National Anthems

I think we can do without them. I mean, I'd have to look up my own and omit the word God, however many times it appears.
I was just reading some of them on wikipedia
Well, they pretty much come down to
"Praise God, we kick ass."
and that's all they are about.
Do we really need this childishness?
I was just reading some of them on wikipedia
Well, they pretty much come down to
"Praise God, we kick ass."
and that's all they are about.
Do we really need this childishness?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Post edited by Unknown User on
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
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So is Sorood-e Melli-e Jomhoori-e Eslami-e Iran
for spacious skies
for amber waves of grain....
God's Gonna Cut You Down
by Johnny Cash
You can run on for a long time,
Run on for a long time,
Run on for a long time,
Sooner, or later, God'll cut you down.
Sooner, or later, God'll cut you down.
Go and tell that long tongue liar,
Go and tell that midnight rider,
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter,
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down.
Well my goodness gracious,
Let me tell you the news.
My heads been wet with the midnight dew.
I've been down on bended knee,
Talkin to the man from Galiee.
He spoke to me in a voice so sweet,
I thought I heard the shuffle of angels feet.
He called my name and my heart stood still,
When He said "John go do my will"
Go and tell that long tongue liar,
Go and tell that midnight rider,
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter,
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down.
You can run on for a long time,
Run on for a long time,
Run on for a long time,
Sooner, or later, God'll cut you down.
Sooner, or later, God'll cut you down.
You can throw your rock, hide your hand,
Workin in the dark against your fellow man.
But as sure as God made black and white,
What's done in the dark,
Will be brought to the light.
You can run on for a long time,
Run on for a long time,
Run on for a long time,
Sooner, or later, God'll cut you down.
Sooner, or later, God'll cut you down.
Go and tell that long tongue liar,
Go and tell that midnight rider,
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter,
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
German national anthem:
Germany, Germany above all,
above all in the world,
When it always, for protection and defence,
Brotherly stands together.
From the Meuse to the Neman,
From the Adige to the Belt,
Germany, Germany above all,
Above anything in the world.
German women, German loyalty,
German wine and German song
Shall retain in the world
Their old beautiful ring
And inspire us to noble deeds
During all of our life.
German women, German loyalty,
German wine and German song!
Unity and justice and freedom
For the German fatherland;
For these let us all strive,
Brotherly with heart and hand.
Unity and justice and freedom
Are the pledge of happiness.
flourish in this fortune's blessing,
flourish, German fatherland.
Seems not so bad.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Australian's all let us rejoice, for we are young and free
With golden soil and wealth for toil, our home is girt by sea,
A something something of nature's gifts, of beauty rich and rare,
Something, something, um something else, ADVANCE AUSTRALIA FAIR!
I know I'm not alone here kids! Who else knows any of the lyrics without looking them up?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Austrailia let us all rejoice,
put another shrimp on the barbie
open a fosters beer
and shoot all the kangaroo's in sight...
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
God is Great God is Great
God is above any attacker's tricks,
And God is the best helper for the oppressed,
God is above any attacker's tricks,
And God is the best helper for the oppressed,
With certainty and with weapons I shall defend
My nation, truth's light shining in my hand;
Say it with me, say it with me:
God is greatest, God is greatest, God is greatest!
God is great over the attacker's tricks!
Oh this world, watch and listen:
The enemy came coveting my position,
Oh this world, watch and listen:
The enemy came coveting my position,
I shall fight with weapons and defences
And if I die, I'll take him with me!
Say it with me, say it with me:
God is greatest, God is greatest, God is greatest!
God is above any attacker's tricks!
lol...for those who know Arabic
الله أكبر الله اكبر
الله أكبر فوق كيد المعتدي
الله للمظلوم خير مؤيد
أنا باليقين وبالسلاح سأفتدي
بلدي ونور الحق يسطع في يدي
قولوا معي قولوا معي
الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر
الله أكبر فوق كيد المع
يا هذه الدنيا أطلي واسمعي
جيش الأعادي جاء يبغي مصرعي
بالحق سوف أرده وبمدفعي
وإذا فنيت فسوف أفنيه معي
قولوا معي قولوا معي
الله أكبر الله أكبر الله اكبر
الله فوق كيد المعتدي.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
(Ahnimus friendly version):
I'm just glad the word doesn't annoy the hell out of me like it does some folks.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
sweet land of Liberty,
of thee I sing
To be fair "Deutschland über alles" "Germany above all" is no longer part of the German National Anthem post-WW2 and saying it will get you banned from german forums.
has some Liberty!
Upwards on the horizon rises the Eastern Sun,
The sight of the true Religion.
Bahman - the brilliance of our Faith.
Your message, O Imam, of independence and freedom
is imprinted on our souls.
O Martyrs! The time of your cries of pain rings in our ears.
Enduring, continuing, eternal,
The Islamic Republic of Iran.
A homeland that extended its wings over the horizon,
And wore the glory of civilization as a garment--
Blessed be the land of the two rivers,
A homeland of glorious determination and tolerance.
This homeland is made of flame and splendour
And pride unequaled by the high heavens.
It is a mountain that rises above the tops of the world
And a plain that embodies our pride.
Babylon is inherent in us and Assyria is ours,
And because of the glory of our background
History itself radiates with light,
And it is we alone who possess the anger of the sword
And the patience of the prophets.
Oh company of al-Ba'th, you pride of lions,
Oh pinnacle of pride and of inherited glory,
Advance, bringing terror, to a certain victory
And resurrect the time of al-Rashid in our land!
We are a generation who give all and toil to the utmost.
Oh expanse of glory, we have returned anew
To a nation that we build with unyielding determination.
And each martyr follows in the footsteps of a former martyr.
Our mighty nation is filled with pride and vigour
And the comrades build the fortresses of glory.
Oh Iraq, may you remain forever a refuge for all the Arabs
And be as suns that turn night into day!
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
You'd be fine with "Germany above God" though, right? Given you would allow God to be a part of the phrase I assume.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
haha somebody tell Wikipedia....that's where it's from
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I'd rather there was no anthems.
There is a section on it's post WW2 use, I don't have time to read through it though.
they caught the last poor man on a poor man's vacation
they cuffed him and they confiscated his stuff
and they dragged his black ass down to the station
and said "ok the streets are safe now.
all your pretty white children can come out to see spot run
and they came out of their houses and they looked around
but they didn't see no one.
and my country tis of thee
to take swings at each other on talk show tv
why don't you just go ahead and turn off the sun
'cause we'll never live long enough to
undo everything they've done to you
undo everything they've done to you
and above 96th street,
they're handing out smallpox blankets
so people don't freeze
the old dogs they got a new trick
it's called criminalize the symptoms
while you spread the disease
i hold on hard to something
between my teeth when i'm sleeping
and i wake up and my jaw aches
and the earth is full of earthquakes
and my country tis of thee
to take shots at each other on prime time tv
why don't you just go ahead and turn off the sun
'cause we'll never live long enough to
undo everything they've done to you
undo everything they've done to you
they caught the last poor man
flying away in a shiny red cape
and they brought him down to the station
and they said "boy you should know better
than to try and escape"
and i ran away with the circus
'cause there's still some honest work left for bearded ladies
but it's not the same goin' town to town
since they put everyone in jail 'cept
the cleavers and the bradys
and my country tis of thee
to take swings at each other on talk show tv
why don't you just go ahead and turn off the sun
'cause we'll never live long enough to
undo everything they've done to you
undo everything they've done to you
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
either did I
Doesn't seem to be a whole lot about god in it though.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
There are a few exceptions.
"And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air"
contained in their first verse of their national anthem should consider changing their national anthem.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I didn'y know that. What do they sing now ??
Oh that's right, the chicken dance song !!
Gee you folk have real problems understanding that they're called PRAWNS!!!
Supposing I was gonna drink beer, which is fairly unusual, it's be Cascade or Boags. Just because CUB had a big worldwide push for their shitty beer doesn't mean that we drink much of it here! It's the beer we send overseas!!
Now about Skippy. Unfortunately, in some parts of this country Skippy has reached plague proportions. I hate to see them killed off but if they are starving because there are too many of them, I'd rather see them culled humanely than die out from starvation or be hit by cars.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
australians all let us rejoice
for we are young and free
weve golden soil and wealth for toil
and home is girt by sea
our land abounds in nature's gifts
of beauty rich and rare
in historys page let every stage
advance australia fair
in joyful strains then let us sing
advance australia fair
beneath our radiant southern cross
we'll toil with hearts and hands
to make this commonwealth of ours
renowned of all the lands
for those who've come across the seas
we've boundless plains to share
with courage let us all combine
to advance australia fair
in joyfiul strains then let us soing
advance australia fair.
there you go two verses for ya jeanie.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
move to Scotland
from wiki "Scotland does not possess a legally recognised or confirmed anthem of its own."
it does however have 2 unofficial anthems that are sung at sporting events and/or slayings
Flower O Scotland
O Flower of Scotland,
When will we see
Your like again,
That fought and died for,
Your wee bit Hill and Glen,
And stood against him,
Proud Edward's Army,
And sent him homeward,
Tae think again.
The Hills are bare now,
And Autumn leaves
lie thick and still,
O'er land that is lost now,
Which those so dearly held,
That stood against him,
Proud Edward's Army,
And sent him homeward,
Tae think again.
Those days are past now,
And in the past
they must remain,
But we can still rise now,
And be the nation again,
That stood against him,
Proud Edward's Army,
And sent him homeward,
Tae think again.
O Flower of Scotland,
When will we see
your like again,
That fought and died for,
Your wee bit Hill and Glen,
And stood against him,
Proud Edward's Army,
And sent him homeward,
Tae think again
Scotland The Brave
Towering in gallant fame,
Scotland my mountain hame,
High may your proud
standards gloriously wave,
Land of my high endeavour,
Land of the shining river,
Land of my heart for ever,
Scotland the brave.
High in the misty Highlands,
Out by the purple islands,
Brave are the hearts that beat
Beneath Scottish skies.
Wild are the winds to meet you,
Staunch are the friends that greet you,
Kind as the love that shines
from fair maidens' eyes.
Towering in gallant fame,
Scotland my mountain hame,
High may your proud
standards gloriously wave,
Land of my high endeavour,
Land of the shining river,
Land of my heart for ever,
Scotland the brave.
Far off in sunlit places,
Sad are the Scottish faces,
Yearning to feel the kiss
Of sweet Scottish rain.
Where tropic skies are beaming,
Love sets the heart a-dreaming,
Longing and dreaming for the homeland again.
Towering in gallant fame,
Scotland my mountain hame,
High may your proud
standards gloriously wave,
Land of my high endeavour,
Land of the shining river,
Land of my heart for ever,
Scotland the brave.
oh yeah scotland the brave. thanks dunk. we used to sing this when we were well.. wee. ahhh memories.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Ah ta cate!! It's a vast improvement on God Save The Queen, that's for sure!!
Of course I've always been a little partial to our unofficial National Anthem Waltzing Matilda!!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yeah, I remember that too!!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift