Does anyone think this recent terrorist plot allegation sounds suspicious?

im not sure they seem to be skimping on detail and instead of telling us the reason it keeps reitterating the point about the terror alert being up to critical. it just looks like they are "drilling for fear", or trying to justify british involvement in Iraq.
"If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin castle, unless you set about the organisation of the socialist republic then all of your efforts would have been in vain. England will still rule you through her capitalists ,landlords and commercial institutions"
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So it's real, and it's out of proportion. I think both is correct.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Oh, please. Does everything have to be a conspiracy by the US govt.? Isn't this a UK operation? In addition, they just caught these guys yesterday. I'm going to go out on a limb and say we're still pretty early in the story to be pointing out that we don't have all of the facts.
Could you back that up by telling us what other terror plots have been stopped around 9/11. I honestly don't know of any, but if you do I would like to know which ones. Thanks.
yea but i think why the heck should a goverment cook up such story.i mean like this now...and why should pakistan be involved if this is a lie ...that´s why i think it´´s true
Funny going from praises to off the air as soon as he goes on about a truth.....disappointed in my country's media.....and it made laugh....
bec. if something bad happen than there will be more terrorist ...
and for now nothing is improved so they are inocent on the first place
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
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What I mean is, let's see what happens, if they're charged and their cases go before the Crown Prosecution Service for trial. If things don't get that far, and these suspects are released, then there will be plenty of opportunity for good questions as to the extent of recent events, as a real terror threat. I'm taking the authorities at their word about a real threat, unless evidence to the contrary actually comes to light.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
ok i got it what you meant !
Mel Gibson's tirade, Hitler's rise to power, the Bolshevik Revolution, Mao's Cultural Revolution, the Crusades, Genghis Khan's campaigns, the fall of the Roman Empire, the Peloponnesian and Punic Wars, the French Revolution, Cain and Abel, Jesus' Crucifixion, your parents' divorce, your lack of self-esteem, your alcoholism and depression, and last but not least, the New Kids on the Block...
People get a grip already, when is everyone going to realize that these Muslim extremists want nothing more than to die while taking you (an infidel) with them (for the greater glory of Allah of course...)
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Yeah, it's profoundly sad when a truth like that is supressed. But I think most people know that as a fact, by now. You'd have to be living in a cave (pardon the pun), to not know the USA Military/Government created, trained, supported and supplied AQ.
quite the opposite, they love freedom, the freedom they'll have in paradise due to their martyrdom against the infidels...
i think everybody knows that or???it was the CIA
notice that the taliban didn't make my list... yes we all know about the Stinger missiles we supplied to the mujaheddin when they were fighting the Soviet aggression, thank you for the history lesson...
so because we at one point were supplying these maniacs we should let them get away with whatever they want? or because we supplied them in the past that means that the US will be behind all these incidents? the leap of logic is astounding...
of course not but everything is so complicated .and so many countrys are involved (middle east)..and all this stuff ...future past has to be measure before a next step ....etc.
bec. nobody knows what can happen if somebody do political a wrong step ...
never claimed that the US government was perfect... I agree the "war on terror" is ridiculous... it should be called the "war on Islamofascists"
do you honestly believe that if these people (the extremists claiming to be Muslims, there is that PC enough?) are left alone they'll leave us alone? They don't want Israel they want the whole world to be under Islamic Law... if I'm a maniac for not wanting a theocracy call me a maniac...
I would just like to say that I think the media blows everything out of proportion. They do this to gain viewership, readership.... to make $$$.
I don't think it is George Bush drilling for fear, it's the media drilling for $$$.
Okay, we gathered the facts from the media. I only really believe something unless it is reported by at least a few sources. I don't need to to watch cable TV for 3 hours as they continuously report the same story as if you would die if you changed the channel.
They have breaking news tickers up, even if the story broke 24 hours ago. I seriously saw this on Anderson Cooper 360 last night.
I guess my point is, sure the media blows shit our of proportion. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to understand and weed through to the facts. I have few doubts about the actual facts behind this story.....
Not everything is a conspiracy.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
I wasn't aware that the military had stopped looking for ubl... again if they were once our 'friends' ,more like people with mutual enemies, then we should just let 9/11 slide and once we know about plots like the one recently uncovered, we should let them carry it out because we once upon a time gave them training?
it´s like the friends became enemys .that´s it the ways where once changing
and we have the dessaster .So acctually the CIA knows some ways or not?
Sammi: Wanna just break up?