Everything you know is wrong!

Yea, seriously. Everything exists at once and nothing exists simultaneously!
When will people give up faith?
Become a skeptic!
When will people give up faith?
skepticforum wrote:I do not hate skeptics and I find they have their uses is exposing carny frauds and flim flam men.
But please note that with the growing acceptance of quantum physics and
parallel universes theory, (Einstein, Rosen,Kaku, Wolf et al)
and new finds by field workers, some with PhD degrees, that the travel between such universes or worlds or dimensions explains the plethora of
weird people, animals, orbs, ufos, creatures, blobs, etc.
I personally as a Bigfoot hunter, have found tracks that "end" in snow and mud, have see Bigfoot vanish, WITH NO CONVENTIONAL EXPLANATION,
and others have done this as well, even with video re the tracks.
Now, Dr Colm Kelleher of NIDS has written of bf vanishing in front of him and witnesses, and researchers on his team have seen a yellow orb
grow to larger size and become a tunnel and having a large hairy creature
crawl out.
The book is HUNT FOR THE SKINWALKER 2005, via http://www.amazon.com
Plus there is my own book in press, SEX,LIES AND BIGFOOT.
All document paranormal aspects of Bigfoot, and this applies to Nessies,
and ufos, in all sizes.
Skeptics may now close down shop re paranormal beings and ufos.
Unless you want to get out and capture one yourself....
But usually skeptics never get into the actual field (woods).
Jon-Erik Beckjord, BA,MBA, Mensa, and http://www.beckjord.com
Become a skeptic!
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Post edited by Unknown User on
belive him? i dont even understand what he's trying to say.
He's saying the existence of blobs, UFOs and Bigfoot is proven by the Multiverse theory.
Also, this dude as well as others claim to have actually witnessed Bigfoot beaming himself back to his own universe.
What does that say about personal experience?
Are all these dudes right? Is Bigfoot a super-intelligent species like these Aliens that fly UFOs, but instead he chooses to walk around naked in the woods?
I mean, to me, this dude Beckjord, regardless of how many acronyms follow his name is more probablistically psychotic than these creatures actually existing.
'probablistically'? Damn, that's some word!
Sorry typo!
Main Entry: prob·a·bi·lis·tic
Pronunciation: "prä-b&-b&-'lis-tik
Function: adjective
1 : of or relating to probabilism
2 : of, relating to, or based on probability
- prob·a·bi·lis·ti·cal·ly adverb
I use it so as not to sound definite, cause you know that can always be taken the wrong way. Though I suppose someone will say "You aren't too sure then are you." It's actually meant to be kind of a jab at the uncertainty principle in quantum physics. I like the word by it's self though
Because in order for a lot of this stuff to be true, everything has to exists in every possible way at the exact same time nothing exists. So, it really doesn't matter what you believe, it is both wrong and right.
I personally don't believe that nonsense.
i believe there has to be a higher power in order for all of this to even exist.
To quantify what you are saying is; In order for A to exist, B must exist. So then, C must exist for B to exist and so on to infinity.
how is that less sensible than saying that A sprung from nothing out of the blue for no apparent reason?
that's true. but for me its not a matter of fact...its a matter of faith.
its interesting...how things change. i used to be an atheist. and then i saw...you can't believe in one side without believing in the other.
"The devil and his had me down,
in love with the dark side, I found.
Dabblin' all the way down.
Up to my neck;
Soon to drown
But you,
changed that all for me,
lifted me up, turned me 'round." MJK
Sure you can, maybe you just didn't find the "answers" you were "looking" for. I'm content with not finding answers, heck, I'm not even looking for them. Maybe I'm not sure what you mean though, I'm confused.
Who is MJK? Sounds like you are equating atheism to the "dark side". It should be noted that darkness is not inherently bad. It's just the absence of reflectivity. From our perspective the total absorbtion of light is darkness and we cannot see, so our knowledge is void, in the light things are "enlightened", yet, the object which is being exposed is rejecting most of the light. By the way, I despise the light/dark good/evil metaphore.
It's not, but it's less sensible than to say A exists and we don't know how.
well that certainly made my day today! blobs, bigfoot??
where am i? in a madhouse?? :eek: :eek: :eek:
Umm...doesn't it take quite a bit of faith to give any credibility at all to some of this?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Maynard James Keenan.
no, atheism is pretty unoriginal though, a form of nihilism. If its easier to believe in nothing that's fine...
I know there is more to this world than what is commonly perceived.
You're such an inspiration for the ways
That I'll never ever choose to be
Oh so many ways for me to show you
How the savior has abandoned you
F*ck your God
Your Lord and your Christ
He did this
Took all you had and
Left you this way
Still you pray, you never stray
Never taste of the fruit
You never thought to question why
Complete bullshit!
that is where the assumption is wrong. lot's of people question why. They just choose a different answer than you and it seems you can't accept that.
I didn't say that, did I?
Those were Maynard's words, in contrast to what Commy was saying Maynard said.
Anyway, I don't doubt that they questioned it, I just doubt that they realized the flaws in their views and questions.
How about this one to rattle your brain?
From the great philosopher,
"There are known knowns; there are things we know we know.
We also know there are unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns- the ones we don't know we don't know." -Donald Rumsfeld
And that failure's no success at all."
"Don't ya think its sometimes wise not to grow up."
"Cause life ain't nothing but a good groove
A good mixed tape to put you in the right mood."
is that really so damnable given that you dont realize the same in yours?
I'm sorry, what are my flaws?
i think there's a wrod limit on posts
lol, Is that your excuse for avoiding the question?
ahh. yeah, he was pissed off because his mom was confined to a wheel chair (for 10,000 days as it turned out) yet remained faithful throughout.
that and the fact that i havent done jack shit for my brief due friday and im kinda bored with debating this topic with you. neither of us is going to budge.
By the way, Maynard is not God. He is an interesting fellow that enjoys encorporating Jungian psychology into his lyrics, which I respect. I mean Aenima was a play on "Anima/Animus" of Jungian psychology and seeing as my name is Animus, I can't say I don't like that, lol.
But either way, I don't exactly give a shit what Keenan thinks about the existence of a mythological entity. His opinion and a quarter will get you a steaming cup of jack shit.
i remember the days when a quarter would get you 5 laffy taffy's at the store...