Bill O'Reilly talking points memo..

lets try this againt. I think he makes very good points here.
Both liberals and conservatives are furious and are pounding each other in vicious ways.
The John Kerry controversy has set off a firestorm on the right. The initial voting on — our poll question asks whether Kerry intentionally meant to demean the military — shows a deep-seated resentment towards the senator for his perceived anti-military bias.
On the left, the hatred of President Bush has reached hysterical proportions. Hyper-liberals hate him because of his aggressive anti-terror strategies, Iraq and his faith-based point-of-view.
In the middle are Americans who are not ideologues, who simply want the best plan, the best people and the best outcome for their country.
It is here where next Tuesday's election will be decided.
Talking Points believes that most of these people will not vote at all. They're not going to show up. That's because many Americans are deeply conflicted and some are downright disgusted.
On the one hand, we have not secured Iraq after three and a half years and hope is not a policy.
It's not the fault of our military, it's the Iraqi people who are the problem. They are simply not doing enough to stop the bad guys in their midst.
After the Taliban was defeated, the Afghanis didn't start killing each other, did they? But in Iraq the death squads are destroying any semblance of freedom.
So what do we do? Leave Iraq to Iran and the terrorists? We might have to, but that would mean another very vicious battlefield somewhere down the road.
So Americans are faced with one party that hasn't defeated the enemy in Iraq and another party that has no anti-terror strategy and is dominated by far-left zealots like Howard Dean and Nancy Pelosi — people who believe the USA is the problem in the world.
Faced with those two choices, Talking Points believes there will be a low turnout on Tuesday with many independents and apathetics staying home. That scenario would help the Republicans, who need all the help they can get.
But no matter what happens next Tuesday, one thing is very clear: America is a divided nation and our enemies know it.
And that's The Memo.
Both liberals and conservatives are furious and are pounding each other in vicious ways.
The John Kerry controversy has set off a firestorm on the right. The initial voting on — our poll question asks whether Kerry intentionally meant to demean the military — shows a deep-seated resentment towards the senator for his perceived anti-military bias.
On the left, the hatred of President Bush has reached hysterical proportions. Hyper-liberals hate him because of his aggressive anti-terror strategies, Iraq and his faith-based point-of-view.
In the middle are Americans who are not ideologues, who simply want the best plan, the best people and the best outcome for their country.
It is here where next Tuesday's election will be decided.
Talking Points believes that most of these people will not vote at all. They're not going to show up. That's because many Americans are deeply conflicted and some are downright disgusted.
On the one hand, we have not secured Iraq after three and a half years and hope is not a policy.
It's not the fault of our military, it's the Iraqi people who are the problem. They are simply not doing enough to stop the bad guys in their midst.
After the Taliban was defeated, the Afghanis didn't start killing each other, did they? But in Iraq the death squads are destroying any semblance of freedom.
So what do we do? Leave Iraq to Iran and the terrorists? We might have to, but that would mean another very vicious battlefield somewhere down the road.
So Americans are faced with one party that hasn't defeated the enemy in Iraq and another party that has no anti-terror strategy and is dominated by far-left zealots like Howard Dean and Nancy Pelosi — people who believe the USA is the problem in the world.
Faced with those two choices, Talking Points believes there will be a low turnout on Tuesday with many independents and apathetics staying home. That scenario would help the Republicans, who need all the help they can get.
But no matter what happens next Tuesday, one thing is very clear: America is a divided nation and our enemies know it.
And that's The Memo.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Afghanistan is not Iraq. Also, the Taliban has not been completely eliminated because Cheney was so eager to invade Iraq.
Hmm, it seems that they aren't alone
you didnt seem to add why you think that.
well, yeah, that makes sense...a president that has values that half of america does not hold. he is president of the united states of america...not the right hand of god...not the president of the christian contingent in america...he should be pushing policies that benefit and are pallatable for the whole instead of the few.
no, it's not the military's's not the iraqi people that are the problem either...they didn't ask for this!!! they had it shoved down their throats like an RPG, literally!
what good points came from this? i just decided to choose the moronic ones...the only thing that he said that is true is that the u.s. is a divided nation...thanks, mr. bush!
from my window to yours
at least you admit being ignorant.
why cant the iraqi people be held responsible for themselves? they are people too.
and if a far left liberal took office, wouldnt that seperate our country too?
he is right, it isn't the fault of the military ... the military asked for more troops and a better plan ... well, guess who's fault that is? ... and afghanistan is a cluster fuck - without NATO troops in their the yanks would be toast ... no one is winning that war either ... and in the meantime ... many people are suffering for all the wrong reasons ...
bill o'reilly has been caught so many times lying and distorting truths ... he has no credibility ...
see the portion of my response which points out that the iraqi people didn't ask for this...that's why they shouldn't have to step up and be responsible for this mess!
i did not suggest that a far-left liberal take office - the people that know me here know me to be quite middle runner - but, if that were to happen, then, yes, the country would be me a favor and try to ask questions which are not rhetorical in nature...they're boring and they just waste time...
from my window to yours
And he's full of shit anyway. I'm not quite sure what a hyper-liberal is, but considering Bush's approval ratings they must make up about 65% of the country. Of course, with O'Reilly, it's never "the left" - It's "far left zealots." I'm not sure why. My guess is, since the "left" in this country are generally considered reasonable people - they're supposed party makes up about half our government, and may take the majority - their arguments must be framed in such a way as to make them unpalatable. Calling them all Communists - oh, I'm sorry, "far left zealots" - makes them scarier. Howard Dean? Nancy Pelosi? Yeah, they're a couple of reds all right.
I am far from ignorant, but I know my biases. It is like if a friend lies to you, oh we'll say at least 3 times a week. Eventually, you just stop listening. You get your advice and news elsewhere. Same here for me. Bill is just not someone I trust to give me the news. I am done listening to what he has to say.
Religious conservatives are pissed off because he's failed to accomplish any of the objectives that he spent so much time trumpeting about when he was campaigning in their churches.
People born after the 12th century are disappointed in him for abandoning habeus corpus.
I could go on, but you get the idea ... it seems everyone has a reason to hate George W. Bush!
Thanks man! I knew you had my back! He he he.
Not to mention a self centered blow hard who characterizes anyone who is Anti Iraq war as a "blame America" strawman.
In fact, Bill O loves his strawmen so much...he may just sexually harass one of them using a vibrator and a loofah. Only time will tell.
thats not true. O'Reilly doesnt just report the news. he has guests on his show, usually someone with opposing points of view, to debate opinions.
Who are you, the right wing John Kerry?
fair enough but I believe it has some very good things to say, mostly regarding family values. sure he is can be called a hypocrite for his sexual harrasement shit but he believes family values, specifically regarding children, is very important. I also do not agree with alot he says, for the record
he also is more of a traditionalist, who believes america is inheritly good, and tries to find the good in a situation, which is often written off blind super far right bias.
yes I do think its ignorant to completely block out anything he has to say based that he works for fox news and is a right wing fanatic
If you'll allow me to get a little hyperbolic here (you know, like "hyper-liberal" and "far-left zealots"), I'm sure Goebbels made some good points too, back in his day. Is it ignorant to disregard him - not historically speaking, or impact wise, mind you, but his "points"?
I do watch olberman. some I agree with, some i dont
All I'm trying to say is, lot's of people have biased pundits they enjoy listening to. Leaving one off your list because you find his or her style abrasive or offensive, or you realize that the person simply lied so many times they're not worth listening to anymore, is perfectly justifiable and has nothing to do with the person's level of "ignorance." And, again, there's nothing Bill O'Reilly says that can't be found somewhere else - written or spoken by someone who shares O'Reilly's views - that a person might find more to their liking.
I dont intentionly not listen to them becuase they are far left liberals. I simply dont have time to listen to everyone who is on tv or radio. I try to listen to as many points of view as I can and not block one out becuase of a certain affilation to a news channel or political party.
Of course, I could have missed you're point entirely. You could have been refering to ignorance on a more philosophical level, i.e. that we are all ignorant and admitting that is the first step toward wisdom. If so, I agree whole heartedly.
The other night I'm driving home from a meeting with a client and I was flipping around the Sirius dial and I saw O'Reilly's show and I immediately went past it. But then I remember my friend saying how every once and a while he will listen to O'Reilly or Rush or whomever so that he can get a sense of what they are up to. So I did the same. I lasted 15 seconds. He started blathering on about how Letterman and Oprah didn't answer his question on how to win in Iraq. Considering he never answered Dave's questions why should Dave answer an unanswerable question. And this was what I was yelling at the radio when RITFW (Uncle Neil's version) came on. And I was at peace again.
To the topic at hand - yes the nation is divided and it's my opinion that the religious right is to blame for this separation. And if you don't like what the repubs or demos have to say, there are many other parties running for the same offices.
from my window to yours
ha...very true...but, o'reilly is the linchpin of the conservative media...
i like assholeishness...ha
from my window to yours