Unbiased Coverage...Not CNN or Fox

MtCanvasMtCanvas Posts: 27
edited April 2007 in A Moving Train
The website I spend more time on is bbc.com

They have a list of some of the known victims, and my heart goes out to all.....but this stands out:


Professor Liviu Librescu, Virginia shootings victim

Professor Liviu Librescu, 76, was an Romanian-born Israeli academic in the Engineering Science & Mechanics Department. He was also a Holocaust survivor and moved to Virginia in 1985.

Internationally renowned for his research work, he has been hailed a hero for blocking a doorway to protect his students.

His son Joe said he had received e-mails from several students who said he had saved their lives.

There are not enough words to describe how I feel....76 and getting in the way!!!!
From 04/04/92,-13/09/05 (x5)

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • laudenumlaudenum Posts: 405
    its all sad.the students,the parents, the kid who did it,his parents.
    all sad
    "shes stoned said the swede, and the
    mooncalf agreed" THe BANd
  • wrong forum
    "Formerly Known as Lov2rok"
  • over bendsover bends Posts: 1,568
    You can survive the Holocaust but its going to work/school that you have to worry about. Its so wrong. Words can't describe it.

    3 Decibels Doubles the Volume

  • PearlJamaholicPearlJamaholic Posts: 2,019
    over_bends wrote:
    You can survive the Holocaust but its going to work/school that you have to worry about. Its so wrong. Words can't describe it.

    wow that has to be the stupidest thing i read all year. why dont you build a timemachine and spend 12 years in a concentration camp, see if you make it to graduation.
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    wow that has to be the stupidest thing i read all year. why dont you build a timemachine and spend 12 years in a concentration camp, see if you make it to graduation.
    What was so stupid about that post? The poster was pointing out that it was pretty tough to survive the holocaust... this man DID... and yet he dies during part of his, possibly mundane, daily routine. I didn't see anything offensive. It's just ironic I guess. The man probably thought he'd survived so much horror that he would just pass away peacefully in his sleep at some stage... it's very sad :(
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • BBC unbiassed? Are you kidding me? They are off the wall liberal over there. There are many examples. One such example is how when they were tearing down the Sadam statue in the middle of bagdad and every network was showing all the Iraqies dancing in the streets live... the BBC just didn't broadcast it. How is that unbiassed?
  • IndifferenceIndifference Posts: 2,742
    wrong forum


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  • HollisBrownHollisBrown Posts: 4,325
    One such example is how when they were tearing down the Sadam statue in the middle of bagdad and every network was showing all the Iraqies dancing in the streets live... the BBC just didn't broadcast it. How is that unbiassed?
    The tearing down of the Saddam statue was nothing more than a part of the Bush propaganda machine. It's a known fact that there were only a few hundred or so people taking part in that and the same people were directed to move around the statue according to the direction of the film crew, thus making it appear that 1000's of people were participating. Maybe the BBC saw the bullshit that was being spun and didn't want to be part of that bullshit propaganda machine the Bush administration created which is still spinning out of control today.
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • The tearing down of the Saddam statue was nothing more than a part of the Bush propaganda machine. It's a known fact that there were only a few hundred or so people taking part in that and the same people were directed to move around the statue according to the direction of the film crew, thus making it appear that 1000's of people were participating. Maybe the BBC saw the bullshit that was being spun and didn't want to be part of that bullshit propaganda machine the Bush administration created which is still spinning out of control today.

    I am not argueing with you regarding that. But the fact is the organization was against the war even back than and made a statement by choosing not to show it. To me that is Biased.
  • HollisBrownHollisBrown Posts: 4,325
    I think the point trying to be made is that especially in Fox's case, and to a lesser degree CNN, news which is being presented is very slanted to the right in their presentation, especially when it relates to our government. They both tend to editorialize rather than factualize. The BBC presents the news as they see it and save the editorials to the end or to another part of the show.
    Fox, being headed by Rupert Murdoch does nothing more than give you the right wing spin. Murdoch loves kissing presidential asses. Have you ever read the New York Post? I'm sure you have. With the help of this and previous administrations he has been able to collect media outlets the same way a lot of us collect posters, therefore, being able to cut Americans off from diverse and cross-sectional opinions and interpretations.
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • PegasusPegasus Posts: 3,754
    BBC unbiassed? Are you kidding me? They are off the wall liberal over there. There are many examples. One such example is how when they were tearing down the Sadam statue in the middle of bagdad and every network was showing all the Iraqies dancing in the streets live... the BBC just didn't broadcast it. How is that unbiassed?
    a) the BBC did show it, certainly in the UK.
    b) anything but what is considered anywhere else in the world as far right extremism, you americans consider 'left' or 'liberal'.
    c) nobody can ever be completely unbiassed...but calling Fox 'news' is an oximoron..it's plain editorial propaganda, nothing journalistic about it, that'd imply investigation and giving facts rather than opinions. :rolleyes:
  • suntzu98suntzu98 Posts: 100
    The BBC is the furthest left news organization out there, they hate the United States by the way, so maybe you love the BBC b/c you too also hate the United States? If so get the fuck out...we don't need or want you here, Remember when Eddie Vedder said if Bush gets elected again I'm gonna move to Canada I think you should take his advice seeing as how he still lives in West Seattle. Fox News is the only news outlet that reports with both dems and reps debating issues, ever period!
    Philly '98 '00 (1 & 2) '03 '06 (1 & 2) '08 (1 & 2)
    East Rutherford '98
    Merriweather '98
    Gorge '05
    Vancouver '05
    Los Angeles I,II '06
    Santa Barbara '06
    Fonda Theater '06
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    suntzu98 wrote:
    The BBC is the furthest left news organization out there, they hate the United States by the way, so maybe you love the BBC b/c you too also hate the United States? If so get the fuck out...we don't need or want you here, Remember when Eddie Vedder said if Bush gets elected again I'm gonna move to Canada I think you should take his advice seeing as how he still lives in West Seattle. Fox News is the only news outlet that reports with both dems and reps debating issues, ever period!
    :eek: Please tell me you don't own a gun :o
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • suntzu98suntzu98 Posts: 100
    I do actually; it's in my fucking pants.
    Philly '98 '00 (1 & 2) '03 '06 (1 & 2) '08 (1 & 2)
    East Rutherford '98
    Merriweather '98
    Gorge '05
    Vancouver '05
    Los Angeles I,II '06
    Santa Barbara '06
    Fonda Theater '06
  • panthergirlpanthergirl Posts: 469
    MtCanvas wrote:
    The website I spend more time on is bbc.com

    They have a list of some of the known victims, and my heart goes out to all.....but this stands out:


    Professor Liviu Librescu, Virginia shootings victim

    Professor Liviu Librescu, 76, was an Romanian-born Israeli academic in the Engineering Science & Mechanics Department. He was also a Holocaust survivor and moved to Virginia in 1985.

    Internationally renowned for his research work, he has been hailed a hero for blocking a doorway to protect his students.

    His son Joe said he had received e-mails from several students who said he had saved their lives.

    There are not enough words to describe how I feel....76 and getting in the way!!!!

    back to the main post....

    This story has really touched me.... what an amazing man he must have been.
    08 6/11 WPB 6/12 Tampa 6/24,25 MSG, 8/7 Ed @ Newark
    07 8/5 Lolla 8/2 VIC
    06 7/22,23 Gorge 7/20 Ptl
    04 10/8 VFC Kissimmee
    03 4/11 WPB, 4/12 HOB Orlando, 7/8,9 MSG
    00 8/24 Jones Bch 8/9,10 WPB
    1998 9/22,23 WPB 1996 10/7 Ft Laud 1994 3/28 Miami
  • suntzu98suntzu98 Posts: 100
    This man may come to be the one "true" hero out of all of this bullshit;politics aside. There will be other stories in the coming days and weeks but this one especially b/c of his age, unselfishness, and he is a survivor. Fox News interviewed his son in Tel Aviv and he spoke of his father as agreat man who loved to teach and shape young minds, try and spin bias on that.
    Philly '98 '00 (1 & 2) '03 '06 (1 & 2) '08 (1 & 2)
    East Rutherford '98
    Merriweather '98
    Gorge '05
    Vancouver '05
    Los Angeles I,II '06
    Santa Barbara '06
    Fonda Theater '06
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    suntzu98 wrote:
    I do actually; it's in my fucking pants.

    Accidents happen ya know.. ya might wanna think twice about keeping it there :p
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • LizardkingLizardking Posts: 936
    All the networks are biased, this one just may have same ideas that you have.

    And yes Wrong Forum.


    (This Post May Have Been Edited By AT&T)
  • The ChampThe Champ Posts: 4,063
    I think i'll order the green hash for lunch today, being that the weekend is slowly approaching..
    'I want to hurry home to you
    put on a slow, dumb show for you
    and crack you up
    so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
    god I'm very, very frightening
    and I'll overdo it'
  • suntzu98suntzu98 Posts: 100
    oh.....so your parents had that talk with you did they? Point is it is easy to attack a news outlet with which their ideology you do not agree with, however one can look at every news outlet and make the same assumption however they may want to. I would like to point out a few things if i might; The war is the war, we have a volunteer army it is a job the pay may suck and the thanklessness we show them, who would wanna do that? However they are in harms way with machine guns and tanks and grenades, those 32 students weren't in a war zone, they had no defense, no weapons, so to make comparsions to the war and this shooting is ludacris. Kieth Olbermann is a complete asshole why he has his own hour to spew the vomit dirrehea that comes out of that ex espn hacks mouth is beyond me. Thank you all I wanted to say.
    Philly '98 '00 (1 & 2) '03 '06 (1 & 2) '08 (1 & 2)
    East Rutherford '98
    Merriweather '98
    Gorge '05
    Vancouver '05
    Los Angeles I,II '06
    Santa Barbara '06
    Fonda Theater '06
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    suntzu98 wrote:
    oh.....so your parents had that talk with you did they? Point is it is easy to attack a news outlet with which their ideology you do not agree with, however one can look at every news outlet and make the same assumption however they may want to. I would like to point out a few things if i might; The war is the war, we have a volunteer army it is a job the pay may suck and the thanklessness we show them, who would wanna do that? However they are in harms way with machine guns and tanks and grenades, those 32 students weren't in a war zone, they had no defense, no weapons, so to make comparsions to the war and this shooting is ludacris. Kieth Olbermann is a complete asshole why he has his own hour to spew the vomit dirrehea that comes out of that ex espn hacks mouth is beyond me. Thank you all I wanted to say.

    So you would rather get your information from a former Inside Edition hack like Bill O?
  • suntzu98suntzu98 Posts: 100
    I'd excpect that from a mostly democratic spot like Chicago, Ill.
    Philly '98 '00 (1 & 2) '03 '06 (1 & 2) '08 (1 & 2)
    East Rutherford '98
    Merriweather '98
    Gorge '05
    Vancouver '05
    Los Angeles I,II '06
    Santa Barbara '06
    Fonda Theater '06
  • PearlJamaholicPearlJamaholic Posts: 2,019
    What was so stupid about that post? The poster was pointing out that it was pretty tough to survive the holocaust... this man DID... and yet he dies during part of his, possibly mundane, daily routine. I didn't see anything offensive. It's just ironic I guess. The man probably thought he'd survived so much horror that he would just pass away peacefully in his sleep at some stage... it's very sad :(

    they compared school and/or work to the holocaust and what reads like they implied that its more dangerous. maybe i read it it wrong.

    "You can survive the Holocaust but its going to work/school that you have to worry about"

    so you dont have to worry about the holocaust?
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    suntzu98 wrote:
    I'd excpect that from a mostly democratic spot like Chicago, Ill.

    since when is Chicago known as "central Illinois"? Maybe you should do a Google map on that one
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    they compared school and/or work to the holocaust and what reads like they implied that its more dangerous. maybe i read it it wrong.

    "You can survive the Holocaust but its going to work/school that you have to worry about"

    so you dont have to worry about the holocaust?

    No. No. No. I think, no, I know, he is showing how ironic it is that this man survived the holocaust, but the thing in the end that does him in is him going to work.
  • HollisBrownHollisBrown Posts: 4,325
    Too terrible for words
    In the wake of such a horrific event as the Virginia Tech shootings, a respectful silence is best.
    April 17, 2007

    IN THE BIBLICAL Book of Job, the anguished hero is visited by three friends who attempt to comfort him by drawing airy and sententious lessons from his agonies. Of course, they end up adding to his troubles; Job endures not only the real pains of grief and sickness but the indignity of having his suffering milked for rhetorical effect.

    If only it were true that Monday's mass murder on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University was the kind of tragedy that moves us to quiet reflection. In fact, the shootings that killed more than 30 people and wounded nearly 30 others occasioned a blizzard of hasty conclusions, instant position-taking and the rehashing of old arguments. For the sake of the dead, for the sake of the living, and even for the sake of honoring this grim milestone — the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history — we should remember that there are times when silence is the best response.

    Events like these are almost impossible to react to sanely. A group of people you don't know have been killed in a senseless crime. Too young to have established much of a past, they've been robbed of present and future; the weight of the offense, the rotten meaninglessness of it, makes it awkward not to have something to say.

    So the ghastly death toll — perhaps inflicted by one man with a pair of semiautomatic handguns — becomes an obvious argument for enhanced gun control. Or, conversely, for the right to bear arms because Virginia Tech is a "gun-free zone," and the Virginia Legislature last year killed a bill that would have allowed students to carry guns on campus.

    For those who support universities' in loco parentis functions, the school's apparently unconscionable delay in alerting the student body to the presence of a gunman on campus is at the heart of the tragedy. Then there's the male-violence angle, supported by a shooter's apparent rage at an ex-girlfriend. Most pernicious of all, perhaps, is the request to put the matter "into perspective."

    "I have heard many such things," Job says. "Miserable comforters are ye all." No newspaper is in a position to criticize anybody for capitalizing on tragedy or taking convenient positions. There will be time for both in the days to come. But now is a time to respect, quietly, the tears and the pain of this terrible event.
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • PearlJamaholicPearlJamaholic Posts: 2,019
    No. No. No. I think, no, I know, he is showing how ironic it is that this man survived the holocaust, but the thing in the end that does him in is him going to work.

    i think it should have been worded better. i can understand the point that he survived the holocaust then to die from something that seemed to be so unpredictable. but it did sound like he was comparing the holocaust to everyday work or school. thats my opinion.
  • The ChampThe Champ Posts: 4,063
    i think it should have been worded better. i can understand the point that he survived the holocaust then to die from something that seemed to be so unpredictable. but it did sound like he was comparing the holocaust to everyday work or school. thats my opinion.

    Yes, it could have been worded better, but it's still clear enough for everyone to understand...
    'I want to hurry home to you
    put on a slow, dumb show for you
    and crack you up
    so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
    god I'm very, very frightening
    and I'll overdo it'
  • The Champ wrote:
    Yes, it could have been worded better, but it's still clear enough for everyone to understand...

    Very clear.
  • RainDogRainDog Posts: 1,824
    suntzu98 wrote:
    I do actually; it's in my fucking pants.
    It's good to know your pants are fucking - 'cause I'd be surprised to hear that anything in them is.
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