If China Just Opened Their Border

North Korea would totaly collapse as millions of regugees would flee that hell-hole of a country.
I don't understand why people blame American policy for KJI obtaining nuclear weapons. What did we do wrong? Where did we go astray?
There was little we could do in the first place. We had hardly any carrots to offer them, we have little influence with North Korea. We did sign an agreement under Clinton, and KJI just went ahead anyway with his nuclear plans. He's a liar, and a professional blackmailer.
China is the main player here. They de facto keep North Korea on life support with their shipments of food and oil.
The fact that the U.S. is trying to keep nuclear weapons out of North Korea shows our moral obligation to try and help. Fuckin A, at least we've tried to do something....
I don't understand why people blame American policy for KJI obtaining nuclear weapons. What did we do wrong? Where did we go astray?
There was little we could do in the first place. We had hardly any carrots to offer them, we have little influence with North Korea. We did sign an agreement under Clinton, and KJI just went ahead anyway with his nuclear plans. He's a liar, and a professional blackmailer.
China is the main player here. They de facto keep North Korea on life support with their shipments of food and oil.
The fact that the U.S. is trying to keep nuclear weapons out of North Korea shows our moral obligation to try and help. Fuckin A, at least we've tried to do something....
Post edited by Unknown User on
Please explain, cause I don't see it.
extreme sacasm. I agree with ya.
Which is why China will not open her borders.
Hail, Hail!!!
and as China expands her industrial might and its economy moves more towards a wierd blend of Communist Consumerism... they can outsource labor costs to North Korea... sort of like what we did with Mexico, then China.
You gotta do work for really cheap wages if China can save money there.
Hail, Hail!!!
That's the great thing about it... it is costs 5 cents per unit to make in China... China can outsource it to North Korean dissident slave camps for 1 cent per 100 units.
Hail, Hail!!!
Heck, China can just agree to feed the workers at a few pennies a day, and they'll be set.
I'm thinkin', down the road from here.
China will emerge as the great economic power. It all depends on how she handles it. I hope she learns from the mistakes we made regarding the environment, because China has the potential to really fucking up the place.
As China's economy grows... who knows whether China will decide on people as strength and resource.. or fall into the personal wealth/greed trap we did. Maybe their Maoist tendencies will favor screwing over the North Koreans in favor of their own populous.
But, really... who knows.
Hail, Hail!!!
I really do HOPE they do... but, the fact remains... they are fucking China. So, although it's barely there, hope is still alive.
Hail, Hail!!!
Come off your battlefield."
Wow, you figured it out. Just leave and a Wacko Narcissic Dictator will step down and leave his position of playin God.
But you don't think the U.S has a moral obligation to abide by the non-proliferation treaty which it signed up to and which the Bush gang has flouted? You don't think that America's and Israels pursuit of more nuclear weapons, and the aggressive. expansionist behaviour of both these countries has anything to do with why other nations are seeking to arm themselves?
North Korea is a stick in the US's side, and Cuba is a stick in the US's side, and iraq is a stick in the US's side, and Iran is a stick in the US's side, and Syria is a stick in the US's side, and China is a stick in the US's side, and Venezuela is a stick in the US's side e.t.c.
Shit, America must look a bit like Custer at the end of the Battle of the Little Big Horn the way you describe it! :eek:
The last time America added territory to our nation was 1898, I don't understand your "expansionist" remark.
Since you include Israel, I would have to point out that between them and Palestine, Isreal was the last to give back land (Gaza) this year. But since you raise the issue of Israel, we have to go back to the begining.....
About 3 million years ago, humans (or our distant relatives) started to roam the earth. Over the millinea, our population expanded all over the globe. Humans are social animals, and from the very start we organized ourselves into tribes. Over time, tribes became nations.
All throughout this history, tribes/nations have been warring with each other. if you go back far enough, there is not a single nation on this earth whose borders exist without the influence of war and conflict between groups.
So what the fuck is palestines problem? They have NO chance.... NO FUCKING CHANCE IN HELL of ever coexisting with Israel, becuase they cannot let their religion live in peace with the reality that has been and is our world.
Since 1948, dozens of other countries have been carved up and divided by the powers that be - in an attempt to forge a peaceful coexistence between dissenting groups.
Palestinians will never have the power to overthrow or destroy Israel, so they need to just realize that what happened in the past is just that... the past. The cry for justice is moot. Sometiems there is no justice in this world.... there is no way to make things right. Hundreds of millions of humans have lived their lives in slavery and misery. The fact that the Palestinians are dealing with Israel, instead of a country like China - gives them all the more incentive to create a peaceful existence.
This is one of those cases where no true justice can be found. Because the Palestinians choose to elect leaders who would rather sacrifice their lives and their childrens lives in an attempt to avenge lost honor - I view them as idiots. I have no sympathy for them.
You cannot forge a new road, when you are always looking backwards. The Palestinian people are a prisoner to their religion and ignorance.
Expansionist doesn't neccesarily mean added territory to a nation. I.e, The U.S didn't add most of Latin America to it's nation during the 1980's and yet it still controlled that area by means of proxy wars and self apointed tyrants. Iraq isn't the 53rd state of America and yet the U.S is there for one reason: OIL. Need I go on?
You say that Palestines problem is that "They have NO chance.... NO FUCKING CHANCE IN HELL of ever coexisting with Israel, becuase they cannot let their religion live in peace.."? And "the Palestinians choose to elect leaders who would rather sacrifice their lives and their childrens lives in an attempt to avenge lost honor - I view them as idiots. I have no sympathy for them."
Interesting. I wish I'd encountered you earlier on this board. You've cleared everything up for me.
Its probably an Israel joke.
The only people with a rational interest in the NK regime collapsing are the North Korean people. Unfortunately, like so many throughout the world, they accept the existence of necessary evil.
No, for the same reason you may reject slavery without ever having been a slave.
The very fact that these evils are "all they have ever known" is all the more reason to reject them.
A thinking being can always see the duality of oppression and freedom, regardless of that being's circumstances. That is why you can recognize the crime of slavery without ever having been a slave. That is why a North Korean citizen who has never been free can recognize the crimes committed against them.
A being that cannot recognize the difference between oppression and freedom is often known as a dog. North Koreans are not dogs...instinctual slaves to their environment without the ability to think or to reason.
The apathy you see amongst many people of this world, including many citizens of North Korea, is the wicked combination of fear and a concomitant acceptance of necessary evils within their lives. It is not as if people do not know better. It is that they actively seek to not know better.