Teaching kids is important. But was it important enough to hold up an entire lane of traffic in the morning?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
i'm not sure where he lives but we're strict here about littering. people throw cigarettes out their windows and start bush fires so we watch them closely.
Yes, same here. And we have some very hefty fines and jail sentences for it too. Lit cigarettes anyway.
I wish that we were much more tough on litterers too, but that's just a personal bug bear of mine.
I don't care if he fucks his vehicle in the tailpipe with a 14 inch dildo, it's HIS vehicle, HE PAID FOR IT, and this little twat on the school bus had no right to throw something at it. a minor scratch would be the least of the problem. like somebody else said, what if the guy lost control of the wheel and gotten killed? the little shit deserves a lesson in manners.
If dude loses control over something hitting his truck, he better get off the road.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
The guy only has one vehicle, it's a Ford F150, he talks about it consistently. Actually, we share the same desk at work, and it's been a bit of an issue that he keeps a model F150 ontop of the monitor. He has it in plexiglass and shit, but I keep just about knocking it off and it's a nuisance to me. We had it out one day and he basically said practicality takes a backseat to his desire to have his truck on display.
Some folks would say he probably has a lightel dick.
I dunno.
The dude is out of control with his truck, I M O.
The last F150 truck I drove didnt have any forward gears
that worked.
I drove it in reverse for more than 4 miles thru town to park
the thing in my buddies yard, were it died a rusty death, his truck.
He was to scared to drive in reverse thru town.
It was fun.
Some folks would say he probably has a lightel dick.
I dunno.
The dude is out of control with his truck, I M O.
The last F150 truck I drove didnt have any forward gears
that worked.
I drove it in reverse for more than 4 miles thru town to park
the thing in my buddies yard, were it died a rusty death, his truck.
He was to scared to drive in reverse thru town.
It was fun.
F150 seems to be a truck that you buy if you really can't afford a decent truck. Man, I know a guy that treats his Miata like a $200,000 Porsche. Like honestly, it's just for going A to B.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Fucking Owner Real Dumb
Found On Road Dead
Flip Over Read Directions
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I don't care if he fucks his vehicle in the tailpipe with a 14 inch dildo, it's HIS vehicle, HE PAID FOR IT, and this little twat on the school bus had no right to throw something at it. a minor scratch would be the least of the problem. like somebody else said, what if the guy lost control of the wheel and gotten killed? the little shit deserves a lesson in manners.
yes he does need to learn to be a kid with manners
and better judgement.
the dude all bent out of shape
need to learn some manners about being a better
adult and a person who isnt self-centered
it's a truck, no big deal.
i could get in a brand new ferrari
if i had one, and run the
thing thru a corn field at speeds
so fast your head would spin
to me that is damn fun
used to do it often, not in a ferrari tho
Teaching kids is important. But was it important enough to hold up an entire lane of traffic in the morning?
I agree that teaching kids is important Ryan, and yes holding a entire lane of traffic is bloody annoying, but I'd rather be held up for something seemingly trivial that could have further reaching implications than be held up because some one was hurt or killed if it hadn't turned out the way that it did.
I agree that teaching kids is important Ryan, and yes holding a entire lane of traffic is bloody annoying, but I'd rather be held up for something seemingly trivial that could have further reaching implications than be held up because some one was hurt or killed if it hadn't turned out the way that it did.
See I saw it as more of an act of road rage than well-thought disciplinary action.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
earlier this year some kid emtied his waterbottle out on my father's car at a red light. If he would have had the balls to stop the bus, I would have been glad to force my way on and put that kid in his place.
Every car I've ever seen is water-proof. Unless he was in a convertible with the top down, what's the big deal?
As for the original story, was this a full or empty bottle? If it was empty, it's littering and that is definitely a bad thing and the kid should be taught not to do it ... but as a practical matter, if you hold up traffic every time someone litters, nobody is ever going to get to work.
If the bottle was full, that's a genuine danger, and I probably would have stopped the bus myself. Someone could be killed or injured by a full bottle of water hurled out of a moving vehicle. The kid needs to learn that it's a serious matter.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
Every car I've ever seen is water-proof. Unless he was in a convertible with the top down, what's the big deal?
As for the original story, was this a full or empty bottle? If it was empty, it's littering and that is definitely a bad thing and the kid should be taught not to do it ... but as a practical matter, if you hold up traffic every time someone litters, nobody is ever going to get to work.
If the bottle was full, that's a genuine danger, and I probably would have stopped the bus myself. Someone could be killed or injured by a full bottle of water hurled out of a moving vehicle. The kid needs to learn that it's a serious matter.
I have no idea Hippiemom. I'm guessing it was empty, but it could have been full. I highly doubt it was full though.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
See I saw it as more of an act of road rage than well-thought disciplinary action.
Ok well road rage is not cool. EVER! And certainly not something that kids should be subjected to. Or anybody else for that matter. But based on what you've presented I can only see the potential danger. If the guy was a total tool and subjecting the kids to legitimate road rage then hopefully the police would have arrested him.
You go through life and you do things that people object to. And some times rightly so. The guy could very well have been a complete tool, but I still see it as an opportunity for the kids to learn not to throw stuff out of windows. I mean really they shouldn't be hanging out of a school bus window anyway, that in itself is dangerous enough. I'd prefer if they hadn't been subject to the guy ranting on like an idiot. If he was. But he brought his complaint to the bus driver and then the police and hopefully they have responded as reasonable adults in the end and the child has learned that throwing stuff at cars is just plain stupid and potentially dangerous. And hopefully it also showed the other kids that it's not cool too. It is the job of the bus driver and the police to provide the well thought out disciplinary action. Not the car driver.
The guy only has one vehicle, it's a Ford F150, he talks about it consistently. Actually, we share the same desk at work, and it's been a bit of an issue that he keeps a model F150 ontop of the monitor. He has it in plexiglass and shit, but I keep just about knocking it off and it's a nuisance to me. We had it out one day and he basically said practicality takes a backseat to his desire to have his truck on display.
Get yourself a plexiglass display case.
Fill it with dog crap or your own collection
of toenail-fingernail clippings.
Display your beautiful abstract artwork you created
on the desk for all to see.
Title your creativity, F150.
Ok well road rage is not cool. EVER! And certainly not something that kids should be subjected to. Or anybody else for that matter. But based on what you've presented I can only see the potential danger. If the guy was a total tool and subjecting the kids to legitimate road rage then hopefully the police would have arrested him.
You go through life and you do things that people object to. And some times rightly so. The guy could very well have been a complete tool, but I still see it as an opportunity for the kids to learn not to throw stuff out of windows. I mean really they shouldn't be hanging out of a school bus window anyway, that in itself is dangerous enough. I'd prefer if they hadn't been subject to the guy ranting on like an idiot. If he was. But he brought his complaint to the bus driver and then the police and hopefully they have responded as reasonable adults in the end and the child has learned that throwing stuff at cars is just plain stupid and potentially dangerous. And hopefully it also showed the other kids that it's not cool too. It is the job of the bus driver and the police to provide the well thought out disciplinary action. Not the car driver.
It showed them that they could postpone going to school and create a big scene. Had the kid only kept his mouth shut, they'd have been screwed, and it would have been a big waste of everyone's time. There is no telling that the kid that spoke up was even the one that did it.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Get yourself a plexiglass display case.
Fill it with dog crap or your own collection
of toenail-fingernail clippings.
Display your beautiful abstract artwork you created
on the desk for all to see.
Title your creativity, F150.
lol, I might get banned for that one.
Maybe if I got a car that looks like what Adam Sandler describes in "Ode to my car"
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
You should have said "in" the car, rather than "on" the car, I'd have understood immediately! Yeah, that kid was a beast and it's a shame you didn't get to intervene.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
It showed them that they could postpone going to school and create a big scene. Had the kid only kept his mouth shut, they'd have been screwed, and it would have been a big waste of everyone's time. There is no telling that the kid that spoke up was even the one that did it.
Perhaps. It may not be all that they learned from it. But quite likely more than a few of them will see that side of it and I'm sure the kid that owned up will become a hero! And the butt of many jokes in times to come. It shouldn't have been a big waste of time. If the adults had handled it a bit better. Anyway, I can see that you don't particularly like the bloke driving the car and I can understand why and that's your judgement call to make, coz I don't know him. But I've got no problem with them, all of them seeing the consequences of their actions in this instance. Better that than watch an serious accident unfold before their eyes. And worse have to live with being responsible for it. And as I said before, they'll get over it. I hardly think it's going to emotionally scar them for life. Your colleague the ford driver on the other hand sounds as though he may need therapy for years to come!
i think the driver had every right to call him out on his actions.
this was potentially a very dangerous situation and the kid should be held acccountable.
bet he'll never do anything like that again.
kids get away with way too much these days in my opinion.
So... one of my coworkers is telling me this story....
Yesterday on his way home from work (morning) a kid chucked a water bottle out of the school bus window and hit dude's truck. So...
He drives his truck infront of the bus and stops it and gets out. He's lipping off the bus driver saying it's their fault the kid is acting up. The bus driver tells him to file a complaint with the school board, and so dude calls the cops. The cops show up and are like "Wtf do you want?" and so he says he wants to talk to the kid who threw the bottle. I guess the kid finally came off the bus scared shitless and dude got what he wanted.
It seems kind of ludicrous to me. Anyone here do something like that?
On one hand, I think throwing a bottle of water at a car is dangerous. Luckily the guy behind the wheel of the car wasn't an uptight, nervous driver. Those types are prone to panic and can easily react badly with their vehicle and cause a serious accident or end up killing someone (or themselves ) as a result of a over-reaction to the bottle being thrown at their car
On the other hand, I think calling the cops and stopping traffic was an over-reaction, too. Seems like the kid could have been encouraged to own up to it, without getting cops involved and making such a big deal out of it. Ultimately, no damage was done.
I don't know, I guess I'm sort of on the fence with this one.
But what do I know, I used to throw eggs and snowballs at cars and the street cleaner vehicles; when I was a kid:D So who am I to talk.
Teaching kids is important. But was it important enough to hold up an entire lane of traffic in the morning?
If it taught him a lesson yes. As previous posters have said, people have died from having objects thrown at them when they are driving.
See thats what really, really irks me guys. Like it's ok to say we need to teach the kids, but it has strings attached doesn't it? Namely don't teach them if it's gonna inconvenience us and hold up the traffic right? It's the 'it didn't happen to me, so i don't give a shit' mentality. That's what's wrong with the world today. Doesn't affect me, so i don't want to know about it.
Speaking in general terms, not directing this personally at anyone. It's just how i feel.
See thats what really, really irks me guys. Like it's ok to say we need to teach the kids, but it has strings attached doesn't it? Namely don't teach them if it's gonna inconvenience us and hold up the traffic right? It's the 'it didn't happen to me, so i don't give a shit' mentality. That's what's wrong with the world today. Doesn't affect me, so i don't want to know about it.
Speaking in general terms, not directing this personally at anyone. It's just how i feel.
Nah, ultimately I believe the kid had to be thought a lesson. Kids have always done these type of things and they always will. That's how we learn between right and wrong; and how to be responsible adults.
Contrary to ABook, I don't believe there's any danger of kids running out of that rebel spirit and that fire in their belly. That's why us parents are here. To make sure the fire burns, but to also teach them the responsible way to rebel and use that fire in their belly.
Nah, ultimately I believe the kid had to be thought a lesson. Kids have always done these type of things and they always will. That's how we learn between right and wrong; and how to be responsible adults.
Contrary to ABook, I don't believe there's any danger of kids running out of that rebel spirit and that fire in their belly. That's why us parents are here. To make sure the fire burns, but to also teach them the responsible way to rebel and use that fire in their belly.
That's really well said NMyTree. Kids will always do silly things, they often have no idea of the possible consequences of their actions, and that's why we should not let an inconvenience, like a hold up in traffic, stand in the way. Kids are precious, life is precious, we should look out for each other more often. That's all i mean.
That's really well said NMyTree. Kids will always do silly things, they often have no idea of the possible consequences of their actions, and that's why we should not let an inconvenience, like a hold up in traffic, stand in the way. Kids are precious, life is precious, we should look out for each other more often. That's all i mean.
That's why before I go to bed, I'll go into my two little son's room and give them yet another kiss on their heads, as they sleep
ok so obviosuly im gunna have a different view since im still in school and will still be riding the bus for at least one more year,
but if someone stopped our bus id be in heaven
1) missing schooooolllll and hats a plus
2)something to talk about
3)how is this not entertining? i mean god, my friend mooned like a whole block and someon stopped the bus, i thought it was funny cuz u kinda think of those people as sorta stupid i mean whats the point? ur pretty much letting the kid win
"he who angers you conquers you" i guess school is good for something :]
ok so obviosuly im gunna have a different view since im still in school and will still be riding the bus for at least one more year,
but if someone stopped our bus id be in heaven
1) missing schooooolllll and hats a plus
2)something to talk about
3)how is this not entertining? i mean god, my friend mooned like a whole block and someon stopped the bus, i thought it was funny cuz u kinda think of those people as sorta stupid i mean whats the point? ur pretty much letting the kid win
"he who angers you conquers you" i guess school is good for something :]
Yeah, I wouldn't stop the bus because a kid mooned me, I'd probably just flip em the bird and keep driving. Might even have a giggle at his spotty ass!
See? Now that's the kind of harmless stuff that doesn't bother me.
But throwing stuff at moving vehicles is dangerous.
Actually, let me qualify that, if the kid had thrown paper out the window or a gum wrapper or something light it would bug me and I might report the school bus to the epa or something, but that's just coz I don't like litterbugs.
But throwing heavy stuff, like bottles and such well that is dangerous. And if he's dumb enough to do it in the first place then I got no problem with stopping the bus and pointing out the danger. And it doesn't bother me one little bit that it gets you out of school for a while. I mean who ever really wants to be there anyway?
Otherwise, by all means moon away! Pull faces, flip the bird, just keep yourself inside the bus and don't throw stuff at cars.
Yeah, I wouldn't stop the bus because a kid mooned me, I'd probably just flip em the bird and keep driving. Might even have a giggle at his spotty ass!
See? Now that's the kind of harmless stuff that doesn't bother me.
But throwing stuff at moving vehicles is dangerous.
Actually, let me qualify that, if the kid had thrown paper out the window or a gum wrapper or something light it would bug me and I might report the school bus to the epa or something, but that's just coz I don't like litterbugs.
But throwing heavy stuff, like bottles and such well that is dangerous. And if he's dumb enough to do it in the first place then I got no problem with stopping the bus and pointing out the danger. And it doesn't bother me one little bit that it gets you out of school for a while. I mean who ever really wants to be there anyway?
Otherwise, by all means moon away! Pull faces, flip the bird, just keep yourself inside the bus and don't throw stuff at cars.
psh i agree with yaaa again even tho im only 14 and half but i still get an opinion. and uh not to be weird but i think its funny if u happen to drive by a bus and some random dude moons ya.. haha thatd prolly make my day....
Yes, same here. And we have some very hefty fines and jail sentences for it too. Lit cigarettes anyway.
I wish that we were much more tough on litterers too, but that's just a personal bug bear of mine.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
If dude loses control over something hitting his truck, he better get off the road.
Some folks would say he probably has a lightel dick.
I dunno.
The dude is out of control with his truck, I M O.
The last F150 truck I drove didnt have any forward gears
that worked.
I drove it in reverse for more than 4 miles thru town to park
the thing in my buddies yard, were it died a rusty death, his truck.
He was to scared to drive in reverse thru town.
It was fun.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
F150 seems to be a truck that you buy if you really can't afford a decent truck. Man, I know a guy that treats his Miata like a $200,000 Porsche. Like honestly, it's just for going A to B.
Fucking Owner Real Dumb
Found On Road Dead
Flip Over Read Directions
yes he does need to learn to be a kid with manners
and better judgement.
the dude all bent out of shape
need to learn some manners about being a better
adult and a person who isnt self-centered
it's a truck, no big deal.
i could get in a brand new ferrari
if i had one, and run the
thing thru a corn field at speeds
so fast your head would spin
to me that is damn fun
used to do it often, not in a ferrari tho
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I agree that teaching kids is important Ryan, and yes holding a entire lane of traffic is bloody annoying, but I'd rather be held up for something seemingly trivial that could have further reaching implications than be held up because some one was hurt or killed if it hadn't turned out the way that it did.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
See I saw it as more of an act of road rage than well-thought disciplinary action.
Well I love my little Ford Laser and I've managed to get by driving it for over ten years without serious incident.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
As for the original story, was this a full or empty bottle? If it was empty, it's littering and that is definitely a bad thing and the kid should be taught not to do it ... but as a practical matter, if you hold up traffic every time someone litters, nobody is ever going to get to work.
If the bottle was full, that's a genuine danger, and I probably would have stopped the bus myself. Someone could be killed or injured by a full bottle of water hurled out of a moving vehicle. The kid needs to learn that it's a serious matter.
I have no idea Hippiemom. I'm guessing it was empty, but it could have been full. I highly doubt it was full though.
Ok well road rage is not cool. EVER! And certainly not something that kids should be subjected to. Or anybody else for that matter. But based on what you've presented I can only see the potential danger. If the guy was a total tool and subjecting the kids to legitimate road rage then hopefully the police would have arrested him.
You go through life and you do things that people object to. And some times rightly so. The guy could very well have been a complete tool, but I still see it as an opportunity for the kids to learn not to throw stuff out of windows. I mean really they shouldn't be hanging out of a school bus window anyway, that in itself is dangerous enough. I'd prefer if they hadn't been subject to the guy ranting on like an idiot. If he was. But he brought his complaint to the bus driver and then the police and hopefully they have responded as reasonable adults in the end and the child has learned that throwing stuff at cars is just plain stupid and potentially dangerous. And hopefully it also showed the other kids that it's not cool too. It is the job of the bus driver and the police to provide the well thought out disciplinary action. Not the car driver.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Get yourself a plexiglass display case.
Fill it with dog crap or your own collection
of toenail-fingernail clippings.
Display your beautiful abstract artwork you created
on the desk for all to see.
Title your creativity, F150.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
It showed them that they could postpone going to school and create a big scene. Had the kid only kept his mouth shut, they'd have been screwed, and it would have been a big waste of everyone's time. There is no telling that the kid that spoke up was even the one that did it.
Open sunroof work for you?
*NYC 9/28/96 *NYC 9/29/96 *NJ 9/8/98 (front row "may i play drums with you")
*MSG 9/10/98 (backstage) *MSG 9/11/98 (backstage)
*Jones Beach 8/23/00 *Jones Beach 8/24/00 *Jones Beach 8/25/00
*Mansfield 8/29/00 *Mansfield 8/30/00 *Nassau 4/30/03 *Nissan VA 7/1/03
*Borgata 10/1/05 *Camden 5/27/06 *Camden 5/28/06 *DC 5/30/06
*VA Beach 6/17/08 *DC 6/22/08 *MSG 6/24/08 (backstage) *MSG 6/25/08
*EV DC 8/17/08 *EV Baltimore 6/15/09 *Philly 10/31/09
*Bristow VA 5/13/10 *MSG 5/20/10 *MSG 5/21/10
lol, I might get banned for that one.
Maybe if I got a car that looks like what Adam Sandler describes in "Ode to my car"
You should have said "in" the car, rather than "on" the car, I'd have understood immediately! Yeah, that kid was a beast and it's a shame you didn't get to intervene.
Perhaps. It may not be all that they learned from it. But quite likely more than a few of them will see that side of it and I'm sure the kid that owned up will become a hero! And the butt of many jokes in times to come. It shouldn't have been a big waste of time. If the adults had handled it a bit better. Anyway, I can see that you don't particularly like the bloke driving the car and I can understand why and that's your judgement call to make, coz I don't know him. But I've got no problem with them, all of them seeing the consequences of their actions in this instance. Better that than watch an serious accident unfold before their eyes. And worse have to live with being responsible for it. And as I said before, they'll get over it. I hardly think it's going to emotionally scar them for life. Your colleague the ford driver on the other hand sounds as though he may need therapy for years to come!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
i think the driver had every right to call him out on his actions.
this was potentially a very dangerous situation and the kid should be held acccountable.
bet he'll never do anything like that again.
kids get away with way too much these days in my opinion.
On one hand, I think throwing a bottle of water at a car is dangerous. Luckily the guy behind the wheel of the car wasn't an uptight, nervous driver. Those types are prone to panic and can easily react badly with their vehicle and cause a serious accident or end up killing someone (or themselves ) as a result of a over-reaction to the bottle being thrown at their car
On the other hand, I think calling the cops and stopping traffic was an over-reaction, too. Seems like the kid could have been encouraged to own up to it, without getting cops involved and making such a big deal out of it. Ultimately, no damage was done.
I don't know, I guess I'm sort of on the fence with this one.
But what do I know, I used to throw eggs and snowballs at cars and the street cleaner vehicles; when I was a kid:D So who am I to talk.
If it taught him a lesson yes. As previous posters have said, people have died from having objects thrown at them when they are driving.
See thats what really, really irks me guys. Like it's ok to say we need to teach the kids, but it has strings attached doesn't it? Namely don't teach them if it's gonna inconvenience us and hold up the traffic right? It's the 'it didn't happen to me, so i don't give a shit' mentality. That's what's wrong with the world today. Doesn't affect me, so i don't want to know about it.
Speaking in general terms, not directing this personally at anyone. It's just how i feel.
Nah, ultimately I believe the kid had to be thought a lesson. Kids have always done these type of things and they always will. That's how we learn between right and wrong; and how to be responsible adults.
Contrary to ABook, I don't believe there's any danger of kids running out of that rebel spirit and that fire in their belly. That's why us parents are here. To make sure the fire burns, but to also teach them the responsible way to rebel and use that fire in their belly.
That's really well said NMyTree. Kids will always do silly things, they often have no idea of the possible consequences of their actions, and that's why we should not let an inconvenience, like a hold up in traffic, stand in the way. Kids are precious, life is precious, we should look out for each other more often. That's all i mean.
That's why before I go to bed, I'll go into my two little son's room and give them yet another kiss on their heads, as they sleep
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
but if someone stopped our bus id be in heaven
1) missing schooooolllll and hats a plus
2)something to talk about
3)how is this not entertining? i mean god, my friend mooned like a whole block and someon stopped the bus, i thought it was funny cuz u kinda think of those people as sorta stupid i mean whats the point? ur pretty much letting the kid win
"he who angers you conquers you" i guess school is good for something :]
Yeah, I wouldn't stop the bus because a kid mooned me, I'd probably just flip em the bird and keep driving.
See? Now that's the kind of harmless stuff that doesn't bother me.
But throwing stuff at moving vehicles is dangerous.
Actually, let me qualify that, if the kid had thrown paper out the window or a gum wrapper or something light it would bug me and I might report the school bus to the epa or something, but that's just coz I don't like litterbugs.
But throwing heavy stuff, like bottles and such well that is dangerous. And if he's dumb enough to do it in the first place then I got no problem with stopping the bus and pointing out the danger.
Otherwise, by all means moon away! Pull faces, flip the bird, just keep yourself inside the bus and don't throw stuff at cars.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
psh i agree with yaaa again even tho im only 14 and half but i still get an opinion. and uh not to be weird but i think its funny if u happen to drive by a bus and some random dude moons ya.. haha thatd prolly make my day....