so what did you think of the Bush speech today

trying to spread the message for freedom seems like a good thing to me.
"to fight radicalism and terror with justice and dignity, to achieve a true peace, founded on human freedom."
"to fight radicalism and terror with justice and dignity, to achieve a true peace, founded on human freedom."
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-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
that's awesome
i only watched a few minutes but i got nothing new from it
I wonder where you got that idea from........
and terror – read: and anyone who’s against us
with justice – read: using gitmo and secret prisons worldwide to contain people who have not been charged with any crime.
and dignity – read: and pissing on, beating, stripping and humiliating said prisoners
to achieve a true peace – read: to achieve peace on our terms
founded on human freedom – read: founded on illegally bombing countries into submission.
Other than that….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i had to do it
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
you mean radical muslims. and anyone who is against freedom.
well played my friend
Any decent leader would try to quell the peoples fears rather than heighten them in the name of politics I believe.
Rather than prompting us to imagine how we'd feel if our families were dead he could explain that we have more of a chance of slipping in our showers and breaking our necks, getting hit by lightening, or winning the lottery then being the victim of a terror attack. "So don't live in fear"
"vote this way or your family will die" is disgusting politics.
Well it has come to the point that he will not change his fear mongering...I think it is time for people to stop buying into his BS.....
I still cannot believe people buy into his "fear" hype.....
Seems to me they've killed one or two non-radical muslims.
Against freedom....ha....has it occurred to you that most of the people being bombed want nothing more than freedom from bombs, invading armies/indefinite occupation, kidnappings, puppet gov’ts and imposed culture? I highly doubt anyone is against freedom…except maybe a few extremists hoping to gain power (same as the US – but no terrorists there ).
Glad to see you agree with the rest tho.
a few extremists? lets try every dictatorship in the middle east. there is not one free country in the middle east. most of them are run by extremists who only believe in a strict interpertaion of the koran. thankfully a few mideast countries have tried new things like bush mentioned, giving some people more freedoms.
and the US is not trying to gain power. are we raising the flag and calling it ours? no, we intend to leave.
and I dont agree with everything else you said.
with justice read: they are criminals of war on terror. they are not allowed the same freedoms as criminals of war. geneva convention rights are only given to those who fight with a uniform for a country. terrorists do not. they should be tried in military courts. and never ever ever ever under any circumstances should USA use torture.
and dignity read: it was an admitted horrible mistake by so young soliders who have since ben sent to prison. you make it sound like its americas policy to do that.
I love Saudi Arabia's human rights....women is having a is breeched coming out...what do they do...drop her and the newborn out in the middle of desert to die...true story from a medic who worked with the royal family....he also said public beheadings were point is I really wish Bush would apply his distorted logic to other countries in the region regardless if they are a "friend" or me that shows how uncredible his cause really is.....and furthers my belief in his alterior agenda
If you dispise the torture and death of our soldiers captured by the enemy... then you do not prescribe to that same doctrine.
If you accept the methods of torture to get what you wants or need in this 'War On Terror', then you are telling the other side, it is okay for them to do the same thing to our guys.
If you believe that they will torture and kill our guys anyway, so it's okay to do the same to theirs... you are validating their tactics and methods and essentially becoming the same type of person they are.
Hail, Hail!!!
Where is the logic in that? Just because the sytem, albeit flawed, as mostly worked in favor of the US, why does the US feel that will definitely everywhere else without fail?
Sidenote, the Iranian president will be speaking to the UN General Assembly within the hour, Ahmadinejad's going live in primetime.
Track record.
thanks dude, im wide awake.
it was never american policy to piss on prisioners. a handful of young soliders made mistakes and have been punished.
sure treat them HUMANELY. but el queda prisioners are not entitled to the rights of the geneva convention. that being said, they still should not be tortured, ever.
Why, for example, when asked about waterboarding, did Bush say he did't want to discuss it because, get this, he didn't want to discuss tactics openly because then the enemy could adapt? Why not call it what it is - water torture? And how the hell can the enemy "adapt" to waterboarding? Grow gills?
lol!! that's so harsh--but funny.
we all have the freedom to have our phones wiretapped w/o cause, court order or even letting anyone else know.
the freedom to assemble and protest just as long as the politicians can't actually see or hear us
the freedom to go to war that's just another politicians lie where they are too cheap to buy me adequate protection adn make it illegal for my parents to buy me any and then want to cut my health insurance off after 1 month of being back <if a reservist>
the freedom to have my bank alert someone if i make a larger than usual deposit or withdrawal
the right to be put on a watch list just for going to a protest seems like this administration is agaisnt freedom, to me!
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
being a tad bit picky arent we? personally I'm glad my bank alerts me if I make a larger then usual withdrawal. would suck if they didnt, and someone got away with my money.
are we forced to watch 1 tv or radio station? Do i need to have to keep a picture of George W on my wall? Can women vote/drive/go to school/marry anyone they want? will I go to jail if I say something bad about Bush?
no, the bank doesn't alert YOU they alert the authorities.
so women driving and being able to say something about bush is the pinnacle of freedom for you?
and no, women can't marry who they want, what if they wanted to marry another girl?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
good, as long as they alert somebody. I'm glad they are looking out for me.
a pinnacle of freedom? no. but freedom none the less.
so now you want to turn this into a gay marriage debate? dont try and tell me women are treated well in the middle east. I think women would rather have american freedoms vs. living in pakistan and can be raped by whoever is horny at the time
It's all well and good comparing your version of freedom to a countries with less, but it does not take away the points made by El kabong, the lovely western goverments are slowly taking away our percieved freedoms too.
The freedom you think you have is an illusion.
You are only free as long as you live within the rules of the country, Now is that TRUE FREEDOM?
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
You are right about women in the middle east. They can't even wail at the same part of the wall with men. So much for being advanced.
As for Bush's speach. Par for the bigot in all of us. I fail to see when Cdn soldiers are being killed in Afgan how that democratically elected head is doing a good job. Then I look into Iraq and think of the mess it was before your beloved army got there. As I said, par for the course.
I think this is the funniest sentence ever from Bush. I am starting to enjoy his comedian talent.