enough with the demagogy!

(this is the forum who revealed the whole story, these are professional photographers)
(the official message Reuters put out)
This is just one example of how biased the media could be, and what a demagogic picture (out of Reuters, not just a unimportant agency) can cause. Note that the person who took that photo is the same one who took the photos out of Qana, and as far as I understand this is not the first time that specific photographer did that kind of thing. What concerns me is the fact his editores allowed the picture to be published, though even a simple person like me can tell something is wrong with it.
The situation is awful already, I don't know what one can get out of making it look worse than it really is. You got to understand these kind of things bring nothing but hate, and if you think I'm over-reacting just look of what's going on around the world right now (= all the hostility & harassments of Jews/Jewish facilities).
Enough with the demagogy!
(this is the forum who revealed the whole story, these are professional photographers)
(the official message Reuters put out)
This is just one example of how biased the media could be, and what a demagogic picture (out of Reuters, not just a unimportant agency) can cause. Note that the person who took that photo is the same one who took the photos out of Qana, and as far as I understand this is not the first time that specific photographer did that kind of thing. What concerns me is the fact his editores allowed the picture to be published, though even a simple person like me can tell something is wrong with it.
The situation is awful already, I don't know what one can get out of making it look worse than it really is. You got to understand these kind of things bring nothing but hate, and if you think I'm over-reacting just look of what's going on around the world right now (= all the hostility & harassments of Jews/Jewish facilities).
Enough with the demagogy!
Post edited by Unknown User on
Im a photographer myself, and while Im no photoshop guru, I work and have worked with guys that can do amazing things with 25 minutes and photoshop. NEVER believe everything you see. Sometimes, some people, are sooooooooooooo desperate to either believe the message they are told, or equally as desperate to tell the story they want rather than truth. Shame really.
The "original" picture:
The official message of Reuters:
Hope it'll work now. What kills me is the fact we're talking about a serious agency, and the fact this picture just looks odd even to a simple person like me, but the editors still decided to print it. I mean, what's next? And what's in it for them?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Hatred sells, everybody seems to buy it, and everybody looks like they want to kill me with it, in case the missiles are missing my house (like they did half anhour ago). Oh yeah, everyone in the media & across the universe are pro-Israeli. Right.
Isn't it "reverse" demagogy to say that people are all relying on these sources? Is it possible that someone can make an opinion based on many news sources or based on something else than the medias?
I'm just coming back from a rather large protest, i've (for the 2nd time) had an amazing time discussing with canadians who were evacuees from Lebanon some with family still there (imagine the terror for them, just like yours, no difference), that for me is more reliable than any news sources anyone can bring around or just come here and reading post from you or anyone from Israel, or from anyone from Lebanon, is also more reliable.
We have access to all the infos even if they're biased, if i watch FOX news, it doesn't mean i will automaticly agree with them, anyway i mean medias are just a small part of the problem, not THE problem, i guess that's what i'm trying to say.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
A picture worth more than 1000 words, especially when it is published in LOTS of newspapers / websites. First impression counts, you know.
And I used the word 'seems'.
Maybe, but it "seems" that most people read the article that goes with the picture, if the article or the said newspaper is already biased, then it doesn't matter much, and both side are represented in the biased media. But i agree, it's bad that medias suck that much, there's just not much we can do about it, other than looking around for more and for different news sources, that's just my opinion and i'm not trying to say you're wrong, just that it goes both ways, biased is bad period...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Stop using that method, and I'll stop using that word.
i know it's pointless as i've already asked you several times and you never seem to be able to give any examples...but can you plz show where anyone's been demgogic?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
How about the topic of this thread, did you read it?
'you' is not a specific person, though when it comes to you, El_Kabong and mainly to danmac, your words are a perfect example for demagogy:
1. cnn pushing for war w/ iran! (false)
2. can you see both sides? it seems the liberal side is the only one that can say both sides do bad things. (false)
3. those poor israeli victims...(for a post who demonstrated an IDF action).
There are more (these are only titles), But I think your'e getting the picture.
the host of the show on cnn did push for war...he even said we all need to prepare for it now...what was false? i never made a single mention of israel in my post...yet you somehow spun it into me saying something agaisnt israel
can yous ee both sides?...how is that a demogoci title? perhaps you could find fault w/ the initial statement (which i later clarified and reworded, funny how you leave that out) so that is not false. it is true. if you take all the pro-israeli posters here and all the posters against israel's actions you will find one side overwhelmingly gives a free pass to israel and makes rationalizations and justifications for them while the other side condemns the actions of both...so how is asking a question 'demagogic'?
the israeli victims title was from some of the pro-israeli posters who claimed israel only ever acts in self defense and is ALWAYS justified and never does anything bad. a few posters portrayed them as innocent victims (i'm talking governments here, not civilians) hell, one of hte posters even admitted they didn't believe palestinians had a right to exist at all!!! so it was a post to them saying if israel only ever acts out of self defense why did they throw stun grenades at women and children who were protesting peacefully, beat some of the ppl and especially why did the idf attack the ambulance that came and started loading the injured ppl onto it?
sorry, still not getting the picture
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Because you said CNN (the NETWORK) was pushing for war. NOT an INDIVIDUAL that works for cnn!! Glenn Beck is NOT a liberal and his views are pretty much against what CNN stands for. They are just mixing it up now.
You sure don't and I'm getting tired. Maybe others could tell you what's wrong about accusing the whole network because of one reporter whome YOU didn't understand. Or maybe they'll explain to you how wrong is it to use generalizations such as "others who don't share my point of view can't see both sides" (as if a one-sided person like you can actually see the whole picture). And maybe someone would explain you it doesn't matter which or whome words you are using, its the way you use them that counts.
I give up, you are a hopless case.
it still applies. funny...i see mention of the ny times, washington post, la times, al jazeera...all the time, not the individual authors...i also recall seeing looooots of ppl claim cnn was the clinton news network and super liberal...those ppl never mentioned the individual anchors, either (and yet you had no problem w. that?)
and what does me posting a transcript of a show on cnn about preparing for war w/ the 'evil' iran have to do w/ israel like shiraz keeps inplying??
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
maybe, but i still fail to see what the transcript i posted had to do w/ me demonzing israel?
it's also funny that you talk about 'one reporter' when you don't care about israel kidnapping palestinian politicians and you calling them terrorists...perhaps someone could explain those differences to you?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
The man was talking about supporting Israel (against Hizbullah who works for Iran), not about the US go to war with Iran. I'm not implying anything, just explaining you how wrong you got it and how wrong was it to accuse the whole network.
you are wrong...if he was talking about supporting israel why did he say things like 'we need to tell the un and the rest of the world to fight or get the hell out of the way b/c WE will'? he is american, not israeli.
why did he say it's for OUR children's future and not ISRAELS childrens future?
why did he say WE need to prepare for the battle and not ISRAEL needs to prepare...??
you seem to be the one who has it wrong
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Hamas is a terror organization, hence, its people are terrorists, but I guess you can't find the logic to understand that simple fact.
so b/c hamas has, what, a 1/3 or less of the seats, it means all of them are terrorists now by default??
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Because the UN doesn't really want to get its Int armed forces to Southern Lebanon at the moment, and if they had done what they should had done 6 years ago, this whole thing wouldn't had happened.
The last question of yours just shows how narrow your point of view is, so I'm not even gonna bother to answer it.
Hamas was elected via 80% of the voters, they are in the lead. It is also a well recognized terror organization who does not believe in Israel right to exist, hence, all of its members are terrorists. One who is planing a terror attack = one who is performing it.
picture of after-night Israeli attacks in Beriut on 5/8, after Nasrallah promised he would bomb Tel Aviv if we attack Beirut (fake)
The original picture of the same location on 22/7 - 2 weeks before the above.
Still thinking all of the media is pro-Israeli? well, think again.
medias or one photographers?
BTW, If you guys believe CNN are left wing or Liberal, then our medias in Canada are definitly communist hippy radical left wing... i mean CNN liberal??? What a joke...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I've said: It is wrong to accuse the whole network because of one reporter's point of view, and it is wrong to put such title when that specific reporter didn't really push anyone to have a war against Iran - that's it.
For the record, I don't even watch CNN.
CNN part is not directed at you and i know you're a good girl...
Editors buys pictures from Reuters because they think it's a reliable sources, now i guess Reuters will have to suffer from these fakes, but anyway, there's nothing to defend here, medias are medias, they were all approving the invasion of Irak showing pictures of supposed missile launchers and biological weapons from sattelites, these pictures all proved to be wrong, so it's not like if it's a first time, they're not anti-Israel or anti-Arabs, they're pro-sensationalism... which sucks...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
How about you go a whole week without saying something bad about Israel?
But in this particular case their pro-sensationalism comes out to practically the same thing as if they were biased against Israel. There is a great article on the topic on the national review website. It's written by Noah Pollack, and it's called "Video Made the Terrorist Star." Read it if you want an explanation of what I mean. If you don't read it please don't just tell me I'm wrong cause you don't know what I mean.
he DID push for war, he did so again last night, too.
also, it's funny you originally accused me of being demagogic towards the israeli kids and the pics of them signing bombs...after repeatedly asking you which thread titles i did this in after about the 10th time you replied but none of them had anything to do w/ israeli kids signing bombs...so are you saying you were wrong?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way