat on the back and psssssst hey buddy pass it on?
It hilarious to read how people envision the reality and scale of some things and put merit to their apprehension
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
WTF do you think it takes to convince the entire world of something?
Hehe...apparently 20 rooms, 8 bathrooms, a guest house and 221,000 kwh / year of electricity, which I'm sure is used to power Al Gore's weather-predicting supercomputer.
1. do you know you're not buying knock-off novels now?
2. Then refuse to release it until you can get enough value from people. Again, the real value of a nearly infinitely copy-able resource is near zero. If you think you should be able to sell something worth $.02 for $50, then patent law is definitely for you.
3. Patronage made sense in an era when art was limited and the market was slim. Eliminating patent/copyright/trademark law doesn't return artists to the time of partronage. It simply puts them in a place where their products would be sold based on their actual worth.
1. becos i know random house wouldn't let anyone but themselves publish joseph heller's novels.
2. the thing is, the art could be worth more than $.02, it's just that somebody else is taking it... it could be that the average worth of your book to readers is $9, but this person can make photocopies and sell them for $8 and make thousands of dollars on something worth thousands of dollars while you, the creator of the book starves to death.
3. their products would not be sold at worth, they would be sold at the bare minimum of the cost of production without regard to the actual value. as i noted above, even if someone thinks something is worth $10, they're not going to pay $10 to the original author when they can pay $5 to the guy who copied it, esp if they dont even know who the author is. bands can get around this becos they play live concerts that allow them to earn money beyond the actual song on cd. authors can't really do the same. for that matter, how would you feel if someone advertised as pearl jam, promoted a show, and you bought a ticket and went to find out that it wasn't ed and the group but some impersonators. do you think the people touring as lynyrd skynyrd now are lynyrd skynyrd? it's ripe for deception. i guess id draw a line between patents and intellectual property law basically.
fair enough.
100% completely for it.
that doesn't violate your ideals that people shouldn't be able to freeload off the work of others?
No. Why would it?
My ideal is that people shouldn't be able to steal the work of others. You cannot steal an idea, soulsinging. You cannot steal a concept.
If I build a car, and you steal it, I no longer have that car. You've deprived me of it. However, if I think of a car and you do too, you haven't deprived me of anything.
business profits if i build a car exactly identical to yours and sell it myself.
what about patents...?
edit: I should have said...
what about music rights...?
But those "business profits" aren't mine, soulsinging. That money belongs to neither me or you. It belongs to the people who buy our cars, up until the point they exchange it with either of us.
If you can build a car exactly identical to mine, what right do I have to 100% of the value of that car?
What about them? No, I don't support "music rights" in the sense that a record industry has any right to proclaim something as "stolen" when they've been deprived of nothing.
I think we are producing more emissions than necessary.
He's telling me I should be more economical. And guess what? I agree with him. I should.
He is indeed a hypocrit.
Moral contrdiction or not, if a rapist damns me for rape, he's still right. Rape is a horrible act that should be punished and I would damn him and want to see him punished.
So yes, Al Gore is a hypocrit and I think he should live by his word too.
naděje umírá poslední
Cool. I'm down with this post.
i am down with this diggity dog too.
from my window to yours
what really bothered me was how the whole movie was about how bad it was, but he spent less than five minutes talking about what to do to change it,...
we need a "conserving for dummies" handbook put on national news so everyone can realize how easy it is,...
~Ron Burgundy
i dont know, but this is an interesting concept. it kinda evens the playing field a bit in a way your previous ideas have never indicated. the downside is that the effect of this would likely be that nobody would be willing to put in the work to innovate becos once they did and incurred the expense of discovery, someone else could cop their work and deprive them of the fruits of their labor.
Hehe...a world where everyone has no default obligation to one another and the freedom to chose their desired paths and goals never struck you as "evening the playing field"??? Perhaps you should have just asked the question you did above, as opposed to constantly accusing me of waxing pointless philosophy or lining my pockets or worshipping Ayn Rand
So in other words people will refuse to acquire some value because it would prevent them from acquiring limitless value? Why don't you test that theory? Start a bank and then fill your vaults only halfway. Tell everyone. And see if nobody ever tries to rob you.
However, certainly investment will take on new risks in the absence of legal monopolies on thought. But there will always be value in innovation itself, and money always follows value. Furthermore, you'll further encourage non-commodity innovation, the kind that actually moves the world forward.
incessant whining about it?
riiiight.....big picture
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
true, it would kinda defuse materialism. and your limitless freedoms always focused on making sure that no one ever denies you the fruit of your labor... i assumed this would extend to products of your labor in the form of patents and invention. it's not an altogether unreasonable logical leap given that the subject of patents has never really come up before. i like any idea that might take down the current capitalist structure we have.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
The rest of you must be snortin' coke
Haha, I made a funny! "limitless freedoms" don't alway focus on making sure no one ever denies me the fruit of my labor. This board, however, is full of people trying to steal that labor. You don't talk veggies at the slaughterhouse, if you catch my drift.
Tell me, would you declare potential apples the property of an orchard that kept its seeds sitting in a warehouse? I would hope not.
The fruits of your labors are the products you create, not the products you might happen to think of. If you think of a car, you can own that thought all you want. But if I then think of that same car, that particular thought is mine while your thought is still yours. Patents declare a bullshit monopoly on thought by pretending that one can be deprived of a thought.
Hehe...there's nothing capitalistic about patents, just like there's nothing capitalistic about corporate welfare.
not sure what you mean there. so... i dont know?
i gotcha, but im thinking more about theft of trade secrets than simultaneous original ideas. you labor to learn or discover how to build a car, someone buys it, then builds an identical one and sells it. they dont have the independent thought, they just steal yours. or at least that's the philosophy of patents. i see what you're saying and kinda like it, but as someone pointed out, it causes some problems... like a novelist. i write a book and someone buys a copy, re-types it and then sells it to others as their own book. how could any artist ever make a living if their were no protection on the originality of their artistic ideas? you'd never know if shakespeare actually wrote what his name was put on... wait a minute
i dont know about that. it seems to me that patents are what prop up the capitalist system.
George bush can't pronounce nuclear...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
How do you "steal" an idea???? How can you take an idea out of my brain and deprive me of it?
The philosophy of patents is idiot-ism
What do we do about that??? Perhaps we don't buy knock-off novels.
Now, what do artists do about that? Understand the value of their labor, of course. A novel, meaning a copy of a written text, has little value. The original, however, can have immense value. An artist who produces a valuable art is wise to withhold release in an attempt to maximize profit, meaning to release it only if the value they desire to gain is available before reproduction is possible.
Odd since successful capitalistic practice predates them.
Patents prop-up a system of maximizing profits by preventing others from exercising their free rights to create and to work.
stealing a process or whatever. i dont know. bottom line is person one put in a lot of thought to come up with something. i can kinda see why they wouldnt want freeloaders making money off their work. doesn't mean i agree with it as has been established
yeah but to most citizens, they wouldnt even be aware that they are buying a knock-off novel. occasionally it'd be tough to verify.
as to the rest... that's my point. i dont think there's any way to to gain any sort of value. the way technology is, the second that manuscript left your hands the whole world could have it free. you couldn't even sell it to publishers cos they'd cease to exist since none of them would be able to put a stop to unauthorized publication. it means release ceases to be valuable, no matter how long you withold it. you'd be basically turning back the clock to patronage.
i thought that's what capitalism was... maximizing profits
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
He says he pro-environment yet...
he supports NAFTA, CAFTA, the WTO and the FTAA. What the hell does he think these things do? Does he think they encourage environmentally friendly practices?
He isn't a pacifist, he supported Clinton's decision to wage war in Bosnia and Kosovo. What the hell does he think war does? Does he think that war helps the environment?
He is for "reform". So he supports recycling, and changing some laws and buying fuel efficient cars, but as far as the glaring fact that we will ALWAYS have an anti environment climate as long as capitalism exists. He is pro development, pro buisness, and all that. He doesnt suggest we tear up the concrete and the roads. He supports building new roads...progress rolls more of nature is murdered by humans
Al Gore is a complex human. He deeply cares about the environment, thats not in question. The question is, is he willing to change HIS lifestyle and if elected president is he willing to question the basic ideas of the need to build more things, to expand, to engage in imperialism
Lets face its...recycling isn't stopping the global charge that is rapidly murdering mother nature. We need both people willing to recycle and engage in reformist actions...and al gore is this in spades. He is a reformer. But the question remains, is a reform all we need in terms of saving the environment? Is reforming some laws really going to stop corporations from moving to other countries where lower environmental standards persist, will reform save our endangered species, will reform stop old growth forests from being cut?
We need in addition to reformers, we need revolutionaries, people willing to stand up and say "hell no I aint going to do this anymore, I will not follow your rules". We need fred Hamptons, and Malcolm X's and Ward Churchills, and Noam Chomskys, and so on.
We need revolution.
The world will continue to be in peril and in danger until people wake up out of this deep sleep. Youth will remain at war with the adult culture, until this death and violence ceases. We are at war. But it aint with alqeada. We are at war with adults and their instituitions. They think they can continue to send us to die in Iraq and kill our planet. They dont think we will fight back. We are at war, and until we have control of the system, I am not sitting back. Until we control things and baby boomers are forced to do what we tell them and do things how we tell them, only then will I rejoice.
You can't steal a process. Look, let's say I came up with the idea for an assembly line, and it's going to change the world because I'll be able to produce things 100 times faster and better than anyone else. Let's say I blab it to the world, and then somebody copies it and does something slightly different that makes them 105 times faster and better. They haven't deprived me of a thing. I still have my idea. They've simply rendered my idea relatively worthless.
Now, if I come up with that same idea and build a factory, and they storm the gates and steal my machinery, then they've deprived me of something. do you know you're not buying knock-off novels now?
Then refuse to release it until you can get enough value from people. Again, the real value of a nearly infinitely copy-able resource is near zero. If you think you should be able to sell something worth $.02 for $50, then patent law is definitely for you.
Patronage made sense in an era when art was limited and the market was slim. Eliminating patent/copyright/trademark law doesn't return artists to the time of partronage. It simply puts them in a place where their products would be sold based on their actual worth.
You wouldn't be alone.
"Gore Mansion accomplishes 20x more than Average Household"
and yes he needs a lot of resources to accomplish such a monumental seemingly impossible task.
WTF do you think it takes to convince the entire world of something?
a quick pat on the back and psssssst hey buddy pass it on?
It hilarious to read how people envision the reality and scale of some things and put merit to their apprehension
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Hehe...apparently 20 rooms, 8 bathrooms, a guest house and 221,000 kwh / year of electricity, which I'm sure is used to power Al Gore's weather-predicting supercomputer.
1. becos i know random house wouldn't let anyone but themselves publish joseph heller's novels.
2. the thing is, the art could be worth more than $.02, it's just that somebody else is taking it... it could be that the average worth of your book to readers is $9, but this person can make photocopies and sell them for $8 and make thousands of dollars on something worth thousands of dollars while you, the creator of the book starves to death.
3. their products would not be sold at worth, they would be sold at the bare minimum of the cost of production without regard to the actual value. as i noted above, even if someone thinks something is worth $10, they're not going to pay $10 to the original author when they can pay $5 to the guy who copied it, esp if they dont even know who the author is. bands can get around this becos they play live concerts that allow them to earn money beyond the actual song on cd. authors can't really do the same. for that matter, how would you feel if someone advertised as pearl jam, promoted a show, and you bought a ticket and went to find out that it wasn't ed and the group but some impersonators. do you think the people touring as lynyrd skynyrd now are lynyrd skynyrd? it's ripe for deception. i guess id draw a line between patents and intellectual property law basically.