Wyoming Results Coming in...
Posts: 2,268
10.31.93 / 10.1.94 / 6.24.95 / 11.4.95 / 10.19-20.96 / 7.16.98 / 7.21.98 / 10.31.00 /8.4.01 Nader Rally/ 10.21.01 / 12.8-9.02 / 6.01.03 / 9.1.05 / 7.15-16,18.06 / 7.20.06 / 7.22-23.06 / Lolla 07
Post edited by Unknown User on
Either Clinton's semi-competitive or highly not competitive. Go figure. Personally, I would put money on highly not. The state's demographics aren't a profile of Hillaryland.
This shows the power of Obama to possibly win Republican states or swing states......
it has changed my opinion of Wyoming to say the least
By 20 points too!
i HOPE that happens. I want to see if anyone has the balls to do something about it.
What were you basing your opinions of Wyoming on before?
i would be suprised if Obama didnt win. i doubt enough republicans would try to vote Clinton to make a difference.
Could be close but I doubt it
that would clinch it...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I have read some dumb shit on here (and I mean a lot), but this one takes the cake.
Run it up the flagpole and salute the Obamarection
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Tuesday, Obama has to win in Penn to move some superdelegates to his side.
I am basing it on my limited knowledge of Wyoming.....
I know that Dick Cheney is from Wyoming....
I know that Wyoming is more rural than anything else....
I know that Clinton usually beats Obama in rural districts and he wins in urban districts (look at Texas for a prime example).....
I know that Wyoming is probably 95% white...
I know that a couple of dudes dragged a gay guy behind their truck and killed him in Wyoming (and I assume that those dudes would do it a black guy if they had access to one).....
All that considered I would not expect a black guy with Obama's name and background could win by so much in Wyoming...
I think the dragging guys were in Texas, where a few whites dragged a black guy tied to their truck, for a mile or so. Wyoming, I believe, is where a couple guys beat killed a gay man, and left him tied to a fence, or something appalling like that.
I don't understand. This was a Democrat caucus result, so the voters were Democrats. How does that translate to Obama winning a general election in Wyoming? He may very well do so, but I don't see how today's results say anything about that.
Overall Obama is getting record turn out of voters in primaries in republican and swing states
in Wyoming there were around 7500 votes cast today compared about 675 in 2004 i would say that is significant...
the reason why Dems have done bad in the past in certain states or regions is because they can not turn out the vote.... this year, with Obama running people are voting in record numbers....
is it cuz of him? we will see
I agree about Wyoming. But I think he has a shot to win a few states that tend to go republican. Maybe not Wyoming, but I think he's a game changer in some of the deep south states, states that have a large % of African Americans.
I was gonna a sk a question along those lines. How many people voted for Bush/Cheney in 00 and 04, and how many voted Obama today? Even if Obama had more votes in todays caucus than Bush /Cheney did in 2000 and 2004, that alone still wouldn't guarantee a November victory, but it would eman something. esp. considering Wyoming is Cheney's home state. All that said, what do they have, 3 electoral votes?
ETA: I just looked it up. Bush/Cheney received @148,000 votes in 2000, and @167,000 in 2004. Gore and Kerry received @ 60,000 and 71,000 respectively. How many did Obama receive today? I have no idea how to translate caucus numbers into votes....
That's the problem with some of this projecting. It is really tricky to translate a caucus result (where arguably the most active partisans turn out) to a general election where many can't motivate themselves to get their asses off the couch and go vote.
I still think if Obama gets the nod, he wins the presidency and will take swing states. But not because he is reaching across the isle, and motivating Republicans to vote for him, but rather because Republicans will just stay home. If Hillary is the nominee, those same Republicans will come out to vote against her and give McCain the win.
Yeah, forget Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Nevada. Those aren't swing states at all that a Democrat wouldn't need to win.
I live in Wyoming, and have for all of my 38 years. Wyoming is very hard to read...
Ever heard of Barbara Cubin? 8 times she has been elected to represent us, as our sole Representative. She has the worse voting/attendance record, possibly of all time. Last year her record was even worse that a deceased Rep from another state! I'm not making this up. If I had a few more minutes I would dig up a link, but forgive and believe me. So we are "ok" with some women, but I have never seen people in my area so bitter when it comes to Hillary. They spit her name out like she was the devil incarnate. Is Wyoming tollerant of Barack because of his color...? I would say that Wyomingites are much more tollerant in the polls than they are when they are on stools at the bar, at which times, I would not want to be any minority, whether it be black, hispanic, gay, oil field trash, BYU co-ed,....the list goes on. Please understand that I am only including these as examples, not that I am using them to describe my beliefs in any way.
Look out!... homophobe!