Colombia-Ecuador-Venezuela crisis

I dont know if this has been posted yet, but what do you guys think of the situation, I think its going to get bad, Hugo Chavez has already sent troops to the border. What Colombia did was awful, but why does Hugo Chavez gets his nose in. I think the situation is going to get ugly and the US will help Colombia.
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Oh, and they have oil... Conflict of personal beliefs, and natural resources.... a dead ringer for getting reamed out by the MIC.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I dont know, seems to risky, but with the petroleum...... who knows, I think it will get messy
It does open up a host of available "opportunities". I bet there's a money trail that leads to an office that still conducts the same CIA habits of old. Any conflict is good conflict when you're the third party that steps in afterwards.
This type of thing is so politically motivated.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
will help? how about already are?
and this is exactly why chavez sent troops to the border.
take a good look
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i just need to say
I'm guessing bin Laden will be seen hiding in Equador's jungles
It's in the news up here. More importantly what do you guys think of him? Chavez is a loud mouth. He isn't going to do shit.
It's in the news up here. More importantly what do you guys think of him? Chavez is a loud mouth. He isn't going to do shit.
From the yahoo article posted above:
"When they mention negotiations for 50 kilos of uranium this means that the FARC are taking big steps in the world of terrorism to become a global aggressor. We're not talking of domestic guerrilla but transnational terrorism," Gen. Oscar Naranjo said at an explosive news conference.
Who's writing this guy's script?
uranium :eek: everybody shit your pants, FARC has uranium!!!
My gawd, what if they sell it to Iran or sumptin?
I hate to say it but I agree with the conspiracy theorists for once. This is serious George W CIA crap. Does anyone honestly think the Columbian military has the intelligence capability on its own to find this FARC guy, drop a pinpoint bomb on his camp AND manage to pull the laptop out intact? I mean c'mon. This is George W's last stand. As for Chavez I wouldn't worry about him any time soon, The Venezuelan economy is totally dependent on its oil trade with the U.S. Venezuela exports a full 60% of it's oil to the United States and the U.S imports 10% of it's oil from Venezuela.
The thing that is more scary is that the Russians are now arming Chavez with state of the art fighters and Chavez is apparently willing to use them. The funny thing is that it wasn't even his country that got bombed. I think we just let Hugo and George W have a a shootout mano y mano and leave the rest of us out of it. The last thing anyone needs is a needless war in South America of all places. Can't we just all hold our fire until Obama gets elected and has his dictators of the world lovefest?
Chavez is a loud mouth. He sent his troops to the border because he is a narcissisitc freak who is looking to exploit the demise of Castro. Are you guys willing to sanction any jerk off who mouthes off to the United States? I mean the guy did initially come to power in a military coup.....It's South America. No one is clean down there, least of all Chavez.
maybe chavez is a loud mouth. he sent his troops to the border cause he knows how shifty the US government can be in exploiting 'border skirmishes' that have absolutely fuck all to do with their own security. the soldiers may be wearing the national uniform of another country but the muscle comes from washington. they have form on this type of thing.
and no i do not sanction just any 'jerk' that mouths off to the US. and i highly doubt the demise of castro has anything to do with chavez's actions.
and how rich of you to point the finger at dirty south america. as an american (if you are) you should be frighteningly aware of your own country's track record. and hello wasn't your country borne of war?
take a good look
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i just need to say
I am not pointing fingers. Maybe I should be more accurate. South American politics ARE dirty. Very dirty. It's not even debatable. There's hardly a government down there that does not have a history of horrific oppression, dictatorship, murder, nazism, etc, etc, etc. It's all the same shit is my point. Chavez is as dirty as whoever the U.S propped up in Columbia. You just can't annoint one guy right and the other guy wrong because the first guy curses the United States. Don't be so naive. Chavez wears his little red beanie around, carouses with Fidel and Communist rebels. Isn't it fairly obvious he is just trying to manipulate the masses? Don't you think it's funny that this guy runs his mouth at the U.S full time yet sells more than half his countries yearly oil exports to the United States? A real man of the people this guy. Seems to me if this guy thinks were all devils up here in North America he would sell his oil to someone else. Done deal. Put your money where your mouth is. But he doesn't. He the dough as much as the next guy. So it's all bullshit then isn't it. He ain't doing anything. And I doubt he even has spare parts for his tanks....
I am not pointing fingers. Maybe I should be more accurate. South American politics ARE dirty. Very dirty. It's not even debatable. There's hardly a government down there that does not have a history of horrific oppression, dictatorship, murder, nazism, etc, etc, etc. It's all the same shit is my point. Chavez is as dirty as whoever the U.S propped up in Columbia. You just can't annoint one guy right and the other guy wrong because the first guy curses the United States. Don't be so naive. Chavez wears his little red beanie around, carouses with Fidel and Communist rebels. Isn't it fairly obvious he is just trying to manipulate the masses? Don't you think it's funny that this guy runs his mouth at the U.S full time yet sells more than half his countries yearly oil exports to the United States? A real man of the people this guy. Seems to me if this guy thinks were all devils up here in North America he would sell his oil to someone else. Done deal. Put your money where your mouth is. But he doesn't. He the dough as much as the next guy. So it's all bullshit then isn't it. He ain't doing anything. And I doubt he even has spare parts for his tanks....
ia m not saying one guy is right and one is not.
ALL politicians manipulate the masses. show me a politician who is NOT a hypocrite? my comments on chavez in this instance are limited to the current situation involving colombia.
and yes you are correct, if chavez actually had the courage of his convictions then maybe he would not trade with the 'evil' US. but then again isnt this the same (counter)argument that is levelled at the US administration when it comes to trading (or not trading as the case may be) with cuba?
btw my beanie is red as well. but dont ever make the mistake of thinking that i am naive. ive been watching this shit for too long now.
take a good look
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i just need to say
George Washington - Farewell Address, 1796
( ref. )
God. I hope our hands are clean of this mess. My feeling is... they ain't.
Hail, Hail!!!
Too bad we threw that rule out like 100 years ago. We are so totally behind this Columbia deal. We have been propping them up since Bush 1. It will be interesting to see how this pans out. Right now it's just a ridiculous propaganda war between Chavez and the U.S. That laptop shit is just crazy! By all accounts there was nothing but little bits of bodies left after the attack and yet this magic laptop survives with WMD shit on it? Wow! That's all I got to say. The ones that are being forgotten in this whole discussion Last I heard they were the ones that got bombed and they ain't threatening people with Russian Jets. What up with all that? Crazy. The Columbians may have pulled the trigger but you know this our game plan.
Too bad we threw that rule out like 100 years ago. We are so totally behind this Columbia deal. We have been propping them up since Bush 1. It will be interesting to see how this pans out. Right now it's just a ridiculous propaganda war between Chavez and the U.S. That laptop shit is just crazy! By all accounts there was nothing but little bits of bodies left after the attack and yet this magic laptop survives with WMD shit on it? Wow! That's all I got to say. The ones that are being forgotten in this whole discussion Last I heard they were the ones that got bombed and they ain't threatening people with Russian Jets. What up with all that? Crazy. The Columbians may have pulled the trigger but you know this our game plan.
Another bad decision... we re-wrote the book on pre-emptive attacks. We are now in a tough bargaining position to argue against a Venezuelean pre-emptive attack... when we are guilty of the same thing, right? You're right... we are in probably deeply involved in this mess.
And how is it that nations like Japan are never dragged into messes like this? Is it because they are following the common sense approach of George Washington and steering clear of foriegn political entanglements and just trade with these countries?
Hail, Hail!!!
japan is not allowed to do anything. they've been effectly hamstrung since...well, you know when.
take a good look
this could be the day
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i just need to say
They way we, most Latin Americans, see it, yes Colombia was wrong in disrespecting Ecuador's sovereignty and it should be condemned. This will probably happen today at OEA's emergency summit. This whole deal, regardless of what Rafael Correa says, just to pander to Chavez, is a bilateral conflict and should remain that way.
Chavez is overreacting, no Venezuelan border was compromised at any moment. Seriously, why did Venezuela's government was the first to cry wolf? Is because of the content of Raul Reyes computers?
Chavez keeps talking about how Bush is the devil and the US is the empire of evil, etc, etc; yet he behaves in a strikingly similar fashion. Menacing with preemptive attacks, interferring between Colombia and Ecuador's diplomatic affairs. All he's achieved is messing the field and increasing the tension between Ecuador and Colombia. Did any of you heard his speech on Sunday afternoon? He was talking on his radio show and just like he was ordering some delivery pizza he told the Minister of Defense to deploy 10 batallions and tanks and planes to the border.
If he wants to be the XXIst century version of Simón Bolívar, he should behave like a statesman and try to mediate instead of adding more flame. Chavez should be trying to cool off the tensions and the rethoric, but of course, he's done the exact opposite.
One more thing, if Chavez is sooooo fond of the FARC victims, why on earth did he asked for a minute of silence as a tribute to the deceased guerrilleros? FARC has kidnapped and killed Venezuelans as well, yet they've never received this level of respect. If Chavez is serious about being the greatest democrat of this world, why does he pays homage to a guerilla organization that has tried to destroy Colombia's democracy for more than half a century. FARC currently has almost 1000 people held hostage, most of them have been kidnapped to get money from their families.
Chavez is just trying to deviate the attention from Venezuela's domestic problems: shortages of basic goods and staples and his diminishing popularity.
And what do you guys say to the evidence that could prove what we've already known in Latin America for some time now: Chavez gives money to the FARC and he's paid them to liberate hostages.
Like it or not... Chavez can pull a George W. on the rest of us by claiming the security of his nation is at hand and a pre-emptive attack is justified. He can use a page out of the Bush/Cheney playbook and there is no way we can argue or protest it because we wrote the book.
That is my point.
Hail, Hail!!!
You got it there,thats what left winged aimed for the masses dictators do!!! Deviate attention from a real economic crisis. Well said.
PD arriba la academia
reminds me of some airplanes (and their contents) that got completely incinerated, yet a paper passport somehow miraculously survived and was legible, and only one type of persons passport in particular
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
For real? Japan? They had that whole colonial expedition called World War 2 which culminated in Mushroom clouds. Might have something to do with not wanting to send Japanees troops abroad since that was their last experience doing so. It's also a part of their constiution....which we wrote
For real? Japan? They had that whole colonial expedition called World War 2 which culminated in Mushroom clouds. Might have something to do with not wanting to send Japanees troops abroad since that was their last experience doing so. It's also a part of their constiution....which we wrote
OMG facts! From someone who actually lives on the continent. You realize now that 3/4 of the people on this board think Simon Bolivar is that dude from American Idol. Well said Caterina and hopefully are North American, European, and Australian friends understand what you are saying. Chavez has no dog in this fight at all and as you say he is intentionally stoking the flame of war for his own personal agenda. Reality is that Venezuela has a very small standing army and probably very few operating tanks so it's all talk, but it's dangerous talk for the whole continent. We were in Peru and Buenos Aires last year and my cousin is travelling your country right now and pray that someone muzzles Mr. Chavez soon. Buena Suerta.