As much as I've tried to avoid paying attention to or commenting about the good reverend, I can't help but make a few observations. First off, for going on and on about black inequalities and really going out of his way to show how black he is (see his black college band dance deal), he's pretty high yella. I'd say he's more like 10% "black" and 90% "white". He kinda reminds me of that SNL skit in the 80's when Eddie Murphy went undercover as a white guy. Look it up if you haven't seen it. Anyway, that got me thinking that maybe this isn't Obama's reverend after all. Maybe someone killed him and the guy we see on TV is a doppelganger. And let me ask you this- when's the last time you've seen Karl Rove and he together?! I'm just saying...
It's funny how you're willing to give Hagee a pass...
funny indeed...
you know your right. I'm sure my friends of 40+ years secretly openly rant about hating certain races and have just choose to leave me out of it this whole time. and I'm not giving mccain a pass about hagee. I guess I'm just smart enough to realize the little extent of their actual relationship.
you know your right. I'm sure my friends of 40+ years secretly openly rant about hating certain races and have just choose to leave me out of it this whole time. and I'm not giving mccain a pass about hagee. I guess I'm just smart enough to realize the little extent of their actual relationship.
I know they dont openly preach hate like obama's friend. o wait, former friend.
do ya...? you're with your friends 24/7...?
It's funny how you're willing to give Hagee a pass...
funny indeed...
you know your right. I'm sure my friends of 40+ years secretly openly rant about hating certain races and have just choose to leave me out of it this whole time. and I'm not giving mccain a pass about hagee. I guess I'm just smart enough to realize the little extent of their actual relationship.
you're 40+ years old...?
I'd a never thunk...:)
I'm an old fart
again, we agree....;)
twice in one day....!!
good night, folks...I'm outta here....
No it isn't. Jesus was more than likely black. As were Moses, Noah... and on and on.
i'm not a real big fan of internet acronyms and text message speak, but LMFAO!
Admitted racists!? No one fucking admits it! David fucking Duke won't ADMIT he's a fucking racist.
Absolutely hilarious shit.
Yeah, well it looks like around here its say something disparaging against whites and get villified and say "gooks" and ...