google "obama cfr" and read away. read up on the cfr, their members, and their agenda.
for fun you can also google "hillary cfr", "guiliani cfr", "mccain cfr", "romney cfr".. well basically every candidate - except ron paul.
i know a lot of people like obama. he's on the young side, he's very charismatic, and he makes you feel warm and fuzzy when he sings his song about "change". but when it comes down to it, and you look beneath all that stuff, he's just another establishment puppet.
LOL....I did in fact google "Obama cfr" and guess what i found? all I found to say that he was a member of the cfr were blogs from Ron Paul supporters! and of course the cfr sight which gives descriptions of ALL of the candidates including Ron Paul
however when i googled "Ron Paul cfr" I did find some commentary talking about some talking head that was a memeber of the cfr and it gave links to the cfr membership lists for '04 thru' 07. which lead me to google "membership list cfr" and guess who's name is NOT on any of the CFR membership list? that's right, Barack Obama, nor his wife Michelle, nor anyone with the last name Obama.
I'm bookmarking that list for everytime the Paultards on this board repeatedly tries to make the claim that Obama is a member of the CFR
the Paultards also should wrap around their brains that if a candidate gives a speech at a meeting of "Kindergarten Teachers of New England" it doesn't make that candidate a Kindergarten Teacher from New England. nor are they beholden to abide by the political agenda of the "Kindergarten Teachers of New England" or that of any group or organization that they give a speech to.
Jesus H. Christ I shouldn't even have to be explaining any of this
Lies? If you want lies just tune into the next Obama speech. You'll get a good dose of em.
You need to understand the system better from a top down approach.
If you're against more war and want to bring the troops home, honestly, don't vote for Obama. He's not about stopping that situation any time soon.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
And what does Michelle Obama being a member of the The Chicago Council on Global Affairs have anything to do with the CFR? Their names are similar?
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Lies? If you want lies just tune into the next Obama speech. You'll get a good dose of em.
You need to understand the system better from a top down approach.
If you're against more war and want to bring the troops home, honestly, don't vote for Obama. He's not about stopping that situation any time soon.
and this is how i responded to your pitiful attempts at making smears:
Michelle Obama
Vice President for Community and External Affairs, The University of Chicago Medical Center
wow could this have anything to do with her and her husband in regards to the work they've done to bring more more awareness and trying to get funding/donations for affordable medications for those suffering in the AIDS crisis in Africa? nah...i'm sure it must be because the Obamas are in cahoots with Dr. Evil to take over and rule the world...afterall it is The Chicago Council on GLOBAL Affairs....haha, your paranoia is silly.
once again show some proof that Obama is a member. just because the CFR website gives a description of all the Presidental candidates and where they stand on a few issues doesn't make that candidate a member.
If you're against more war and want to bring the troops home, honestly, don't vote for Obama. He's not about stopping that situation any time soon
I guess you know someone that would have the troops home in a few days? :rolleyes:
from Obama's site:
Bring Our Troops Home: Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats.
as for my google skills. there's noting wrong with them. you just don't like the truth of what I found or what anyone can find if they google "Obama cfr" or "Ron Paul cfr" or "membership list cfr" so you attack me (the messenger) rather than the truth of what i found...
and this is how i responded to your pitiful attempts at making smears:
Michelle Obama
Vice President for Community and External Affairs, The University of Chicago Medical Center
wow could this have anything to do with her and her husband in regards to the work they've done to bring more more awareness and trying to get funding/donations for affordable medications for those suffering in the AIDS crisis in Africa? nah...i'm sure it must be because the Obamas are in cahoots with Dr. Evil to take over and rule the world...afterall it is The Chicago Council on GLOBAL Affairs....haha, your paranoia is silly.
once again show some proof that Obama is a member. just because the CFR website gives a description of all the Presidental candidates and where they stand on a few issues doesn't make that candidate a member.
I guess you know someone that would have the troops home in a few days? :rolleyes:
from Obama's site:
Bring Our Troops Home: Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats.
as for my google skills. there's noting wrong with them. you just don't like the truth of what I found or what anyone can find if they google "Obama cfr" or "Ron Paul cfr" or "membership list cfr" so you attack me (the messenger) rather than the truth of what i found...
you do realize what that makes you look like?
A lot of links have been pulled. Interesting. His wife isa member of the Chicago branch, regardless of what you think it's about. She's a rather high up member as well.
Did you miss his AIPAC speech? It takes everything you just said and essentially tosses it in the garbage.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
and this is how i responded to your pitiful attempts at making smears:
Michelle Obama
Vice President for Community and External Affairs, The University of Chicago Medical Center
wow could this have anything to do with her and her husband in regards to the work they've done to bring more more awareness and trying to get funding/donations for affordable medications for those suffering in the AIDS crisis in Africa? nah...i'm sure it must be because the Obamas are in cahoots with Dr. Evil to take over and rule the world...afterall it is The Chicago Council on GLOBAL Affairs....haha, your paranoia is silly.
once again show some proof that Obama is a member. just because the CFR website gives a description of all the Presidental candidates and where they stand on a few issues doesn't make that candidate a member.
I guess you know someone that would have the troops home in a few days? :rolleyes:
from Obama's site:
Bring Our Troops Home: Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats.
as for my google skills. there's noting wrong with them. you just don't like the truth of what I found or what anyone can find if they google "Obama cfr" or "Ron Paul cfr" or "membership list cfr" so you attack me (the messenger) rather than the truth of what i found...
you do realize what that makes you look like?
Dude, prism, don't you know that Roland has it ALL figured out. No proof of links or information will change his mind. If you are not voting for Ron Paul you are clueless and might as well wipe your ass with the American flag, no matter how long you have been involved or interested in politics.
Just baaaaa like a sheep and let him get whatever saisfaction he gets from his lies and slander.
The main reason I would never support Ron Paul....the Paultards make the man look like a joke. The backwards EVOL on the Revolution signs are a nice touch to the craziness. If I were the media I would take him as seriously as the 9/11 theorists who say that the news animated planes flying into the WTC to cover up the planted bombs.
Dude, prism, don't you know that Roland has it ALL figured out. No proof of links or information will change his mind. If you are not voting for Ron Paul you are clueless and might as well wipe your ass with the American flag, no matter how long you have been involved or interested in politics.
Just baaaaa like a sheep and let him get whatever saisfaction he gets from his lies and slander.
The main reason I would never support Ron Paul....the Paultards make the man look like a joke. The backwards EVOL on the Revolution signs are a nice touch to the craziness. If I were the media I would take him as seriously as the 9/11 theorists who say that the news animated planes flying into the WTC to cover up the planted bombs.
fitting. ANy man with an original plan is ridiculed and ignored.
I do actually. So do a lot of people. the facts of the matter speak for themselves. Do some research on Obama and you'll quickly find out for yourself what the guy is really all about.
And what if you agree with what he is really about?.. opinions are a bitch.
I hope he gets the Democrat nomination because he will be crushed by the Republicans during the election.
You're confusing Obama with Hillary. Unlike Hillary, Obama has the ability to unite both sides. Thats why so many conservatives like him. Do some research.
A lot of links have been pulled. Interesting. His wife isa member of the Chicago branch, regardless of what you think it's about. She's a rather high up member as well.
Did you miss his AIPAC speech? It takes everything you just said and essentially tosses it in the garbage.
his wife is a member of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. and like someone above said just because the name is somewhat similar to the Council on Foreign Relations does NOT make it the same thing.
I read the AIPAC speech. it's funny how you left out this paragraph when you posted it:
We can and we should help Israelis and Palestinians both fulfill their national goals: two states living side by side in peace and security. Both the Israeli and Palestinian people have suffered from the failure to achieve this goal. The United States should leave no stone unturned in working to make that goal a reality
and since you didn't get it the first time I said it:
the Paultards also should wrap around their brains that if a candidate gives a speech at a meeting of "Kindergarten Teachers of New England" it doesn't make that candidate a Kindergarten Teacher from New England. nor are they beholden to abide by the political agenda of the "Kindergarten Teachers of New England" or that of any group or organization that they give a speech to.
Jesus H. Christ I shouldn't even have to be explaining any of this yet again
fitting. ANy man with an original plan is ridiculed and ignored.
Do you know what it means to be conservative?
Why is it when someone like myself or Prism says anything about Ron Paul we are ridiculing him, but when the Paul crew say something slanderous about our candidate we cannot defend him.
Where the hell did the conservative comment come from? Yes I know what it means and Paul is the most conservative candidate. I never called that into question.
his wife is a member of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. and like someone above said just because the name is somewhat similar to the Council on Foreign Relations does NOT make it the same thing.
I read the AIPAC speech. it's funny how you left out this paragraph when you posted it:
We can and we should help Israelis and Palestinians both fulfill their national goals: two states living side by side in peace and security. Both the Israeli and Palestinian people have suffered from the failure to achieve this goal. The United States should leave no stone unturned in working to make that goal a reality
and since you didn't get it the first time I said it:
the Paultards also should wrap around their brains that if a candidate gives a speech at a meeting of "Kindergarten Teachers of New England" it doesn't make that candidate a Kindergarten Teacher from New England. nor are they beholden to abide by the political agenda of the "Kindergarten Teachers of New England" or that of any group or organization that they give a speech to.
Jesus H. Christ I shouldn't even have to be explaining any of this yet again
It's the Chicago branch of the CFR, and she is on the board of directors.
I'm glad you read the AIPAC speech. You should pay more attention to all the pro war remarks and rhetoric he made reference to.
He gives speeches to CFR members at CFR events, and he's actually married to one of the board of directors. Funny how there are many references to him being a member, and he avoids questions on whether he's a member during interviews.
I can clearly see he's miles apart from that institution, and nowhere close to being a member :rolleyes:
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
And what i'm hearing is:
"We're getting fucked in the ass, but at least the rapist is a smooth talker. He tells me i'm cute, calls me kitten, says i can really move, and i like that!"
Dude, prism, don't you know that Roland has it ALL figured out. No proof of links or information will change his mind. If you are not voting for Ron Paul you are clueless and might as well wipe your ass with the American flag, no matter how long you have been involved or interested in politics.
Just baaaaa like a sheep and let him get whatever saisfaction he gets from his lies and slander.
The main reason I would never support Ron Paul....the Paultards make the man look like a joke. The backwards EVOL on the Revolution signs are a nice touch to the craziness. If I were the media I would take him as seriously as the 9/11 theorists who say that the news animated planes flying into the WTC to cover up the planted bombs.
that's because most of the conspiracy theorist ARE Paultards. just read some of the blog entries from Ron Paul supporters when you google anything to do with his'd almost be funny if it weren't for so many people believing in how all of the other candidates are evil, who's only intentions are to take over the world, brought to us by those doing the Ron Paul silly song and dance routine
i dont think any of the candidates except McCain are really for continuing the war. My feeling is that they are trying to stay middle of the road and not expressly say they are against the war to avoid pissing off anyone or get called a coward. In truth, i think none of them want this clusterfuck handed off to them, and they will quietly and methodically start reducing troop levels. Not because they are against it, but because none of them have the stomach for it if their poll numbers start declining once in office. and they would love to be hailed as the hero who ended the war (after declaring victory of course).
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,210
i dont think any of the candidates except McCain are really for continuing the war. My feeling is that they are trying to stay middle of the road and not expressly say they are against the war to avoid pissing off anyone or get called a coward. In truth, i think none of them want this clusterfuck handed off to them, and they will quietly and methodically start reducing troop levels. Not because they are against it, but because none of them have the stomach for it if their poll numbers start declining once in office. and they would love to be hailed as the hero who ended the war (after declaring victory of course).
This is exactly what i don't like about Obama/Hillary they play boths sides of the road.
Dennis Kucinich will get my vote cause he tells it like it is, he'll bring the troops home NOW. He's also anti CFR.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
All I know is that if RP made any insinuation that he was possibly taking the route of a pro war stance I would seriously reconsider him altogether. Any candidate for that matter.
Every GOP candidate except for RP is pro war. All the candidates will do what they're told as president in this regard, and let's face it, if another "terrorist incident" occurs, any candidate that hasn't been vehemently opposed to the idea of military action in every regard will be right back at in no time. Business as usual.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
It's the Chicago branch of the CFR, and she is on the board of directors.
ummmm... no, it's not a branch of the CFR.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
It's the Chicago branch of the CFR, and she is on the board of directors.
I'm glad you read the AIPAC speech. You should pay more attention to all the pro war remarks and rhetoric he made reference to.
He gives speeches to CFR members at CFR events, and he's actually married to one of the board of directors. Funny how there are many references to him being a member, and he avoids questions on whether he's a member during interviews.
I can clearly see he's miles apart from that institution, and nowhere close to being a member :rolleyes:
NO, it's not the "Chicago branch of the CFR" as you put it.
from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs FAQ:
Is The Chicago Council affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City?
The two organizations are not affiliated. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs was founded in 1922 as The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. Although our former name was similar, The Chicago Council is now, and has always been, an independent organization. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is not affiliated with any other organization.
you might also find these Q&A's interesting about the Chicago Council on Global Affairs:
Does the Council support a particular political viewpoint?
The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is an independent, nonpartisan organization that does not endorse any viewpoint, political or otherwise.
Is The Chicago Council a nonprofit organization?
Yes. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is registered as a nonprofit educational organization, under section 501(c)3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue code.
so Obama's wife is on the board of directors. good on her
the ONLY references to Obama being a member of the CFR come from the blogs of Paultards. show me an interview where he was asked if he was a CFR member and he dodged the question. as for the cfr membership list here we go again
so according to you if Obama gives a speech to an organization called "Housewives of Florida" that makes him a housewife from Florida? or close to being a housewife from Florida and beholden to their political agenda?
dude just admit that you're been wrong. that and you were just too quick to swallow every single thing that the Paultards have said to make any of the other candidates look bad while they are so desperately grasping at straws.
it's one thing that as a Canadian you can't even vote for President of the US, but you are entitled to your opinion. however when you use your opinion in an attempt to trash candidates (or anyone else) and spread flat out lies about them, then you need to get over yourself already and knock it off. unless of course you enjoy looking like a complete fool.
The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, founded in 1922 as The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations,
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
NO, it's not the "Chicago branch of the CFR" as you put it.
*edited for lack of accurate content*
okie if you say so...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, founded in 1922 as The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations,
the wiki site doesn't mention that even when the Chicago Council on Global Affairs was known as the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations they were NOT related to the CFR even though the name was similar. I would even hazard a guess that they changed their name as people found it confusing and thus assumed that they were affilliated with each other
Is The Chicago Council affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City?
The two organizations are not affiliated. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs was founded in 1922 as The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. Although our former name was similar, The Chicago Council is now, and has always been, an independent organization. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is not affiliated with any other organization.
you just keep on keep on playing the fool. just because the wiki page leaves out any mention that The Chicago Council on Global Affairs IS NOT affillated with the CFR despite their former name, does not not make them affiliated because you want them to be
the wiki site doesn't mention that even when the Chicago Council on Global Affairs was known as the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations they were NOT related to the CFR even though the name was similar. I would even hazard a guess that they changed their name as people found it confusing and thus assumed that they were affilliated with each other
Is The Chicago Council affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City?
The two organizations are not affiliated. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs was founded in 1922 as The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. Although our former name was similar, The Chicago Council is now, and has always been, an independent organization. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is not affiliated with any other organization.
Yes all these big international political figures go to all these small unassociated chapters that are totally unrelated to give speeches that affect the universal US foreign policy.
That sounds about right :rolleyes: Just like the entire media in the US is structured right?
You're hilarious.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
you just keep on keep on playing the fool. just because the wiki page leaves out any mention that The Chicago Council on Global Affairs IS NOT affillated with the CFR despite their former name, does not not make them affiliated because you want them to be
My really don't know do you.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Does talking down to people get your pants tight or something?
How many political campaigns have you been on and for how many years have you studied political science? You can't learn politics truly through youtube and wikipedia no matter how much you wish it were true.
Does talking down to people get your pants tight or something?
How many political campaigns have you been on and for how many years have you studied political science? You can't learn politics truly through youtube and wikipedia no matter how much you wish it were true.
Well if you want to call me a fool I'll gladly point out any misunderstandings when it's apt and due.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Well if you want to call me a fool I'll gladly point out any misunderstandings when it's apt and due.
I'm not calling you a fool. Just asking you to answer the question. How many political campaigns have you been on, and how many years have you studied political science?
LOL....I did in fact google "Obama cfr" and guess what i found? all I found to say that he was a member of the cfr were blogs from Ron Paul supporters! and of course the cfr sight which gives descriptions of ALL of the candidates including Ron Paul
however when i googled "Ron Paul cfr" I did find some commentary talking about some talking head that was a memeber of the cfr and it gave links to the cfr membership lists for '04 thru' 07. which lead me to google "membership list cfr" and guess who's name is NOT on any of the CFR membership list? that's right, Barack Obama, nor his wife Michelle, nor anyone with the last name Obama.
I'm bookmarking that list for everytime the Paultards on this board repeatedly tries to make the claim that Obama is a member of the CFR
the Paultards also should wrap around their brains that if a candidate gives a speech at a meeting of "Kindergarten Teachers of New England" it doesn't make that candidate a Kindergarten Teacher from New England. nor are they beholden to abide by the political agenda of the "Kindergarten Teachers of New England" or that of any group or organization that they give a speech to.
Jesus H. Christ I shouldn't even have to be explaining any of this
angels share laughter
kindly read post #34 above and stop with the lies already
angels share laughter
No offense, but your google skills suck. I already posted this in response to you in another Obama thread
Scroll down for Michelle:
Lies? If you want lies just tune into the next Obama speech. You'll get a good dose of em.
You need to understand the system better from a top down approach.
If you're against more war and want to bring the troops home, honestly, don't vote for Obama. He's not about stopping that situation any time soon.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Ron Paul has a write up to on the CFR site as well... does that mean he is member?
And what does Michelle Obama being a member of the The Chicago Council on Global Affairs have anything to do with the CFR? Their names are similar?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
and this is how i responded to your pitiful attempts at making smears:
Michelle Obama
Vice President for Community and External Affairs, The University of Chicago Medical Center
wow could this have anything to do with her and her husband in regards to the work they've done to bring more more awareness and trying to get funding/donations for affordable medications for those suffering in the AIDS crisis in Africa? nah...i'm sure it must be because the Obamas are in cahoots with Dr. Evil to take over and rule the world...afterall it is The Chicago Council on GLOBAL Affairs....haha, your paranoia is silly.
using your logic then it must be also be widely known that Ron Paul is a member of the CFR Oh Nos!!!
once again show some proof that Obama is a member. just because the CFR website gives a description of all the Presidental candidates and where they stand on a few issues doesn't make that candidate a member.
I guess you know someone that would have the troops home in a few days? :rolleyes:
from Obama's site:
Bring Our Troops Home: Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats.
as for my google skills. there's noting wrong with them. you just don't like the truth of what I found or what anyone can find if they google "Obama cfr" or "Ron Paul cfr" or "membership list cfr" so you attack me (the messenger) rather than the truth of what i found...
you do realize what that makes you look like?
angels share laughter
A lot of links have been pulled. Interesting. His wife isa member of the Chicago branch, regardless of what you think it's about. She's a rather high up member as well.
Here he is giving a speech at the CFR from his own website:
Did you miss his AIPAC speech? It takes everything you just said and essentially tosses it in the garbage.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Dude, prism, don't you know that Roland has it ALL figured out. No proof of links or information will change his mind. If you are not voting for Ron Paul you are clueless and might as well wipe your ass with the American flag, no matter how long you have been involved or interested in politics.
Just baaaaa like a sheep and let him get whatever saisfaction he gets from his lies and slander.
The main reason I would never support Ron Paul....the Paultards make the man look like a joke. The backwards EVOL on the Revolution signs are a nice touch to the craziness. If I were the media I would take him as seriously as the 9/11 theorists who say that the news animated planes flying into the WTC to cover up the planted bombs.
fitting. ANy man with an original plan is ridiculed and ignored.
Do you know what it means to be conservative?
his wife is a member of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. and like someone above said just because the name is somewhat similar to the Council on Foreign Relations does NOT make it the same thing.
I read the AIPAC speech. it's funny how you left out this paragraph when you posted it:
We can and we should help Israelis and Palestinians both fulfill their national goals: two states living side by side in peace and security. Both the Israeli and Palestinian people have suffered from the failure to achieve this goal. The United States should leave no stone unturned in working to make that goal a reality
and since you didn't get it the first time I said it:
the Paultards also should wrap around their brains that if a candidate gives a speech at a meeting of "Kindergarten Teachers of New England" it doesn't make that candidate a Kindergarten Teacher from New England. nor are they beholden to abide by the political agenda of the "Kindergarten Teachers of New England" or that of any group or organization that they give a speech to.
Jesus H. Christ I shouldn't even have to be explaining any of this yet again
angels share laughter
Why is it when someone like myself or Prism says anything about Ron Paul we are ridiculing him, but when the Paul crew say something slanderous about our candidate we cannot defend him.
Where the hell did the conservative comment come from? Yes I know what it means and Paul is the most conservative candidate. I never called that into question.
It's the Chicago branch of the CFR, and she is on the board of directors.
I'm glad you read the AIPAC speech. You should pay more attention to all the pro war remarks and rhetoric he made reference to.
He gives speeches to CFR members at CFR events, and he's actually married to one of the board of directors. Funny how there are many references to him being a member, and he avoids questions on whether he's a member during interviews.
I can clearly see he's miles apart from that institution, and nowhere close to being a member :rolleyes:
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
that's because most of the conspiracy theorist ARE Paultards. just read some of the blog entries from Ron Paul supporters when you google anything to do with his'd almost be funny if it weren't for so many people believing in how all of the other candidates are evil, who's only intentions are to take over the world, brought to us by those doing the Ron Paul silly song and dance routine
angels share laughter
i dont think any of the candidates except McCain are really for continuing the war. My feeling is that they are trying to stay middle of the road and not expressly say they are against the war to avoid pissing off anyone or get called a coward. In truth, i think none of them want this clusterfuck handed off to them, and they will quietly and methodically start reducing troop levels. Not because they are against it, but because none of them have the stomach for it if their poll numbers start declining once in office. and they would love to be hailed as the hero who ended the war (after declaring victory of course).
This is exactly what i don't like about Obama/Hillary they play boths sides of the road.
Dennis Kucinich will get my vote cause he tells it like it is, he'll bring the troops home NOW. He's also anti CFR.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Every GOP candidate except for RP is pro war. All the candidates will do what they're told as president in this regard, and let's face it, if another "terrorist incident" occurs, any candidate that hasn't been vehemently opposed to the idea of military action in every regard will be right back at in no time. Business as usual.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
ummmm... no, it's not a branch of the CFR.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
NO, it's not the "Chicago branch of the CFR" as you put it.
from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs FAQ:
Is The Chicago Council affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City?
The two organizations are not affiliated. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs was founded in 1922 as The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. Although our former name was similar, The Chicago Council is now, and has always been, an independent organization. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is not affiliated with any other organization.
you might also find these Q&A's interesting about the Chicago Council on Global Affairs:
Does the Council support a particular political viewpoint?
The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is an independent, nonpartisan organization that does not endorse any viewpoint, political or otherwise.
Is The Chicago Council a nonprofit organization?
Yes. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is registered as a nonprofit educational organization, under section 501(c)3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue code.
so Obama's wife is on the board of directors. good on her
the ONLY references to Obama being a member of the CFR come from the blogs of Paultards. show me an interview where he was asked if he was a CFR member and he dodged the question. as for the cfr membership list here we go again
so according to you if Obama gives a speech to an organization called "Housewives of Florida" that makes him a housewife from Florida? or close to being a housewife from Florida and beholden to their political agenda?
dude just admit that you're been wrong. that and you were just too quick to swallow every single thing that the Paultards have said to make any of the other candidates look bad while they are so desperately grasping at straws.
it's one thing that as a Canadian you can't even vote for President of the US, but you are entitled to your opinion. however when you use your opinion in an attempt to trash candidates (or anyone else) and spread flat out lies about them, then you need to get over yourself already and knock it off. unless of course you enjoy looking like a complete fool.
angels share laughter
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ How many CFR's do you think there is in the US?
Also as per wikipedia:
The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, founded in 1922 as The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
okie if you say so...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
the wiki site doesn't mention that even when the Chicago Council on Global Affairs was known as the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations they were NOT related to the CFR even though the name was similar. I would even hazard a guess that they changed their name as people found it confusing and thus assumed that they were affilliated with each other
from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs FAQ:
Is The Chicago Council affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City?
The two organizations are not affiliated. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs was founded in 1922 as The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. Although our former name was similar, The Chicago Council is now, and has always been, an independent organization. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is not affiliated with any other organization.
angels share laughter
you just keep on keep on playing the fool. just because the wiki page leaves out any mention that The Chicago Council on Global Affairs IS NOT affillated with the CFR despite their former name, does not not make them affiliated because you want them to be
angels share laughter
Yes all these big international political figures go to all these small unassociated chapters that are totally unrelated to give speeches that affect the universal US foreign policy.
That sounds about right :rolleyes: Just like the entire media in the US is structured right?
You're hilarious.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
My really don't know do you.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Does talking down to people get your pants tight or something?
How many political campaigns have you been on and for how many years have you studied political science? You can't learn politics truly through youtube and wikipedia no matter how much you wish it were true.
Well if you want to call me a fool I'll gladly point out any misunderstandings when it's apt and due.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I'm not calling you a fool. Just asking you to answer the question. How many political campaigns have you been on, and how many years have you studied political science?