bbc will talk about 911 theories sunday

bbc will talk about 911 theories sunday
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, February 15, 2007
This weekend's highly anticipated BBC documentary on the 9/11 truth movement is likely to be a sophisticated hit piece, according to those who were interviewed for the program and others wary of the motives behind the creators of the show.
The BBC are extensively promoting the show via commercials during peak time viewing and yesterday featured a reasonably balanced summary of the 9/11 truth movement on their website. A preview clip and an extended clip showing Alex Jones and Jim Marrs at Dealy Plaza were also released yesterday. Seemingly fair promotional material shouldn't suck anyone in to believing anything else than the fact that this is most probably going to be a severe attack on 9/11 truth.
The first program in the series that aired in December of last year focused on the questions surrounding the death of Princess Diana, an event that the overwhelming majority of the British public now believe was an assassination. According to many disgruntled viewers, the show was mostly a whitewash and toed the official line.
Other programs in the series feature investigations into the Oklahoma City Bombing and the death of Dr. David Kelly.
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, February 15, 2007
This weekend's highly anticipated BBC documentary on the 9/11 truth movement is likely to be a sophisticated hit piece, according to those who were interviewed for the program and others wary of the motives behind the creators of the show.
The BBC are extensively promoting the show via commercials during peak time viewing and yesterday featured a reasonably balanced summary of the 9/11 truth movement on their website. A preview clip and an extended clip showing Alex Jones and Jim Marrs at Dealy Plaza were also released yesterday. Seemingly fair promotional material shouldn't suck anyone in to believing anything else than the fact that this is most probably going to be a severe attack on 9/11 truth.
The first program in the series that aired in December of last year focused on the questions surrounding the death of Princess Diana, an event that the overwhelming majority of the British public now believe was an assassination. According to many disgruntled viewers, the show was mostly a whitewash and toed the official line.
Other programs in the series feature investigations into the Oklahoma City Bombing and the death of Dr. David Kelly.
Post edited by Unknown User on
not whatsoever.
british bullshit channel
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I'm now torn between watching the next ep of lost or a conspiracy theory on kurt cobain's last 48 hours lol.
London, Brixton, 14 July 1993
London, Wembley, 1996
London, Wembley, 18 June 2007
London, O2, 18 August 2009
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012
Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
I wanted to watch Kurt Cobain thing but my significant other wanted to watch 'Lost Interest'; 'Lost the Plot'; 'Lost the Will to Live' etc.... blurgh.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I watched bits of both but the kurt cobain thing was so depressing that I ended up watching jack dee instead. And I Lost track of Lost quite quickly - I'm really getting a bit bored of it anyway!
London, Brixton, 14 July 1993
London, Wembley, 1996
London, Wembley, 18 June 2007
London, O2, 18 August 2009
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012
Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
Jack Dee's awesome! Only 1 dvd he's done that doesn't make me laugh at all. Too dated. What did you reckon of Lead Balloon?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Almost Family Guy!
naděje umírá poslední
It went down like one didn't it? Did you like it?
I hated it and it didn't make me laugh unfortunately. He needs to stick to his best skills which is stand-up imo.
London, Brixton, 14 July 1993
London, Wembley, 1996
London, Wembley, 18 June 2007
London, O2, 18 August 2009
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012
Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
that's like me telling an american what the best route is from Nashville to Denver...
I'm afraid I really liked it, I find him to be a great writer. But it was basically a thinly disguised showcase for his standup material, I'll give you that.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Consider that Blair marched the UK right into the middle of this post 9-11 nightmare, and I would have to say that the Beeb can be about as unbiased and honest as the American media.
In other words, we broke it...we bought it. IMO, it will be at least 100 years before anyone can be objective and honest about it...and by that time, any truth other than the WTC was attacked and subsequently collapsed, causing the deaths of thousands, will be all but forgotten.
old music:
Trust me, I'm not comparing it to US news sources, I'm merely stating they're just as bad.
I was in Kosovo in December of 2000. I was conducting a mission along the serbian border when we came under some extremely limited small arms fire. Nobody was hurt, everyone was fine. We didn't return fire because it came from the other side of the border, from a bad sniper or something.
Anyway, the BBC caught wind. Since nothing else was going on in the world, this was big news. About five hours later when we were back at our camp watching television, our story came on. The BBC blew it way out of proportion and reported "unconfirmed" accounts of how many could be hurt or killed. Also, those assholes showed a picture of one FUCKED up HMMWV. It was on fire and looked like somebody wrecked it. Our Hmmwv had one hole through the tarp on the top that could have been necessarily cause by anything.
Our commander was pissed the fuck off. He filed reports, confronted the reporter, talked to his superior and reported it to our JAG. But nothing came out of it.
That's why the BBC's bullshit.
thats one event... no disrespect to you but that one reporters bad journalism does not a news agency make!!
i think the BBC is the most highly respected news agency out there... and they have the respect of their peers, no arguments there...
You based your opinion on that event? One event that happened more than six years ago?
naděje umírá poslední
That one event was kind of a big deal. But I guess you don't mind being lied to.
And that's one report that I KNOW of, because it happened to me. How many other times has this shit gone on and nobody's the wiser?
And what does six years ago have to do with it? Within those six years, the BBC could have spun and bullshitted thousands of stories.
they are liars- lieing trash
in usa i have 3 tvs and can record a show or 3 at same time
i get the idea in uk you have to pay a taxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and have one tv unless youre rich
BBC Hit Piece a Tissue of Lies, Bias and Emotional Manipulation
Outraged truth community demands answers from Guy Smith, immediate retractions and apologies urged, savage agenda driven yellow journalism an insult to the truth
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, February 19, 2007
The BBC's Conspiracy Files documentary about 9/11 was a tissue of lies, bias and emotional manipulation from beginning to end. Producer Guy Smith should be ashamed of himself for inflicting this travesty of yellow journalism upon the 9/11 truth movement and he is assured to encounter a vociferous and outraged response in its aftermath.
You can watch the one hour show below via Google Video.
Separated into two categories below are a number of questions intended to highlight Guy Smith's production for what it was - a deliberate hit piece on the 9/11 truth movement structured around fallacy, lying by omission and overwhelming bias. We invite Mr. Smith to respond to these questions and the hundreds of others that are already being asked by furious and informed community of people who were made sick to their stomachs by Smith's yellow journalism hatchet job.
1) Why did the BBC use a thoroughly debunked graphic animation from PBS' Nova show to illustrate the collapse of the twin towers? This graphic portrays the tower collapsing at a rate of ten floors every six seconds. For this to be accurate, the tower's 110 floors would have taken 66 seconds to completely collapse. In reality, the towers collapsed in just 14-16 seconds at the extreme end of the estimation. The graphic also erroneously depicts the floors collapsing without resistance, which could not have happened if the building's collapse came as a result of fire damage alone. Furthermore, the thoroughly debunked "pancake theory" holds that the core column remained upright and static as the animation shows when in reality the entirety of the towers, including the concrete support structures, were pulverized into small pieces and dust. A video explanation of the erroneous Nova animation is included below. Does producer Guy Smith consider using an animation that portrays a tower collapsing in 66 seconds an accurate reflection of how the twin towers collapsed? Will producer Guy Smith retract this error before his show is aired again? Will the BBC announce a retraction of this error as is common practice for proven factual inaccuracies carried in BBC programming?
2) Why did the program claim that debris from Flight 93 having been found 8 miles from the crash scene was a factual error on behalf of 9/11 skeptics? Both the FBI and the NTSB admitted that mail the plane was carrying had been found 8 miles from the crash scene. Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Crash debris found 8 miles away.
3) Why did the program claim that the collapse of Building 7 resulted in no casualties without mentioning the statements of both an eyewitness at the scene and Congressman Otter who both publicly stated that Secret Service Agent Craig Miller died as a result of the collapse?
4) Why was footage filmed at ground zero on 9/11 of a firefighter discussing the damage to Building 7's sprinkler system used to support the notion that fires caused the building to collapse while footage and testimony attesting to the notion that Building 7 was deliberately brought down, that firefighters had been warned in advance that it was going to be brought down, and that bombs had brought the building down, uniformly ignored? Why was the testimony of Craig Bartmer, a former NYPD official who states he heard bombs tear down Building 7 as it collapsed , omitted from the final edit? Why were the dozens and dozens of references to bombs exploding at all levels of the twin towers including the basement areas made by ground zero rescue workers and firefighters, caught both on camera and tape recorded from the firefighter's communication radios, omitted from the final edit? Why was there no effort made to include the testimony of William Rodruigez, who was a witness to underground explosions in the basement levels?
5) Why during brief coverage of the Building 7 issue were the words of Larry Silverstein, the owner of the WTC complex who told a September 2002 PBS documentary that he and firefighting chiefs decided to "pull" the building, not even mentioned? Why were the hundreds of millions of dollars Silverstein made from the collapse of this building alone not mentioned as a plausible motive for its demolition?
6) Why was coverage of the collapse of the twin towers and Building 7 narrowed into a mere debunking of the "squib" issue and testimony from the dozens at the scene who both saw and heard explosions completely omitted. In debunking the squib issue, why did the documentary fail to point out the fact that such emissions could be seen exiting the towers many floors below the collapse point?
7) Why were the numerous unprecedented wargames that were conducted on 9/11 dismissed as "routine" when they were anything but? Though the show admitted th.......................
it reppeats at 3am i think on radio click listen link
as for me i dont know if i beleive him
1 licence enables me to own as many fucking TV's as i want... try and think before you vomit words onto the screen
'you get the idea'.... give me a fucking break :rolleyes:
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde