but I thought there is no risk of terrorism?

just a reminder that terrorism still exsists. you can blame bush and balir all you want, but they are the ones trying to stop these people. there are many islamic terrorists who want to kill as many innocent civillians as possible. the story is on every news site but I posted msnbc so some of you might read it.
LONDON - British authorities are tracking almost 30 terrorist plots involving 1,600 suspects, the head of Britain’s domestic spy agency said, adding that many of those under surveillance are homegrown terrorists plotting suicide attacks and other mass-casualty bombings.
to my friends in britain, stay safe and alert
LONDON - British authorities are tracking almost 30 terrorist plots involving 1,600 suspects, the head of Britain’s domestic spy agency said, adding that many of those under surveillance are homegrown terrorists plotting suicide attacks and other mass-casualty bombings.
to my friends in britain, stay safe and alert
Post edited by Unknown User on
The Bush administration was informed by it's top security advisors before the invasion of Iraq that the invasion would result in a significant increase of terrorist activity in the world. Bush invaded anyway.
So we have him and his poodle Blair to thank for the current situation.
And that's my 4000th post!! I am now officially sad!!
yes you are
nonsense? so you dont think there is a terrorist threat?
Of course there's a terrorist threat. There's also a threat from Iran, as they are intent on destroying the world. There's also a threat from North Korea, as they have their fingers on the trigger. There's also a threat from Cuba. Thoe commies down there are just a stones throw away from infiltrating and polluting U.S shores. There's also a threat from aids infected pit bulls everytime you step out of your front door.
My advice is that you lock yourself indoors and spend all day watching Fox News and donating money to the televangelists, and waiting for pizza delivery boy to show up.
A good amount of the time, no, I don't think there is. Do you know how many people are rounded up by police, and consequently never charged?
That's not saying there isn't a threat at all - take 7/7, obviously - but the threat is exaggerated for political effect, and restated at key times when the government's foreign policy looks most vulnerable.
aids infected pit bulls? thats a new one. I dont have to stay in and lock my doors. im happy that my government and yours is aware of a real threat and is taking action to defend against it.
so you think that 30 plots and 1600 suspects is exagerrated? ok man, keep you head in the sand.
I almost pissed myself laughing here....
I admit im guilty of posts like this myself. but will there ever be a time when people have something constructive to say instead of the indirect personal attacks.
maybe its time you find new friends
Or switch to ham and mustard.
"Let's roll."
all within a few messages....lol.
wasnt a personal attack at all? not even indirectly. he said he has a better chance of someone he knows killing him. I dont know about you, but I dont run that risk.
i think that prior to sept 11, the US was still facing numbers like this. they've always been tracking plots and suspects. 9/11 was not the first time america went "gee, terrorists might actually attack us!" they just happened to slip through in a big way. and guess what? it will happen again. the US could keep tabs on 300 plots and 16,000 suspects... and they still will not be able to stop every single one. most of these simply dont happen, with or without gov intervention, some are disrupted by gov action, and some will succeed. that's life.
im far more worried about getting hit by a drunk driver than i am about being killed by a terrorist. im much more worried about being mugged downtown than i am of a brown-skinned man blowing up my airplane. for my personal safety... id rather see our gov working on those problems... the ones that REALLY endanger americans.
I didn't take that personally either. I was talking in statistical terms, anyway!
im glad you didnt take it personal. didnt mean for it to be. but seriously, I said it because I have a 0% percent chance of someone I know killing me. if I ran into a terrorists with a bomb under his coat on a chicago subway, well my chances might not be so good.
Now, if I was being personal, I'd say "Why's that? Is it because you have no friends?"
But seriously, yes, I get your point. But do you think that's going to happen? And if so, should you let it run your life? Here in the UK there's been different sorts of terrorism, real and imagined, since the Nazi blitz of the forties. People get hardened to it, and say fuck it, if it happens, it happens. That's the way to win any war on terror, to not be terrified.
Now try to go talk about your Terraarist problem to someone caught in the middle of a genocide in Darfur, then maybe you'll have your priority set straight...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I think its possible and no I dont let it control my life. Like I said before on here, I travel alot, live in a big city with known targets, etc. people want to argue that I have a better chance of getting hit by a bus then I do dying of a terrorist attack. well if I walk in front of a bus or choke on a grill cheese sandwich, thats my fault. I deserve to die.
one of the responsibilities of the american government is to protect its people from terrorist threats. I hope whatever government is in place does the best job it can doing that.
I do like the hardened approach though. which is what much of america, specifically new york and chicago, have done.
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
I'm not sure who thought there was no more threat of terrorism....or that it is safer now than it was before we invaded and over threw Iraq.
I have been telling y'all for a long time that there are more terrorist now than before....and this world is less safe because of Bush, not more safe.
I'm not sure how this is shocking to anyone. Except to maybe Bush's neo-con followers who actually believed that Bush was winning the war on terrorism instead of the truth, which is that he has made it worse.
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
why does someone have to be a neo con bush follower if they disagree with you?
while im not completely convinced the world is less safe because of bush. for iraq, well obviously. as someone mentioned the threat from el queda has been there before 9/11 and after. difference now is we are fighting them much more aggressively. el queda has been severely damaged since 9/11. there leaders have been caught or on the run. they have no central base of operations and we and our allies are actively fighting them.
then you didnt see carrots responses, keep reading
“The best political weapon is the weapon of terror.”
-heinrich himmler
"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death".
-adolf hitler
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
-hermann goering