Home Schooling does NOT work.

Ya, your kid may grow up and win spelling bee's. But he will be a social misfit and probably become a unabomber. Or maybe send anthrax through the mail following some pattern in the phone book. If you don't believe me, check this home schooled kid out. He just won the spelling bee but has no idea how to communicate with another human other than his mom.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Wow. One home school example gone wrong. This must mean we should mandate that all students should be forced to go to public schools. Did you know that home school children will still be associated with a school district and play on a sporting team or in a music group? I think more unabomers come from the children who are ridiculed and teased by their classmates and cannot find compassion or a way to make it stop besides doing something dramatic to cry for help?
That explains your posts, then.
damn it you beat me to it!! :mad:
well brett recognizing your problems is the first step in correcting them
Some jokes are just begging to be made, aren't they?
I just wish Spinny's mom hadn't introduced him to us.
public school sucks
homeschooling sucks
we're doomed! our children will kill us all.
The point of homeschooling is to make sure the kids get a solid foundation when they are young, and their minds aren't being shaped by a bad teacher or a bad classroom situation.
Home schooling through junior high/high school....bad idea!
well i have full confidence that i am capable academically to homeschool my children. the only reason i dont and never will is cause i have zero patience and am a little nuts.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
This should be nominated for dumbest fucking thread of the day.
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
you know pam, tagging that comment with j/k is like starting a sentence with: im not racist but...
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Way to gain respect from your mates at school though......
there are multiple ways to homeschool. Some people don't socialize their kids and the kids are awkward...some get them involved in sports, in the arts etc... I've met just as many whacked out public/private schoolers as I have homeschoolers. According to your philosophy we shouldn't have public schools either b/c they'll grow up to shoot people in school when they feel like they are being picked on...talk about mal-adjustment...sheesh.
I'm gonna go ahead and nominate this again for dumbest fucking thread of the day.
Hey, if you are capable to teach physics, calculus, chemistry, biology, history and teach them well and still have time for a life.....all the more power to you.
So, apparently, not being homeschooled makes you act like a jackass and make stupid posts on the internet. Hmmn.... Unless you are a self-loather.
Well, I'm going out to buy a house possibly, that I won't foreclose on because by the time I was in my last year of homeschooling (4th grade) I understood I knew the value of saving money. You know, not like these public school folks who grew up not being able to read a loan agreement and understand a simple amortization table.
That boy is somewhat Autistic. That's all.
THey call someone like him a "high-functioning" person with Autism. I'd say his parents have done pretty well with him. He is trying to keep his eyes up while he talks and he is using his intelligence to try to understand what she's asking him. Despite the fact that he doesn't have the expected enthusiasm or emotional response, he's not being inappropriate.
If you've seen a lot of these kids, you can recognize them.
This thread makes you seem ignorant.
You're right, I'm not kidding!!!
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
ah yes calculus. im so glad i was taught that in school. i have infinite uses for it, dont you? :rolleyes:
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Hey, in college calculus helped me realize that a math degree would be the most boring thing I could ever pursue, so it did have ONE use.
a lot of professional teachers can't get the job done either.
Homeschoolers have curriculum and lesson plans that they follow...sometimes they also have videos...it's not like the parents are sitting there trying to figure out what to teach for the day. It's like a lot of things; there are parents who do it the right way and parents who do it the wrong way. The kids still have to take tests and show progress (that's via state guidlines). In some states the local school board evaluates the progress to make sure it is comparable to a public school education.
one other interesting fact...the head of south carolinas board of education home schools her 4 children.