"subscribing to socialism"

farfromglorified wrote:Subscribing to socialism is a matter of subscribing to ends, not means.
farfromglorified, I have a theoretical question for you. I am fascinated by this one subject. Do you agree that if a mass amount of people want a socialist system that they should have it for themselves? Your issue is with imposing it on those who do not want it, correct? The idea of infringing on others, in terms of belief systems with practical outcomes, is that is makes current actions unethical, all for the sake of some imagined "better" future.
So if humans evolve to a general cooperative state, and cooperatively bring in a socialist way, you would not take issue with that in of itself?
I completely 100% agree that to envision an outcome, and to begin doing unethical things (ie: infringing on or forcing others) to reach that outcome against their will is a flawed premise.
I would be happy to hear from anyone else who has something to say on the subject as well!
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Post edited by Unknown User on
My primary issue, yes. I also certainly think socialism is foolish for pretty much anyone, but I don't believe I have any right to prevent someone from living in any way that doesn't directly harm me.
In other words, I may see socialism as suicide, but I certainly have no right to stop someone from committing suicide. I only have a right to prevent them from taking me with them.
Exactly. I take issue with those who pretend I have an obligation to their "better future", just as I would support someone else to reject an obligation to my "better future".
Absolutely not, assuming by "cooperative" you actually mean cooperative.
It's not necessarily "a flawed premise", if your actual premise is slavery. A slave-owner who is willing to be a slave is not necessarily operating on flawed premises. Few slave owners, however, wish to be slaves, and, in fact, typically come up with many hillarious and hypocritical justifications regarding why their slaves should be slaves and why they certainly should not be.
If I didn't fully address anything above, let me know.
By cooperative, I mean cooperative. Meaning everything is based on agreement models. In an ethical agreement model, based on actual cooperation, dissention is recognized and resolved, rather than glossed over, denied and minimized, and thereby unconsciously woven into said agreements, in a maladaptive way, distorting "cooperation" into something very different.
I think you and I agree that often what people consider cooperation is what they see on the surface ideally, and meanwhile, they are unconscious of the ways they have justified non-cooperation, manipulation, coersion and infringment.
more to come!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Then of course I would have no problem with your hypothetical. A suicide pact is a cooperative agreement and does not a murder make.
I'm hesitant to ask......
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
It was mostly in jest.
I think people now are "evolved enough to actually be cooperative". We see evidence of cooperation now in our business transactions, our personal relationships, our workplaces, even sometimes in the halls of governments. Human beings have been well equipped for cooperative activies for hundreds of thousands of years. Unfortunately, we're also well equipped for coersion and self-delusion. A cooperative mindset isn't really a measure of evolution, in my mind, it's simply a measure of pure thought for which most of us are already equiped.
I simply believe socialism, as an economic system, to be a lousy choice. "Foolish" is really manifested in the application of something that will work counter to your ideals as opposed to in accordance with them. And I think socialism does much to decrease wealth instead of increase it, reject cooperation instead of embracing it, and deny diverse individual wills instead of enabling them. But my beliefs should in no way stop someone who disagrees with me from making it a reality for them.
I agree that we are cooperative in many functional ways. At the same time, charted human developmental stages show higher levels of human development, where humans operate wholly, and with integrity, as a unified individual system, unlike the general states of fragmentation that exist at this time. The majority at this time, operates in fragments, where one minute one is cooperative, and the next minute competitive or confrontational, based on conditioning and past brain-wiring rather than based on understanding and conscious choice. The more evolved holistic, integrity-based forms of awareness and resulting cooperation that I refer to, by being whole and integrity based, have evolved the ability to resolve dichotomy/contradiction, etc. into one harmonious system that resolves coersion and other such methods that contain fall-out and infringement. So, as our different views point to, "evolved" would be a relative term.
Fair enough. I understand that your ideals and principles are different from my own, or from many other board members who may see socialistic views as consistent with their own principles and ideals.
In certain worldviews, people find they no longer have the choice but to live and operate in service to life, rather than in service of the self. Such individuals are not concerned with increasing wealth, but rather with increasing quality of life for others, in ways that are beyond financial. Also, from such a view, since one recognizes that self/other are the same, true cooperation becomes the only way...one becomes painfully aware of the consequences of options like coersion, manipulation, etc. and thereby naturally resolve the split between cooperation/coersion, with ease.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
the current way of life (roads, highways, technology, cars, phones, computers) is unsustainable. It ruins life, it ruins the planet.
We either start tearing up the roads and pavement and concrete, and start dismantling the system right away, or we perish.
The problem was never a democrat or republican issue. Its a societal and civilization issue. I say we take down the entire civilization.
I spent time in a commune. And although I couldnt live there now, its clear to me, thats the way we need to live. I think we need to go back to hunting and gathering. We need to live primitively. We need to abolish the system as we know it.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
i'm sorry, but that sounds ridiculous.
some versions of socialism may approach or be akin to slavery... but do we have use language like 'suicide'?
but you're right, it's foolish... and throughout time has been supported by no one but morons like Einstein, Orwell, Shaw and other dumbasses
You are welcome to it. I will not be joining you. Will you attempt to force me to?
Its clear our current way of life isnt working. And its also clear, merely recycling or buying a hybrid isnt going to cut it
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
If you think a complete restructuring of global society is a) feasible or b) going to stop mankind from running roughshod over nature, you might want to stop and rein in your idealism a little. Your initial problem is that people are never going to give up modern conveniences, or lifestyles. Your second problem is that even if we somehow went back to a hunter/gatherer society, each pocket of civilisation would still rape their little section of land.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
What's this 'on topic' shit?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I know, I'm weak.
I have a serious side, I just usually keep it repressed beneath a sheen of utter depravity.
They closed our thread! :eek:
Any changes people make will take place within.
I do see that as people truly get attuned to life, and themselves from within, and really experience the truth, they will give up conveniences. When they appreciate the true cost of them. I know I've given up many over the years, in service of life.
Trying to encourage or force others to do the same without their making inner changes won't work, however. Not to mention that when we are attempting to force others to change, we reveal we have not done our own inner work.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
What can I say? I somehow associate the word "Sheen" with "utter depravity". The fact that I'm watching Two & A Half Men right now has nothing to do with it.
...a radiance of utter depravity!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
My depravity shines like the North Star!
I saw! I came here to seek refuge on this socialist island.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Posting from Cuba? You're living my dream!
Shhh, I'm a Castro agent sent to this board to spread the evils of socialism to unsuspecting pearl jam fans and hope we hook them.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
We should have known he'd strike the Pearl Jam Message Pit first.
Actually, my dream was to move to Cuba and set up a roller-disco franchise. You in?
You shittin me? There's no way I'm passing up on the chance to become a suicidal, socialist slave dolled up in my most glamorous 70's retro gear plus fake eyelashes strutting around on roller skates set to the tune of Disco Inferno!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
That's the spirit!
You always have your finger on the pulse of involuntary euphoria. God save us all.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde