this is insane

The Lebanese govt is insisting about these sheeba farms, a territory which doesn't belong to them. This is the only disputed issue, and it is clearly a Hizbullah interest. Once again, Lebanon acts as if it cares more about a group of terrorists than its own civilians. Israel accepted all terms, even the fact that Hizbullah will not be disarmed at the moment (though there is a UN resolution about that matter since 2000).
We can't give them a Syrian territory, the UN acknowledges that, the world acknowledges that, even Lebanon acknowledges that but it is still trying to defend Hizbullah's interests. Do you realize what's going on? Its like they'll demand the Palestinian areas for themselfs, those impotent bastards are blocking the cease-fire for the sake of Hizbullah!
And the Russians... What the hell is wrong with them? They decided its better to have a 72 hours of cease-fire, than have an agreement for ending it all (?!?). They're gonna oppose the US-France draft and bring their own draft. cause they want to defend their great weapons consumers: Iran + Syria (= Hizbullah).
God, this is insane, I want my life back!
We can't give them a Syrian territory, the UN acknowledges that, the world acknowledges that, even Lebanon acknowledges that but it is still trying to defend Hizbullah's interests. Do you realize what's going on? Its like they'll demand the Palestinian areas for themselfs, those impotent bastards are blocking the cease-fire for the sake of Hizbullah!
And the Russians... What the hell is wrong with them? They decided its better to have a 72 hours of cease-fire, than have an agreement for ending it all (?!?). They're gonna oppose the US-France draft and bring their own draft. cause they want to defend their great weapons consumers: Iran + Syria (= Hizbullah).
God, this is insane, I want my life back!
Post edited by Unknown User on
Ok, so give it to Syria, problem solved.
if this is so easy than it would have done but it ain´t...
Why? Is there Israeli settlements there aswell?
i meant the whole region stuff but nevermind´s never that easy as it seems
And you neglact to mention that part of those terms is that Israel gets to remain in southern Lebanon.
As far as U.N resolutions go, Israel really isn't in a position to point the finger at those who are in breach of them are they? The Israeli's are currently in violation of over 60 resolutions.
Anyway, onwards and upwards! (Or downwards, depending on which side of the fence your on.)
What is wrong with them?!? civilians should be their first priority!
off course ....but what is right what is wrong you want to answer that ...
That's like you coming into my home and proclaiming the loudspeakers (I already own) are now mine, as a gift from you to me.:D
..and by the way....Thank you for the fine gift! You have great taste in loudspeakers:D
What a disgrace.
The whole point was to send an armed force who can control Hizbullah with the help of the Lebanese army, the new resolution is saying an "army" of supervisors will enter southern Lebanon, which is the same thing that brought us back to where we are in the first place. Hizbullah need to be controled for the sake of the Lebanese & Israeli civilians, or else they'll attack again in a short period of time and this whole horrible story will repeat itself.
Wonder who this "army of Supervisors would be? Wonder who Lebanon and Hizbullah have in mind? :rolleyes:
i myself don´t know the answer .
How about trying some NEW solutions, like an armed UNIFIL and french force who can act via military ways against Hizbullah in time of need? How about not recycling old solutions which was proven to be useless?
My only hope is these supervisors & UNIFIL will get some military authority, or else this war will escalate.
No she wasn't. Not at all.
THAT was her point, to begin with.
i think the first step is to disarm them ....or to do a ceasefire
and than talk ...maybe ...
i think it´s near by to escalate if nobody finds a good way or sollution that will cool down the whole region ...but than we need all parties to accept
the solutions ...
Thank you, I'm sick of people who keep on saying Hizbullah is taking care of the Lebanese people, mainly after Ruud (the Lebanese civilian who is posting here) make it very clear this is a false impression.
This link is the latest about the new draft.
They are terrorists. They kill innocent civilians with intent and terrorize another country. They are not the Lebanese army. Yes there are other aspects to the organization, but that doesn't make them any less terrorists, it only makes them more complex terrorists.
OK, they're a political party linked to a number of terrorist acts. I'm pretty sure that makes the term 'terrorist' an accurate term to use, and much closer to the standard usage of the word than your example which becomes more broad and meaningless by including the US.
They should have been disarmed 6 years ago (UN resolution), but there was no one to force them to do so. That is my point - if there's no one who can control Hizbullah then the troubles are soon to be happening again.
Deal with it? That's what Israel is doing!
Hizbullah is not taking care of the Lebanese people. They are barely doing any of the things you have mentioned. To boot, they have been using them as human shields and as decoys, in their strategy.
They also use Red Cross ambulances as transportation vehicles, for their operations.
You call that taking care of them? I call that dispicable and sickening!
Syria considers it Lebanese territory. What's more important is actually the fact that it is not Israeli territory. There's a reasonable solution to this conflict. The Beirut declaration was a great place to start - it's a shame that wasn't taken more seriously.
If you call Hezbollah terrorists then you have to call Israel terrorists. They're on both sides. Is Israel not just a larger, better funded terrorist in this situation?
Lets have a deal, shall we? you will actually read the WHOLE thread before responding, and than I replay to you without the risk of sounding like a broken record, ok?
I don't see the point specifically addressed in this thread. Also, see my edited post for the more important statement.