Bullshit! Clinton has listed all of his failures and even requested that the 9/11 commission list them too. They didn't...probably so the Bush Administraton could continue to hide behine Clinton's failings instead of owning up to their own.
6 years later, and they still blame Clinton. That is pathetic, and representative of their profound lack of ability to do anything on their own except line thier pockets on the backs of the middle class.
Clinton talks about Richard Clarke. The guy was a tool for twenty years under several administrations.
By the way what did Richard Clarke do to prevent any of this ??? Counter-terrorism expert, my ass !
What did Richard Clarke do to prevent this? I belive being demoted by the Bush administration was his key effort. He tried meeting with Bush, but W would have nothing to do with him
While I do think Clinton was a decent president, he wasn't perfect. I think in this day, all you can judge a presidency on is if we were better off when they were finished as we were when they started. In Clinton's case, I think he did more good than bad.
I will defend a few of these, and some others, either I don't know enough about, or you are right, these are mistakes.
1.) The Murrah building (domestic terrorism)
C'mon, you can't be serious with this one? A event that no one could have expected, and the two people responsible were either sentenced to death or life in prison.
3.) The Cole Bombing
Happend at end of his presidency, and the al-quaeda connection wasn't confirmed until the very end.
4.) Marc Rich Pardon (fugitive - illegal oil dealings with Iran, Iraq, Libya - Commodities Deals gone wrong - ruining thousands of peoples lives / savings ). All for some campaign contributions to Hillary and a donation by Denise Rich to the Clinton Library. So ridiculous, I can't even find the words.
A shady pardon yes... he did have to pay $100 million fine. However, this isn't the first, and won't be the last shady pardon that a president grants when leaving. President George HW Bush pardened severy Reagan officials accused/convicted in the Iran Contra scandal.
6.) Clinton also was strong proponent of Weapons of Mass Destruction Theory and continued sanctions in Iraq (also attacked Iraq on the eve of the Monica Lewinsky scandal - absolutely ridiculous - Iraq's non-disclosure of WMD was the reason ).
Yes, he was a believer in Iraq having WMD's... so was most of the government at that point. The difference is that he didn't invade the country because of it.
9.) Able Danger and identification of Mohammed Atta in 1999, on three separate occasions. The inability to raise the issue due to a "Wall" created by deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick (Clinton Appointee) between FBI and military regarding sharing of information. That "Wall" limited intelligence sharing, because of civil liberty concerns. I for one would like the 3,000 plus people back and would compromise some liberties on a limited basis - Would you, maybe not????)
Gorelick didn't create this wall, it was in place well before she got there. Yes, she may have strenthend it, but to blame her for creating it is wrong.
9.) Clinton's Many Personal Issues - I won't even get into these.
And what do these have to do with security?
That was my 2 minute response to some of these, I'm sure others will be able to do it better, but I wanted to get something in before I ran out the door to work..
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Clinton talks about his regrets quite often, and those include things you brought up in your list of gaffes. How does expressing regret translate into being beyond blame?
Again, you are playing the sympathiser for Clinton, step back and realize there were many, many mistakes. He was not infallible (just like Bush) and he deserves blame. By the way Clinton did not express these regrets during presidency, he ran from his mistakes and was not truly attacked by the media for them. Does anyone remember that the mainstream media (namely ABC and CBS - what a surprise) sat on the Lewinsky information for months. It took, an unexpected web page (Matt Drudge) to break that story. If it was Bush, it would have been out the day it occurred. The media is not affording Bush the same luxury as Clinton, because they fell in love with smooth talking, soft and cuddly "Mr. Bill" a long time ago.
Expressing regret does not absolve ones failures. It's a first step !!! Why do people protect this guy is beyond me. It has taken years for people to see that the Clinton presidency was not what it was cracked up to be.
My real problem is with this thread and the fact that people here attack Bush as if he is the worst president ever, yet in the grand scheme of history of the presidency, that is nowhere near true.
1.) Many people here have too short a memory, no sense of history and a convenient Chomsky agenda (thanks in part to Ed whom I have a love/hate relationship with).
2.) This war (of which I have two willing and able relatives serving in) despite the mistakes, needs perspective. However it is hunting season now that the elections are coming. The democrats and the media are desperate, and may just help switch the balance of congress.
3.) To make Bush out to be the worst thing that has ever happened, is not historically or factually correct by any means, not constructive, and the byproduct of intense (liberal) media hatred, which happens to play into the agenda of the less informed, the Chomsky's of this world and the "peace by all means" groups.
is it also "fair and balanced" that no other news organization besides fox would ask Clinton a tough question? whats fair is fair
was it 'fair and balanced' when they kept repeating that kerry said more foriegn leaders support him lie even after the audio tape surfaced showing he didn't say that?
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
was it 'fair and balanced' when they kept repeating that kerry said more foriegn leaders support him lie even after the audio tape surfaced showing he didn't say that?
your not seeing my point. if its so unfair and unbalanced for fox news to lean to the right then why is it ok for every other new origanization to openly lean to left.
i'm not defending fox but at least they give an effort to see both sides, albeit a small effort. the other outlets, openly admit they lean to the left and bash bush as much as humanly possible.
Again, you are playing the sympathiser for Clinton, step back and realize there were many, many mistakes. He was not infallible (just like Bush) and he deserves blame. By the way Clinton did not express these regrets during presidency, he ran from his mistakes and was not truly attacked by the media for them. Does anyone remember that the mainstream media (namely ABC and CBS - what a surprise) sat on the Lewinsky information for months. It took, an unexpected web page (Matt Drudge) to break that story. If it was Bush, it would have been out the day it occurred. The media is not affording Bush the same luxury as Clinton, because they fell in love with smooth talking, soft and cuddly "Mr. Bill" a long time ago.
Expressing regret does not absolve ones failures. It's a first step !!! Why do people protect this guy is beyond me. It has taken years for people to see that the Clinton presidency was not what it was cracked up to be.
My real problem is with this thread and the fact that people here attack Bush as if he is the worst president ever, yet in the grand scheme of history of the presidency, that is nowhere near true.
1.) Many people here have too short a memory, no sense of history and a convenient Chomsky agenda (thanks in part to Ed whom I have a love/hate relationship with).
2.) This war (of which I have two willing and able relatives serving in) despite the mistakes, needs perspective. However it is hunting season now that the elections are coming. The democrats and the media are desperate, and may just help switch the balance of congress.
3.) To make Bush out to be the worst thing that has ever happened, is not historically or factually correct by any means, not constructive, and the byproduct of intense (liberal) media hatred, which happens to play into the agenda of the less informed, the Chomsky's of this world and the "peace by all means" groups.
1) No one here has a "Chomsky Agenda". People here are sick of having their freedoms sucked away for the sake of an illegal war that we cannot win. Not to mention the various other fuck ups and secretive manner of this whole administration since day one.
2)This is not only open season for Democrats on the War in Iraq, but for both parties. The Republicans are trying to tie it to the war on terror (the only part of this administrations approval rating to be above 50%). Democrats are using the war to balance the power in Washington. The War in Iraq is a prime example of this nations government as an abuse of power.
3) Fire itself could not damage the Constitution more than this administration has. They feel they have no limits to their powers. Not many people here are "peace by all means". I think those people have a point, but it isn't possible. I was all for bringing down the Taliban. The only thing that will answer the quesion if Bush is the worst President ever, is time. I believe time and the eight years he will have been in office, will not be looked upon too well in the future.
Again, you are playing the sympathiser for Clinton, step back and realize there were many, many mistakes. He was not infallible (just like Bush) and he deserves blame. By the way Clinton did not express these regrets during presidency, he ran from his mistakes and was not truly attacked by the media for them. Does anyone remember that the mainstream media (namely ABC and CBS - what a surprise) sat on the Lewinsky information for months. It took, an unexpected web page (Matt Drudge) to break that story. If it was Bush, it would have been out the day it occurred. The media is not affording Bush the same luxury as Clinton, because they fell in love with smooth talking, soft and cuddly "Mr. Bill" a long time ago.
If by bringing up that Clinton has acknowledged mistakes he made and expressed regret for them, assigns me the role of sympathiser then I accept that role freely. What role are you playing?
It's odd that you think that Clinton wasn't attacked by the media, I seem to remember him being lambasted continously. But I guess I must have dreamt that. That kind of thing happens a lot with my problematic short memory.
"If you cannot answer a man's argument, do not panic. You can always call him names." Oscar Wilde
"All of us are entitled to our own opinion but not our own facts." Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan
1) No one here has a "Chomsky Agenda". People here are sick of having their freedoms sucked away for the sake of an illegal war that we cannot win. Not to mention the various other fuck ups and secretive manner of this whole administration since day one.
The words you use, "Secretive" and "Illegal" are all conjecture. This rambling is in no way true in light of the facts. You have taken the next step and followed the Democrats current mantra, because they no longer have power and need an edge, which may work. Many in this forum will listen to the ramblings rather than truly seeing the facts.
You can not like the war and I respect that, but the intelligence (which every one had wrong), Saddam's defiance, and the continued increase in Islamic Fundamentalism is what led us into the war. The reasons for being secretive are normal, and every administrative has the right to secrecy if national security is a concern. In other words we do not have to know everything, because if we do, so does our enemy . This secretive crap has been trumped up by the Bush-hating media and there is no way you can defend a lie.
At various times in our country's history we have had to do things that temporarily restrained freedoms (time dictates if those decisions were right or wrong). They all have come to pass and have to be taken in proper context.
Again, I'd gladly take back the thousands who died on 9/11 and the many hundreds of thousands of lives that have been affected since then, to forsake some civil liberties, and drop the "Wall" so that two parts of government could share information to bring down Mohammed Atta, before it happened.
Ohhh, and if you can prove to me where the current warrantless "wire tapping" program for National Security purposes has gotten anyone inadvertantly arrested or defamed.
What makes your argument to losing freedoms more ridiculous is that the this warrantless "wire tapping" program is no different than those that have occurred during wartime in the past.
Why is this any different than say Clintons or Carters Executive order that allowed the Attorney General to conduct warrantless physical searches of individuals without court order, which was absolutely legal and within their powers .
Uhh, it happened on Clinton's watch also, and he is not entirely owning up to it.
Does anyone remember 1993. What happened to the towers then.
We were one pillar away (in the parking garage) from a disaster
that would have trumped 9/11. That building was full when that happened.
Clinton was pretty damn lucky that day, but not lucky on many other situations. Do not even think that the smooth talker was beyond blame for anything.
Do I have to bring up other Clinton gaffes / Security related issues:
1.) The Murrah building (domestic terrorism)
2.) Kosovo
3.) The Cole Bombing
4.) Marc Rich Pardon (fugitive - illegal oil dealings with Iran, Iraq, Libya - Commodities Deals gone wrong - ruining thousands of peoples lives / savings ). All for some campaign contributions to Hillary and a donation by Denise Rich to the Clinton Library. So ridiculous, I can't even find the words.
5.) No Troops to Rwanda in 1994 - 1 Million people died in fighting (because of political failure in Somalia - Black Hawk Down). I wonder what those people think of the U.S.
6.) Clinton also was strong proponent of Weapons of Mass Destruction Theory and continued sanctions in Iraq (also attacked Iraq on the eve of the Monica Lewinsky scandal - absolutely ridiculous - Iraq's non-disclosure of WMD was the reason ).
7.) US Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania
8.) Khobar Towers Attack
9.) Able Danger and identification of Mohammed Atta in 1999, on three separate occasions. The inability to raise the issue due to a "Wall" created by deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick (Clinton Appointee) between FBI and military regarding sharing of information. That "Wall" limited intelligence sharing, because of civil liberty concerns. I for one would like the 3,000 plus people back and would compromise some liberties on a limited basis - Would you, maybe not????)
9.) Clinton's Many Personal Issues - I won't even get into these.
There are a myriad of others, but I don't want to bore you.
The point is there is blood on many hands. The current administration does not have to blame Clinton. The blame is there, no need to make it up.
I ask you what did Clinton do to limit terrorism??? Looks like it
has been happening all along. Despite, many weaknesses with Bush,
at least someone is trying to do something about it??? Right or Wrong.
Clinton had 8 years. Bush had 8 months.
Clinton talks about Richard Clarke. The guy was a tool for twenty years under several administrations.
By the way what did Richard Clarke do to prevent any of this ??? Counter-terrorism expert, my ass !
I got this email, or something like it...I just hit the spam button...
If by bringing up that Clinton has acknowledged mistakes he made and expressed regret for them, assigns me the role of sympathiser then I accept that role freely. What role are you playing?
It's odd that you think that Clinton wasn't attacked by the media, I seem to remember him being lambasted continously. But I guess I must have dreamt that. That kind of thing happens a lot with my problematic short memory.
No, Clinton was attacked and lambasted by the Republican Congress and later the Senate which (because the media were not doing their job). The media was reluctantly pulled into many stories. Near the end the media had no choice but to report, as Fox News was beginning to take away their audience.
Fox news is a direct result of the liberal media bias of the time (still to today). The audience could see what was going on, but media criticism was padded. Instead of reporting right and wrong, the news stopped reporting what was wrong when it came to the President.
Who is playing a role here ???? If President Bush screws up I say it, when President Clinton screwed up I stated it. When George Bush SR. screwed up I stated it. The problem is that too many people have bought into a myth that President Bush has conducted business different from any President before him, faced with difficult circumstances.
The media is the one playing the role here and has warped this perception for it's own liberal agendas. The media created its own monster, caught up in faked stories and using its power to distort emotions and take things out of context. Some sheep continue to believe them wholeheartedly.
Thank god for the blogosphere, otherwise they would continue to get away with it.
Oh, and as far as regret is concerned, give Bush the same time after his presidency to do the same.
All presidents do things they regret, but that does not absolve them because they regret.
The love affair with Clinton is extraordinary.
Did anyone see the story about Olbermann receiving a letter with white powder in it at his home? Perhaps that what got him riled up when he made this comment.
5/12/2006 Albany, NY
4/29/2003 Albany, NY
8/24/2000 Jones Beach, NY
9/13/1998 Hartford, CT
10/2/1996 Hartford, CT
forgive me...perhaps I should be happy that I received a unsolicited email...maybe I should have posted it on a message board as if it were my own...
anyhoo...I stubbed my toe this morning...I figured it was Clinton's fault...
What a weird bunch some of my fellow fans are.
Your honestly insinuating that my reasoned response to be some sort of e-mail, regurgitated on this board.
I thought you were joking at my expense. I guess you were actually being serious. What an ill-informed and brainwashed Clinton Appologist you are.
I guess that is why I stopped posting on this forum several years ago as "currentswillshift", I felt much here was beyond repair. The synergy boards had more reasoned individuals.
Looks like "hail hail kc", "cincybearcat" (who I hope is still around), and "jlew24asu" are holding up what is left of the fort.
What a weird bunch some of my fellow fans are.
Your honestly insinuating that my reasoned response to be some sort of e-mail, regurgitated on this board.
I thought you were joking at my expense. I guess you were actually being serious. What an ill-informed and brainwashed Clinton Appologist you are.
I guess that is why I stopped posting on this forum several years ago as "currentswillshift", I felt much here was beyond repair. The synergy boards had more reasoned individuals.
Looks like "hail hail kc", "cincybearcat" (who I hope is still around), and "jlew24asu" are holding up what is left of the fort.
thanks for honoring us with you knowledge and greatness...
anyway, my toe still hurts....fuckin Clinton...what a dick he is...Irak is a quagmire, Afghanistan is unstable again, we are not any safer...and it's all the fault of Slick Willie...
perhaps you could stick around and enlighten us with more of your wit and charm...
No, Clinton was attacked and lambasted by the Republican Congress and later the Senate which (because the media were not doing their job). The media was reluctantly pulled into many stories. Near the end the media had no choice but to report, as Fox News was beginning to take away their audience.
Fox news is a direct result of the liberal media bias of the time (still to today). The audience could see what was going on, but media criticism was padded. Instead of reporting right and wrong, the news stopped reporting what was wrong when it came to the President.
Who is playing a role here ???? If President Bush screws up I say it, when President Clinton screwed up I stated it. When George Bush SR. screwed up I stated it. The problem is that too many people have bought into a myth that President Bush has conducted business different from any President before him, faced with difficult circumstances.
The media is the one playing the role here and has warped this perception for it's own liberal agendas. The media created its own monster, caught up in faked stories and using its power to distort emotions and take things out of context. Some sheep continue to believe them wholeheartedly.
Thank god for the blogosphere, otherwise they would continue to get away with it.
Oh, and as far as regret is concerned, give Bush the same time after his presidency to do the same.
All presidents do things they regret, but that does not absolve them because they regret.
The love affair with Clinton is extraordinary.
You'll have to pardon me, see my short memory must have gotten me into trouble again. See when I thought I remembered watching the networks cream Clinton every night, I should've remembered that I was really just watching CSPAN & FOX NEWS.
No one is absolving Clinton of anything, he made his presidential bed and he has to lie in it. Since leaving office, he's apologized for some of the things in his bed. In hopes to clear his record no doubt, but some would say in order to teach future leaders not to make the same mistakes.
I don't know if Bush will express regret like Clinton has done. If anything he'll probably just blame the Allmighty for giving him bad advice.
"If you cannot answer a man's argument, do not panic. You can always call him names." Oscar Wilde
"All of us are entitled to our own opinion but not our own facts." Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan
6 years later, and they still blame Clinton. That is pathetic, and representative of their profound lack of ability to do anything on their own except line thier pockets on the backs of the middle class.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
What did Richard Clarke do to prevent this? I belive being demoted by the Bush administration was his key effort. He tried meeting with Bush, but W would have nothing to do with him
I will defend a few of these, and some others, either I don't know enough about, or you are right, these are mistakes.
1.) The Murrah building (domestic terrorism)
C'mon, you can't be serious with this one? A event that no one could have expected, and the two people responsible were either sentenced to death or life in prison.
3.) The Cole Bombing
Happend at end of his presidency, and the al-quaeda connection wasn't confirmed until the very end.
4.) Marc Rich Pardon (fugitive - illegal oil dealings with Iran, Iraq, Libya - Commodities Deals gone wrong - ruining thousands of peoples lives / savings ). All for some campaign contributions to Hillary and a donation by Denise Rich to the Clinton Library. So ridiculous, I can't even find the words.
A shady pardon yes... he did have to pay $100 million fine. However, this isn't the first, and won't be the last shady pardon that a president grants when leaving. President George HW Bush pardened severy Reagan officials accused/convicted in the Iran Contra scandal.
6.) Clinton also was strong proponent of Weapons of Mass Destruction Theory and continued sanctions in Iraq (also attacked Iraq on the eve of the Monica Lewinsky scandal - absolutely ridiculous - Iraq's non-disclosure of WMD was the reason
Yes, he was a believer in Iraq having WMD's... so was most of the government at that point. The difference is that he didn't invade the country because of it.
9.) Able Danger and identification of Mohammed Atta in 1999, on three separate occasions. The inability to raise the issue due to a "Wall" created by deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick (Clinton Appointee) between FBI and military regarding sharing of information. That "Wall" limited intelligence sharing, because of civil liberty concerns. I for one would like the 3,000 plus people back and would compromise some liberties on a limited basis - Would you, maybe not????)
Gorelick didn't create this wall, it was in place well before she got there. Yes, she may have strenthend it, but to blame her for creating it is wrong.
9.) Clinton's Many Personal Issues - I won't even get into these.
And what do these have to do with security?
That was my 2 minute response to some of these, I'm sure others will be able to do it better, but I wanted to get something in before I ran out the door to work..
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Again, you are playing the sympathiser for Clinton, step back and realize there were many, many mistakes. He was not infallible (just like Bush) and he deserves blame. By the way Clinton did not express these regrets during presidency, he ran from his mistakes and was not truly attacked by the media for them. Does anyone remember that the mainstream media (namely ABC and CBS - what a surprise) sat on the Lewinsky information for months. It took, an unexpected web page (Matt Drudge) to break that story. If it was Bush, it would have been out the day it occurred. The media is not affording Bush the same luxury as Clinton, because they fell in love with smooth talking, soft and cuddly "Mr. Bill" a long time ago.
Expressing regret does not absolve ones failures. It's a first step !!! Why do people protect this guy is beyond me. It has taken years for people to see that the Clinton presidency was not what it was cracked up to be.
My real problem is with this thread and the fact that people here attack Bush as if he is the worst president ever, yet in the grand scheme of history of the presidency, that is nowhere near true.
1.) Many people here have too short a memory, no sense of history and a convenient Chomsky agenda (thanks in part to Ed whom I have a love/hate relationship with).
2.) This war (of which I have two willing and able relatives serving in) despite the mistakes, needs perspective. However it is hunting season now that the elections are coming. The democrats and the media are desperate, and may just help switch the balance of congress.
3.) To make Bush out to be the worst thing that has ever happened, is not historically or factually correct by any means, not constructive, and the byproduct of intense (liberal) media hatred, which happens to play into the agenda of the less informed, the Chomsky's of this world and the "peace by all means" groups.
was it 'fair and balanced' when they kept repeating that kerry said more foriegn leaders support him lie even after the audio tape surfaced showing he didn't say that?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
your not seeing my point. if its so unfair and unbalanced for fox news to lean to the right then why is it ok for every other new origanization to openly lean to left.
i'm not defending fox but at least they give an effort to see both sides, albeit a small effort. the other outlets, openly admit they lean to the left and bash bush as much as humanly possible.
1) No one here has a "Chomsky Agenda". People here are sick of having their freedoms sucked away for the sake of an illegal war that we cannot win. Not to mention the various other fuck ups and secretive manner of this whole administration since day one.
2)This is not only open season for Democrats on the War in Iraq, but for both parties. The Republicans are trying to tie it to the war on terror (the only part of this administrations approval rating to be above 50%). Democrats are using the war to balance the power in Washington. The War in Iraq is a prime example of this nations government as an abuse of power.
3) Fire itself could not damage the Constitution more than this administration has. They feel they have no limits to their powers. Not many people here are "peace by all means". I think those people have a point, but it isn't possible. I was all for bringing down the Taliban. The only thing that will answer the quesion if Bush is the worst President ever, is time. I believe time and the eight years he will have been in office, will not be looked upon too well in the future.
If by bringing up that Clinton has acknowledged mistakes he made and expressed regret for them, assigns me the role of sympathiser then I accept that role freely. What role are you playing?
It's odd that you think that Clinton wasn't attacked by the media, I seem to remember him being lambasted continously. But I guess I must have dreamt that. That kind of thing happens a lot with my problematic short memory.
"All of us are entitled to our own opinion but not our own facts." Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan
The words you use, "Secretive" and "Illegal" are all conjecture. This rambling is in no way true in light of the facts. You have taken the next step and followed the Democrats current mantra, because they no longer have power and need an edge, which may work. Many in this forum will listen to the ramblings rather than truly seeing the facts.
You can not like the war and I respect that, but the intelligence (which every one had wrong), Saddam's defiance, and the continued increase in Islamic Fundamentalism is what led us into the war. The reasons for being secretive are normal, and every administrative has the right to secrecy if national security is a concern. In other words we do not have to know everything, because if we do, so does our enemy
At various times in our country's history we have had to do things that temporarily restrained freedoms (time dictates if those decisions were right or wrong). They all have come to pass and have to be taken in proper context.
Again, I'd gladly take back the thousands who died on 9/11 and the many hundreds of thousands of lives that have been affected since then, to forsake some civil liberties, and drop the "Wall" so that two parts of government could share information to bring down Mohammed Atta, before it happened.
Ohhh, and if you can prove to me where the current warrantless "wire tapping" program for National Security purposes has gotten anyone inadvertantly arrested or defamed.
What makes your argument to losing freedoms more ridiculous is that the this warrantless "wire tapping" program is no different than those that have occurred during wartime in the past.
Why is this any different than say Clintons or Carters Executive order that allowed the Attorney General to conduct warrantless physical searches of individuals without court order, which was absolutely legal and within their powers .
I got this email, or something like it...I just hit the spam button...
No, Clinton was attacked and lambasted by the Republican Congress and later the Senate which (because the media were not doing their job). The media was reluctantly pulled into many stories. Near the end the media had no choice but to report, as Fox News was beginning to take away their audience.
Fox news is a direct result of the liberal media bias of the time (still to today). The audience could see what was going on, but media criticism was padded. Instead of reporting right and wrong, the news stopped reporting what was wrong when it came to the President.
Who is playing a role here ???? If President Bush screws up I say it, when President Clinton screwed up I stated it. When George Bush SR. screwed up I stated it. The problem is that too many people have bought into a myth that President Bush has conducted business different from any President before him, faced with difficult circumstances.
The media is the one playing the role here and has warped this perception for it's own liberal agendas. The media created its own monster, caught up in faked stories and using its power to distort emotions and take things out of context. Some sheep continue to believe them wholeheartedly.
Thank god for the blogosphere, otherwise they would continue to get away with it.
Oh, and as far as regret is concerned, give Bush the same time after his presidency to do the same.
All presidents do things they regret, but that does not absolve them because they regret.
The love affair with Clinton is extraordinary.
You got to love it..... When the truth is there, just turn it off or discredit with a broad stroke.
Keep following the lambs my friend.
forgive me...perhaps I should be happy that I received a unsolicited email...maybe I should have posted it on a message board as if it were my own...
anyhoo...I stubbed my toe this morning...I figured it was Clinton's fault...
4/29/2003 Albany, NY
8/24/2000 Jones Beach, NY
9/13/1998 Hartford, CT
10/2/1996 Hartford, CT
What a weird bunch some of my fellow fans are.
Your honestly insinuating that my reasoned response to be some sort of e-mail, regurgitated on this board.
I thought you were joking at my expense. I guess you were actually being serious. What an ill-informed and brainwashed Clinton Appologist you are.
I guess that is why I stopped posting on this forum several years ago as "currentswillshift", I felt much here was beyond repair. The synergy boards had more reasoned individuals.
Looks like "hail hail kc", "cincybearcat" (who I hope is still around), and "jlew24asu" are holding up what is left of the fort.
thanks for honoring us with you knowledge and greatness...
anyway, my toe still hurts....fuckin Clinton...what a dick he is...Irak is a quagmire, Afghanistan is unstable again, we are not any safer...and it's all the fault of Slick Willie...
perhaps you could stick around and enlighten us with more of your wit and charm...
You'll have to pardon me, see my short memory must have gotten me into trouble again. See when I thought I remembered watching the networks cream Clinton every night, I should've remembered that I was really just watching CSPAN & FOX NEWS.
No one is absolving Clinton of anything, he made his presidential bed and he has to lie in it. Since leaving office, he's apologized for some of the things in his bed. In hopes to clear his record no doubt, but some would say in order to teach future leaders not to make the same mistakes.
I don't know if Bush will express regret like Clinton has done. If anything he'll probably just blame the Allmighty for giving him bad advice.
"All of us are entitled to our own opinion but not our own facts." Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan