The Clintongate Administration

I'm not sure why everyone holds this guy on such a high pedestal. Is everyone mesmerized by his speaking ability? Trust me, I dislike Bush as much as Clinton. Iraq has been one of the biggest fuckups of all time. But why is Clinton such an angel? In Bush's mind, while everyone here will disagree, he really believes he is protecting America to the best of his ability. Clinton is far more corrupt and 2 faced then Bush. I believe Bush's problem is he has too many hard heads in his inner circle. Clinton did it all on his own.
Post edited by Unknown User on
1: He was a better leader than GW - while he certainly had advisors and people around him to help make decisions, he didn't lean on them as painfully as GW leans on the likes of Rummy, Dick and Condi (and even shaddier characters - ROVE!!!)... Clinton inspired more confidence because he had (has) a mind for politics (and lets not forget that it is politics)... and unintentionally I think a lot of people identified with him because he was so obviously and painfully HUMAN. That's something that people latch on to, especially when it is seen in such a charismatic person occupying the highest post in the country.
2: Whether he was better or not, and whether he had anything to do with it or not (which is another conversation) - people are very sentimental for how much better things were in the 90s than they are now. And they were better... and since he is a poster boy for the 90s, he is looked back upon with a fond eye...
Me? I like him because I agree with him on most everything politically and like the fact that the guy is human like the rest of us...
I would argue this place wouldn't much different from the 90s had we NOT been attacked at the beginning of the 00's. Bush's fiscal policies seem to keep our economy doing great. its the forgein policy that has fucked us up. people will argue with the tax cuts but you cant deny our economy has remained strong with Bush. I have an Economics degree and no matter what party line you stand on, Tax cuts do more good then harm. but anyway, thanks for posting. good points
I'm sure there will be a ton of oversight coming up if the projections of the Dems taking over the House is correct. I'll be very very surprised if nothing comes out of it... but if not, I'll accept that I was wrong.
You make a couple of excellent observations. Like his politics or not, people did respect his intellect and his youthful exuberance. I personally thought he was sleazy (but I think anyone who acheives that office these days has to be). I also don't look back fondly on his administration with people like Louis Freeh fucking up the intelligence community, and Fieldmarshall Reno waging war on American citizens (ex. Ruby Ridge, Waco, Elian Gonzalez). Something about her (and ultimately Clinton) sending in jackbooted stormtroopers to shoot and kill our own citizens in our own country rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.
So I was glad to see Clinton/Gore disappear much the same way I'm looking forward to 01/09 when W. rides off into the sunset.
I was thinking "the whole picture" - and you're right on the economics...
I often wonder what positive things could have been done in this country with the time and resources poured into a massive investigation that gave us the following truth:
Bill Clinton received a blow job from an intern and lied about it under oath.
I hope - if the Dems win back congress - that they don't waste a bunch of time trying to hang Bush up on something. I think Bush's flaws are painfully obvious and we don't need to waste tight taxpayer dollars on a Clinton-esque investigation. He'll be gone after 2008 - and people are watching him closer than ever... so let him ride it out and focus on getting someone better in 2008.
I'm not saying they should interview everyone that ever came in contact with him to try to find anything they can to hang on him... but, certain things need to be looked into. Secret prisons, the Abramoff stuff with the whitehouse, The warrantless wiretapping, The Iraq war etc. The stuff important to the country.
I beg to differ. Anyone who could marry/sleep with Hillary CANT be human.
I agree with you and see what you're saying - but I look at things like the secret prisons and warrantless wiretapping - and that's stuff that can be fixed with the right people in office. The Iraq war is going to take time - U.S. involvement there will extend into the next presidency...
They could nail him on the Abramoff stuff - and other backroom deals, etc... but I don't think they'll need Congress to do that...
it's funny you attack sites that use major networks and papers as sources and yet here's your first link being a tripod site
i never voted for clinton and i'd never vote for hillary, but you can't say bush isn't corrupt! he cuts back envirnmental laws to help his contributers and loads of other shite.
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
I never attacked major networks and papers....I am the usually the one getting attacked for agreeing with them on issues like 9/11. the only site I have a major problem with is the 911research bullshit.
[/sarcasm] damn I thought tripod sites only state facts.
I disagree fair enough
how so? we went from a surplus to the largest defecit since he took office. he gives tax cuts and tax breaks to his investors while cutting social programs. what has he done to get the budget under control?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
congress controls the budget not him. and pre 9/11, rumsfield was looking for ways to cut military spending, that should count for something, does it not?
you want to blame the deficit on bush? did you see the burst of the stock market bubble? the only reason we had a surplus was from the ridiclous amount of capital gains taxes on artifically high stock prices. take that away and add a war or 2 and we have a deficit.
oh, he's had no control over the cost of the war in iraq? my bad.
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
every argument about bush always comes down to the iraq war. leave that out and he must be the best president we ever had.
no, there's lots of other things...cutting the head start program, cutting the program to test school lunch meat for salmonella <which he put back in saying it was a mistake after too many ppl complained>, cutting student loans, cutting medicare/aid <hmmm, didn't he run in 2000 saying he was deeply concerned about all the ppl w/o healthcare? just like him saying we're not the world police and you can't use the military for nation building>, all the cuts to environmental laws, dismissing the law suits against polluters who broke federal law, giving more and more tax breaks to the oil and gas industry <who coincidentally have 'donated' roughly a billion $ to politicians since 2000>, all the things he's vetoed and boycotted at the UN like comprehensive nuke bans, biological and chemical weapons bans, rights of the child....i coudl go on and's not just iraq...but it was a nice attempt at dodging my point.
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
people complain about too much spending and also complain about making cuts. sounds like a win win situation to me
i think the cuts he made are a bit smaller than the reckless spending of his
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
thats great but you still complain when he does either.
no, i complain on what it's being spent on. if he's using tax money to fund a weapons program owned by his dad's company, which the pentagon voted agaisnt funding repeatedly, only to have it pulled, again, after the pentagon said they didn't want it, but only after the contract was paid...i have a problem w/ that. if he has millions to give halliburton as a bonus for feeding our troops spoiled meat but no money for their protection <body armor, armored vehicles> i have a problem w/ it. kinda like if my g/f went and blew the mortgage money on coke i'd have a problem w/ that instead of her spending the money on the mortgage...see how that works?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Who - Bush or Clinton - this thread has devolved into a different thread, so I'm not sure who you are talking about...
I don't understand how ANYONE can defend Bush and say that Clinton was worse....what a joke!