Sexual Self-Deception

Um. I posted this case-study last night and it appear to be deleted. Are we not allowed to talk about how people's brains deceive them and even to the point that a person might claim rape, while simultaneously be a willing participant?
I'm kind of saddened that the truth cannot be known if it isn't comfortable. Or maybe there is some other reason the thread is gone.
Well, it is here at the last article on this page for those that like truth
I'm kind of saddened that the truth cannot be known if it isn't comfortable. Or maybe there is some other reason the thread is gone.
Well, it is here at the last article on this page for those that like truth
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Post edited by Unknown User on
cross the river to the eastside
Basically the exact thing described in the article happened with me and my girlfriend as teenagers.
I agree that there is an aura about the website, maybe it's all the books on neurotheology that are linked on it, but I'm quite confident that the theory is accurate in principle.
Judging by your review, I'd say you took it personally. Taking into consideration what the article has said. You might be confabulating and in denial now.
honestly i'm not going to get into this article because i find it *that* ridiculous. and one reason for that is we don't hear from jennifer in this case study. it's all what r. joseph or whateverthedouche says and projects upon the situation. it reads like a trashy book not a case study.
cross the river to the eastside
dude; give it a rest. take a holiday somewhere and relax a bit. get out and have some fun. well; that's my Rx anyway.
Are you telling me that ignorance is bliss?
It is better to not know, even at the expense of others?
I agree with you, which is why I posted it here, because you all like trashy shit. You pay less attention to actual scientific papers than you do to science fiction.
i'm saying you need some time off. you spew this babble on every thread day in and day out. you've convinced yourself that someone is listening even though you're bombarded with opposition. from one friend to another; i think you need a vacation.
I often take a break for one or two days. In fact, almost every weekend. I only typically post on here when I am at work.
And babble is fact, but I know you will never believe it. Sometime in the future the new paradigm will prevail.
This is Ahnimus' way of asserting a "Nihilist" viewpoint, whereupon a person's sense of self--the ego, being the person's conscious awareness and choices--has been devalued to the point where it no longer is given any credibility.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
but as someone said we don't have jennifer's side of the story, so my interpretation of the event is skewed and biased.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Self-deception is still a reality, regardless whether or not this article is flawed.
Thank you. Glad you did, and that you are acknowledging the slant. I was starting to worry.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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The currents will shift
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
confabulation and self-deception are still a reality in every human brain. Sexual self-deception still exists beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I've watched the first 4 lectures in Rhawn Joseph's series of brain anatomy lectures and there are no lies in it that I've noticed. Of course, he's giving the lectures for a class. While he does weird supernaturalism type stuff on the side, and threatens other writers like Susan Blackmore. I don't doubt that his university lectures are on target and he knows a lot about the brain. This article could be 100% accurate. But for the sake of skepticism and face, I'll give that it's probably bullshit.
Well I hardly think me, the queen of de nile :rolleyes:, would ever argue against you there.
I guess I'll leave this one alone. Not because I necessarily disagree with you, but more because I'm not sure I trust your interpretations readily. No biggy, I'm quite sure it will have no effect on you whatsoever.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
You can always argue in the negative like Angelica.
I could, or I could leave it.
It's the weekend, I've had 3 hours sleep, and it's not really a burning issue in my day right now.
I'm sure angel will keep you on your toes if you're bored!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Hmm, I don't know. As long as I'm posting here, I'm not learning anything. I'm having trouble paying attention to this Churchland interview
The key point, though, is that it is a person's conscious awareness that must be respected at all times, no matter what their unconscious body language says. This is why it is being taught to teens, the importance of the word "no" and to males, the necessity of getting verbal agreement for sex, rather than accepting body language when receiving mixed signals. What is verbal goes through the ego and conscious awareness. A person cannot consciously control what they are unconscious of.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
It sounds like you are suggesting that an intoxicated male mind is more capable and hence more responsible than an intoxicated female mind.
Well you are. You are learning to interact with a wide variety of people and their opinions. Always beneficial.
Now I've taken a peek at your link, but I have to say Ryan, sorry but it's no match for Eddie and friends on youtube today.
If you're struggling to pay attention it may be that you are fatigued.
In which case you may be better served saving it for a time when your brain is more receptive.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
What I'm saying is that individuals on either sides can learn from what is taught from date-rape education, or they can live with the consequences of not learning from it. From the sounds of it for you, it hasn't been a lot of fun living with the consequences of being accused of date-rape or whatever the actual accusation was. I also don't know the situation.
If a male truth is "I'm gonna get me some", and the girl says "no", and the male follows his drives rather than logic, there is a chance some negative stuff will go down, and potentially legally as well. It takes two people to agree and only one to disagree. It is what it is. I personally don't blame a person involved for being who they are, and for their drives. We as a society deny the powerful drives we have unconsciously. We think we are a society of civilized people, but really that is one of the illusions we tell ourselves. Ultimately, though, there are still consequences for such actions. And the person who acts out "rape" is the one accountable for that rape.
I've also been jumped all over for my views on this board by the women, because I had been date-raped/raped in numerous ways in my life. And at one point, when I changed my behaviours, I stopped attracting that to me. I have publicly said on this board that we contract for those incidences with our "presence" in the situations--women, too. If someone sexually assaults me against my will, I am not responsible for the sexual assault. And yet, I must live through the experience anyway--I experience consequences for being in the wrong place. Due to this, I recommend women take many steps to ensure they are safe from animal drives. And that we teach our daughters to be safe, and to be conscious of sexual awareness--not just the sugar-coated kind. And I particularly advocate women not giving away their consciousness to alcohol, when there is any chance they could happen upon a compromising situation. Dulling down our insights and intuition and ability to consciously choose is not a way to ensure our own safety.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
It stands to reason that a male under the influence of alcohol can be taken over by his limbic system, and since the sexual drive in men is so potent. "No" might mean nothing at all. This is not an excuse, but a potential reality!
It's very easy to say one should not do something, or that one should be conscious of and heed the wishes of others. But is in fact something entirely different to expect that to occur in every case. Some people have more self-control than others and I submit that this is a fact of evolution and not personal choice.
so at what point should that male be trusted at all? if at any point in the relationship he's not willing to take no for an answer than at no point should he be trusted. should every man or just some of them have "potential rapist" tatooed on their forehead? cause that sure would come in handy
angels share laughter
It's not a matter of "men are rapists" it's a matter of certain people with biological traits and environmental influences crack and revert to animal nature. Which I add is in fact part and parcel for our evolutionary history.
Consider that our "Society" our "Culture" is not how we are made to be. At what point did it become "normal" for human beings to be restricted in all of their thoughts and actions?
As I walked home from work tonight a young woman approached me topless and obviously drunk. She was shaking her boobs (very nice indeed) and saying "Can I have a smoke, look I'm topless". My inner furnace burst into flames with desire to drag her into the bushes and bang the shit out of her. but why could I not? Why did I fix my eyes ahead of me and swiftly continue my route home with only saying "No sorry"? Because, in my judgment, she was maybe 16 years old and the threat of prison loomed over. For why? What harm would really have been done if the belief that it is wrong was not ingrained into me?
Then, women my age do not act as such. They are firmly secured in their preservation of sanctity. Which is utter bullshit fabricated by mythology. The reason we cheat and commit adultry, is because we are going against the grain of human sexuality with our "Society" and for what? nothing.
Sex is so essential to human happiness. Everything else pales in comparison to the experience of sex. Yet we hinder it to the degree that human animals snap and then we punish them. I can guarantee that many a man would not have evaded the situation above. But I am already somber to the trials of human existence. I would have done the same no matter the age. The results are usually far more complicated than should be.
Sexual frustration is a force to be reckoned with and no amount of talking is going to change the reality of being human. I would rather hedonism proliferate and abolition of age of consent laws, than see another incidence of rape.