Bet You Didn't See This On The News

THIS IS SO BRUTAL I CAN'T BELIEVE IT WASN'T ON THE NEWS!! britney's haircut, paris hilton's jail term, imus and the nappy headed ho comment but not one word of this : UN -FUCKING BELIEVABLE !!!
Oh dear dad
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
Post edited by Unknown User on
This crap with that dope Imus deserves more outrage and coverage than this? C' mon!
But I'm against the death penalty. Even here. I don't feel it right to use the State to fulfill my own sense of vengence.
I have no idea how people can become monsters like this, you know to see the pictures of the victims you cannot help but feel so horrible what they had to have gone through before finally meeting death.
It is the pictures of the victims and not the criminals that is hard for me to look at. The criminals do not deserve my time thinking about them, all the best to the victims families.
Tragic, sick, twisted, and disturbing.
I do agree, it's interesting that this has not received more coverage...sadly, I agree, if the assailants were white and victims were black, this would have been on every news outlet...
You are just as twisted if you would pay to watch someone die.
how about we just show if for free...if that makes you feel better...
Sorry I do not feel comfort in watching people die.
It does nothing to change the past.
Your welcome.
I understand that executing these people won't bring anyone back or change the past... what punishment does...?
if they truly committed the crimes they are accused of, I personally see no problem with them dying....but that's just me....I happen to think that sometimes, some people are too far gone, and don't deserve to live based on crimes like this...
again, that's just me...
No human group is void of these type of monsters.
i agree but when was the last time you read about 5 white guys and 1 white girl commiting a crime like this on 2 black young people ,i don't remember ever reading about .....
Hey man I totally respect your opinion...I am just opposite in the thought with capital punishment and believe me when you read stories as the one posted you questions your beliefs on the matter.....I just believe that to take away their life is an easy way out...prision for life in maximum security for 70 years or till they die is punishment enough for them to think about what they did and morei mportantly they can think each and every day what they will no longer experience from the real world.....that to me is punishment of the worst kind....a quick execution does not punish them it simply takes them away from a life of nothing....a life of nothing in a cell is way more scary and forbidding than a quick lethal needle in the arm.....but that is just my opinion....i do not think the law should kill as punishment it serves the wrong message....
But once again I must say that I have internal conflict everytime I read of something heinous and I do question my beliefs each and everytime and I do believe that is also very important.
"Some commentators have made much of the fact that the buld of the news reportage about the murders has been local, while the case has received little or no national coverage by major news outlets - a phenomenon attributed to the supposedly biased news media loath to report black on white crime.
However, the notion that every major news outlet in the U.S. (all of them competitive, profit-making businesses) has conspired to ignore what would otherwise be a compelling national story is rather implausible. A more rational explanation might be found in the sober observation that murders - even decidedly horrific murders - are unfortunately too frequent an occurrence in the U.S. for all of them to garner national attention. <<snip>>
And, of course, the fact that the victims were white and the (presumed) killer black didn't stop the O.J. Simpson murder trial from becoming the most media-covered event in the history of jurisprudence."
In other words, just because the Duke case was a load of crap doesn't mean that there was a conspiracy to cover this one up. Was there even evidence, beyond the actual skin colors of the individuals involved, that this was a racially motivated crime - or was it just evil?
Oh, I'm not defending anyone here, just stating a fact.
Believe me, I am very much in the camp that is sick of all this overly-PC and biased crap!
And don't get me started on those parasitical worms.....Sharpton and Jackson!
I hear ya, my friend...
My original post was made right after reading the story, thus my anger and disgust were front and center....
rock on, rockin...:)
Whenever I hear a case of phedophiles I understand the rage you is tough believing in your own morality sometimes therefore the questioning of it is very important.
Yeah, I read that...and I think scopes does a good job of hashing out fact from fiction....but I have to disagree with the notion that this sort of crime is "common" thus not a major news story...
I think the point raised in the original email, which was pointing a fingers at big al and rainbow jessie for ingoring this crime, which may or may not have had racial undertones, is that al and jess are ambulance chasers, using tragedy for there own gain...
oh no, don't get me started on pedophiles and my thoughts on how they should be treated...
you'd think I was one sick bastard...
which may have some merit...;)
Good points, but that's the beauty of playing the 'hate crime' or 'race' card. No evidence needed. The Snopes mention of OJ was tangential - his celebrity transcended any issues of race in terms of news coverage.
I believe the sole purpose of e-mails like this are to shout "hey! look at teh eeevil black people" and that Al and Jesse were just thrown in there as easy targets.
(regardless of race, I don't think this should be huge national news, but I digress).
Now in general, I'd rather be a white perpetrator with a black victim, because the justice system would probably treat me better. (Actually the best thing to be would be a rich perpetrator, like OJ). And there is more advantage to your treatment from the justice system than a double standard. In this case, however, regardless of race, these people will never see the light of day again, due to the gruesome nature...
Some of this is kind of what i was getting at...I hope this does not lead people to think "no media coverate, double standards, therefore the 'PC' justice system will let them off easy." That's not the way it works. The double standard is simply about media coverage. Are we too PC to villianize these people because their black? Are we too stuck in the past to not recognized that a hate crime can go "either way"? Whatever the case, the white-operated media (taking its cues from a still predominatly white America) has decided what to cover.
In other words, the media did cover a "black on white" crime, but it does not count?