Drinking being a sin is one thing I never understood about very strict religious people. I mean people in the Bible drank wine all the time, including Jesus himself on a bunch of occasions. So if the goal of Christianity is to be like Jesus why is it bad to drink wine?
I don't know about all churches but in the circle I grew up in we were lied to and told that in the bible wine meant grape juice. I know it's a total fabrication but they said that the wine in the Bible had ZERO alcohol in it. What a crock of shit. They'll tell you anything to support their agenda. I can't begin to tell you how many lies were told as being "God's Word". It's ridiculous. They twisted so many verses to fit their doctrine yet ignored all the contradictions. The church was a King James Version only by the way(inspired and infallible; all other versions are perversions from Satan).
I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
I don't know about all churches but in the circle I grew up in we were lied to and told that in the bible wine meant grape juice. I know it's a total fabrication but they said that the wine in the Bible had ZERO alcohol in it. What a crock of shit. They'll tell you anything to support their agenda. I can't begin to tell you how many lies were told as being "God's Word". It's ridiculous. They twisted so many verses to fit their doctrine yet ignored all the contradictions. The church was a King James Version only by the way(inspired and infallible; all other versions are perversions from Satan).
I have heard that before which seems so weird to me. I mean how can people take every other story in the bible as 100% historical truth, not any kind of a metaphor (like the creation story, parting the red sea, a guy living in a whale), but when the bible talks about wine, they don't mean wine they actually mean juice.
I have heard that before which seems so weird to me. I mean how can people take every other story in the bible as 100% historical truth, not any kind of a metaphor (like the creation story, parting the red sea, a guy living in a whale), but when the bible talks about wine, they don't mean wine they actually mean juice.
That's exactly what they believe. Everything is 100% historical fact. They claim that there are no errors in the Bible. They claim that the word wine in the Bible is actually correct because that's what grape juice was called...
I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
I grew up in a very conservative right wing family. I went to a fundamentalist Baptist church. The church preached that everything sexual was a sin. They even preached that women wearing pants was a sin. I've seen and heard many preachers who are of this mold end up with allegations of child molestation and adultery. The hypocrisy is rampant among these circles. I always thought that the rules were a crock of shit.
My parents put me in Christian school from kindergarten through high school. After high school I was given 3 choices for college: going to a Christian college, commuting to a local university or paying my own way to stay on campus at a secular university. I chose to go the route of the Christian college since I wanted to get away from home and not have to pay for it. I went to Liberty University and the hypocrisy was there as well. I cannot say that I regret going there as I met my wife and some great friends and had a good time. The rules were ridiculous but I got by.
My father made me go to church 3 times a week growing up, banned rock music (or so he thought), wouldn't allow me to date girls who wore revealing clothing, wouldn't let me watch R-Rated movies until I got out of his house (or so he thought) and forbade drinking. Once he found out my brother and I drank on occasion he was supposedly crushed. He lectured me (a grown man who was on his own) about drinking. Last fall, my father (who I always thought to be a hypocrite) was found by my mother to be frequenting massage parlors and getting "happy endings". This had been going on for nearly a year (or longer). My mom found emails between him and the "ladies" discussing setting up appointments and so forth. He admitted to getting hand jobs but who knows what really went on. This is the same man who was supposedly heartbroken and crying to my mom to see my brother and I having some beers together on a golf trip not a month before getting caught. He ended up going to Christian counseling and patching things up with mom. He bought her a new Lexus and a boob job, bought my brother a condo and paid off a good chunk of our mortgage in the meantime - can you say he bought us off? He was always a money hungry, greedy asshole so this was his way of showing he'd changedHypocrisy is everywhere and I know it but I just can't understand how people can look at a preacher and take his word as the "gospel truth" when a good percentage of them are dirtbags. My dad was never a preacher but he was right there in the church making me sit beside him.
I don't get why people think a little skin is the worst thing in the world. I really think that making anything sexual a taboo drives people to become obsessed with it. Almost none of my friends from school are still in church and I think it's because we were forced to go as kids. We knew most of what we were being told was bullshit and wanted nothing to do with it. The brainwashing didn't work and we went the opposite direction (which really probably isn't a bad thing). A lot of kids who were raised with drinking being a sin have become alcoholics since they choose to go the opposite of what they've been told. Same with sex, they become sexually addicted. I'm sick of the "family values" bullshit. Moderation is key in everything. I like boobs and don't mind seeing them from time to time. The female body is a beautiful thing. If you've got it, I don't mind looking at it. And for the record, I'm just glad I got 2/3 of my mortgage paid off.
I just gotta say, that you just posted an excellent and well thought out post. It's unfortunate that you grew up in situations such as that, but at least you were able to see it for what it is. My church was never as bad as yours sounds, but I definitely see the hypocrisy everywhere. Organized religion, to me, feels more like a cult. More and more, I get the feeling that people who go ahead and chant along to what they are told to chant along to, don't even realize what they are truly saying. Some of the shit they have you say is just bogus. I mean, I believe in something, but that I do not.
I just gotta say, that you just posted an excellent and well thought out post. It's unfortunate that you grew up in situations such as that, but at least you were able to see it for what it is. My church was never as bad as yours sounds, but I definitely see the hypocrisy everywhere. Organized religion, to me, feels more like a cult. More and more, I get the feeling that people who go ahead and chant along to what they are told to chant along to, don't even realize what they are truly saying. Some of the shit they have you say is just bogus. I mean, I believe in something, but that I do not.
Thanks. I just started typing and the thoughts started rolling out. I really feel like I was brainwashed to the point that I didn't know how to think for myself. I just believed basically the same things my parents believed for the longest time. I was a couple years into college before I really started thinking for myself. I'm still developing my own worldview and beliefs at age 27. I try to keep my views to myself for the most part as I feel they are private. I'm even hesitant to share them with my wife because I think she needs to come to her own conclusions. I'm pretty much a peacemaker so I kind of put up a front around my family and hers (she was raised similarly to me). I realize the hypocrisy on my part to keep lying about what I believe and telling them we go to church but honestly it's not worth fighting the battle it would cause to tell the truth. If I can keep them in the dark where they can't make me miserable it's worth it to me. I know it's pretty crappy to rant about hypocrisy then do the same thing myself but that keeps things rolling smootly for me...
I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
Ya the whole nudity thing IS ridicilous. I mean, whats wrong with nudity on TV? Honestly.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
Thanks. I just started typing and the thoughts started rolling out. I really feel like I was brainwashed to the point that I didn't know how to think for myself. I just believed basically the same things my parents believed for the longest time. I was a couple years into college before I really started thinking for myself. I'm still developing my own worldview and beliefs at age 27. I try to keep my views to myself for the most part as I feel they are private. I'm even hesitant to share them with my wife because I think she needs to come to her own conclusions. I'm pretty much a peacemaker so I kind of put up a front around my family and hers (she was raised similarly to me). I realize the hypocrisy on my part to keep lying about what I believe and telling them we go to church but honestly it's not worth fighting the battle it would cause to tell the truth. If I can keep them in the dark where they can't make me miserable it's worth it to me. I know it's pretty crappy to rant about hypocrisy then do the same thing myself but that keeps things rolling smootly for me...
Yeah, I think my mom was kind of in that situation. I mean, my parents would force us to go to church as kids but I think my mom actually agrees with alot of what I say to her about organized religion. The reality of things, at least my belief of why things where as they were, was that my Dad's parents are old school catholics. You go to church every Saturday no matter what and maybe on Wednesdays, too. I remember when I was little I let it slip that we didn't necessarily go to church every Sunday. Apparently Grandma confronted mom about it and I remember mom telling me that some things are best kept secret around Grandma. So we don't go to church ever Sunday...so fucking what! How is it even practicing a belief in something if it is forced?
I definitely think there is some resentment between the two since my mom is Lutheran and said there was no way she was going to convert to Catholicism when she married my dad (Dad really didn't pay much attention in church anyway so he didn't care, he just went because that's the way it was when he grew up; going and not questioning). So we children ended up growing up going to a Lutheran church.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Ya the whole nudity thing IS ridicilous. I mean, whats wrong with nudity on TV? Honestly.
That is what I never understand. I mean ok it makes sense that if you are a parent you don't want you little kid looking at hardcore porno, but what is so bad if your kid sees a naked lady? Are there parents who think that is going to somehow damage their kids brain. I am curious as to what parents think about this.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. I was just wondering if you would mind my ordering a second latte, so your right tittie could join the left:D
Not that there's anything wrong with that. I was just wondering if you would mind my ordering a second latte, so your right tittie could join the left:D
mmm foamy...
more milk?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Thanks. I just started typing and the thoughts started rolling out. I really feel like I was brainwashed to the point that I didn't know how to think for myself. I just believed basically the same things my parents believed for the longest time. I was a couple years into college before I really started thinking for myself. I'm still developing my own worldview and beliefs at age 27. I try to keep my views to myself for the most part as I feel they are private. I'm even hesitant to share them with my wife because I think she needs to come to her own conclusions. I'm pretty much a peacemaker so I kind of put up a front around my family and hers (she was raised similarly to me). I realize the hypocrisy on my part to keep lying about what I believe and telling them we go to church but honestly it's not worth fighting the battle it would cause to tell the truth. If I can keep them in the dark where they can't make me miserable it's worth it to me. I know it's pretty crappy to rant about hypocrisy then do the same thing myself but that keeps things rolling smootly for me...
Yikes man.
and then you went to Falwell's college....ouch
good to see came out of all that w/ brain and free will intact.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
I have heard that before which seems so weird to me. I mean how can people take every other story in the bible as 100% historical truth, not any kind of a metaphor (like the creation story, parting the red sea, a guy living in a whale), but when the bible talks about wine, they don't mean wine they actually mean juice.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
I just gotta say, that you just posted an excellent and well thought out post. It's unfortunate that you grew up in situations such as that, but at least you were able to see it for what it is. My church was never as bad as yours sounds, but I definitely see the hypocrisy everywhere. Organized religion, to me, feels more like a cult. More and more, I get the feeling that people who go ahead and chant along to what they are told to chant along to, don't even realize what they are truly saying. Some of the shit they have you say is just bogus. I mean, I believe in something, but that I do not.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
Yeah, I think my mom was kind of in that situation. I mean, my parents would force us to go to church as kids but I think my mom actually agrees with alot of what I say to her about organized religion. The reality of things, at least my belief of why things where as they were, was that my Dad's parents are old school catholics. You go to church every Saturday no matter what and maybe on Wednesdays, too. I remember when I was little I let it slip that we didn't necessarily go to church every Sunday. Apparently Grandma confronted mom about it and I remember mom telling me that some things are best kept secret around Grandma.
I definitely think there is some resentment between the two since my mom is Lutheran and said there was no way she was going to convert to Catholicism when she married my dad (Dad really didn't pay much attention in church anyway so he didn't care, he just went because that's the way it was when he grew up; going and not questioning). So we children ended up growing up going to a Lutheran church.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
That is what I never understand. I mean ok it makes sense that if you are a parent you don't want you little kid looking at hardcore porno, but what is so bad if your kid sees a naked lady? Are there parents who think that is going to somehow damage their kids brain. I am curious as to what parents think about this.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. I was just wondering if you would mind my ordering a second latte, so your right tittie could join the left:D
mmm foamy...
more milk?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Yikes man.
and then you went to Falwell's college....ouch
good to see came out of all that w/ brain and free will intact.