An Israeli gunmen (if that exists) will not go into a Mosque randomly and kill a dozen students there.
Cave of the Patriarchs massacre 1994
'The Cave of the Patriarchs attack occurred on February 25, 1994 in the southern West Bank city of Hebron. It is also known as the Mosque of Abraham massacre or the Hebron massacre or the Purim massacre...
The killings were perpetrated by Baruch Goldstein, an Israeli-American settler and off-duty IDF army reservist and member of the extremist Kahanist movement. A total of 29 Palestinian Muslims were killed and another 125 injured, with Goldstein himself also being killed.'
The Massacre of Al-Aqsa Mosque - October 8, 1990
'Twenty-three Palestinians were killed, and 850 others were wounded to varying degrees. The Israeli soldiers began firing at 10:30 A.M. and stopped 35 minutes later. They opened fire on the Palestinian worshippers randomly and in cold blood. Then they pursued them with clubs and rifles...'
Cave of the Patriarchs massacre 1994
'The Cave of the Patriarchs attack occurred on February 25, 1994 in the southern West Bank city of Hebron. It is also known as the Mosque of Abraham massacre or the Hebron massacre or the Purim massacre...
The killings were perpetrated by Baruch Goldstein, an Israeli-American settler and off-duty IDF army reservist and member of the extremist Kahanist movement. A total of 29 Palestinian Muslims were killed and another 125 injured, with Goldstein himself also being killed.'
The Massacre of Al-Aqsa Mosque - October 8, 1990
'Twenty-three Palestinians were killed, and 850 others were wounded to varying degrees. The Israeli soldiers began firing at 10:30 A.M. and stopped 35 minutes later. They opened fire on the Palestinian worshippers randomly and in cold blood. Then they pursued them with clubs and rifles...'
Israeli settlers attack Palestinian schoolgirls with axes
author Monday November 26, 2007
Israeli settler kills Palestinian civilian near Ramallah
Report, Al-Haq, 19 May 2008
So the illegal occupation is a response to the response of the Palestinians in response to the illegal occupation? Err...o.k.