Bu$h Got something Correct!!

Q A lot of our allies in Europe do a lot of business with Iran, so I wonder what your thoughts are about how you further tighten the financial pressure on Iran, in particular, if it also means economic pain for a lot of our allies?
THE PRESIDENT: It's an interesting question. One of the problems -- not specifically on this issue, just in general -- let's put it this way, money trumps peace, sometimes. In other words, commercial interests are very powerful interests throughout the world. And part of the issue in convincing people to put sanctions on a specific country is to convince them that it's in the world's interest that they forgo their own financial interest
That was from Today's Press meeting.
This would explain why our young men are dying for Oil. "Money Trumps Peace" . Bu$h has so many ties in oil, he won't leave Iraq and and starting to look like Iran is next!!
THE PRESIDENT: It's an interesting question. One of the problems -- not specifically on this issue, just in general -- let's put it this way, money trumps peace, sometimes. In other words, commercial interests are very powerful interests throughout the world. And part of the issue in convincing people to put sanctions on a specific country is to convince them that it's in the world's interest that they forgo their own financial interest
That was from Today's Press meeting.
This would explain why our young men are dying for Oil. "Money Trumps Peace" . Bu$h has so many ties in oil, he won't leave Iraq and and starting to look like Iran is next!!
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he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
DING DING DING we have a winner...
I couldn't agree more obviously
agree....that was cute (-:
its not the only reason. but it certainly plays a factor as it should. to say that oil is not a vital commodity would be denial
"as it should"....and you know...speaking of Iraq and IRan...if our pres would have said...hey listen we're going into Iraq to protect those precious resources (which he did in his last state of the union address) and the American people supported that...I would have had much more respect for them...but they didn't. I want to believe like you that there was another reason but I just don't have any evidence thats the case.
yea it sucks. the initial reasons for going (WMD + el queda link) turned out to be complete bullshit. the reasons for staying turned out to be more valid (el queda presence, bring democracy to Iraq). regardless, we shouldnt be there in the first place. but since we are, we need to fight the bad guys and finish what we started. hopefully the end is near.
have you lost your fucking mind. what country in this world can come close to fucking us up?
It only takes 1 country and 1 missile to fuck us up.....and please dont be a dick, I know you love Bush but dont be a dick, im not talking about you.
Really? Which country is he going to pick the fight with? The only major threat would be China, and we aren't going to war with them anytime soon, and even if we did there's no way they would, "fuck us up".
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
haha I dont love Bush. I think he had good intentions to protect us after 9/11 (at that time he had a 85% approval rating so I wasnt the only one). but the whole Iraq mess (lies about WMD) he lost my respect.
no country can fuck us up. 1 country? 1 missile? so Iran will shoot a missle at us? is that it. we have a missile defense system. no army will ever reach our shores.
sorry for calling you out on your bullshit comment.
Yea, I think it's important to remember that many of the allies, are only allies by their own interest. Question is, if Bush ran into Russia in Iraq, would he press the button and start the nuclear end?
Like I said it only takes 1 country and 1 missile to fuck us up. I dont know which country he's going to pick a fight with? Im not him, hell today its Iran, tomorrow its Greenland??
I bet you one dude from Canada could take out major faciliities of the U.S. infrustructure. But first he/she would need a reason and the determination to actually do it. Which isn't likely to happen. Like, plant a bomb at one of your chemical research facilities there and let the anthrax fly.
syria? what the fuck is the piss poor weak country gonna do?
n. korea? what about them?
russia? the fastest declining nation on the planet?
you people have no idea. no nation is a direct threat to the US. its a nation who harbors and trains terrorist to fly planes into buildings or dirty bombs in breifcases who can be a threat. but a nation? an army? no fucking chance ever
fuck canada. they wont do shit.
Sorry you feel it was a bullshit comment. But I felt it was pretty relavent. I also beleive his intentions were good at first but he had no plan, no nothing. Before 911 I bet alot of people said "oh no one could ever hijack our airplanes and fly them into a tower killing thousands of people" open you mind and your eyes.
greenland. lol
I saw a bit of news the other day, it was an interview tidbit of a reporter asking GW Bush what he thought of his own father saying this to him. His reply was along the lines of "I asked him, what are you watching the news for...don't pay attention to that, everything's going just fine, and I don't need to know what the public thinks...that doesn't concern me..."
The government? No. One crazy citizen? Probably.
There is some hatred for America up here and I'd hate to see someone take that overboard. But I'm not denying it's a possibility.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
ok mr.nothing. I agree bush is pissing off countries. but no nation can fuck us up, like you say. individuals who do not represent anyone expect maybe allah have the ability to inflict harm on us. but not a nation.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
guess what we have alot of nukes too. none of those nations would use a nuke against us, let alone being able to get one here.
Look! All im saying is other countries dont like us and its very possible for another country to bomb us, it may not be likley but it could very well happen. Yeah we may have a defense system but it only takes 1. Thats all im saying.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?