The Truth About Iraq by Bill O'Reilly

its great to know all of you squirming in your seat when you see and read something he writes. I agree with some stuff, some I dont. here is his article from today.
First of all, it doesn't matter whether there is a civil war there — that's a media-driven situation. What does matter is if the USA can control the situation in Iraq or whether the country is too far gone into the chaos zone.
If the Bush administration has failed there, here are the consequences for you:
One, Iran will increase its power and begin to dominate the world's oil flow. That means, if Iran tells Gulf Arab nations to charge $100 a barrel, they better do it or risk Iran undermining them with terrorism. And Saudi Arabia will be the No. 1 target. All Americans will be at Iran's mercy then when it comes to oil. Think about that.
No. 2, Al Qaeda would also benefit. It would proclaim a great victory over America and set up shop inside of Iraq, working out a lose agreement with Iran. Al Qaeda terrorists then would have another sanctuary, like Afghanistan before we took out the Taliban.
No. 3, no one could stop Iran from getting nukes because of the oil threat. So they develop doomsday weapons and give them to whomever.
So you can see that allowing Iraq to go under would be a catastrophe for the world.
But if the Iraqi people will not step up and fight for their freedom, there's little the USA can do. We can't stabilize the country without most Iraqis on our side. And right now, they are not on our side.
Therein lays the biggest foreign policy problem I have ever seen in my lifetime.
Back here, we have a press that is invested in seeing that President Bush is humiliated in Iraq. They may not be rooting for an American defeat, but most are certainly anti-war and anti-Bush.
And then there are those Americans who dislike the president so much they want the USA to lose?
O'REILLY: Do you want America to win in Iraq?
ROSIE O'DONNELL, TALK SHOW PERSONALITY: I want America to be what the Founding Fathers wanted it to be, a democracy.
O'REILLY: So you don't want America to win there?
O'DONNELL: Where we the people...
BARBARA WALTERS, ABC ANCHOR: Don't put words in her mouth.
O'REILLY: She won't answer the question, Barbara. She won't answer the question.
O'REILLY: Do you want the United States to win in Iraq?
DAVID LETTERMAN, HOST, "THE LATE SHOW": First of all, I don't...
O'REILLY: It's an easy question. If you don't want the United States to win in Iraq...
LETTERMAN: It's not easy for me because I'm thoughtful.
All right, so there you have it: A hostile American and world media, an American public that has lost faith in the war and some who are even rooting for a defeat, and then, the Iraqi people who will not step up and stop the madness they see every day.
God help us. And I mean that literally.
First of all, it doesn't matter whether there is a civil war there — that's a media-driven situation. What does matter is if the USA can control the situation in Iraq or whether the country is too far gone into the chaos zone.
If the Bush administration has failed there, here are the consequences for you:
One, Iran will increase its power and begin to dominate the world's oil flow. That means, if Iran tells Gulf Arab nations to charge $100 a barrel, they better do it or risk Iran undermining them with terrorism. And Saudi Arabia will be the No. 1 target. All Americans will be at Iran's mercy then when it comes to oil. Think about that.
No. 2, Al Qaeda would also benefit. It would proclaim a great victory over America and set up shop inside of Iraq, working out a lose agreement with Iran. Al Qaeda terrorists then would have another sanctuary, like Afghanistan before we took out the Taliban.
No. 3, no one could stop Iran from getting nukes because of the oil threat. So they develop doomsday weapons and give them to whomever.
So you can see that allowing Iraq to go under would be a catastrophe for the world.
But if the Iraqi people will not step up and fight for their freedom, there's little the USA can do. We can't stabilize the country without most Iraqis on our side. And right now, they are not on our side.
Therein lays the biggest foreign policy problem I have ever seen in my lifetime.
Back here, we have a press that is invested in seeing that President Bush is humiliated in Iraq. They may not be rooting for an American defeat, but most are certainly anti-war and anti-Bush.
And then there are those Americans who dislike the president so much they want the USA to lose?
O'REILLY: Do you want America to win in Iraq?
ROSIE O'DONNELL, TALK SHOW PERSONALITY: I want America to be what the Founding Fathers wanted it to be, a democracy.
O'REILLY: So you don't want America to win there?
O'DONNELL: Where we the people...
BARBARA WALTERS, ABC ANCHOR: Don't put words in her mouth.
O'REILLY: She won't answer the question, Barbara. She won't answer the question.
O'REILLY: Do you want the United States to win in Iraq?
DAVID LETTERMAN, HOST, "THE LATE SHOW": First of all, I don't...
O'REILLY: It's an easy question. If you don't want the United States to win in Iraq...
LETTERMAN: It's not easy for me because I'm thoughtful.
All right, so there you have it: A hostile American and world media, an American public that has lost faith in the war and some who are even rooting for a defeat, and then, the Iraqi people who will not step up and stop the madness they see every day.
God help us. And I mean that literally.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I dont feel humiliated
Here's an interesting exchange from his show on March 7, 2003, when Janeane Garofalo was his guest:
GARAFOLO: "If we invade Iraq, there's a United Nations estimate that says there will be
up to a half a million people killed or wounded. Do we have a right to do that
to a country that's done nothing to us?"
After much debate and general discounting of Garofalo's views, O’Reilly concluded the interview with this:
O'REILLY: "Now last question. If you are wrong, all right, and if the United States—and they will—this is going to happen—goes in, liberates Iraq, people in the street, American flags, hugging our soldiers, all right, we find all kinds of bad, bad stuff, all right, in Iraq, are you going to apologize to George W.
GAROFALO: "I will bring roses right to his front door. I will bring a fruitcake and roses. But let me tell you something. What if you are wrong..."
O'REILLY: "Then I'll apologize."
GAROFALO: "What if—wait, wait. Let me lay out my scenario. What if hundreds and thousands of Iraqis are killed? There's nobody thanking General Tommy Franks for the bombs, there's nobody thanking anyone for..."
O'REILLY: "If it's a debacle, I'll be the first one to report it."
Bill .... we're waiting .....
lol....well I know you wouldn't....thanks for the laugh...seriously thanks....
Hell will freeze over quicker.....
I hear him say something to that effect almost every time I watch his show. And hell has yet to have frozen over.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
well at least he recognizes its a debacle. and he believes there are consequences for losing and leaving too early.
But there are more important things to do. And OReilly's probably a bit too busy calling the Iraq War a debacle to apologize.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
I'm sure hippiemom can manage to get other things done while still waiting for his apology. And sure, Bill must be way too busy back peddling and side stepping to take responsibilty and own up to his poor judgement that he sells as no spin.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
Interviewees cut off because they wont give a yes or no answer to a clearly meaningful and highly evocative question, regarding the lives of thousands and the future of billions.
And someone actually bothers to present this in the media? and then someone else actually reads it and feels it has any relevance?
Although it does restore some of my faith in British politics, it does nothing for my hope that America is likely to turn itself around anytime soon.
God i hope the World turns its back on America, before America destroys mankind.
it's becos most americans are just plain dumb. stupid. idiots. fucking morons. and they cannot wrap their tiny ignorant minds around anything less than a black and white, yes or no answer. they cannot comprehend nuance, subtlety, or diplomacy... it's akin to what some in the biz call "flip-flopping." we prefer our leaders to pick an answer and then twist the facts to suit their idea.
This article is riddled with very typical Bill O'riley dishonesty ... agenda pushing.
Its not about agreeing or disagreeing.. The man is dishonest, and therefore you can not trust him. He constructs his comments with exadurated assumptions that even he couldn't defend - then builds on them over and over until he gets to his desired end.
I think the funniest part of this mumbo jumbo - I suppose other than his take on what will happen in the region if we fail.. which is damn funny in itself..
but he says we have the biggest foreign policy problem he has ever seen in his lifetime.
This problem was created by President Bush, in case he forgot..
Then he says everyone wants to see Bush himiliated - almost wanted us to lose..
well.. more accurately, we want to take the wheel away from the man who made this mess... why wouldn't we.. he has created teh worst foreign policy Bill O'Riley ( and me also ) have ever seen. This is not about blame or humiliation..
We are in a very deep hole, and really just want to stop digging
Then he says the press are mostly anti war and anti bush
well.. what the hell does that mean... Everyone is anti war right? War is a last desperat measure when all else fails and the consequences of not fighting are worse that war right? don't we all hope that situation arises as seldom as possible...
and anti Bush.. well of course we are anti bush - that is not political, nor is it personal or an idealogoy.. it is merely the fact that he has hurt so many things - and still driving...
to be sure, once the wheel is wrestled from that man... nobody will think about him anymore...
The blame doesn't rest with him.. it rests with the 300billion americans that cant muster enough wisdom to remove this man that can not handle these challanges...
And what does Bill O'Rielly have to say about HIS part in this story... the part where the focus of 'Winning' this war was shifted towards Gays getting Married, Steroids in Baseball, the worthless Navy Bronze Stars and Purple Hearts and the real terror in America... busboys from Mexico?
IF this war is so important to 'Conservatives' or 'Republicans' or 'Neo-Cons' or any other media fueled labeling of Americans... then WHY WASN'T IT TAKEN SERIOUSLY? WHY DID IT TAKE A BACKSEAT TO GAY MARRIAGE AND SWIFT BOATS???
Hail, Hail!!!
Either way it's of no matter to me, like I said there are more important things to do. And since O'Reilly doesn't run this country or make any policies, in the grand scheme of things as and factors go, he's a fairly insignificant one.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
I'm not ready to sit back and call america a loser just so I can point at republicans and say I told ya so.
its not about winning and loosing.
I would like to see a stable Iraq with a government that represents all factions living in peace for one common goal.
I want the terrorists defeated. being any foreign fighters trying to undermine the government and killing American troops.
is this possible? I hope so. but it wont be possible if we leave next week. there is still work to be done.
then ask Bill. I gave you my answer
if its not about winning and losing, then why is the question "do you want america to win in iraq?" somebody needs to define what the fuck the mission is and what are the criteria we need to meet to achieve "victory". you can not win an occupation. you can not win a war on a tactic (terrorism). all you can do it raise tensions until the people being occupied boil over and then all hell breaks loose. i fear that we are at the boling point now. with each day that passes, it looks as if we are not only not winning, but losing because we have no plan for victory.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
It's a sad fact that there are millions of americans who watch his show every night and believe every word he says and also view Fox News as actual 'news'. Their easily led, no need for facts mentality effects us all. So yeah, it would be nice if he tried being a bit more truthful from time to time and set aside his agenda for a more objective view of things.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
again, I dont give a fuck what Bill said. I have the ability to form my own opinions. you want to know how I feel read my posts.
luckily, it's not a "fact" that idiotic people blindly follow fox news and lap up what o'riley has to say.
that's the equivalent of some right winger coming on here saying all you people lap up what eddie vedder incoherently babbles.
the truth is, the people that are most interested in politics choose our own news sources. you maynot view oriley as news, but i don't really give much credibility to npr, cnn, or real idiots like eddie vedder, al franken, or jon stewart. well, ok, jon stewart is pretty sharp...but seriously, eddie vedder is probably the dumbest human being i've ever heard speak. granted, nancy pelosi isn't far behind. partisans, which most of us are, or ideologues, whatever, are able to choose our news sources.
in some utopia, there is such a thing as an objective news source, but in reality, there isn't. the beauty of our system is that there are a variety of viewpoints out there that we can listen to.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
sorry sister, you have the arrow of causality mixed up. "these people" (nice rip off of my take on you people) watch fox news because they agree with their perspective to begin with. in other words, conservatives aren't interested in watching katie lauer telling us what's on the agenda. instead, we seek out news sources that actually get it.
speaking of idiots, i've actually talked to many who believe michael fox when he says that republicans don't like stem cell research!
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
ok, if you don't understand the definition of winning, then seriously, you have to take the blinders off.
if you honestly believe there is no plan for victory, take the blinders off.
the plan has been all along is to train the iraqi forces so that they can take control. if you honestly don't know that...sorry, you're not smart.
unfortunately, the drive by media has you and your ilk hook line and sinker. it's all about bush. yet you can't see the big picture. I don't believe you people understand the world as it actually exists, and that's unfortunate.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days