What's so bad about a little skin?

It bugs me that the American culture can't handle people almost nude, let alone fully nude.
I'm sure some of you have seen the video about the bikini baristas, if not : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TydNCAj9r0s
Especially when you listen to the complaining mother.
Between this, Janet Jackson, & lack of nudity in movies it's becoming ridiculous.
Pretty soon we'll all be wearing veils over our faces because someone has a mole that looks like a nipple :rolleyes:
Rant over
I'm sure some of you have seen the video about the bikini baristas, if not : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TydNCAj9r0s
Especially when you listen to the complaining mother.
Between this, Janet Jackson, & lack of nudity in movies it's becoming ridiculous.
Pretty soon we'll all be wearing veils over our faces because someone has a mole that looks like a nipple :rolleyes:
Rant over

Post edited by Unknown User on
btw - the fat mom in the tank top is more offensive.
Sex.nudity = AIDS
naděje umírá poslední
You always seem to show me the otherside of the coin
I for one am thankful people wear clothes!
That's kind of the way the US treats sex in general, as if it's some dirty little secret, they had the liberation movements, then like Americans do... took it to excess screwed it up found a bunch of new bad dieseases and then went to the other extreme again.
It is kind of funny that the porn industry is so huge and all these religious cults have sexual undertones... etc. etc. while publically so many have these big problems with everything being...out in the open so to speak.
It's almost the same idea behind the drug war, some people just want to close thier eyes and ears and stick thier heads in the sand, some want to force others in line and others... don't really give a crap what other people do. There are plenty of places that don't make a huge deal of nudity and plenty of places that do, I just wish it was less contentious but that's a lost cause.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I thought this was going to be a thread about circumcision.
oh and jane.....what haircut?
cross the river to the eastside
Not funny hahaha.......Funny as in what a bunch of hypocritical, lunatic, douchebags... funny.
I think part of that is a money thing. Some time in the last 20 years I think studios realized that teens, kids and families have a ton of free time and disposable income and are the kind of people who will see a movie more than once. Thats why theaters are always filled with crappy CGI talking animal movies, as well as stupid PG-13 action and horror movies where a well written drama directed at adults or a good and violent action movie or a true "sex-comedy" are rare. Studios know if the put out R rated movies it hugely limits the audience.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it other than this: it limits who can get those jobs, it might get cold with the window open, and the girls might get burnt by the hot coffee more easily.
Hail, Hail!!!
Case in point... I was watching 'The Godfather' on T.V. last weekend or so and they edited out the part where that movie producer was talking about the starlet who used to be a great piece of 'stuff'... they censored out 'piece of ass'... PIECE OF ASS!!! Then, they show Sonny getting machine gunned down at the toll booth. You can let the kids see a guy getting shot by a Tommy Gun... but they dare not de allowed to hear the phrase, 'piece of ass'.
What The Fuck?
Hail, Hail!!!
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You probably live in a country where 60-70 % of the population is NOT emotionally and intellectually retarded.
I wouldn't say that, but 60-70% is very fond of nudity
Maybe it's because the population here isn't very religious.
naděje umírá poslední
and here's the thing, how do we the non ultra religious fundamentalists voice our opinion for freedom from censorship? How do we get the rational peoples voice on the news after then .02 second side boob on the superbowl that was SO SHOCKING!
It's almost more remarkable the way we treat these issues as if the world were coming too an end or it's just the worst thing ever.
Half of all the ultra conservatives wake up every morning to see boobs and a large majority of thier youth suckle on them for sustenance as babies.... how do we get the non moonbat opinion to the politicians....
I want to be pandered too damnit!
The irony perhaps is that Jesus spent the majority of his time helping the outcasts of society (including prostitutes) and the most pius religious people of the time were the ones that wanted him dead. He even laid the ground work for civil; peaceful disobediance.
I think that is the funniest part of all. I mean these outspoken people in the US act like they are doing things for the good of everyone in society and protecting people from things they don't want to see. Yet the porn industry makes more money than hollywood movies do, which would seem to indicate that a lot of people do want to see it (just that no one is willing to admit it).
I want to see it and I will admit it, now we just need more people to say that. Oh, and Porn rocks
exactly, and the primary evidence, the advent of the VCR was when people could take that stuff home and see it in private. I can only imagine the advances with the internet.
My parents put me in Christian school from kindergarten through high school. After high school I was given 3 choices for college: going to a Christian college, commuting to a local university or paying my own way to stay on campus at a secular university. I chose to go the route of the Christian college since I wanted to get away from home and not have to pay for it. I went to Liberty University and the hypocrisy was there as well. I cannot say that I regret going there as I met my wife and some great friends and had a good time. The rules were ridiculous but I got by.
My father made me go to church 3 times a week growing up, banned rock music (or so he thought), wouldn't allow me to date girls who wore revealing clothing, wouldn't let me watch R-Rated movies until I got out of his house (or so he thought) and forbade drinking. Once he found out my brother and I drank on occasion he was supposedly crushed. He lectured me (a grown man who was on his own) about drinking. Last fall, my father (who I always thought to be a hypocrite) was found by my mother to be frequenting massage parlors and getting "happy endings". This had been going on for nearly a year (or longer). My mom found emails between him and the "ladies" discussing setting up appointments and so forth. He admitted to getting hand jobs but who knows what really went on. This is the same man who was supposedly heartbroken and crying to my mom to see my brother and I having some beers together on a golf trip not a month before getting caught. He ended up going to Christian counseling and patching things up with mom. He bought her a new Lexus and a boob job, bought my brother a condo and paid off a good chunk of our mortgage in the meantime - can you say he bought us off? He was always a money hungry, greedy asshole so this was his way of showing he'd changedHypocrisy is everywhere and I know it but I just can't understand how people can look at a preacher and take his word as the "gospel truth" when a good percentage of them are dirtbags. My dad was never a preacher but he was right there in the church making me sit beside him.
I don't get why people think a little skin is the worst thing in the world. I really think that making anything sexual a taboo drives people to become obsessed with it. Almost none of my friends from school are still in church and I think it's because we were forced to go as kids. We knew most of what we were being told was bullshit and wanted nothing to do with it. The brainwashing didn't work and we went the opposite direction (which really probably isn't a bad thing). A lot of kids who were raised with drinking being a sin have become alcoholics since they choose to go the opposite of what they've been told. Same with sex, they become sexually addicted. I'm sick of the "family values" bullshit. Moderation is key in everything. I like boobs and don't mind seeing them from time to time. The female body is a beautiful thing. If you've got it, I don't mind looking at it. And for the record, I'm just glad I got 2/3 of my mortgage paid off.
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Drinking being a sin is one thing I never understood about very strict religious people. I mean people in the Bible drank wine all the time, including Jesus himself on a bunch of occasions. So if the goal of Christianity is to be like Jesus why is it bad to drink wine?