Olbermann’s Special Comment: Are YOURS the actions of a true American?

With the media hyping up the supposed "crazy" actions of Bill Clinton I watched the interview and actually what I thought was "crazy" was Clinton was actually telling the truth and not backing down. He is absolutely right about Fox news and thier "conservative hit job" (conservatives need to watch the documentary on HBO about Barry Goldwater to remember what it is to actually be a concervative but that's a whole different topic) and his efforts to get Osama Bin Laden how quickly people forget the past... At Least Clinton Tried. It's better to have tried and failed (Clinton) rather than never try at all (Bush) , right?
Video for Olbermann's Comment
Video for Olbermann's Comment
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Post edited by Unknown User on
agreeded, the daily show tore them apart (as usual) when showing clips with random people-who almost exsclusivly seemed to be from fox- saying he was beligerant et all, funny stuff.
Chris Cornell
Someone has to call Bush out on his bullshit. I admit that Olbermann can get a little dramatic, but then again, drastic times call for drastic measures.
What Olbermann does isn't novel at all. He is so pompous, he thinks he's the second coming of Edward R. Murrow. Instead, he comes off like a blithering idiot, which he is.
the flip side to that coin is having someone call out Clinton. you think Oberman would ask those same questions? the answer is no. I think both men, Clinton and Bush, are pissed off they didnt get OBL.
is it also "fair and balanced" that no other news organization besides fox would ask Clinton a tough question? whats fair is fair
I believe that had Olbermann been in the spot he is now (was he in 2000?), and had the chance to interview Clinton he would come out and ask about the scandal or anything else. I think Olbermann has always been one to call it as he sees it. He didn't bring up this extreme "cause" until things got way out of hand with this administration. Now, like President Clinton said, would Fox News pose those questions to Bush?
Bill Oreilly asked some hard questions, such as
O'REILLY: What happened to Saddam's chemical arsenal? Do you know?
while the interview wasnt as tough as it should have been, I would bet Bush will get these same tough questions on why he didnt get OBL in 2009 or 2010 when he is out of office like Clinton. its harder to drill a president still in office as opposed to being out of it for some time. plus he still has about a year to get him. and republican or democrat, im sure you hope he does.
I read the interview, and I think the question asked is what we call a softball question. If he were as direct as Wallace the question would have been, "How did your administration come up with so much faulty information, which has led us into a war with over 2,000 U.S. soldiers lives lost"
How very mature of you. I guess this is expected from an Olbermann fan.
he will get those for sure. its hard and maybe even unprofessional to drill a sitting president. its open season for him when his term is over.
Did you actually listen to these Olbermann comments? I highly doubt it....
Listen? No. Read on the "bloggermann" thingy on msnbc? Yup.
Anything substantive to say about the comments? Other than that he is a whiney douche?
By nature, his comments are not substantive. Thus my "douche" response seems proportionate.
Hah! Typcial retort by an immature teenager. Not a chance you took the time to read it, and as such, I am done wasting my time.
You know me so well. I read his comments whenever they're posted on msnbc. They are childish and ignorant, and very entertaining.
I think it was moving and he made many valid points. For the administration to try to blame Clinton for 9/11 is unreal, and now Condi is saying that this administration did everything leading up to 9/11 it could? Please. It happened on your watch, part of being a leader is admitting when you screw up. Clinton did that on Sunday, Bush will never. He is too "proud"
Uhh, it happened on Clinton's watch also, and he is not entirely owning up to it.
Does anyone remember 1993. What happened to the towers then.
We were one pillar away (in the parking garage) from a disaster
that would have trumped 9/11. That building was full when that happened.
Clinton was pretty damn lucky that day, but not lucky on many other situations. Do not even think that the smooth talker was beyond blame for anything.
Do I have to bring up other Clinton gaffes / Security related issues:
1.) The Murrah building (domestic terrorism)
2.) Kosovo
3.) The Cole Bombing
4.) Marc Rich Pardon (fugitive - illegal oil dealings with Iran, Iraq, Libya - Commodities Deals gone wrong - ruining thousands of peoples lives / savings ). All for some campaign contributions to Hillary and a donation by Denise Rich to the Clinton Library. So ridiculous, I can't even find the words.
5.) No Troops to Rwanda in 1994 - 1 Million people died in fighting (because of political failure in Somalia - Black Hawk Down). I wonder what those people think of the U.S.
6.) Clinton also was strong proponent of Weapons of Mass Destruction Theory and continued sanctions in Iraq (also attacked Iraq on the eve of the Monica Lewinsky scandal - absolutely ridiculous - Iraq's non-disclosure of WMD was the reason
7.) US Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania
8.) Khobar Towers Attack
9.) Able Danger and identification of Mohammed Atta in 1999, on three separate occasions. The inability to raise the issue due to a "Wall" created by deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick (Clinton Appointee) between FBI and military regarding sharing of information. That "Wall" limited intelligence sharing, because of civil liberty concerns. I for one would like the 3,000 plus people back and would compromise some liberties on a limited basis - Would you, maybe not????)
9.) Clinton's Many Personal Issues - I won't even get into these.
There are a myriad of others, but I don't want to bore you.
The point is there is blood on many hands. The current administration does not have to blame Clinton. The blame is there, no need to make it up.
I ask you what did Clinton do to limit terrorism??? Looks like it
has been happening all along. Despite, many weaknesses with Bush,
at least someone is trying to do something about it??? Right or Wrong.
Clinton had 8 years. Bush had 8 months.
Clinton talks about Richard Clarke. The guy was a tool for twenty years under several administrations.
By the way what did Richard Clarke do to prevent any of this ??? Counter-terrorism expert, my ass !
great post. its hard for people to say anything bad when they arent talking about Bush. just deep hatred for one person and political party that the other can do no wrong.
Nice post. Very well said.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
-Big Fish
Clinton talks about his regrets quite often, and those include things you brought up in your list of gaffes. How does expressing regret translate into being beyond blame?
"All of us are entitled to our own opinion but not our own facts." Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Yeah, Bush was only on the job for 8 months before 9/11. But Clinton was only on the job for 2 months in 1993 when the WTC was attacked the first time. Yet you never heard Clinton try to blame Poppy Bush for that event.
Oh, and we didn't invade a country when that happened. Mary Jo White, a Clinton appointee, tried the perpetrators and put them in prison for the rest of their lives.
And when Clinton sent the military to the former Yugoslavia, I WATCHED while Republicans complained about the lack of an exit strategy -- something that doesn't matter to them at all anymore.
Yes, Clinton's failure to send troops to Rwanda was a disaster -- one he has owned up to . . . in Rwanda. The Clinton Foundation also finances many projects in Rwanda dedicated to fighting AIDS and trying to repair the devastation of the genocide. Are we going to see Bush going to Iraq to apologize to the people there for the devastation he's caused? Don't hold your breath.
Yes, I'm really angry at Bush. I'm angry about his warrantless wiretapping, about his disastrous handling of Katrina, about his tax cuts. But I'm most angry about Iraq. I've been very lucky that the people I love who went to Iraq came back in one physical piece -- their emotional state is more uncertain to me. But everytime I watch the Lehrer News Hour and see the "honor roll" of the fallen, I let out a scream like Ed's in World Wide Suicide. And I've done that through more than 2700 dead American soldiers, not to mention all the Iraqi innocents.
Yeah, I'm pissed. But at least I still have my capacity to appreciate irony.
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
Any more than they could have stopped Michael McDermott from shooting up his office in Boston in 2000?
Any more than they could have stopped Andrea Yates from drowning 5 children?
Any more than they could have stopped Eric Rudolph?
Was there any way to see those things coming?
Not a defense of anyone, my comment is more rhetorical than anything.
They showed reporters from just about every major news network. Not exclusive at all. Way to not let your bias get in the way of "funny stuff."
He talks about his hatred of Fox News, and talks about meaningless celebrity gossip. Oh yeah, and talks about the worst people in the world. My god this guy is full of himself.